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New LS episodes crashes and bugs

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Break the Crystal Dragon event is bugged and will not progress, stuck at reflector C. Tried letting npc die but when you rez Zadd they just go back to hammering even outside the circle but event does not progressedit, getting tired of crashing , rolls me back in progress like 10 good mins

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@Moira Shalaar.5620 said:Is there no home instance node or portal scroll for purchase from the Traveling Elonian Trader [Volatile Magic Collector]? Nor are there the map boosts for XP/Karma. I have completed the entire story hoping that might unlock something. It's almost as if the first tab is missing.

You need to do some events first to unlock them.

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Crashing to character select at the same point towards the end of 'Heart to Heart', right after the big fight. No issues whatsoever on my end (I've checked literally everything). Doesn't appear to be affecting everyone, so no idea. I'll try once more, if it happens again I'll report back before uninstalling the game. This is both recent living world stories that have been ruined by progress blocking bugs at the end of major late stage missions causing time-wasting do-overs. That's not even possible with basic, never mind good, QA.

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Crashes every time at the end of Descent. Managed to get through to the cut scene by playing a video and continually clicking skills (tips I read returning to buggy PoF instances - still from this year) but as soon as the cut scene ends it loads back into Descent platform and freezes.

Why can't you guys put more checkpoints in these long instances? I wouldn't mind hitting my head against the wall so much if I didn't have to do the fight over and over (same as with The Departing man how many hours did I waste on that with no real resolution/just plain luck getting through). You have a larger problem with your story instances/cut scenes causing disconnects that has been highlighted by people for years now still with no fix.

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For anyone still struggling with the disconnects before / after cut scenes (for example at the end of Descent), there's a possibility that this is due to a multi-threading issue and the following fix may work:

  • Go to Task Manager and find GW2 in processes, right click and "Go to details"
  • On the new list, find GW2, right click and "Set affinity"
  • Untick everything except CPU 0

Disclaimer - it's only an assumption that this is a multi-threading issue and the fix may not work, however it just did for me. After multiple attempts with the disconnect before / after the cut scene, I tried this fix and it worked first time.

I hope this can be useful to someone and if you could post feedback or message me on whether this works I'd really appreciate that as I've been struggling with the cut scene disconnect issue for a while (mainly since PoF) so I'd be interested to know if this is a reliable fix.

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  • 2 months later...

This might not be the right place to post this - I am doing living story 4 "The Crystal Dragon" and i get through the entire episode until Kralkattorik retreats - i see Rytlock say No. No and then the entire cutscene freezes. I have redone this 4 times now, and have not been able to complete this episode because it freezes with my character standing in a giant empty cave basically. I'm currently writing this while watching my character stand semi hunched over but not moving, not progressing. has anyone else experienced this? I cant progress at all, when i log out and back in it wants me to restart the entire mission again.

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@"Diana Rains.3524" said:This might not be the right place to post this - I am doing living story 4 "The Crystal Dragon" and i get through the entire episode until Kralkattorik retreats - i see Rytlock say No. No and then the entire cutscene freezes. I have redone this 4 times now, and have not been able to complete this episode because it freezes with my character standing in a giant empty cave basically. I'm currently writing this while watching my character stand semi hunched over but not moving, not progressing. has anyone else experienced this? I cant progress at all, when i log out and back in it wants me to restart the entire mission again.

This thread was for a different issue; you need the 'Storyline Disconnections' Dev-posted thread. (You can find several troubleshooting tips in that thread.)

Good luck.

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