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Is it worth getting a Legendary Weapon?

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I guess the reason I'm hesitating is because I want it and don't want it at the same time :scream:

I want a toon with full Legendary Armor and Weapons.I currently have on my Condi Reaper:

  • Full WvW Legendary Armour
  • 1 Legendary PvP Backpack
  • 1 Legendary Scepter
  • 1 Legendary Greatsword
  • 2 Ascended Attuned Mist Band Infused (resettable)
  • 2 Ascended Mist Talisman (resettable)
  • 1 Ascended Mist Pendant (resettable)

He is short of 1 Legendary Dagger to complete the Full Legendary Set (apart from trinkets which I can't bring myself to do PvE).So I really want that Legendary Dagger.

On the other hand, I do not like the Incinerator skin. It is too bright and glowy for my dark and gloomy Reaper.I don't like the Gen 2 Dagger either. It is almost identical to the Incinerator :s

Which leaves me torn.Spend 2500 gold just to have the complete Legendary set on one Toon and not use the Legendary skin at all because I dislike it =/

This is a easy choice. Definitely do not craft a Legendary Skin you don't like. If you take a moment, other than OCD, it's a waste to even think about it.

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I would say the infinite bank access contract in combination with a shared slot is the best item in the game, but that's a thousand more than you have. I like legendaries, and having all the gen 1s except Sunrise/Eternity, Quip and The Minstrel (everything but map completions for those), I'd recommend Twilight, which while ubiquitous is pretty much the best looking single legendary IMO, or Frostfang, which is highly underrated IMO.

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Thanks for all the advice guys.Unfortunately good advice usually falls on deaf ears.Despite disliking all the skins, I end up selling all my mats and 500 laurels to squeeze out enough gold to buy the Incinerator off the TP.

The good thing is I now have a lovely set of Legendary equipment for my Condi Reaper to wear.

  • Full set of WvW Legendary Armor (2,500 gold)
  • PvP Legendary Wing (1,000 gold)
  • Twilight (3,000 gold)
  • Meteorlogicus (2,400 gold)
  • Incinerator (2,500 gold)

The tragedy is after sinking all that gold, I'm certain you can tell from the pictures that my Condi Reaper is currently wearing a full set of Legendary equipment.


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