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Ideas for necro balance - Reaper


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@aelska.4609 said:

@"Dantheman.3589" said:

I cannot thumbs up you because of that :

2.)Since there are so many classes in team fights rn that can block alot(like engis and warriors) - I would like to see some reaper effect that makes something in reaper shroud Unblockable possibly if reapers onslaught made executions scythe unblockable the first time you use it

Block is there to do exactly what it war originally supposed to do: block the damage. Unblockable effects promotes spam.There are too many blocks in the game ? Fine then! Lower the block uptime that are problematic.

At the moment reapers are powerful but overall fun to fight against, so I would not change too much "for now" (there are plenty of things to say, but it will take more than 1 patch each 6 months to adjust these).Short-term, I would just put a proper animation on ghastly claws and on spinal shivers. These hit way too hard to be casted "out of nowhere".Spinal shivers also deserves a damage shave, it is incomprehensible it went under the radars on February patch. No animation, 867 damage with 2.625 power coefficient, 3 boons corrupt, 5s chill, unblockable by Aegis, 1200 range on a 20s CD ? Lol anet, please start being consistent with yourself.Same goes for lich.Spinal shivers is boon removal not boon corrupt, it is punish skill for stacking boons it does nothing if you don't have any.I like how everyone says nerf this nerf that but doesn't even know how the skills work.

I edited my post, thank you for your note. All I know about this skill is that when I hear "SCHLUMP" I will have to cry over my dead character :'(All of the ranged attacks have bad telegraphs, usually involving some hand waving in the distance usually off screen. Necro ranged weapons are not as good compared to the rest since they have around 1 second cast time, which makes it terrible in close range.
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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Dantheman.3589" said:

I cannot thumbs up you because of that :

2.)Since there are so many classes in team fights rn that can block alot(like engis and warriors) - I would like to see some reaper effect that makes something in reaper shroud Unblockable possibly if reapers onslaught made executions scythe unblockable the first time you use it

Block is there to do exactly what it war originally supposed to do: block the damage. Unblockable effects promotes spam.There are too many blocks in the game ? Fine then! Lower the block uptime that are problematic.

At the moment reapers are powerful but overall fun to fight against, so I would not change too much "for now" (there are plenty of things to say, but it will take more than 1 patch each 6 months to adjust these).Short-term, I would just put a proper animation on ghastly claws and on spinal shivers. These hit way too hard to be casted "out of nowhere".Spinal shivers also deserves a damage shave, it is incomprehensible it went under the radars on February patch. No animation, 867 damage with 2.625 power coefficient, 3 boons corrupt, 5s chill, unblockable by Aegis, 1200 range on a 20s CD ? Lol anet, please start being consistent with yourself.Same goes for lich.Spinal shivers is boon removal not boon corrupt, it is punish skill for stacking boons it does nothing if you don't have any.I like how everyone says nerf this nerf that but doesn't even know how the skills work.

it so happens that every meta build in the game bar mesmer has perma boons, so this skill always hits for its highest bracket of tactical nuke.to top it off it applies chill before it hits for some reason ¯\
/¯ so it self applies 10% chill damage bonus.so ya, every 20s necro goes brrzt and 2,625 coefficient ranged attack hits.same with fidget spinner attack that has 2,66 coefficient attack that gets extra vulnerability bonuses

edit.necro damage bonuses are easy as kitten to proc so they hit like a truck ez clap, on top of having 2,6+ coefficient ranged attacksto put it into perspective, shivers deals legit like 5% less damage then kitten rapid fire.

Checked it all similar attacks that are channeled have similar coefficient, that are 33% less then their original value so everyone got 33% less power.Why do they have perma boons then, isn't that what people said is bad for the game, and also if you have boons that means you are already fighting , necro is not really famous for being mobile ganker, it is known to have big damage with long cast times.Both Spellbreaker and necro are boon denial and one of them is not meta cause it can't keep up with the boon spam and the other is there cause it has barely enough damage to keep up with the boon spam.
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@NecroSummonsMors.7816 said:BTW why are you necroing up a thread from 26th of April 2019, it just generates confusion and misinformation

@"shinta.8906" said:nerf lich autolower stab uptime on reaperlower condi cleanses on reaperget rid of quickness

keep the dmg

I agree with Lich nerf.The stab was already nerfed in half and a melee class without stab is dead.Reaper has already the least number of cleanse of all necro builds and it is already weak to condis, so no point in nerfing it more.For what it corcern the quickness, have u tried playing reaper shroud without quickness? You won't be able to land anything except for maybe the auto attack, so if we remove quickness you gotta reduce skill cast time. Because since HoT the pace of game combat has got so fast that most of reaper skills are still too slow to keep up.

From the 25th of february patch:"Chilled to the Bone!": Reduced stability duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.Infusing Terror: Reduced stability duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds

Because everything on here was for healthy game play that reaper has completely lacked since the rework and now that it’s power crept it’s even less healthy... I play fine and already know what’s what in the meta. I really question if u do though

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@aelska.4609 said:

@"Dantheman.3589" said:

I cannot thumbs up you because of that :

2.)Since there are so many classes in team fights rn that can block alot(like engis and warriors) - I would like to see some reaper effect that makes something in reaper shroud Unblockable possibly if reapers onslaught made executions scythe unblockable the first time you use it

Block is there to do exactly what it war originally supposed to do: block the damage. Unblockable effects promotes spam.There are too many blocks in the game ? Fine then! Lower the block uptime that are problematic.

At the moment reapers are powerful but overall fun to fight against, so I would not change too much "for now" (there are plenty of things to say, but it will take more than 1 patch each 6 months to adjust these).Short-term, I would just put a proper animation on ghastly claws and on spinal shivers. These hit way too hard to be casted "out of nowhere".Spinal shivers also deserves a damage shave, it is incomprehensible it went under the radars on February patch. No animation, 867 damage with 2.625 power coefficient, 3 boons removal, 5s chill, unblockable by Aegis, 1200 range on a 20s CD ? Lol anet, please start being consistent with yourself.Same goes for lich.

The thing about unblockable was actually meant to be a suggestion for a rework to the the trait that gives quickness. Basically make it only give 1 burst of quickness and make the executioners scythe unblockable for burst. That way we have something strong that doesn’t promote bad game play like perma quickness. I worded it that way to make it seem like a buff to ppl hooked on perma quicknessEdit: it doesn’t really even have to unblockable either. It could be make it corrupt or remove 1 boon, which would help make up for lower led boon corrupt across the board, but from a balance stand point with spinal shivers and corrupt boon necro has too much boon hate already atm. So it might be broken unless they nerfed the skills mentioned....

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