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Kryta Diving Point 8

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Dear Anet,

This one puzzle has made me incredibly pissed at the game. It's crazy how just a matter of hours can completely change your perspective about something you used to enjoy. I understand the idea of a challenge, that's why you can't use your mount. But challenges are only fun when you choose the challenge for yourself, otherwise it's just an annoyance you want to completely get rid of.

I've bought this game since the beginning and I've actively avoided jumping puzzles. After mounts released, I re-immersed myself into Tyria happily knowing I can skip all the unnecessary. I'm completing this puzzle for the achievement and after doing so, I'm not anyway more happy with myself. Am I supposed to feel accomplished that I jumped to the top instead of easily using my mount? Should someone feel happy they walked miles and miles when they could have just used their car?

I don't get it. If any change could happen, just allow mounts in all of tyria. Yes, there will be unhappy GW2 core players who enjoyed the challenge, but it's 2019. Mounts exist, get over it. If you really want to go everywhere without a mount, then just don't use one.

Sincerely,A knowingly very salty GW2 player

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There are plenty of jumping puzzles that become bypassed by mounts. This puzzle in particular leads you to only one, out of 40! diving goggles. It won't break the game if mounts completed the puzzle. Anet specifically decided to remove mounts, and at this point, it seems like that decision was made just to annoy others. Yes, I know that sounds petty.

If mounts are allowed for every other jumping puzzle, then this situation comes along without any logic and mounts are taken away, it becomes frustrating. I got to the top without a mount of course, it just took a dozen dying tries to get there. Then the mountain is blocking your view, so the first time jumping off, i died. Lol! Had to do it all over again.

Honestly why? I'd rather play pvp with my hours of time, or a fractal, or anything else. This game was built on allowing players enjoy the game the way they want to. Skip the stuff you don't want to do. Either apply that motto to everything or nothing.

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I, too, will sometimes do something I find onerous for the AP (or a skin), but I try to be honest with myself about why I'm doing it. I don't expect it to be fun or to feel I've accomplished something at the end. I just expect to have the shiny (AP or a skin). Since the OP got the AP, what's the actual issue? They didn't like JPs before ... and they still don't like JPs.

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@Stallic.2397 said:Yup, it's Aetherblade and I must admit, i'm walking away emotionally scarred... lol! It's gonna take a lot of therapy to get over this

But that was your choice. You chose to try to complete it. I, as someone who hates JPs, have no intention of completing the dive master achievement (at this point).

Now I'm about to start Dawn III collection which requires me to do jumping puzzles, and I am wondering what I was thinking when I decided I wanted to craft this precuror rather than just buying it from the TP, but here we are. I'm sure I'll be snagging some of those collections when that particular JP comes up as a daily, but in the end I chose to do it.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Stallic.2397 said:Yup, it's Aetherblade and I must admit, i'm walking away emotionally scarred... lol! It's gonna take a lot of therapy to get over this

But that was your choice. You chose to try to complete it. I, as someone who hates JPs, have no intention of completing the dive master achievement (at this point).

Now I'm about to start Dawn III collection which requires me to do jumping puzzles, and I am wondering what I was thinking when I decided I wanted to craft this precuror rather than just buying it from the TP, but here we are. I'm sure I'll be snagging some of those collections when that particular JP comes up as a daily, but in the end I chose to do it.

Getting to the position for the collection is much easier than getting to the diving location.

Completing the JP itself is also much easier than the diving ...

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I have someone in my guild who has a guaranteed way of getting the diving achievement for Aetherblade/Not So Secret. He has helped me on my account and three others that I know of, all on first time. It has to do with standing in the right place, looking in the right direction and then dodge rolling off the platform and you fall right into the water. I cannot speak for him, but If someone here is interested, I can message him and see if he is willing to post here.

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@Moira Shalaar.5620 said:I have someone in my guild who has a guaranteed way of getting the diving achievement for Aetherblade/Not So Secret. He has helped me on my account and three others that I know of, all on first time. It has to do with standing in the right place, looking in the right direction and then dodge rolling off the platform and you fall right into the water. I cannot speak for him, but If someone here is interested, I can message him and see if he is willing to post here.

Someone helped me find the exact spot on the platform to dive off of. I probably would have spent another dozen hours without their help. Thank You!

If anyone naively takes on this challenge, I recommend finding someone who could help. Thank god for a great GW2 community!

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That's why Anet made mesmers! Seriously tho, there some some amazing mesmers around that do nothing else it seems but park at jps like the not so secret jp and live to help players like you! so many options . . . ! also the not so secret jp is bugged, you need a mirage sword jump or buy a consumable from a vendor to do it otherwise it'll drive you nuts! <<<--- personal experience

don't forget to tip those mesmers! it's an MMO afterall!

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@Moira Shalaar.5620 said:I have someone in my guild who has a guaranteed way of getting the diving achievement for Aetherblade/Not So Secret. He has helped me on my account and three others that I know of, all on first time. It has to do with standing in the right place, looking in the right direction and then dodge rolling off the platform and you fall right into the water. I cannot speak for him, but If someone here is interested, I can message him and see if he is willing to post here.

While that guarantees diving into the water it doesn't actually guarantees getting the achievement. :/

I did that twice without getting the achievement. The third time I messed up and ended up dying ... but that ended up counting for the achievement instead. -_-

@Towatha.4671 said:That's why Anet made mesmers! Seriously tho, there some some amazing mesmers around that do nothing else it seems but park at jps like the not so secret jp and live to help players like you! so many options . . . ! also the not so secret jp is bugged, you need a mirage sword jump or buy a consumable from a vendor to do it otherwise it'll drive you nuts! <<<--- personal experience

don't forget to tip those mesmers! it's an MMO afterall!

or the teleport to friend items ... not like there is much use for those anyway

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@Stallic.2397 said:Yup, it's Aetherblade and I must admit, i'm walking away emotionally scarred... lol! It's gonna take a lot of therapy to get over this

But that was your choice. You chose to try to complete it. I, as someone who hates JPs, have no intention of completing the dive master achievement (at this point).

Now I'm about to start Dawn III collection which requires me to do jumping puzzles, and I am wondering what I was thinking when I decided I wanted to craft this precuror rather than just buying it from the TP, but here we are. I'm sure I'll be snagging some of those collections when that particular JP comes up as a daily, but in the end I chose to do it.

Getting to the position for the collection is much easier than getting to the diving location.

Completing the JP itself is also much easier than the diving ...

I won't argue that, but that was by design. They made it hard on purpose because some players want that, and for the rest of us, well it's optional, right? Why attach an achievement to something only to then trivialize it by letting us use mounts?

Hey, I'm with you - I despise JPs and I suck hardcore at Super Mario Wars 2, but that just means I need to manage my expectations, and not demand they change the game to suit my preferences. :smile:

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:They didn't like JPs before ... and they still don't like JPs.

But they wrote they did like them before.

@Stallic.2397 said:This one puzzle has made me incredibly pissed at the game. It's crazy how just a matter of hours can completely change your perspective about something you used to enjoy.

A couple of JPs can have that effect on people. ;) You obviously have not tried the Chalice of Tears yet (it was named that for a reason :'( ).

There are things you just get over with and never look back. Don't let them ruin your fun. :)

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@Neural.1824 said:

A couple of JPs can have that effect on people. ;) You obviously have not tried the Chalice of Tears yet (it was named that for a reason :'( ).

I personally find Chalice of Tears to be the most challenging Jumping Puzzle in the game.

I love the parts until you get to the top of the mountain. There are no indicators to which path you are supposed to take. It's just a drag (re: terrible content). I did it twice, once to finish it for the achievement, the second time for some collection (I think). I have not returned since.

The one in Draconis Mons isn't fun, either, for similar reasons.

Not So Secret is not challenging, it's just terrible content.

Yes, it is terrible in many ways, the most obvious being the fact that you can't glide and will have to start all over once you slip and fall to your death. Not a fan, either. The diving goggles part is even more awful, since you can't see anything from the top thanks to the illusionary wall.

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@Neural.1824 said:

A couple of JPs can have that effect on people. ;) You obviously have not tried the Chalice of Tears yet (it was named that for a reason :'( ).

I personally find Chalice of Tears to be the most challenging Jumping Puzzle in the game. Not So Secret is not challenging, it's just terrible content.

It is a terrible puzzle. Who puts a bunch of little pillars that you need to jump across to, and then put a bunch of ranged mobs just below to slow you down mid leap!? I had to do jump shot many times just to get through this puzzle.

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@Towatha.4671 said:...there some some amazing mesmers around that do nothing else it seems but park at jps like the not so secret jp and live to help players like you!...don't forget to tip those mesmers!..Yeah, like the OP I hate JPs too and hate the fact that significant things like map completions and mastery points are sometimes locked behind them. So I have to join Towatha in appreciating mesmers. For almost a year I had all the diving goggles done except for this one. The only reason I finally got the Dive Master achievement was that one day while I was wandering around Gendarran Fields, a mesmer announced in chat that she was willing to portal anyone who wanted up to that dive point. As an old guy who's hand/eye coordination is lousy, I never would have gotten it on my own. Similarly, when JPs show up in the dailies, I rely on helpful mesmers to get those done. Heck, when the JPs needed for World Completion show up in the dailies, I run through all my current alts to see which if any need those JPs. And yes, I always try to send the mesmers a note of appreciation with a tip because I really am grateful for their help.

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