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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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@Rukario.1695 said:

@"Kidel.2057" said:Skyscale saddle requirements
  • 500 Trade Contracts
  • 250 of each LWS4 Map Currency
  • 1500 Volatile Magic
  • 35 Gold

This is very manageable.

The 500 Trade Contracts is the only steep requirement, and 35 Gold is relatively cheap.

All in all this mount requires about 125g (50% less) than the Griffon.

This is fine.

These are kind of a case of "seem big but actually easy to get."

The main gripe I have though, is that we didn't know about this 'til just now, which means these last few days I've spent just feeding my Skyscale could've been spent farming the proper materials. Oof.

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Timegates, legendary precursor-like collection inception, bugged events required for the collection, just bad ideas and implementation from the get-go. It's 2019 and this game has seen all kinds of examples for what works and doesn't work on all parts of the game. They knew this was a bad idea and here they are doing the same things once again. They will continue to do these things again and AGAIN. It will never end until new direction and a new design vision takes over.

The game has so much potential and it's being wasted. We should be on Expansion 3 already, not waiting 4-5 more months for ANOTHER hollow LW episode that will take baby steps toward a new story, only to wait 4-5 more months for another short LW story episode. You all whined and complained at the idea of the game having a paid sub and here we are with scarce, empty, repetitive content and yet we're still paying more money than we would for a sub.... on mount skins, BLC chests, and other nonsense like waypoint unlocks and a tele-to-friend that has a 1-hour recharge? Seriously?

It wasn't just the direction of the game that ruined GW 2, it was most of YOU. You get what you asked for and deserve.

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@"Jethro.9376" said:So you guys gave in already?

Ilike the change but i'm super "unhappy" because i was done tomorrow anyway ....

Is the collection after the JPs etc really the last one? If so: YAY! =) ;)

Also, if this truly takes only a week, then there does not need to be a change in the 24-hours timer, IMO. Just change the feeding schedule.

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@tazzannl.5016 said:Well i'm not happy at all, i liked the time gating making you work for your mount, why give into people who are just gonna unlock it then not play after ??? -.- it's not supposed to be unlocked over night.

How does this change make it less work to get the Skyscale? You still have to do every little thing you need to do now (which is a buckload). It just doesn't take so many days anymore. But the people working on it now aren't doing more work than the people who will do it after the change. And I'm sure there will be plenty of people who will not be able to finish a day's set of collections within 2 hours, considering some of the things you have to do. If anything, eliminating the risk of having to wait a full day to continue the achievements will stop people from rushing through it.

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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:Okay, congrats to those who will get their Skyscale faster.

So, does this mean if I keep screaming enough, I will get my druid un-nerfed? Why does this particular gripe get the royal treatment, and the rest of our complaints get a big, fat Kitten You?

Because it's a mount and the time spent waiting was obviously too much. You need enough feedback that warrants a change. I have a Druid, too. I'll take this win.

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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:Okay, congrats to those who will get their Skyscale faster.

So, does this mean if I keep screaming enough, I will get my druid un-nerfed? Why does this particular gripe get the royal treatment, and the rest of our complaints get a big, fat Kitten You?

No rocket science involved. Skyscale =!= class balacing.

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@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:Hi,

We've posted an update about the skyscale acquisition here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77191/an-update-about-the-skyscale-acquisition/p1#Item_0

As mentioned above, we welcome your feedback but please take into account the previous message I posted and that I'll repost here:

The discussion remained mostly civil so far and I want to thank all of you who contributed respectfully. All of you are passionate about the game and we're reading your posts. There are however tensions in this thread and I want to remind everyone here, whether you agree with a point being raised or not, that we ask all forum contributors to be
respectful and constructive
. No ad-hominem arguments will be accepted and, if you see a post like this, simply report it, the moderation team will action them (in passing, this is a friendly reminder about
). You can talk about various aspects of the game, how you feel about them, and generally share your feedback but the discussion here has to remain courteous.

Thank you for adressing it, it will make it less of a tribulation for those with less time, I should be able to get some progress over the weekend now, that certainly cheers me up

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Unlike raising Aurene, raising the skyscale feels much more personal and a real grind. Really weird.Removing the gold requirements and replacing it with really extensive collection and farm achievements ended up feeling much more arduous than farming for gold for the griffon LOL even if farming 250g might have taken longer than doing all the achievements.

I've come to terms with the time gate and will complete the skyscale before the 28th ¯_(ツ)_/¯I think raising an egg and then a baby into adult is such a concept that time gating makes sense, thats why it works for story quest. But doesnt seem to work for getting a mount as everybody wants the skyscale since the trailer and showcases.

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  • This incoming change does not remove the timegate-in-a-timegate of twenty-two days for people who don't have the Charged Quartz Crystals they need. While these players are likely few in number, the Charged Quartz Crystal requirement was a big point of contention and I see that it has been not only untouched, but in fact, completely dodged entirely. While the Grow Lamp recipe is hard to change, why can't the pieces of Skyscale food have their recipe adjusted?
  • Ultimately, timegates do not add content nor do they add "immersion" for players. They simply obfuscate a sore lack of content, something that your game has been accused of having several times with each living story release.
  • In this case in particular, this entire collection feels more worthy of a precursor to a legendary than it does to a hand-me-down jack-of-all-trades-but-good-for-nothing mount. Can I ask, sincerely, why are you so afraid of letting the Skyscale actually fly?

I'm dead serious about that last question. The Skyscale does not fly faster than the Griffon, meaning that if you're looking to get somewhere in a timely manner you probably won't use it. It doesn't ascend faster than Springer by your own design, meaning if you want to get to high places quickly you're going to use the Springer or even look for Jackal portals. You're basically calling the Skyscale a legendary mount - that's what you infer when you call it prestige - but at best it is a side-gride to all current mounts that you would only use for the fun of exploring in a new way... which you can't do, because it can't fly and instead it's just a glorified trundling griffon that hovers if you aren't pressing keys.

Nothing about the Skyscale is prestige, ArenaNet. Nothing about it deserves that kind of title because, from a mechanic standpoint, nothing about it is a true upgrade. Legendary weapons, armour and trinkets all are upgrades to their respective content; you can swap out upgrade components and swap stats on the fly without the need to use ingredients and a mystic forge. It's a small upgrade, yes, but this still makes them a quantifiable upgrade over Ascended - which loses upgrades unless you have an extractor, and requires the mystic forge to have the stats changed - or Exotic which flat out can't change stats at all. So, if the "prestige" legendary mount is indeed a legendary... why isn't it an upgrade to any existing mount in even a small way? Right, because you were too afraid of "invalidating" other mounts, despite the fact slow flight wouldn't do that. Or, were you too afraid of the Skyscale invalidating all this old content you keep wanting us to go back to? I don't know if you've noticed, but all the current mounts invalidate that content already; core Tyria is a joke to navigate now and Heart of Thorns is just as easy to break using Springer and Griffon, who can easily traverse those vertical maps and get you to the highest places with no difficulty, no gliding required.

The problem wasn't just that you timegated this collection, ArenaNet.The problem was that you timegated a legendary style collection, for a mount you yourselves claim to be "prestige" that is, in fact, not prestige at all in a mechanical and technical way. If you just let the damned dragon fly (and if you don't want it to go super fast, then just give it a single stamina bar like the Springer and only let it do one barrel roll instead of two) then it would at least feel like it was genuinely worth all of this effort.

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There's no way I'm reading through all this but just generally how do folks feel about the change? It's far enough away that it won't impact the ppl trying to race to the finish, but it pretty much solves the problem for the ppl complaining that they can only play in fits and starts . . .

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The timegate is as ingenious as it is frustrating in a way. I can tell part of the intent was to ensure there's a mob of people to help you out. I also have a feeling the timegate prevented certain tradeable items from becoming astronomically not proportional in price on the trading post (similar to what we saw with static cores for the bladed backpiece before they were otherwise reintroduced.)

The one step I would change for sure is the 4th day of Raising Skyscales > Skyscale Care. It was pretty frustrating feeding my precious dragon and then having literally nothing else to do until the next daily reset. I'm not even aware of what's required for Riding Skyscales yet, and so while waiting with the rest of us, I am hopeful and optimistic that step is as fun as it sounds.

I do wish I could at least be filling my mastery bar all along but maybe the rest of Tyria just isn't ready for dragons. Yet.

Almost there....

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@Airyll.7849 said:

  • This incoming change does not remove the timegate-in-a-timegate of twenty-two days for people who don't have the Charged Quartz Crystals they need. While these players are likely few in number, the Charged Quartz Crystal requirement was a big point of contention and I see that it has been not only untouched, but in fact, completely dodged entirely. While the Grow Lamp recipe is hard to change, why can't the pieces of Skyscale food have their recipe adjusted?

I think this needs to be a talked about more, it's long over due that something be done about Charged Quartz Crystals. Originally before we had 4 stat gear, it was designed as a way to limit access to Celestial Stat gear, cause Charged Quartz Crystals are required for that particular Stat. Now no one uses Celestial simply cause we have so many options of 3 stat and 4 stat gear types.

My suggestion is not to remove the time gate completely. It's as easy as this. -- Make it so that Places of Power, Commune Hero Points. Can be only used once per day as they are but make it so each individual place of power acts as it's own place of power, and not making it so that if you commune with one the entire lot of them are unusable. Meaning players can travel across the world to different Commune points and keep making more charged Crystals per day than just one. This would encourage that sense of broad zone travel ANet has been trying to accomplish with the later collection in Skyscale anyway. It's a Win for us and a Win for them in Player Traffic.

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@Airyll.7849 said:

  • This incoming change does not remove the timegate-in-a-timegate of twenty-two days for people who don't have the Charged Quartz Crystals they need. While these players are likely few in number, the Charged Quartz Crystal requirement was a big point of contention and I see that it has been not only untouched, but in fact, completely dodged entirely. While the Grow Lamp recipe is hard to change, why can't the pieces of Skyscale food have their recipe adjusted?They already thought this one out. You can buy it on the TP. Either wait for the time gate or buy it.
  • In this case in particular, this entire collection feels more worthy of a precursor to a legendary than it does to a hand-me-down jack-of-all-trades-but-good-for-nothing mount. Can I ask, sincerely, why are you so afraid of letting the Skyscale actually fly?

Because they learned from other MMOs that free flying mounts are actually bad for the game.

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handwaving everyone off as entitled is the lazy way out considering the timegate within a timegate. Charged quartz had no place to be involved with this collection or event.

I had half hoped, that they would just remove the daily cap on charged quartz creation as its no longer really a meta material most people use.

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@Trise.2865 said:How many times do we have to tell people not to blast through content in 10 minutes? to take their time and enjoy it? They never learn...

But some people enjoy blasting through the content in few minutes, where is the problem?! :p

The timegate is just a terrible design. They wanted it to look more real as Skyscale still needs to grow, but nobody wants GW2 to be more real. People should be able to play at their own speed without compulsively getting down if they don't want it themselves. That's one of the reasons many people play this game, because of the freedoms, but this timegate took away some of that. :/

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But why the 250 map currency, for each LWS4 map at the end of the collection? .. that's a massive grind for people without multiple characters and haven't done a ton of the meta every day. How many maps was it? 6? and I'm not exactly sure how much of the map currency you can get per day.. provided you spend a few hours on each map grinding for resources each day..

so let's say 25-75 per map, per day for however many hours after that

was it necessary to have the largest of the time gating last?

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