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[suggestion] invisible commander tag


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Yes, I agree. This does not conflict with any other mechanics, so easily to add. Would be nice! :)I actually also miss the "commander" tag in chat... why Mentors have that, when I spent 300/250 Gold to it :/ But that would be a diffrent topic and doesnt relate to this thread.

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They should simply allow someone who "forms" a squad the ability to at least put some marks other than the target. That way in a group of 10 the leader could mark themselves, but it wouldn't put an icon on the map that would attract other friendly players - I could see this being an issue for an organized havoc group, especially if they were using group stealth, etc.

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@"Turkeyspit.3965" said:They should simply allow someone who "forms" a squad the ability to at least put some marks other than the target. That way in a group of 10 the leader could mark themselves, but it wouldn't put an icon on the map that would attract other friendly players - I could see this being an issue for an organized havoc group, especially if they were using group stealth, etc.

if ur not a commander, than (i think so at least) system doesnt recognise the guy that made a group, so it would be much harder to implement. in my idea, they would just have to add a new option ( dont show tag to ppl outside of group). But i dont know backend so im not sure if im right rn.but yeah, result would be the same.

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This has been suggested many times over the years and it will not happen simply cause anet believes this will alienate people or some sorta trash like that was their excuse.

Right now the only way to get a "invisible" tag is to own only a normal commander tag and then let someone who owns a cat commander tag form a squad. Once you join his squad then the catmander will pass you the cat tag and you will have no visible icon over your head. You will have the ability to apply markers and also put one over your head so the squad members can see this.

Sad that we wont get it cause theres a truck load of people who want this.

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The commander tag is a feature set you choose to have and being visible is part of it. Its there to show others there are groups on the map, you're not meant to run "hidden" at squad level.

If you dont want that... Dont use it. We did just fine before squads even existed.

The sideeffect of people being drawn to tags like kittens to dangling string is a community/server issue.

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:The commander tag is a feature set you choose to have and being visible is part of it. Its there to show others there are groups on the map, you're not meant to run "hidden" at squad level.

If you dont want that... Dont use it. We did just fine before squads even existed.

The sideeffect of people being drawn to tags like kittens to dangling string is a community/server issue.

You do understand that community/server issue youre implying to is in ALL servers? Tell me how would you solve this when you know fully well that all pugs will follow.

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@Arctisavange.7261 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:The commander tag is a feature set you choose to have and being visible is part of it. Its there to show others there are groups on the map, you're not meant to run "hidden" at squad level.

If you dont want that... Dont use it. We did just fine before squads even existed.

The sideeffect of people being drawn to tags like kittens to dangling string is a community/server issue.

You do understand that community/server issue youre implying to is in ALL servers? Tell me how would you solve this when you know fully well that all pugs will follow.

Run tagless.

People have been doing it. If you want the squad UI benefits, either do the work-around, or display the tag.

The fact that Anet hasn’t patched the work-around says they know it’s possible, but it takes effort to complete.

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@"Safandula.8723" said:What im missing in wvw is to tag with ur friends, but to be invisible as commander to others. It would rly help to organise in small groups, since the red mark wont be retargeted from leader all the time, and u will be also able to put markers.I think its just a small change that could realy help


From McKenna Berdrow…

"Like others have mentioned in this thread, we don’t think this would be a healthy feature for WvW. Many players will not participate in WvW if they don’t see a commander tag, and we try to avoid adding features that can be used to exclude players."

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:The commander tag is a feature set you choose to have and being visible is part of it. Its there to show others there are groups on the map, you're not meant to run "hidden" at squad level.

If you dont want that... Dont use it. We did just fine before squads even existed.

The sideeffect of people being drawn to tags like kittens to dangling string is a community/server issue.

You do understand that community/server issue youre implying to is in ALL servers? Tell me how would you solve this when you know fully well that all pugs will follow.

Run tagless.

People have been doing it. If you want the squad UI benefits, either do the work-around, or display the tag.

The fact that Anet hasn’t patched the work-around says they know it’s possible, but it takes effort to complete.

I know the workaround. The reply i made was to point out how dumb of a reply the guy i quoted was when he mentioned "people following tags is a community/server issue".

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

People have been doing it. If you want the squad UI benefits, either do the work-around, or display the tag.

The fact that Anet hasn’t patched the work-around says they know it’s possible, but it takes effort to complete.

Yea ppl were living without internet some time ago, and now everyone is using it.Also i guess they are just to lazy to fix it. Putting an effort to that is not an effort, just requires u to have 1 normal commander and 1 catmander

@Swagger.1459 said:

@"Safandula.8723" said:What im missing in wvw is to tag with ur friends, but to be invisible as commander to others. It would rly help to organise in small groups, since the red mark wont be retargeted from leader all the time, and u will be also able to put markers.I think its just a small change that could realy help

From McKenna Berdrow…

"Like others have mentioned in this thread, we don’t think this would be a healthy feature for WvW. Many players will not participate in WvW if they don’t see a commander tag, and we try to avoid adding features that can be used to exclude players."

We have to types of squads atm:

  1. public that want ppl to join which has no problems.
  2. private ones that dont want ppl to join. Here we got mainly guilds that can be big(gvgs), or smaller ones - 5-10 ppl. If they dont want other ppl to run around them ( get into gvgs), they have to make a catmander trick, which ofc is possible but as i said its clunky, and its rather bug abusing, than hidden mechanic that ony exp ppl can use. Why the hell on this planet, ppl has to use these tricks, or run without tag, that makes it harder for ppl to organise.To sum up: if someone want to invite ppl, than he will not hide his tag, but if someone doesnt want it, why should it be harder/impossible.
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@Safandula.8723 said:

People have been doing it. If you want the squad UI benefits, either do the work-around, or display the tag.

The fact that Anet hasn’t patched the work-around says they know it’s possible, but it takes effort to complete.

Yea ppl were living without internet some time ago, and now everyone is using it.Also i guess they are just to lazy to fix it. Putting an effort to that is not an effort, just requires u to have 1 normal commander and 1 catmander

@Safandula.8723 said:What im missing in wvw is to tag with ur friends, but to be invisible as commander to others. It would rly help to organise in small groups, since the red mark wont be retargeted from leader all the time, and u will be also able to put markers.I think its just a small change that could realy help

From McKenna Berdrow…

"Like others have mentioned in this thread, we don’t think this would be a healthy feature for WvW. Many players will not participate in WvW if they don’t see a commander tag, and we try to avoid adding features that can be used to exclude players."

We have to types of squads atm:
  1. public that want ppl to join which has no problems.
  2. private ones that dont want ppl to join. Here we got mainly guilds that can be big(gvgs), or smaller ones - 5-10 ppl. If they dont want other ppl to run around them ( get into gvgs), they have to make a catmander trick, which ofc is possible but as i said its clunky, and its rather bug abusing, than hidden mechanic that ony exp ppl can use. Why the hell on this planet, ppl has to use these tricks, or run without tag, that makes it harder for ppl to organise.To sum up: if someone want to invite ppl, than he will not hide his tag, but if someone doesnt want it, why should it be harder/impossible.

Ahh. Thank you for the snarky reply. It’s good to have salt with pizza.

So, if you read my post, instead of reacting to it, it was not in favor or disagreement with what is. I was stating the current position and what people have been doing.

McKenna simply stated what Anets position was and why. That was just over a year ago.

Again, there are options at hand that they haven’t fixed but clearly they could fix the ‘bug’ that you note.

Or.., maybe they left it in place to allow those clever enough to use it an option.

But yeah, internet has been around since Al Gore created it so..,

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

People have been doing it. If you want the squad UI benefits, either do the work-around, or display the tag.

The fact that Anet hasn’t patched the work-around says they know it’s possible, but it takes effort to complete.

Yea ppl were living without internet some time ago, and now everyone is using it.Also i guess they are just to lazy to fix it. Putting an effort to that is not an effort, just requires u to have 1 normal commander and 1 catmander

@Safandula.8723 said:What im missing in wvw is to tag with ur friends, but to be invisible as commander to others. It would rly help to organise in small groups, since the red mark wont be retargeted from leader all the time, and u will be also able to put markers.I think its just a small change that could realy help

From McKenna Berdrow…

"Like others have mentioned in this thread, we don’t think this would be a healthy feature for WvW. Many players will not participate in WvW if they don’t see a commander tag, and we try to avoid adding features that can be used to exclude players."

We have to types of squads atm:
  1. public that want ppl to join which has no problems.
  2. private ones that dont want ppl to join. Here we got mainly guilds that can be big(gvgs), or smaller ones - 5-10 ppl. If they dont want other ppl to run around them ( get into gvgs), they have to make a catmander trick, which ofc is possible but as i said its clunky, and its rather bug abusing, than hidden mechanic that ony exp ppl can use. Why the hell on this planet, ppl has to use these tricks, or run without tag, that makes it harder for ppl to organise.To sum up: if someone want to invite ppl, than he will not hide his tag, but if someone doesnt want it, why should it be harder/impossible.

Ahh. Thank you for the snarky reply. It’s good to have salt with pizza.

So, if you read my post, instead of reacting to it, it was not in favor or disagreement with what is. I was stating the current position and what people have been doing.

McKenna simply stated what Anets position was and why. That was just over a year ago.

Again, there are options at hand that they haven’t fixed but clearly they could fix the ‘bug’ that you note.

Or.., maybe they left it in place to allow those clever enough to use it an option.

But yeah, internet has been around since Al Gore created it so..,

It's not a salt, it's basicly telling, that u don't have to be afraid of changes, since u just told to run tag less, cuz everyone was doing it, while giving possibility to be on invis tag is much more helpful.U basicly gave a solution, that is not a real solution and doesn't help with anything.

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@"Kylden Ar.3724" said:I still think there should be something like the Mentor Tag for WvW, except for scouts.

A tag for, "I'm not leading, but Kitten is about to go down here!"That's a regular commander tag... Tag up and lock the squad. Aint harder than that. I do it sometimes when I'm randomly roaming and will only invite people that ask for it. Sometimes I've gathered 15+ random peeps, other times just a few that seeks the same fights I do. No one ever asks to be invited. I find it kind of funny.

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@Safandula.8723 said:

People have been doing it. If you want the squad UI benefits, either do the work-around, or display the tag.

The fact that Anet hasn’t patched the work-around says they know it’s possible, but it takes effort to complete.

Yea ppl were living without internet some time ago, and now everyone is using it.Also i guess they are just to lazy to fix it. Putting an effort to that is not an effort, just requires u to have 1 normal commander and 1 catmander

@Safandula.8723 said:What im missing in wvw is to tag with ur friends, but to be invisible as commander to others. It would rly help to organise in small groups, since the red mark wont be retargeted from leader all the time, and u will be also able to put markers.I think its just a small change that could realy help

From McKenna Berdrow…

"Like others have mentioned in this thread, we don’t think this would be a healthy feature for WvW. Many players will not participate in WvW if they don’t see a commander tag, and we try to avoid adding features that can be used to exclude players."

We have to types of squads atm:
  1. public that want ppl to join which has no problems.
  2. private ones that dont want ppl to join. Here we got mainly guilds that can be big(gvgs), or smaller ones - 5-10 ppl. If they dont want other ppl to run around them ( get into gvgs), they have to make a catmander trick, which ofc is possible but as i said its clunky, and its rather bug abusing, than hidden mechanic that ony exp ppl can use. Why the hell on this planet, ppl has to use these tricks, or run without tag, that makes it harder for ppl to organise.To sum up: if someone want to invite ppl, than he will not hide his tag, but if someone doesnt want it, why should it be harder/impossible.

Ahh. Thank you for the snarky reply. It’s good to have salt with pizza.

So, if you read my post, instead of reacting to it, it was not in favor or disagreement with what is. I was stating the current position and what people have been doing.

McKenna simply stated what Anets position was and why. That was just over a year ago.

Again, there are options at hand that they haven’t fixed but clearly they could fix the ‘bug’ that you note.

Or.., maybe they left it in place to allow those clever enough to use it an option.

But yeah, internet has been around since Al Gore created it so..,

It's not a salt, it's basicly telling, that
u don't have to be afraid of changes
, since u just told to run tag less, cuz everyone was doing it, while giving possibility to be on invis tag is much more helpful.

So.. once again, since you didn’t understand it the last time; I don’t have a dog in this. No have a tag, I choose not to tag. I don’t care invisible or not. :smile:

U basicly gave a solution, lthat is not a real solution and doesn't help with anything.

In your opinion. It doesn’t offer you the solution you want.

But it does offer:

  • anonymity
  • A squad
  • The squad UI controls
  • Oh.. you are invisible.

So... it checks off 4/5 issues with something that exits. Without Anet explicitly allowing something they are against. So they throw the guilds a bone without coming out in support of it.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Kylden Ar.3724" said:I still think there should be something like the Mentor Tag for WvW, except for scouts.

A tag for, "I'm not leading, but Kitten is about to go down here!"That's a regular commander tag... Tag up and lock the squad. Aint harder than that. I do it sometimes when I'm randomly roaming and will only invite people that ask for it. Sometimes I've gathered 15+ random peeps, other times just a few that seeks the same fights I do. No one ever asks to be invited. I find it kind of funny.

That is what I do now, but I so rarely command I don't want people to think I know what I'm doing outside of Havoc Squad levels.

I have led a large defense a couple times, but that's about it. I don't run the right classes to lead zergs.

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@Safandula.8723 said:

But it does offer:
  • A squad

It doesn't offer 2 most important things that I mentioned. Tag over leader and marks

So..., you are saying that this guy is wrong..

@"Arctisavange.7261" said:

Right now the only way to get a "invisible" tag is to own only a normal commander tag and then let someone who owns a cat commander tag form a squad. Once you join his squad then the catmander will pass you the cat tag and you will have no visible icon over your head. You will have the ability to apply markers and also put one over your head so the squad members can see this.

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I was hoping by now we would have had guild tags. They could be unlocked by your guild hall war room and then allow a guild only visibility. Carrying the same concept over to a squad only visible tag would work as well. I know the argument before was that it would drain numbers from the ones that are tagged, but after they have done the server linking I would say it actually lead to more tags pulling people into smaller groups, which isn't bad when intended but when it a decision on, which tag is closer go there than its more of hindrance if you have a main tag and then havoc just trying to relay where their group is to the main tag. Now when we got tags if they had actually named the different shapes so that players could understand from the design what the role of the driver was that would have been all the better. I appreciate sandboxes but it did lead to a everyone is doing it differently approach. 2cents.

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if anet doesnt want it to exclude the rest of your server, it could be still visible to only other commanders (ones that currently lead a tag, not ones that just have bought it). this way the commanders of both open and closed tags still do see each other to coordinate better while people do not get distracted by tags that dont want them to follow.

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