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How to get earbud mic to work on teamchat

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tools > options (alt + P) > Capturetry changing Capture Mode/Capture deviceSet it to either push to talk (PTT, recomended), Continuous transmition or Voice activation detection and begin a sound capture test and move the indicator to a level that suits you the most.hope it helps

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@"MetalcoreRyan.8647" said:I'll try that. But I think it might be something with the computer not supporting the one jack headphones. Idk I'm lost.

Almost guaranteed to be that. I've never seen computer headsets with the four-contact jack plugs (or a computer with a four-way jack) - they always have the mic on a separate plug/socket. In any event, the first thing to do is to get Windows (presuming you're on Windows, sorry) to recognise that it's a microphone. If you can't do that, you'll never get any software to use it.

Alternatively, look for adapters that can split the four-contact thing into two three-contact jack plugs, like this one https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Position-Headset-Splitter-Adapter/dp/B0058DOWH6

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In the Windows Sound Settings, you need to configure the correct recording device.

In TeamSpeak (is that the program you downloaded and installed?) you also need to select the correct capture device once it's been configured properly in the Windows settings. You can self-test your mic in those settings and adjust the volume etc. accordingly.

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@"MetalcoreRyan.8647" said:It don't have a 4 way jack there's one for headphones and one for mic

The splitter I linked allows you to plug one "combined" headphone/mic device (with a single jack plug) into a computer with separate sockets.

EDIT: if the headset has separate plugs and the computer has a unified socket (a) that's unusual, and (b) you'd need the reverse "joiner" adapter.

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