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How to unlock mistforged triumphant heroes armor?

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Hello guys, i am currently ranked 1732 in wvw and i am in the process of making legendary wvw armor using Mistforged Armor. However, the Mistforged Triumphant Hero armor is locked even though i have unlocked the Trimphant Hero Armor and my wvw rank is greater than 1500. Any ideas?

Thanks a lot in advance for your contribution.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Rank 1500 is for the gloves only. The entire set requires up to 2000. You also need to have bought the eqvivalent exotic piece for respective armor class first.

The Mistforged Triumphant Armor for gloves is also locked, even though i have unlocked the skin for Triumphant Armor and my current wvw rank in greater than 1500. Is this a bug?

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As far as I understand, correct me when wrong:

First you need to unlock the exotic Triumphant armor. (Tier 1)Then you need to unlock the exotic or ascended Triumphant hero armor. (Tier 2)Then you need to purchase the Ascended Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (Tier 3) This requires 1500 to 2000 WvW rank, depending on the piece.Then you need to upgrade the Ascended Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor to legendary in the mystic forge.


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@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:As far as I understand, correct me when wrong:

First you need to unlock the exotic Triumphant armor. (Tier 1)Then you need to unlock the exotic or ascended Triumphant hero armor. (Tier 2)Then you need to purchase the Ascended Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (Tier 3) This requires 1500 to 2000 WvW rank, depending on the piece.Then you need to upgrade the Ascended Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor to legendary in the mystic forge.


So what i did was i completed the reward track for the Triumphant Armor, unlocked one of the skins and thats all. What else do i need to unlock after that? And, how do i do that? Thanks for the inputs thus far :)

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@Anatolian Turk.4057 said:

@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:As far as I understand, correct me when wrong:

First you need to unlock the exotic Triumphant armor. (Tier 1)Then you need to unlock the exotic or ascended Triumphant
armor. (Tier 2)Then you need to purchase the Ascended
Triumphant Hero's armor (Tier 3) This requires 1500 to 2000 WvW rank, depending on the piece.Then you need to upgrade the Ascended Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor to legendary in the mystic forge.

So what i did was i completed the reward track for the Triumphant Armor, unlocked one of the skins and thats all. What else do i need to unlock after that? And, how do i do that? Thanks for the inputs thus far :)

Well, that would the the tier 2 version now, the Triumphant Hero's Armor from the Skirmish Supervisor. I recommend you get the cheaper exotic version because you do not have any plans to actually use the Tier 2 version. You now have the Tier 1 version from the reward track.

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First thing to know, you can make legendary armor also out of the ascended Tier 2 pieces. So decide if you want to grind extra tickets for the Tier 3 pieces or just go right away to the legendary armor with Tier 2 pieces. The tier 3 version of a skin unlocks after you purchase a Tier 2 piece.

Tier 1 -> Triumphant ArmorTier 2 -> Triumphant Hero's ArmorTier 3 -> Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Armor

Tier 1 is from the reward track, as you know. You have to run the reward track multiple times to get each piece. So if you finished the reward track once and picked a Tier 1 glove, you should be able to purchase only a Tier 2 glove from the skirmish vendor. Run the reward track again to get a boot, then leggings, etc.

Once you have all the Tier 1 pieces you want unlocked, you can purchase either exotic or ascended from the skirmish vendor. I personally purchased the exotic because I made the legendary armor from the Tier 3 ascended pieces instead of Tier 2 ascended pieces.


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@Anatolian Turk.4057 said:So another words to unlock tier 3 mistforged triumphant armor lets say for gloves do i need to purchase using skirmish tickets the tier 2 version of triumphant armor for gloves?

Edit: does it matter if i purchase tier 2 exotic or ascended triumphant heros armor?

Yes, and it does not matter if you unlock the exotic or ascended version of Tier 2. You just need to have the skin unlocked and then tier 3 will be available for purchase.

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