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War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition


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  • Week of April 30: One Black Lion Outfit Voucher, one Onyx and Gold Lion Weapon Choice, and two Black Lion Miniature Claim Tickets.

I'd like to know if this outfit voucher includes the new release of the Ritualist outfit or not? Or is it only the selection you can see at the Voucher Dealer in Lion's Arch? Will the Voucher Dealer be updated to include the most recent outfits?

Same goes for the Backpack & Glider voucher, will it include the newest additions or only what can be seen currently at the vendors?

As quite an expensive item that I have to wait 4 weeks to receive the total of my purchase, I feel it deserves to be answered.

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They re-enabled the vendor today, so you can see what's currently available for vouchers. I assume if they were going to update the selection they would have done it at the same time, but I've not actually checked what's available yet. But I really wouldn't buy the bundle hoping that more skins will be added later on - there's been nothing to suggest that's the case so you risk ending up with a voucher you have no use for.

If you want something from the vendors current selection, if you want enough other stuff in the bundle to justify the price or if you're willing to take the risk of ending up with a useless voucher for skins you already have/don't want then buy it. If not then it's better not to spend the money.

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@"Etria.3642" said:I was kind of hoping Ill Conceived would do his line by line 'is this a value or not' thing too.

Best I could come up with myself quickly and I'm slightly drunk so may have messed some stuff up. :) :

Week one:

  • Elonian Adversaries Dye Pack (featuring the Elonian Beasts, Elonian Landscape (note was not a direct gem buy), Awakened, Zhaitan, and Kralkatorrik dye kits): Were 125 Gems each so 5 X 125 = 625 Gems
  • Exotic Breeds Mount Select License: Mount select licenses have generally been 1200 gems
  • Choice of one Desert Racer, Distant Lands, or Istani Isles mount select license or an Exotic Breeds Mount Adoption License: 1200 gem value if choosing select aside from Istani Isles which is 720 or 400 gems if choosing the adopt option based on prices from older items. So 400 to 1200 gems.
  • Mini Green Raptor Hatchling, one Mini Yellow Jackal Pup, one Mini Red Griffon Hatchling, one Mini Brown Springer Kit, and one Mini Blue Skimmer Pup: Dropped from chest or bought via Statuettes.Week one gem value somewhere between 2225 and 3025

Week two:

  • Black Lion Outfit Voucher: Black Lion Outfit Ticket previously 630 Gems
  • Onyx and Gold Lion Weapon Choice: No direct gem value that I know of as they were previously part of other packages.
  • Black Lion Miniature Claim Tickets: Also dropped from BLC so no direct gem value.Week 2 gem value 630 Gems plus whatever you value the other stuff at.

Week three:

Week 4:

  • Five Black Lion Chest Keys: 450 Gems
  • Branded Weapon Select Box: ??
  • Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock: Drops from chests or bought by StatuetteWeek 4 gem value 450 plus what ever you value the other stuff at.

So over 4500 gem value and up depending on the license you choose week one and the value you give the other stuff.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:You could say Black Lion Statuettes (and what they purchase) are worth some portion of the cost of a Black Lion Key (one-quarter's worth?).

So another 112.5 gems if you count BLS as 5 BLKs cost 450 gems. Of course if you use the 5 BLKs from week three you will get another 5 BLS so 225 if one were to give a 1/4 gem value to BLS.

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Really happy with getting to select two mounts for week 1! =) The minis are also cute! Only the dyes were disappointing — I wish the packs either allowed selection or were a guaranteed unlock.

I like the lizard-look of one of the new raptor mounts and I got the primeval jackal I’d wanted for my necro! :)

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@VDAC.2137 said:Really happy with getting to select two mounts for week 1! =) The minis are also cute! Only the dyes were disappointing — I wish the packs either allowed selection or were a guaranteed unlock.

I like the lizard-look of one of the new raptor mounts and I got the primeval jackal I’d wanted for my necro! :)

You only get to chose the first one the second is a random one in any of the 3 you pick.

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I can't help but think that, if you plan to get most/all of the new mount skins, that this thing is a very bad deal.

Always before, they've given us the option to buy many of the adoptions at once, getting a fairly large discount on basically getting them all. But getting a couple now will wreck that, leaving you paying full price for the rest.

I'll admit, I have all of the adoption mount skins, and all of the non-exclusive dyes. For me, this looks like a loss of money all the way around. I mean, Black Lion keys? Thanks, but I already have enough Revive Orbs. Dye kits? Again, I already have all of the dyes I'm likely to get from these, and normal dyes don't sell for much. I buy the outfits I like, so the voucher is useless. You get the idea.

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This is great for people like me who only buy what they like and not even always then. For instance I don't have any of the roller beetle skins because I didn't like any, and have only one of each of the others, except skimmer because I forgot about that one. So this gets me my starry beetle and starry skimmer, and everything else in the drop is icing on the cake. I typically only buy things like bag slots, mining tools, bank tabs, character slots, things that are qol not fashion. So it's a great deal for me.

For a couple friends who are completionists and buy everything always, it isn't at all. They already have all the dyes, outfits, and mount skins.

Also someone said it's $35. No it isn't, it's $30. Buy one gem thing for $10 and one for $20, and you have your 2400. No need to get the 2800 gems for $35, and that isn't even a bulk saving, since 800 gems is $10.Now, granted, I probably won't be getting a $30 set of things every month. But 2-3 times a year(one per episode)? Sure, I might do that. Kind of like a sub, but optional. Perfect.

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@Etria.3642 said:This is great for people like me who only buy what they like and not even always then. For instance I don't have any of the roller beetle skins because I didn't like any, and have only one of each of the others, except skimmer because I forgot about that one. So this gets me my starry beetle and starry skimmer, and everything else in the drop is icing on the cake. I typically only buy things like bag slots, mining tools, bank tabs, character slots, things that are qol not fashion. So it's a great deal for me.

For a couple friends who are completionists and buy everything always, it isn't at all. They already have all the dyes, outfits, and mount skins.

Also someone said it's $35. No it isn't, it's $30. Buy one gem thing for $10 and one for $20, and you have your 2400. No need to get the 2800 gems for $35, and that isn't even a bulk saving, since 800 gems is $10.Now, granted, I probably won't be getting a $30 set of things every month. But 2-3 times a year(one per episode)? Sure, I might do that. Kind of like a sub, but optional. Perfect.

Agreed. I'm happy to support content development.

I wish they'd implement stuff that is visual in PvP to show how much PvP players (like me) are willing to spend.

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@Palador.2170 said:I can't help but think that, if you plan to get most/all of the new mount skins, that this thing is a very bad deal.

Always before, they've given us the option to buy many of the adoptions at once, getting a fairly large discount on basically getting them all. But getting a couple now will wreck that, leaving you paying full price for the rest.

I'll admit, I have all of the adoption mount skins, and all of the non-exclusive dyes. For me, this looks like a loss of money all the way around. I mean, Black Lion keys? Thanks, but I already have enough Revive Orbs. Dye kits? Again, I already have all of the dyes I'm likely to get from these, and normal dyes don't sell for much. I buy the outfits I like, so the voucher is useless. You get the idea.

Here's how I worked it out in another thread:15 Exotic Breeds licences: 5,100 gems.War Eternal pack (contains 2 Exotic Breeds licences) + 2 packs of 5 Exotic Breeds licences + 3 individual Exotic Breeds licences (for a total of 15) = 7,200 gems.

So if you take that option you're effectively paying 2,100 gems for everything else in the War Eternal pack. So then the question is whether the other stuff is worth that much to you. If so then buy it, if not then don't.

So yeah, it sounds like this pack is not worth getting for you. But I can see how it could be worthwhile for other people, even if they want all the exotic breeds mount skins.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Palador.2170 said:I can't help but think that, if you plan to get most/all of the new mount skins, that this thing is a very bad deal.

Always before, they've given us the option to buy many of the adoptions at once, getting a fairly large discount on basically getting them all. But getting a couple now will wreck that, leaving you paying full price for the rest.

I'll admit, I have all of the adoption mount skins, and all of the non-exclusive dyes. For me, this looks like a loss of money all the way around. I mean, Black Lion keys? Thanks, but I already have enough Revive Orbs. Dye kits? Again, I already have all of the dyes I'm likely to get from these, and normal dyes don't sell for much. I buy the outfits I like, so the voucher is useless. You get the idea.

Here's how I worked it out in another thread:15 Exotic Breeds licences: 5,100 gems.War Eternal pack (contains 2 Exotic Breeds licences) + 2 packs of 5 Exotic Breeds licences + 3 individual Exotic Breeds licences (for a total of 15) = 7,200 gems.

So if you take that option you're effectively paying 2,100 gems for everything else in the War Eternal pack. So then the question is whether the other stuff is worth that much to you. If so then buy it, if not then don't.

So yeah, it sounds like this pack is not worth getting for you. But I can see how it could be worthwhile for other people, even if they want all the exotic breeds mount skins.

For me, the opportunity for two select licences were worth the 2400 gems (1200 / ea) to get Starscale Raptor and Beetle. Everything else was just a bonus incentive. All the others goods add up to approx. 2500 gems. A good deal for those who don't typically get mount skins if you've had your eye on a couple.

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@"Dannorgreenleaf.8549" said:If you aren't able to log in each week, do you still get all the rewards? I'll be without a computer for the next 10 days.

From the patch notes:

Note: Purchases made after week one will receive the supply drops from the previous weeks.

While not specific to your case, I think it is safe to assume you will still get what you paid for even if you don't log in each week since people that buy the package later will get the previous week's items. I seriously doubt a fairly expensive gem package would be a "too bad so sad" situation for people that bought it and didn't/could not log in each week. That could cause a lot of outrage,

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You know, on the one hand, this looks like a very sweet deal, but am I the only one concerned by the precedent it's establishing? "Pay lump sum now for this megabundle; we'll dole things out over four weeks".

It's not exactly "dodgy" or anything - aside from the keys dye kits, they're all items guaranteed to get you something you don't have. But I don't want to see super-expensive megabundles, that don't even give you everything at once, becoming a trend.

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Maybe they read some of the subscription threads. Many suggested something like this--kind of a super subscription, but optional. It certainly is optional--you don't NEED any of the contents, in fact, none of them are even quality of life. It's all fashion.

Perfect for those who want to dip their toes into some fashion wars with a nice mish-mash of various things you can CHOOSE(outfits, mount skins, glider, weapon) along with some rng stuff to get you hooked--dyes, blc, wardrobe unlocks.

Whoever put this together did a nice job, in my opinion. A decent deal for everything if you want everything, spread out so you have something to anticipate, but entirely and completely optional for those who don't need/want everything or choose to spend their money elsewhere.

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@"Duke Darkwood.4237" said:You know, on the one hand, this looks like a very sweet deal, but am I the only one concerned by the precedent it's establishing? "Pay lump sum now for this megabundle; we'll dole things out over four weeks".

It's not exactly "dodgy" or anything - aside from the keys dye kits, they're all items guaranteed to get you something you don't have. But I don't want to see super-expensive megabundles, that don't even give you everything at once, becoming a trend.

I'm ok with it as long as it's possible to get all the items in other ways if you don't want the whole package, and as long as you're told up-front what you're paying for, not like the "Buy now for 2000 gems and get a pack worth at least 500 gems each week" offers some games (and real life companies) run where you just have to hope it's stuff you want and can use.

The onyx and gold lion weapons are a bit of a pain because those are only available from gem store bundles, but still not exclusive to this bundle. The branded weapons are currently not available any other way but I agree with the people saying they'll probably be the new black lion weapons, I'd be very surprised if this was the only way to get them.

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