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[NA] [JQ] [WvW] We Are Pushing [HERE] Recruiting Players of all Experience Levels!

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HERE banner[HERE] is looking for new and experienced players who want to learn and improve as a group! We are a fight-focused guild that enjoys the competitive nature of WvW but we also like having a fun and relaxed atmosphere when we are on our way to the battle. No matter if you have been playing for years or just started the game last week, all are welcome. We have people willing to spend one on one time with new WvW players to help equip them with the tools needed to get the most out of WvW. For more experienced players there is plenty of conversation and theory crafting as we continue to improve and try out new exciting things.

Raid Days

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, 8pm EST on Jade Quarry


  • Voice Communication, we use Discord.
  • If online during raid, be at raid.
  • Use one of our guild builds. If you need a hand working towards it we would be more than happy to help you. We understand that new players may need time to acquire what is needed, no worries, we are here to improve as a team.


Why Should I Join?

[HERE] is a small to medium fight guild, we value each player and are dedicated to our members. In [HERE] you can make a difference, and grow your skills while making friends and enjoying everything WvW has to offer. We are always looking to improve, and if you enjoy theory crafting new exciting things we are a great place. We also offer builds you can simply pick up, for those that may not enjoy theory crafting and just want to show up and play.

In [HERE] we value your time and energy that you put into the game. We have a variety of builds to choose from, and don't believe in forcing someone to spend their entire WvW experience playing support firebrand (though if you want to do that you certainly can). If you are looking to learn how to command we can also offer lessons which will aid with you the tools needed on the battlefield. Our members come from all walks of life, and some are hardcore while others are more casual. We are all united by our love for the game mode and the friendships we have formed.

What if I am not on Jade Quarry?

If you are not on Jade Quarry you can transfer to our server (our server is currently FULL), or to our link server (Ehmry Bay). It does require a cost of gems, and if available you should transfer to Jade Quarry over our link as our link server changes every two months. It is also suggested you contact us before making the transfer so we can be sure you get to speak with one of our officers before hand and you are comfortable making the move. We are more than willing to talk you through how we operate to figure out if we are the right fit for you before you decide to make a server change.


If you are interested in joining us shoot me a message in game or on discord. I would love to hear from you.

  • EmperorMoth.2709 or Moth#9909 in discord (you may need to shoot me a friend request before a message)

Thanks for checking us out! We hope to see you on the battlefield.

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  • 1 month later...

Still around and kicking! If you are on GoM or a server we are linked with you are always welcome to come run with us to try us out. Discord information will be posted on the battlefield. We are currently looking for all meta classes, and are more than willing to help you learn if you don't play any!

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Bump on a log. Check out

of a couple of HERE's recent fights. I was particularly pleased with the second one. Green was quite a bit larger than us, but by the time they noticed their tail was getting picked, the fight was all but over. We're fortunate to have some very experienced drivers.We're still running Monday/Wednesday/Saturday, 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern. Come check us out!
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  • 3 weeks later...

JQ is now sitting in T1! Fights are pretty big but that's okay, we still have fun. Check out a video

of some of the fights we have been having lately. Jade Quarry has been a blast so far and we've had a great time working with other guilds to take on larger map groups that Blackgate brings.
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  • 1 month later...

Hello, friends! We are continuing to go strong and do our best even though WvW is a bit rocky right now. If you are looking for a guild we would love to have you! Due to the low population in general in WvW it is pretty cheap to transfer over to JQ. Feel free to send me a message in game if you want to learn some more about us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guess what! We're back in T1 again! Keeping this thread alive by bringing all the latest news. We have a fresh new video hot off the press

. Fights have been a bit scuffed but we out here! We have a Halloween event in the works, because who doesn't love Halloween? Come join our merry band of mischief, new players, old players, we'd love to have you!
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Looking for a new home with friendly members and an environment that promotes teamwork? Check us out, feel free to reach out to me with any questions you have. We are always looking for new members, no matter if you have been playing for years or you started just last week.

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