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Merge the maps in each zone.

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There's not enough people in each zone to warrant two map instances anymore - this is especially the case in central tyria and path of fire maps. When it takes more than two weeks of sitting in a map trying to get an objective done because there's no more than five people on a map instance, it's time to merge them.

I've been sitting in Jahai Bluffs for over a week and haven't gotten a single bounty done for my achievement. It's starting to wear me out. It's been like this on other maps too, enough that I no longer bother going to them.

An mmo is supposed to have lots of people playing on the same map. But GW2 feels so empty and lonely.

Merge the maps, and increase the player limit within the map.

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How do you know that there’s more than one map instance including how many? How do you know how many players are in a given map instance? It could simply be there’s not enough players on the map at all. If you were trying to do something this week then that was likely the case.

Also, a bounty can be done with five players so even if there were actually only five people on your map instance, you could have still done them. Other options are to create a LFG requesting help or to ask map chat.

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There's no point in merging them or increasing player limit if no one still goes to those maps. They're not worth going to pretty much after their release and the story is done. I haven't been back to them since I got my Beetle. There is no reason for me to return and that's the problem!!!

Edit: I still haunt the core maps because in my view I get better rewards.

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Right now, a lot of people who might be in other maps are chasing World Bosses. Next week, people will be playing LS4.6, War Eternal. So maps might feel emptier than usual.

Regardless, it's a huge game and the maps are huge. There are never just 4-5 people on a map; it's just that they aren't doing the same thing, so we wouldn't notice.

On a practical basis, which of the following have you tried?

  • Post in LFG
  • Tag up and announce in /map
  • Show up on the map before one of the major metas (e.g. the dragon) and announce that you'll be starting a bounty train immediately after. Or alternatively, mention just at the end.
  • Posted in the forums asking for help.
  • Posted in the "looking for achievement help" section of LFG
  • Looked for guilds that are in Jahai regularly.
  • Looked for a new guild that might have people willing to help.
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Have you literally just been sitting in the map waiting for someone else to start a group, on the copy of the map you're already on, and advertise that they're doing it? Because that's the least efficient way of finding a group. If you want people to do a bounty with you then make sure you've picked up the bounty from the board (so you can trigger the event when you're ready), advertise it in LFG and map chat and if you've got a commander or mentor tag switch that on too for an extra cue that something is happening. And of course you can ask your guilds to help you with it.

I admit I've been guilty of waiting for someone else to do it, or to just show up at the right place and time. I've recently been exploring Vabbi and when I got to the Lair of Zommoros (which requires at least 3 players to open) I decided to just stand by the entrance and wait for someone to come along. I think it took a few hours, over 3 evenings, before someone did show up. But I knew it was my choice to do it that way - I logged into that character while I was on forums or Facebook or whatever and kept telling myself it was just in case someone came along and when I got around to it I'd advertise for a group. In the end I didn't need to, but I'm sure it would have gone a lot quicker if I had.

(Finally I'm pretty sure your suggestion already happens - if there aren't enough people to justify two copies of the map then only one will be open. Back when the game first launched there was 1 copy per server at least, but they scrapped that in favour of dynamic instances years ago.)

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Unfortunately your suggestion solves next to nothing. Being realistic, unless there is someone who actively advertises those things, no one would be doing them. Even if there were a hundred people in the same map, if no one is doing certain events, they'll be doing other things instead. There needs to be some form of active communication. Literally in Auric Basin hardly anyone is doing HP run but as soon as someone asks for a run, we are there ready to help because we know someone needs it and there are people who have the time to do it outside of their current activity in game.

Be active and use map chat and LFG and you should get a response.

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The game already does this.

The MegaServer system means that if there are 2 instances/copies of a single map, and there are less than X players (lets say 50 as an example, it's actually much more). The game will set one map to shutdown, and give everyone on that map a warning that it will be shut down in X time, after which everyone will be moved over.

So it is currently impossible for have 2 copies of the same map with 5 players in each. It doesn't happen.

Instead look to what IWN said, a lot of people are chasing the week event, likely to de-populate most everything else.

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