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WvW Trolling/Cheating Accounts


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Just now today 13th Dec 2021, in WvW....


I ran into another "AreanNet Baby."  The Red Team took SMC from the green team and it was impossible to avoid because they had "Babies" on their side.


I had another one vs one fight and the player took zero damage throughout the whole fight.  No class can take zero damage...  That's absolutely not possible and I just logged out the game because that kind of stuff puts the icing on the cake for garbage games.


I am finally going to make the move to Final Fantasy 14 online.  A game that's not garbage in terms of poor overall design and concepts but a game that don't have "Devs" and their family running around having fun at paying players expense.  FF14 is the best mmo on the market right no anyway.


I finally had one of the "Babies" link me one of their abilites a few days ago.  It was the same Necro ability I had but there was a huge difference.  The normal ability had a base damage of a little over 1k.  The "AreaNet Baby's" ability had a base damage of almost 8k!


So if you don't mind being attacked by the ArenaNet family going God Mode on you, then enjoy....


But enough is enough.






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56 minutes ago, Horace.3184 said:

Just now today 13th Dec 2021, in WvW....


I ran into another "AreanNet Baby."  The Red Team took SMC from the green team and it was impossible to avoid because they had "Babies" on their side.


I had another one vs one fight and the player took zero damage throughout the whole fight.  No class can take zero damage...  That's absolutely not possible and I just logged out the game because that kind of stuff puts the icing on the cake for garbage games.


I am finally going to make the move to Final Fantasy 14 online.  A game that's not garbage in terms of poor overall design and concepts but a game that don't have "Devs" and their family running around having fun at paying players expense.  FF14 is the best mmo on the market right no anyway.


I finally had one of the "Babies" link me one of their abilites a few days ago.  It was the same Necro ability I had but there was a huge difference.  The normal ability had a base damage of a little over 1k.  The "AreaNet Baby's" ability had a base damage of almost 8k!


So if you don't mind being attacked by the ArenaNet family going God Mode on you, then enjoy....


But enough is enough.






All I get out of your post is you need to take some time to better understand how the game works.  You'll have the same issue in any other game.  Base damage on a tool-tip is calculated from a player's stats.  See https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skill#Effect

The information displayed in the tip is updated as the character improves their attributes and choose traits which modify the skill's behavior and indicates the maximum damage from using the skill without hit modifications, such as critical hits and skill combos"

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i've seen thiefs that stop getting damage at exactly 3% then port 4-5 times in a row like 9001 times

i've been pulled out from sm while i was on the other side of the wall and there was nothing in the log

theres also a shitton of ppl that run like they are running to the toilet while in combat and w/o swift

theres was some that dropped a 2k/tik burn in no time while doing also 10k/crit


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29 minutes ago, Faccina.5091 said:

i've seen thiefs that stop getting damage at exactly 3% then port 4-5 times in a row like 9001 times

i've been pulled out from sm while i was on the other side of the wall and there was nothing in the log

theres also a shitton of ppl that run like they are running to the toilet while in combat and w/o swift

theres was some that dropped a 2k/tik burn in no time while doing also 10k/crit


Sadly the damage log is really bad. And while I think some pulls off walls are annoying...it's a known function of certain skills. 

Just to your "2k burn and 10k crit" comment though: I'd see that on some skills with hybrid stats and some gimmicky setups. It's not impossible to set up big power damage while getting nice condi spikes (especially with burning because of the higher scaling and how Might boosts both power and condi). A 2k burn tick isn't unusual.


Mind sharing, if you know, what the 10k crit skill was?

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  • 1 year later...

What I can't stand more than the cheating....  Is the people behind characters, who are either hackers or "ArenaNet Babies", who support the cheating behavior in-game.  It's evident that they do because when you call out a cheat, they wanna start typing crap to the chat window and then when you reply to their crap, they wanna scream report.  Go ahead, report because the logs will show your own arrogance started a chat-log arugment.

I've noticed ArenaNet has made GW2 Reddit private, in an effor to silence those who want to tell the truth about the game but here's the thing...  An entire new Platform is in the making and I already know a number of players who already quit GW2 and are waiting on that Platform to go live, so they can drop the absolute truth about the game, without being blocked, banned, etc.  You can't stop what you don't have control over when it comes to social media and Reddit sucks anyway.

In fact, the silencing by ArenaNet has only made things worst and does not provide a remedy for everything broken about GW2.  When the coming new Platform goes live and gets popular, and it will, it's going to be very interesting to see users impact on the GW servers.

If players are getting mad at others for calling out cheats, that's a clear red flag and total exposure of those other players.  Similar to what was going on in World of Warcraft and a HUGE part of the reason why players started pulling outta the game; they just needed to see that proof and what a HUGE mistake by a "dev."

Apprently they aren't familiar with that old saying, "shoot yourself in your own foot."

This statement right here....


No one likes the trolls. No one is defending the trolls. But when you've played for 5+ years and know nothing is going to get done about it you just learn to accept it.


Agreed, nothing is going to be done about it because you gotta first understand who's doing it to you.  As far as accepting it, nope...new mmorpgs come out all the time.  I'm sure something better will eventually come along.

Stop wasting your time trolling me "Babies" because you have bigger issues coming to worry about.



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1 hour ago, Horace.3184 said:

What I can't stand more than the cheating....  Is the people behind characters, who are either hackers or "ArenaNet Babies", who support the cheating behavior in-game.  It's evident that they do because when you call out a cheat, they wanna start typing crap to the chat window and then when you reply to their crap, they wanna scream report.  Go ahead, report because the logs will show your own arrogance started a chat-log arugment.

I've noticed ArenaNet has made GW2 Reddit private, in an effor to silence those who want to tell the truth about the game but here's the thing...  An entire new Platform is in the making and I already know a number of players who already quit GW2 and are waiting on that Platform to go live, so they can drop the absolute truth about the game, without being blocked, banned, etc.  You can't stop what you don't have control over when it comes to social media and Reddit sucks anyway.

In fact, the silencing by ArenaNet has only made things worst and does not provide a remedy for everything broken about GW2.  When the coming new Platform goes live and gets popular, and it will, it's going to be very interesting to see users impact on the GW servers.

If players are getting mad at others for calling out cheats, that's a clear red flag and total exposure of those other players.  Similar to what was going on in World of Warcraft and a HUGE part of the reason why players started pulling outta the game; they just needed to see that proof and what a HUGE mistake by a "dev."

Apprently they aren't familiar with that old saying, "shoot yourself in your own foot."

This statement right here....


Agreed, nothing is going to be done about it because you gotta first understand who's doing it to you.  As far as accepting it, nope...new mmorpgs come out all the time.  I'm sure something better will eventually come along.

Stop wasting your time trolling me "Babies" because you have bigger issues coming to worry about.



I look forward to your hot takes and new truth posts on those new platforms like truth social and gab. Truly this will change things.  Lol

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On 12/13/2021 at 10:48 PM, saerni.2584 said:

Sadly the damage log is really bad. And while I think some pulls off walls are annoying...it's a known function of certain skills. 

Just to your "2k burn and 10k crit" comment though: I'd see that on some skills with hybrid stats and some gimmicky setups. It's not impossible to set up big power damage while getting nice condi spikes (especially with burning because of the higher scaling and how Might boosts both power and condi). A 2k burn tick isn't unusual.


Mind sharing, if you know, what the 10k crit skill was?

It seem like the part (which I marked in bold) where you only talk about Might boon effect both condition and strike damage, you forget to add that any target that also might have Vulnerability (condition) will have increased damage taken from both sources (Strike and Condi) up to 25%.

Vulnerability in combination with Mights 25 times damage (both have impact on Strike damage and Condition) will increase damage on target rather high and if attacker have any kind of stacking Sigil that can add base damage like Bloodlust (strike damage), Corruption (condition damage) or any other stacking  Sigil or Sigils that can trigger on weapon swap like Vision to give a short window of high spike damage.


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