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Can dagger get a flat 15-20% dmg buff please?


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This weapon is very underwhelming in every game mode, the most recent buffs did nothing to change this.

Could you just flat out buff this weapon globally by 20% on every single skill please? I really enjoy the dagger playstyle, especially dagger tempest, but it's far too weak to be fun.

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See bug of fire aura is effectually anet views on ele and what dagger eles want look at.

Dagger main hand needs more def maybe an clear on main hand dagger as well as a real block all. For dmg maybe asking for water 1 to be a real ranged attk would be nice (i like the ideal of throwing ice dagger that blow up on a delay) as well as trying to get earth 1 become a real aoe attk.

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I have been playing with dagger a bit lately. I think it should edge more on the condi side, since sword and staff both cover power. Yet condi sword is also the strongest condi build...

I think dragon claw should inflict 1 sec 1 stack burning per claw. Dragon breath increase the ticks by one within the same cast time. Lightning AA and 2, increase the damage by 10-15%. Earth 1 and 2, increase the bleeding stacks.

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@otto.5684 said:I have been playing with dagger a bit lately. I think it should edge more on the condi side, since sword and staff both cover power. Yet condi sword is also the strongest condi build...

I think dragon claw should inflict 1 sec 1 stack burning per claw. Dragon breath increase the ticks by one within the same cast time. Lightning AA and 2, increase the damage by 10-15%. Earth 1 and 2, increase the bleeding stacks.

Unironically, sword is ele's strongest condi weapon. Generally all weapons it has are hybrid, except staff which is power only and focus condi only.

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Dmg are okai on Fire/air. And on Golem d/d weaver was/is really close to sword/d condi weaver ... but yes, it asks more accuracy, more placement / camera movements... where sword has auto-focus.It's earth and water (like all weapons in fact) that have issue. Currently earth #1 #2 #3 deal no dmg, less condi than before patch, so few soft cc ... it's just useless except for "cool" animation and the evade/leap.

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Rules of daggerFire = power and condiAir= powerEarth prot condiWater regen power

That feels right. But since the game changed since HOT and POF. We should update some new condi in earth tree, give us some torment. If dagger air auto attack got range nerf can we have a slightly faster attack or a 20% damage increase. Water can we have some more chill, since if we are susceptible to chill, let us deal chill also at a decent level.I also want are elite Tornado to become a Ferrari so we can drive over opponents. Cause that's what we are doing. Or make it something cool looking like an elemental being. Please also update elite glyph to look better. The elementals look bad and need damage increase.

I also want "Feel the fires of Balthazar" to come back.... Omg we don't have to be politically correct in game lore politics. Or have him or her say something better like "feel the fires of Rodgort" since that is lore and it still flows nice and can pay tribute to guild wars 1 spells and Homestar Runner.

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Now that the real balance patches for dagger is out (fire aura working right) i can see dagger has gotten better on ele. A few things though transmutation need to have 0 cast time as often you will find aura on you already stopping you from using another aura to get its effect when stun or hard cc in some way. There needs to be a way for daggers to block all dmg not just ranged attk as even a some what tankly build still gets one shot from 1,200+ ranged. Chrun needs to do a lot more dmg for its cast time as well as fire grasp. Water 1 needs somthing more to it as its too much of a pass over skill it would fill a good long ranged attk for ele but offten it is stopped by things in the way so lets it go though or over every thing in the game if you wish to keep it as it is if not make it into a real ranged attk. Dagger main hand needs a condi clear badly.

Over all ele needs more build in def its a mages i know but it should be able to use its magic to stop attks and not just heal attks after they hit.

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I believe the buff that Ele needs, and it's similar to that of this thread, is buffing up the healing values to come on par with other classes. That means, Riptide, Cleansing Wave, Aura Transmutation, etc. should get their numbers increased by a specific value to prevent stacking 600+ Healing Power on every build. Also, place in some ways to cleanse conditions through all weapons' skills, why do I have to trait 3 lines with their traits of synergy to cleanse a condition when someone else gets it from a single trait?

After these buffs, I would look to increase the damage on staff and dagger, or add in useful and actual QoL changes to make them match sword to an extent. Also, a weaver specific change would be to rework the dual attacks that are extremely easy to land.

Then, buff off-hand weapons for PvP and WvW.

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@Jski.6180 said:Now that the real balance patches for dagger is out (fire aura working right) i can see dagger has gotten better on ele. A few things though transmutation need to have 0 cast time as often you will find aura on you already stopping you from using another aura to get its effect when stun or hard cc in some way. There needs to be a way for daggers to block all dmg not just ranged attk as even a some what tankly build still gets one shot from 1,200+ ranged. Chrun needs to do a lot more dmg for its cast time as well as fire grasp. Water 1 needs somthing more to it as its too much of a pass over skill it would fill a good long ranged attk for ele but offten it is stopped by things in the way so lets it go though or over every thing in the game if you wish to keep it as it is if not make it into a real ranged attk. Dagger main hand needs a condi clear badly.

Over all ele needs more build in def its a mages i know but it should be able to use its magic to stop attks and not just heal attks after they hit.

Barrier should be implemented to core ele. It goes with the class since barrier is very temporary and also affected by healing power, which is a core stat for ele. They should also make arcane shield an aura, and somehow generated by combo's for ele's to use

Maybe if they make an arcane elite that will happen, where a fifth attunement creates arcane fields that then generate arcane shields/auras.

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D/D Tempest main here for PvP...

We dont need damage buffs for dagger, it would only return us to the Cele Ele era where we end up getting nuked from viability again.

Old video from 5 months ago prebuffs but youll see damage is fine but our sustain is not, especially in regards to Stab and dealing with Holos.

So in short, what dagger needs is basically for Elementalist to have slightly more sustain.

Dagger puts out mediocre damage but it can be spammed rather effectively.

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@sephiroth.4217 as Shiyo said, it surely needs PvE buffs. Also, I almost never see ele with MH dagger in sPvP. Even if you can manage to make it work, that does not mean it does. Unless you can demonstrate that a large enough number of ele players can compete using MH dagger to the highest levels in sPvP, then it is not viable.

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@otto.5684 said:@"sephiroth.4217" as Shiyo said, it surely needs PvE buffs. Also, I almost never see ele with MH dagger in sPvP. Even if you can manage to make it work, that does not mean it does. Unless you can demonstrate that a large enough number of ele players can compete using MH dagger to the highest levels in sPvP, then it is not viable.

Its not an easy weapon to use and its on an even harder class to master... Because of that it will never be viable for PvP due to the nature of other classes and players themselves.Its far easier to pick up a ranger with longbow and press sic em > LB2.Could also Holo or Warrior and faceplant the keyboard and be more effective than most eles.

MH dagger holds it own, but only for players who have practiced enough and stuck with it.

I can understand why MH dagger needs PvE buffs though, its not exactly landing 30k to 90k crits on anything like a SlB could.http://i.imgur.com/IkTqmop.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Sadly sword a lot better and that weaver only. Its not the raw numbers but the sword ability to place AoE so vs non moving targets it stacks up a lot of dmg fast both condi and power. So dagger that only are one hit for the most part or non pAoE dmg falls off significantly and there a real lack of staying power on dagger unlike sword having both a barrier on its wepon set build in a few reg skills and better evasion skills.

Dagger needs a condi clear it needs another healing effect it needs a real block (not ranged only block).

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Dagger dmg is fine, it could use maybe a small increase in PvE but not 20%. Maybe better coefficients.Earth auto needs to be AoE (maybe around the target) and earth#2 needs to provide barrier or be a blast finisher to give it some more combo possibility.

The main advantage of sword over dagger (in PvP) is the water field (looking at the weapon itself, besides the obvious superior traits from weaver).Sword weaver can sustain more due having a water field that it can then blast for heals, increasing its sustain.

What dagger really needs are core traitlines that can work better.If aura heals (from tempest) were in water, even competing with the regen cleanse, core d/d would have an option of running fire/water/arcane to get a good sustain and nice offensive (similar to the fire/arcane/weaver) using fire auras for sustain and cleanse.

The core traitlines need a major rework to make dagger MH and core ele competitive on any game mode.

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@LazySummer.2568 said:Definitely. In order to fit the theme for eles since game inception, dagger should get a damage buff while also have all its cast time increased to at least 1s and range reduced to 120.A dagger should be a quick auto attack weapon for all classes, meanwhile else have 3/4,1/2s casting time for a fucking auto attack while others MH dagger classes have instant cast. It's already slow weapon in comparison with other classes that can MH it.

And if you want to reduce range to 120, think about it. Eles mobility, swiftness access...Swords have 130 range because they have gap closer skills, if you reduce dagger's range, oh boi try to hit something with the auto attack, it better take half of their hp on hit.

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