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@"Terc.5736" said:three ranked matches today KeimoMayumi.4360 has quit and stood in home instead of playing thru game and its cost us wins . What are you going to do about it ANET !

i know what they are gonna do, anet sends his "agents" to shut you down any moment ^^

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standard behavior, lower you are in ranks more of this you gonna see. Never heard of anyone being banned at all. Bots play over a 1000 matches every season. Only thing you can do is block/dodge the players, add him to your block list before you join a match check if he is on, if yes, wait him to get in a match before you Qup for yours.

There is this pro AFKer, that joins the matches and doesnt even bother playing, straight out /dance and /laugh when he's about to be kicked. And he's still out there, over 300 matches this season.

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I pay for this game like anyone else and ANET has a fiduciary responsibility to make sure we can play it fairly and fun not be bothered by those that won't . So if they desire to give me a warning for name dropping so be it. I'll record the names and the posts and we'll see what happens.

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@"Terc.5736" said:I pay for this game like anyone else and ANET has a fiduciary responsibility to make sure we can play it fairly and fun not be bothered by those that won't . So if they desire to give me a warning for name dropping so be it. I'll record the names and the posts and we'll see what happens.

pretty sure they got this covered when you press that "I agree" box

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