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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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@Kidel.2057 said:

@FrizzFreston.5290 said:What are the mount abilities this mount has?

Check the skyscale page on the wiki. I've added a movement/gameplay section including what you unlock with masteries.

I just checked that, thanks. (typical ask first, then just check the wiki) xD

It seems important to me as it obviously affects how you play with the mount.The griffon is also pretty meh without its abilities.

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@"VDAC.2137" said:For me, I do like the idea of a journey and story to get your dragon (although as I said, timegate at reset doesn’t seem best design IMHO) and am actually looking forward to starting this even more than I was before the release! Of course, I am in a very different position from most everyone else posting — I am behind and working on too many things at once, lol — so I wasn’t expecting to get it soon anyway and thus no disappointment. Now I am more focused on getting caught up to start this and in the meantime, preparing my charged quartz and watching for news on what else I may need. :)

Don't get me worng, I really like the collection, the fact that you have to look for things and explore the area and even backtrack to older maps. It gives me something nice to do for a change... someting that I can see "grow". Really reminds me of raising my crow for Nevermore (really loved that collection), but it's sad that I have to do all this without the new mount, and then, once this cool journey is done and I have my scyscale, I will have nothing interesting to do again :( Sure... I will have the very thing I was working towards, but without much of a use for it (unlike now when I am collecting all the stuff around the world).

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@Obtena.7952 said:

That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Players not being able to understand ANet's motives is NOT a compelling reason for ANet to repeal time gated content.

How, pray tell, are we supposed to "understand ANet's motives" when they haven't even told us what their motives are? We got no information on launch, can't even figure out information until the time-gates are passed, and have gotten zero response from ANet as to why this is the way it is.

You're not, but you don't need to. That doesn't mean those motives don't exist and they didn't have a reason to use time-gating.

Thanks for skipping over the first half of the post where I literally explained why people are thinking they shouldn't be using time-gating on this content just so you could say the same thing you said before I replied.

I didn't skip it ... I just didn't think it was relevant. Any argument where the premise is that there isn't a reason for time gating is not worth discussing to begin with. That doesn't make sense with the reality of the game. If you can't acknowledge there is a reason for it, your argument is dead in the water because it clearly opposes the reason Anet used it, whatever that reason is.

Like I told the other guy ... this isn't about who's right or wrong on time gating. It's about coming to some understanding that there is a reason for Anet to use it. If you want to make a case for why time gating is bad in this case, you can't assume off the start there isn't a reason to use it.

So, every design decision in every game ever made had a reason that made the decision valid? Perhaps they artificially threw in time-gating because someone had a bad day at the office? Maybe it got added because of a bug that will be changed. Not every piece of code and game design has a good reason.

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I'm with OP...loved the story...finished it. Then read the bits on doing the skyscale and thought...meh. Been grinding and grinding and grinding amalgamated gemstones (need 250 of them) for Nevermore. I do NOT feel like grinding and waiting and waiting for a mount as well.

So, went back to Saints Row the Third :)

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You know, I find myself not caring that much about the time gates anymore.

The initial collections absolutely were the usual slogfest (and truthfully, I can sort of appreciate the story reasons for doing those), but this is what will probably be a series of uniquely brief moments in the game for anyone unlocking the skyscale, so I'm just going to enjoy the process while it lasts (and inevitably become jealous of those who are one or two days ahead of me).

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I don't understand the defense that the skyscale is about the 'journey'. The point I'm at isn't a journey at all. I'm literally waiting 24 hours to press 2 three times at an NPC. Then waiting 24 hours to do it again. Then waiting to do it again. Then waiting to do it again.I don't want it instantly. The collections prior to this weren't hard. But I'd really like to know how waiting to repeat a button press at an NPC is a journey. This isn't even earning it nor is it hard. It just really feels like they didn't know how to prolong it, so rather than come up with something worthwhile to actually do, they just slapped this waiting timer on it.Why didn't they just make it a 'Legendary' mount? Legendaries take me a long time to make, I'm working on my 4th legendary now, Aurora, and I can do it at my own pace. I think the Skyscale would have been far better received if it actually had stuff to do to 'earn' it. Stuff besides wait to press this button 3 times. I would gladly take something like what was required of Aurora from LS3 to get the Skyscale from LS4 over this pointless timer. It would take me longer than this timer and that'd be fine because I could at least actually do something besides waiting to wait more.Or unlocking the Skyscale via the story, and then having hard collections to unlock each mastery.I'm not going to rage or quit over it and I am doing it. I'm just disappointed in this incredibly lazy substitute for something to actually do.

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@"Celldrax.2849" said:You know, I find myself not caring that much about the time gates anymore.

The initial collections absolutely were the usual slogfest (and truthfully, I can sort of appreciate the story reasons for doing those), but this is what will probably be a series of uniquely brief moments in the game for anyone unlocking the skyscale, so I'm just going to enjoy the process while it lasts (and inevitably become jealous of those who are one or two days ahead of me).

! Do it for her.!

Im way to casual to do those collections. I have a full time job and a family I dont have time to raise a virtual dragon. Ill just stick to my favorite flying mount in another game that has more flying mounts and no time gating to get them.


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I have to agree with a common concern here; I'm not fond of buying a day advancement like something I would see in a mobile phone game. That does not belong here.

I know we got this content for free, but I think I'd like some comfort in knowing that this collection was an innocent attempt to add some depth to make it feel more personal, and not a decision made to test the waters for future content that won't be free.

If Aenet felt so highly about the Skyscale that they decided to treat it like it deserves purple text, then so be it, I'll gladly take their word that this is a mount of great value.

For the record, I love the Skyscale. That's why I'm hoping for improvements. I like the idea of it requiring effort. If at any time I could've just pulled out my credit card to get it instantly, I'd feel outright robbed of my efforts.

That said, I do feel the Skyscale needs a little bit of a buff to make the payoff respect the efforts, even if that means adding more masteries to it. I'd personally love to see things like ground-level endless hover, a bit less strict flight, or an extra stamina bar.

At this point, I welcome any kind of positive improvements.

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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:In fact, in some ways it's like they are trying to recreate our raising of Aurene, which was a very important and popular part of our story.

Raising Aurene was such an important part of the story that the Dev's glossed right over it. 3.5 years later and we rarely spent time talking with or having any relationship with Aurene. To really make matters worse the dev's gave the role of raising Aurene to Caithe, relegating us to acting as Commander Meat Shields.

So, if that's what the Dev's are trying to "recreate", they can kindly skip it.

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I think the time gate is forcing me to rush just to see if there are any Sigle of Nullification out there. Great timing that I sold my last Glow Lamp at Monday and I can now buy it back for 3 times the price.

But does someone really think that the timing of this is very stupid? When we have the least time should do the most?

At Tuesday the Patch get released the people have 8 hours to do the story, do 30 events (10 in each lane) and collect 56 items, while most of us are working

At Wednesday we have to collect 48 items, while most of us are still working.

At Thursday we can collect up to 14 items and feed the skyscale first of four days, while most of us are still working.

At Friday we can feed the skyscale second of four days, while most of us are having free after Friday.

At Saturday we can feed the skyscale thrid of four days, while most of us are having free.

At Sunday we can feed the skyscale forth of four days, while most of us are having free.

So at the time most of us can play the most we can log in, teleport to Sun Refuge, feed the Skyscale and log off and wait for the next day?

Can I expect the most work at workdays and at the weekend we can just play another game, while we have the most time? I want to play the new map, but I want to wait till I get the mount, since the map has been created with the mount in mind.

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just finished saving skyscales and i just got to say bravo anet im 57 years old and just had the worst experience i ever had in any game.and its not done yet. just a time gate.need wait till tomorrow to carry on with this nonsensical rubbish.

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@Judah Rahab.5716 said:I don't understand......After reading that, I think you'd understand if you read the complaints. Many are valid and aren't asking to have it instantly.

Many would love to play the game, but the game is actively preventing progress with a timer. Adding a lockdown timer isn't adding new content. It's a lazy placeholder instead of adding actual content to do.Like many have said, they wouldn't mind having to do more stuff for it, as long as they can actually do it.

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@"Judah Rahab.5716" said:[...]Don't make only 1 voice out of this thread. I personally don't "hate" the collection. I think they could have handled some parts in a different way (like achievement 1 and 3), but I don't really care about the timegating itself.

My main concern is that the collection is not proportionate to the mount. When I saw Guild Chat I thought "well, nice, probably it's going to be used during the story so we are getting it as part of that".

Given this huge collection, I think the mount is not well tuned for the rarity/prestige it's going to have.

To clarify: I'm not asking to remove timegate or reduce the collection, just to make the mount utility proportionate to the effort.

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@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:Hi everyone,

The message below is addressed at current and future participants to this discussion.

The discussion remained mostly civil so far and I want to thank all of you who contributed respectfully. All of you are passionate about the game and we're reading your posts. There are however tensions in this thread and I want to remind everyone here, whether you agree with a point being raised or not, that we ask all forum contributors to be respectful and constructive. No ad-hominem arguments will be accepted and, if you see a post like this, simply report it, the moderation team will action them (in passing, this is a friendly reminder about the rules that your can find here). You can talk about various aspects of the game, how you feel about them, and generally share your feedback but the discussion here has to remain courteous.

Thanks a lot for your understanding!

In light of some recent posts, I figure this needs repeating since it's been a couple days and hasn't been seen by everyone.

Criticisms need to be civil on both sides. I don't care what your side of the argument is; no name-calling or fire-starting.

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@Kidel.2057 said:

@"Judah Rahab.5716" said:[...]Don't make only 1 voice out of this thread. I personally don't "hate" the collection. I think they could have handled some parts in a different way (like achievement 1 and 3), but I don't really care about the timegating itself.

My main concern is that the collection is not proportionate to the mount. When I saw Guild Chat I thought "well, nice, probably it's going to be used during the story so we are getting it as part of that".

Given this huge collection, I think the mount is not well tuned for the rarity/prestige it's going to have.

To clarify: I'm not asking to remove timegate or reduce the collection, just to
make the mount utility proportionate to the effort.

@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:Hi everyone,

The message below is addressed at current and future participants to this discussion.

The discussion remained mostly civil so far and I want to thank all of you who contributed respectfully. All of you are passionate about the game and we're reading your posts. There are however tensions in this thread and I want to remind everyone here, whether you agree with a point being raised or not, that we ask all forum contributors to be
respectful and constructive
. No ad-hominem arguments will be accepted and, if you see a post like this, simply report it, the moderation team will action them (in passing, this is a friendly reminder about
). You can talk about various aspects of the game, how you feel about them, and generally share your feedback but the discussion here has to remain courteous.

Thanks a lot for your understanding!

In light of some recent posts, I figure this needs repeating since it's been a couple days and hasn't been seen by everyone.

Criticisms need to be civil on both sides. I don't care what your side of the argument is; no name-calling or fire-starting.

@"Judah Rahab.5716" said:[...]Don't make only 1 voice out of this thread. I personally don't "hate" the collection. I think they could have handled some parts in a different way (like achievement 1 and 3), but I don't really care about the timegating itself.

My main concern is that the collection is not proportionate to the mount. When I saw Guild Chat I thought "well, nice, probably it's going to be used during the story so we are getting it as part of that".

Given this huge collection, I think the mount is not well tuned for the rarity/prestige it's going to have.

To clarify: I'm not asking to remove timegate or reduce the collection, just to
make the mount utility proportionate to the effort.

I haven't read all the posts for this thread true. But a lot of them I see are just destructive complaints; like a few of the posts above my first post. Which is the case in so many areas. Just cause something is timegated doesn't mean it's the lack of thought. I think this timegate is the opposite. To me this is very much like a tamagotchi. You get your pet you raise it and it takes some time but then you get to ride a dragon. A dragon with infinite hover so we can finally afk without dying XD. The story instance actually changes with the achievement too. It's not a stagnate collection at all. You even interact with the baby Skyscale and there is voice dialogue giving it depth.

My post doesn't make only 1 voice Kidel nor does it try to be disrespectful or destructive CJtheBigBear. I don't claim everything here is complaining nor do I do any name calling. I understand how reading something like what I wrote can be interpreted as hostile but pease try to read it in a non-hostile tone. But rather of someone talking in a calm manner about an issue of constantly seeing destructive complaining. Being firm in my post doesn't account for disrespect. I can see how you would consider it borderline because someone might try to take firm to the next level.

Addressing egos without calling out those particular players and addressing a very real issue of destructive complaining is not disrespectful. It is calling to attention a very real issue in our community. I'm sure I can be wrong and I'm willing to hear counter arguments but how will I ever know I'm wrong without dialogue? Trying to report my opinion while leaving others' opinions, with very similar tones I might ad, is poor censorship. This doesn't allow for the growth of conversation or further explanation of views. Which is in my opinion very far from constructive conversation that isn't stagnate.

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@Zalani.9827 said:So I actually am really enjoying the collection part of this, it’s cool going back to all the previous content we have visited before. I’m also a bit of a sucker for raising your own mount so I like that part of it too.

I can understand why some people are not a fan of the timegating though. Personally it doesn’t bother me that much but I wouldn’t complain if it was changed due to feedback.I’m not sure if WoW killed me on timegates or what but compared to this WoWs timegating is waay worse lol.

I'm enjoying the quest but not the gates..Atm i'm logging in daily just to feed 3 items to an egg and then logging back out again because I have to wait for the reset to give it 3 more items and then rince and repeat.It was bad enough each collection required a daily reset to continue but 3 more mandatory resets within a collection is really taking the skritt..I'll log in tomorrow feed again and then the day after to feed the final 3 foods only to again have to wait another 24 hours to start the next collection.

Without these timegates I could have spent that 98+ hours actually playing the game and enjoying my new mount but atm these collections are annoying me so much I want to spend as little time as possible playing Gw2 until they're done.

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@Judah Rahab.5716 said:I honestly feel like MOST of you complaining are really ungrateful. You get a bunch of new content and you jump right to complaining. What happened to real gamers that play games for fun rather than just rewards and getting stuff right away with little to no effort. It's so annoying always hearing your guys complaining. When are you guys ever grateful?

I'm by no means a serial complainer here, and it's kind of sad hearing you make loads of assumptions about players that have issues with how this collection was conceived. For me, it's as simple as - I don't think this mount is anywhere near useful or cool enough to warrant the collection set being as difficult as it is, and I really wish it had been done like the roller beetle collection. No drawn-out feeding steps, just collections focused on scavenger hunts (like the first few skyscale collections) and then on old PoF events, and then done!

I think GW2 is a beautiful game, with loads to enjoy, and I'm really appreciative of the developers' time in making such a great world for us. It's just my belief that they stepped away from their normal way of designing rewards in the game in this instance. This collection set is much much longer than any previous mount, and for me, the skyscale is pretty blah and not worth the effort. But if you love it, good for you! But please don't call those of us that don't a bunch of whiners, simply because we're giving feedback. Thanks!

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Seems to me anet dont want me playing there game no more.i cant do raids or fractils and thats fine.its intended for the players who can do difficult content.this collection is to difficult and way to complicated for me and probably a few other less skilled players.makes me sad.

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