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Buff Dragon Hunter in SPVP PLZ


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@Aeolus.3615 said:What does DH needs???


Damage, not trap reliant.Mobility. Maybe some improvements to WoR. Currently, too long of a CD and long cast. Moving the 25% movement speed to a minor will also be a solid change.Reliable way to obtain retaliation.Better range options. LB is garbage.

The entire build (in all game modes) being less reliant on Spear of Justice.

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They could also lower the limitation they placed on Hunter's Ward where they have to still be in the area of of effect when it finishes channeling(2 3/4 seconds) for them to be effect by the Hunter's Mark (the ethereal chain) , I mean really the Rev's Drop The Hammer only has a 1 3/4 second cast time, this should be brought down to either a 2 second channel time or leave the channel time but lower the time limit for those to be effected by Hunter's Mark to be 2 seconds( obvisously they should just lower the channel time but whatever will get them to bring this back to a more useful option) . It's whole usefulness was on locking them down with the Ward and then drop the Symbol of Energy on them so as they are stuck in the symbol unless they use Stability etc.. to bypass it. Charged Shot could be easily improved by by just giving it more than one level of charge for a shot (Example would the shortest cast time does the least damage but also has the quick cooldown whereas the longest cast time does the greatest damage but would also have the longest cooldown along with having maybe one or two other cast times/damage levels/cooldown times in between the upper and the lower end) This would allow for a more deadly attack but at a cost and they could even go so far as to have the DH have increased visual tell the longer he charges up.

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@"mrauls.6519" said:

@"Aeolus.3615" said:What does DH needs???

25% movement speed needs to be a minor trait not a major trait (just like Chronomancer). It also should be up permanently, not tied to f2. Longbow 3 knockback trait needs to be baseline and a new, better trait needs to replace it. It would be a great start to helping DH

The longbow 3 is not a "longbow exclusive trait", it works for any knockdown, so it works with greatsword 5, hammer 4 and shield 5, it's not terrible. i Believe DH is in a good spot not too strong but not bad either.

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@michelada.2947 said:

@"mrauls.6519" said:

@"Aeolus.3615" said:What does DH needs???

25% movement speed needs to be a minor trait not a major trait (just like Chronomancer). It also should be up permanently, not tied to f2. Longbow 3 knockback trait needs to be baseline and a new, better trait needs to replace it. It would be a great start to helping DH

The longbow 3 is not a "longbow exclusive trait", it works for any knockdown, so it works with greatsword 5, hammer 4 and shield 5, it's not terrible. i Believe DH is in a good spot not too strong but not bad either.

In PvE, ya sure. PvP? I do not even remember when I have last seen anyone play it. DH most definitely is not in a good spot in PvP.

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I feel like they need to rework a few traits with Dragonhunter in general most noticably Big Game Hunter and Zealot's Aggression so they work WITH each other rather than against each other. And other traits kinda feel bad and dated.

Big Game Hunter need to use to Spear of Justice (F1) to tether them to do extra damage... BUT if you do that your Justice is on cooldown meaning passive effect goes away and can't cripple your foes for about 10-12 seconds with your attacks, so you aren't getting the damage buff from Zealot's Aggression. Puncture Shot only cripples when it hits a second target and Hunter's Ward does but that takes 3 secs to cast... (this needs to be reworked) these are both longbow skills. I think one of the traps does do cripple.I feel that Big Game hunter NEEDS the same effect as Firebrand's "Loremaster" trait which retains the passive effects for the guardian when they use a virtue skill. Actually all 3 three of DragonHunter's traits related to Virtues SHOULD have that, but don't. Arena net really should have put this ages ago Dragonhunter feels so left behind.

Dulled senses is pointless due to it only can be used from 2 skills, Shield 5 and Longbow3 BUT you need Heavy light... another useless trait.

Heavy light puts knockback on Longbow 3, but Ranger has knockback on its longbow by default. Stability buff is useless on it, because by the time the foe you've knockbacked a foe and by the point they've recovered and got to you, stability has worn off. To make it more offensive give it Quickness and Retaliation on knockback, Because we need a way to get retaliation on Dragonhunter within itself not from the base. But to be honest Heavy light trait should be scrapped altogether and the knockback should be on DH's Longbow default. He need to a New GOOD trait to aid us with damage or some form of support, Guardian is suppose to be the defensive class but doesn't have access the Barrier Buff?

Hunter's Fortification is kind of pointless now, because every little thing in the game pretty much gives you a condition of some sort.This only be use for an aegis blocking build which is rare these days, with unblockable moves and traits floating around there is no point to it.It should be changed to "Remove conditions when blocking attacks. Receive less damage when you have a condition on you. "Guardian's already have a low Health pool. So be a bit risky and get a little more defense.

Also Why doesn't Wing of resolve have a dodge built into it? It's literally jumping into the air as if it you're dodging attacks.There are plently of skills out there which are attacking based that have 0.75 or 1 second dodges to them. Why not this one?

I feel that it'll be AGES before they even look at dragonhunter seriously again.It took them this long to fix the problems with Scrapper and Tempest.

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@crazyhusky.2985 said:[...]

I personally disagree with your assessment regarding Virtue-traits. There is supposed to be a trade-off for using them. If anything Loremaster is problematic (although Firebrands got a much higher cooldown on Virtues to begin with). However, I wished Absolute Resolution was merged with Battle Presence.

  • Cripple on Zealots Agression is a bonus when not using the active. Not a malus when using it. It's not bad per se.
  • Dulled Senses should also affect the same CC effects as Heavy Light. I'd also want it to work for Wards (Staff, Hammer and Sanctury)
  • Heavy Light is a very interesting trait. Just not solely for Longbow.What if Deflecting Shot knocked back by default and traited True Shot gained a large damage bonus against crippled enemies?
  • Soaring Devastation is fine in my book. I don't see why the movement speed should be a Minor.But yes, a small evade frame on F2 could help.
  • Retaliation could be put on Test of Faith (instead of Protection) or Heavy Light if it was actually needed.
  • Hunter's Fortifications active effect is great (maybe reduce it to 0.5s ICD). But yes, the passive is silly. Should probably be inverted.
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Maybe i'm hot high ranked enough to discuss this with you, but i try anyways. I only play LB\Scepter/Focus DH sPvP and peaked at 1597 last Season.

In my oppinion the damage of LB DH is absolutely fine! I mean 8000-9000 AOE Crit on LB5 is outstanding (i could list all the other crits you can achieve with a bow)... the nerf on "Righteous Instincts" -> Crit only 25% kinda hit me, but you should be able to have at least 80-90% Retaliation Uptime.LB DH is more a teamfighter than a 1 vs1 class. You easily lose against other classes, but in teamfight the damage can make the difference.Imo LB DH counters every other Guard, since you can F3 the GS/Hammer damage, while having a better sustain damage.

There just 2 things i want to change:

  • Renewed Focus should have a Stun Break, like "Elixier S"
  • Arenanet please fix "Test of Faith" ... this trap is so shitty buggy. You can pull opponent through the whole trap, push them only one edge sometimes it doesn't deal any damage. Sometimes opponent get pulled into the trap, but the trap doesn't trigger. Its so buggy >.<

I kinda aggree with "F2" should be a dogde, but if arenanet doesn't want to make it a dodge, please at least make the healing faster! The condi removal is at depature, but the healing comes WAY after landing. You can swap weapons after landing and you won't get the healing. This is an annoying delay ...

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@"Sepobi.2984" said:Maybe i'm hot high ranked enough to discuss this with you, but i try anyways. I only play LB\Scepter/Focus DH sPvP and peaked at 1597 last Season.

In my oppinion the damage of LB DH is absolutely fine! I mean 8000-9000 AOE Crit on LB5 is outstanding (i could list all the other crits you can achieve with a bow)... the nerf on "Righteous Instincts" -> Crit only 25% kinda hit me, but you should be able to have at least 80-90% Retaliation Uptime.LB DH is more a teamfighter than a 1 vs1 class. You easily lose against other classes, but in teamfight the damage can make the difference.Imo LB DH counters every other Guard, since you can F3 the GS/Hammer damage, while having a better sustain damage.

There just 2 things i want to change:

  • Renewed Focus should have a Stun Break, like "Elixier S"
  • Arenanet please fix "Test of Faith" ... this trap is so kitten buggy. You can pull opponent through the whole trap, push them only one edge sometimes it doesn't deal any damage. Sometimes opponent get pulled into the trap, but the trap doesn't trigger. Its so buggy >.<

I kinda aggree with "F2" should be a dogde, but if arenanet doesn't want to make it a dodge, please at least make the healing faster! The condi removal is at depature, but the healing comes WAY after landing. You can swap weapons after landing and you won't get the healing. This is an annoying delay ...

Renewed focus stunbreak would be wild

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@Xaylin.1860 said:

@"crazyhusky.2985" said:[...]

I personally disagree with your assessment regarding Virtue-traits. There is supposed to be a trade-off for using them. If anything Loremaster is problematic (although Firebrands got a much higher cooldown on Virtues to begin with). However, I wished Absolute Resolution was merged with Battle Presence.
  • Cripple on
    Zealots Agression
    is a bonus when not using the active. Not a malus when using it. It's not bad per se.
  • Dulled Senses
    should also affect the same CC effects as Heavy Light. I'd also want it to work for Wards (Staff, Hammer and Sanctury)
  • Heavy Light
    is a very interesting trait. Just not solely for Longbow.What if Deflecting Shot knocked back by default and traited True Shot gained a large damage bonus against crippled enemies?
  • Soaring Devastation
    is fine in my book. I don't see why the movement speed should be a Minor.But yes, a small evade frame on F2 could help.
  • Retaliation
    could be put on
    Test of Faith
    (instead of Protection) or
    Heavy Light
    if it was actually needed.
  • Hunter's Fortifications
    active effect is great (maybe reduce it to 0.5s ICD). But yes, the passive is silly. Should probably be inverted.

I do agree with you on Dulled Senses however I feel it need more than just cripple, It needs Daze or Stun too, Because Dragonghunter traps use to have Dazes on them, from piercing light but have slow on them now, they took away the ability to daze without put it back on anything. Here is a improvement that i feel would help DH a lot."Enemies you Pull and knockback become Dazed as well, Enemies you Knockdown and Launch are Stunned as well. Enemies you Daze or Stun are also inflicted with cripple and vulnerability."So anything skill that forcefully moves a foe causes a Daze or Stun, This would cover knockback on Wards, Staff's warding line, Dragon's maw, Hunter's Ward. Some Hammer skills, Greatsword's Pull, Hunter's Verdict, Deflecting Shot, Bane signet and Hammer of wisdom. This would allow DH's to a lot more CC potential.

Heavy Light should be something to effect all longbow skills not just 1 skill. like Ranger's Shortbow and Longbow traits.What if "5% damage increase while weilding a longbow, All skills get 1500(like ranger), Longbow firing rate is increased by 15-20% and Hunter's ward gets a 20% CD reduction and cast qucker" The boon from knockback shouldn't be triggered by only knockback but inculde Pull, Knockdown and Launch as well to go with dulled sensed as i said above, the 10 CD on the trait stops you from being too overpowered with it. The boon itself should be Retaliation and Quickness due to we need those.

Wing of Resolve is the F2 skill not the trait, the dodge for the skill itself, that skill should have a dodge on it by default.

Retaliation I feel like Piercing Light Trait should include Retaliation as a boon, that way on all DH traps get it. We are giving an foe slow, so getting a small amount of Retaliation off a trap would help DH in not just PVP but in raids that is where it needs it. Currently DH lacks any natural way of gaining and maintaining Retaliation within the Elite spec and DH needs Retaliation for damage due to Righteous Instincts.

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@crazyhusky.2985 said:[...]

Nerfing something implies that you might not get anything in return... In case of Traps they did actually replace it with something. ;)

Traits that only affect one skill aren't by default worse than others that affect more. The effect just has to be strong enough.

If your reasoning for Retaliation on DH is RI, then nope, thanks. One Trap should be enough. You can always pick Healers Retribution when you go for Radiance anyway. RI is such a crutch and I'd rather see other things buffed than making this trait even more mandatory.

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@alain.1659 said:Yep but it should give a proper advantage and not tied to another skill being not on cd ( and that skill is a frequently used one for many reasons)

  • Warrior Spring is limited to melee weapons - so it's access is limited.
  • Natural Stride is a Master trait, good outside of fights or maybe disenganging but bad within fights - so it's usuability is limited.
  • Mecha-Legs is a Master trait.

If the down-time was the issue, it could be changed into something different. But I feel like people would hate...

  • 25% Movement-speed while whielding a ranged weapon
  • 25% Movement-speed while not affected by a debilitating condition
  • 11% Movement-speed per active Virtue (e.g. Revenant)

The trait is perfectly balanced. Yes, it could be buffed. But I don't see why. Also, I don't believe that Movement-Speed will save DH in PvP.

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@Xaylin.1860 said:

  • Soaring Devastation
    is fine in my book. I don't see why the movement speed should be a Minor.It should be a minor trait because Time Marches On (the chronomancer equivalent) is.

What about Warrior Sprint?What about Mecha-Legs?What about Natural Stride?

I disagree. It doesn't have to be a Minor.

If it is part of core trait lines, I have no issue for it being a major.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Xaylin.1860 said:What about Warrior Sprint?What about Mecha-Legs?What about Natural Stride?

I disagree. It doesn't have to be a Minor.

If it is part of core trait lines, I have no issue for it being a major.

Natural Stride wants a word.

Unscathed Contender - Gain 2s of Swiftness every 3s while affected by Aegis. Damage bonus reduced by 10%. (Please don't hate me. :3 )

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