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Snowden Drifts: Events bugged (Nevermore & Chuka)

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Snowden Drifts events for Kodan Claw and the Owl Shrine are currently stalling and there is no way to activate them. This makes the collections for Nevermore and Chuka impossible because we cannot fulfill collection objectives.

Would it be possible to trigger a reset for Snowden Drifts IP 220?

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If they choose not to fix this event chain (any time soon), how might I petition them to provide me (and spouse) the "Chuka and Champawat I: The Hunt" achievement, since this is the last event chain we need to complete the achievement? Would the devs (or whoever) be willing to work with us on this?

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Maybe some smart person can link this note chain to the other one(s) about "Kodan Claw" being broken.My wife and I did manage to find a map with the event in progress, and were able to complete "The Hunt." Those with more patience might want to wait until Tuesday's release, in any event. Good luck, indeed!

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