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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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On 8/21/2024 at 3:22 AM, Nokaon.4603 said:

Kamohoali'i Kotaki

This weapon in the beta and currently does not summon a shark to bite your opponent with revenant

are there any plans to fix that?
the shark summon is on the screeenshot with harb below


I just realize the critical hit shark bite effect does triggered for buildings when using revenant spear (land) skill, but it never triggered on mod, no matter the size of the mobs

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Light armor leggings

Woad Armor Light Leggings don't properly adjust size to the charr body type and are oversized for even some of the largest charr body types. You can also notice where the leggings begin by the large solid-colored section at the hip.



Edited by Rogue Sol.1457
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Race - Norn, Sex - Female, Profession - Ranger

On this character only, I have found on some armors when I preview a chest piece in the wardrobe it will also show part of the leg piece as well, even if I don't have that leg piece unlocked.

I have tested on other characters on my account and no other one has this problem.



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4 hours ago, Kris.6274 said:

Race - Norn, Sex - Female, Profession - Ranger

On this character only, I have found on some armors when I preview a chest piece in the wardrobe it will also show part of the leg piece as well, even if I don't have that leg piece unlocked.

I have tested on other characters on my account and no other one has this problem.



Hello, I take that you don't play medium armour classes too often? So, this is how medium armour works, it's a legacy of core design where mediums were supposed to have an visual idendity we lovingly call as "trenchcoats". The rig for the upper body piece is unique compared to light and heavy, and probably incorporates the rig of a skirt, thus artist designs the leggings differently for rangers and engineers, attaching any parts below waist to the chest piece. But in turn, those classes have more more trouser skins than others to fashion around with.
There is a few exceptions (I can recall only two from the top of my head), but considering how rarely they happen, we can assume it's not too easy to work around that.

TLDR: this is how medium armour works, it's not a bug.

Edited by Marge.4035
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Like the above post Hamdy made.... But this time its about the Dragonvoid effect.

Entering Combat with Suffused Obsidian Armor (Chest) Pieces interferes with  equipped Dragonvoid infusion effect; causing various armor piece(including the Obsidian Armor) to loose the infusion effect. (it only returns to "normal state on new instance)

Only the base character model retains the effect and some (Gemstore) armor pieces remain (partially) unaffected by this like show here.

This is a farfetched personal guess, but the issue ONLY seems  to be affected by using Legendary PvE armor pieces; perhaps their "unleashing/release" gfx animation effect somehow "nullifies/overwrites" the infusion effects.


On a sidenote alot of armor pieces have special "dynamic animation effects" like glowing runes etc... These should be preserved and only the base meshes should be affected by the Dragonvoid infusion effect only(in the link the last image shows the PVP chest piece + dragonvoid and the redish tentacles still show which is great.

The Suffused Obsidian Armor runic effects + Dragonvoid effect underneat it would look equally great.

Below example shows a proper rendering of the Dragonvoid infusion + Legendary (Chest) armor pieces. This was achieved by quickly swapping unaffected armor for the legendary armor pieces during combat using the wardrobe/transmog system.



Edited by Noidea Incognito.9607
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