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Core guardian AND core warrior are busted


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I like how there are these dudes on here talking about "its their role that is different from bleh blah"

Whats their role exactly? To do the most damage every game? To survive the longest in EVERY fight? To have stupids amount of mobility (war) and immunities?

WHAT THE FUCK is their role exaclty?

Oh i forgot guardians are suppose to gaurd.... but also do a million fucking damage lol

This game is so BLATANTLY class biased its almost like taboo to bring it out in the open

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@"TheDevice.2751" said:I like how there are these dudes on here talking about "its their role that is different from bleh blah"

Whats their role exactly? To do the most damage every game? To survive the longest in EVERY fight? To have stupids amount of mobility (war) and immunities?

WHAT THE kitten is their role exaclty?

Oh i forgot guardians are suppose to gaurd.... but also do a million kitten damage lol

This game is so BLATANTLY class biased its almost like taboo to bring it out in the open

"to do the most damage every game"Compared to what classes now? Boonbeast? Holosmith? Power shatter Mirage? Condi Mirage? Power Herald?

"to survive the longest in EVERY fight?"Compared to what classes now? Bunker Firebrand? Mirage in general? Boonbeast? Holosmith? Scourge?

"to have stupid amounts of mobility (war) and immunities?"Compared to what classes now? Mirage and its chained evades into invulns into more evades while evading even when CC'd?

Lets keep in mind that if you're talking about the Tether build for Spellbreaker its actually more squishy than the meta build that came before it, Full Counter being its only immunity due to a lack of using the Defense trait line and also not using Endure Pain at all, and Shield Stance (block) being susceptible to unblockable attacks/effects. Also keeping in mind that Endure Pain can still be CC'd through and have conditions applied through it.

You're also talking about two classes that have very telegraphed moments where they do damage.

Typical combo you'll see a Core guard use, if they use hammer, is pop Shield of Wrath and then wait for it to tick down to do their teleport into Mighty Blow. Pretty sure Shield of Wrath has a very visible effect. Even if they don't pop that you will see them visibly leap into the air as they cast Mighty Blow.

Warrior will usually set up their damage with CC, either Bull's Charge or Shield Bash, both of which have very obvious animations and Eviscerate (if axe) having a very obvious leap animation and it is also not affected by Quickness.

Also if your basis for this complaint is "guardian's are supposed to guard because its in the name" then uh...what?

I take it from your profile picture that you play Reaper typically? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong there. If you're having trouble with these two classes you're kinda...doing it wrong. I play Core Warrior religiously, which yes makes me bias no duh, and I can tell you I've had plenty of Reapers outplay me because they knew what they were doing and not just going "i liek spin" and I've seen them do similar to Spellbreakers, and Guardians and whatever else you might decide to complain about on the forums.

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Every class is incredibly low effort, low skill and very capable of free kills. PvP is dominated by highly passive play in between the execution of what are effectively bursty PvE rotations done with total impunity. The game is also structured entirely around hard counters rather than a paradigm of raw movement, player expression and flexible playstyles. Certain builds will absolutely just die to certain other builds; and when one build has all of its cooldowns and attacks a build that doesn't have any cooldowns, the latter is going to die without much real recourse.

Complaints against builds are often levied by people who just got stuck in a series of bad match-ups. Cries for buffs are often tantamount to "please make my build as low effort as these other 'good' ones." GW2 has very little style; it's mostly a sluggish, rock-paper-scissors rhythm game.

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