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Veteran Reward System


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I would like to propose a new reward system for veteran players of the game, and there are 2 main reasons for this suggestion... First, I think it would be pretty cool to give some extra incentives to log in the game and participate. Second, currency grind fatigue can be real, and this would help veterans players by allowing them to participate in content they enjoy while still chasing after certain rewards...

Edit to add a couple of interesting reads...



The suggestion...

Milestones to start earning veteran rewards...

  • 10k AP
  • Core Map Completion
  • Core Personal Story Completion
  • Participated in all Core Map Meta Events
  • Crafted 1 legendary
  • Dungeon Master Achievement (Complete 8 explorable dungeons.)
  • Fractal Initiate (Complete each fractal scale from 1 to 25.) PLUS Fractal Adept (Complete each fractal scale from 26 to 50.)
  • Complete 1 Raid Wing
  • Rank 100 in WvW OR SPvP
  • https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Griffon_(mount)

EDIT...…………………………………………………………………………..Alternative milestones based off of feedback...

Base requirements that need to be met to unlock the veteran reward system AND a core item vendor...

  • 15k AP
  • Core Map Completion
  • Core Personal Story Completion
  • Participated in all Core Map Meta Events

To unlock SPvP items from vendor

To unlock WvW Items from vendor

To unlock Dungeon items from vendor

  • Dungeon Master Achievement (Complete 8 explorable dungeons.)

To unlock Raid Items from vendor

  • Complete each Raid Wing

To unlock Fractal items from vendor

  • Fractal Initiate (Complete each fractal scale from 1 to 25.)
  • Fractal Adept (Complete each fractal scale from 26 to 50.)
  • Fractal Expert (Complete each fractal scale from 51 to 75.)
  • Fractal Master (Complete each fractal scale from 76 to 100.)

To unlock HoT items from vendor

  • Full Map Completion
  • HoT personal story completion
  • Complete all Meta Events

To unlock PoF items from vendor

Players start earning a new currency once the BASE milestones are met... Let's call this currency... "Prestige Coin"... Any items purchased become account bound.

  • 1 Prestige Coin for completing any event
  • 1 Prestige Coin for completing a Heart Quest
  • 1 Prestige Coin for defeating any Champion https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_champions
  • 1 Prestige Coin for capturing a camp in WvW
  • 3 Prestige Coins for capturing a structure in WvW
  • 3 Prestige Coins for winning a SPvP match
  • 3 Prestige Coins for completing a dungeon path
  • 3 Prestige Coins for completing each T3 or T4 fractal
  • 3 Prestige Coins for completing a Raid
  • 5 Prestige Coins for completing a Meta Event

"Prestige Coin" Vendor Items (Example)

1 Prestige Coin for 1 item…

5 Prestige Coins for 1 item…

10 Prestige Coins for 1 item...

250 Prestige Coins for 1 item…

500 Prestige Coins for 1 item…

1,000 Prestige Coins for 1 item…

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The conditions for calling someone a "veteran" seem a bit arbitrary/harsh as maybe someone who greatly exceeds most requirements suddenly can't get it because they don't play PvP for example. Also, the rewards seem like they would be too easy to get. 1,000 random events isn't too hard on some maps to get something that should be silly rare like a Permanent Contract.

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Allowing players to just grind whatever content that will be deemed the most efficient, in order to get the items they want, won’t benefit the playerbase in the long run. This would also happen to go against what Anet has been doing the past several years by having certain rewards and such tied to specific content.

This will also cause the value of all of the listed items to drop considerably as they will become so much easier to obtain and this be much more common. Not to mention anything else that will indirectly lose value such as a ton of crafting mats.

We may even seen people grinding out the quickest fractal or dungeon (CoF P1?). There will be little incentive to do other content and those trying to do that content will suffer as a result. This will hurt the game and players.

Also, what’s to happen when everyone has grinded out the rewards? Is Anet going to have to keep adding new rewards?

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@"Swagger.1459" said:

Conditions to start earning veteran rewards...

  • 10k AP
  • Core Map Completion
  • Core Personal Story Completion
  • Participated in all Core Map Meta Events
  • Crafted 1 legendary
  • Dungeon Master Achievement (Complete 8 explorable dungeons.)
  • Fractal Initiate (Complete each fractal scale from 1 to 25.) PLUS Fractal Adept (Complete each fractal scale from 26 to 50.)
  • Complete 1 Raid Wing
  • Rank 100 in WvW OR SPvP
  • https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Griffon_(mount)

Sounds like you opened your achievement panel and said, "What have I already completed, so this would already be done for me?

No thanks.

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@DeanBB.4268 said:

@"Swagger.1459" said:

Conditions to start earning veteran rewards...
  • 10k AP
  • Core Map Completion
  • Core Personal Story Completion
  • Participated in all Core Map Meta Events
  • Crafted 1 legendary
  • Dungeon Master Achievement (Complete 8 explorable dungeons.)
  • Fractal Initiate (Complete each fractal scale from 1 to 25.) PLUS Fractal Adept (Complete each fractal scale from 26 to 50.)
  • Complete 1 Raid Wing
  • Rank 100 in WvW OR SPvP
  • )

Sounds like you opened your achievement panel and said, "What have I already completed, so this would already be done for me?

No thanks.

Nice assumption, but wrong. Thanks though

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Here’s are some questions...

Do you want higher rention from older players?

Do you want veterans sticking around and spending money on the game to help fund future development?

Do you want more veteran players contributing to game modes, events, the global economy, mentoring and organizing...?

Rewards are a key component to rentention, and there is nothing wrong with incentives that encourage more seasoned players to log in from day to day.

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Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans. Veterans by their very name and nature stick around because they want to be around for pure gameplay or quality of story related reasons.

A wvw veteran is unlikely to care about this system when deciding to buy gems or stay playing. They will care about the development of their mode. If WvW were to never get updates again (and its been a huge drought for them already), this system would be defunct for them. Same for raiders, pvpers and so forth

I'm not trying to pour water on your suggestion because at its core it has some truth to it, but a whole new system dedicated to rewrading players based on utterly arbitrary milestones (inclusive of your edit) is not the answer. For something like this, they could change the daily system to add extra rewards per year of account. Or perhaps rework the achievement system to be a bit more relevant and consistent at delivery rewards. But since we have constantly improving birthday rewards, do we need any more materialistic incentives?

But as someone you specifically are aiming at with your system, this would do nothing to improve my further retention whatsoever.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans. Veterans by their very name and nature stick around because they want to be around.

A wvw veteran is unlikely to care about this system when deciding to buy gems or stay playing. They will care about the development of their mode. If WvW were to never get updates again (and its been a huge drought for them already), this system would be defunct for them. Same for raiders, pvpers and so forth

I'm not trying to pour water on your suggestion because at its core it has some truth to it, but a whole new system dedicated to rewrading players based on utterly arbitrary milestones (inclusive of your edit) is not the answer. For something like this, they could change the daily system to add extra rewards per year of account. Or perhaps rework the achievement system to be a bit more relevant and consistent at delivery rewards.

But as someone you specifically are aiming at with your system, this would do nothing to improve my further retention whatsoever.

“Delivering stimulating, interesting and varied content will be the key driver for retaining veterans.”

Are you saying that rewards are not a key component in that above equation?

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