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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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@eldrin.6471 said:

@"Turkeyspit.3965" said:Finished the skyscale this morning, and I noticed a few things. Even though I took my time on this collection, and didn't go full wild on farming or anything, I reached a point where I just wanted it to be over.

Last night I started the Lost section. Now I've done all the JPs on that list (mostly for legendaries) and have been to all the POIs called out, like Glints legacy. I had the mats to make all the treats I needed to skip every step, but instead saw doing them myself as a way of saving myself 4g. Killed the behemoth and did a few of the JPs, but then something happened: I was struggling to find the entrance to Griffonrook Run, a JP I did most recently for Sunrise I believe. I just couldn't find the underwater tunnel, even though I've been there before. And I just lost it. I opened my inventory and used a treat to finish. I then found myself trying to make my way up to Glints Legacy, and again, just lost my patience and used the treat. I just wanted it to be over. In the end I think I used like 6-7 treats, all to complete tasks that I've done before, but just couldn't bear to do them again, at this time, as I wanted this collection to be over.

Next up was the Stealth and Reflexes. Now, those were cute...but they would have been equally cute if all I had to do was find the Skyscale like 5 times and throw the ball 5 times. But by the 15th game of hide and seek or tossing a ball, it wasn't cute anymore - it was just tedious, and I wanted it to be over.

Then it was time for the saddle, and I had all the mats. Easy porting, ty for not making these items purchasable from heart vendors (which would require additional work), though giving one of these items to Elisa was a bit of a kitten move. There were several players on the map I was on struggling to find her. Seriously, kitten move.

And then it was time to do flying lessons. After the first dozen or so, I was already typing in the way point code for the next step while the progress bar was filling up at the rift. I had allocated a certain amount of time for this, and was running late and needed to leave for another obligation, but I kept going because I wanted it to be over.

Took it casual.Didn't set a date for completion.But towards the end I found myself rushing just because I just wanted this collection to be over with.

Next time ANET, you need to do better.

I think it's fair to say that overall, the response to this collection has been either neutral or negative, which in my book is a failure. You're not going to please everyone all the time of course, but this time, I think you pleased a very small portion of players, and everyone else is either annoyed, angered, or neutral.

Making the collection unnecessarily long doesn't make it content.Cute, immersive, and engaging can all be achieved without artificially prolonging a task. Playing hide and seek was fun. Doing it like 25 times was not. Flying lessons was fun, but doing it 28 times was not.Making something take longer doesn't make it more fun, doesn't show more skill, knowledge or aptitude, and doesn't make it feel more like an achievement - it's just tedious.

Sure it shows dedication, and you often would see that for prestige items like Legendaries or certain titles. Are mounts now going to be considered prestige items instead of the QoL tools they heretofore have been?

Nothing about this collection was "hard", it was, as I've said many times, just tedious.

So that's ultimately my feedback for this collection: I was interested in the mount, and started the collection at my own pace, but about 2/3rds of the way, I just wanted it to be over as quickly as possible so I could escape the tedium.

So you had the map currency's needed for saddle? I think that makes a big difference, up to that point i could handle it. I will be several weeks farming these currency's and would far rather have spent that time on new map,not back on old maps i already done.took me 2 hours to get 30 from sand swept isles.Some people got lucky and had the currency's in anticipation of new trinket,and i think if that were not the case the backlash to this collection would have forced a change.

No, I didn't have the currency I needed.I had 500 of the Kralkatite90 or so Diflororite150 Inscribed Shards150 Lumps of Mistonium50 Branded Mass (as I had purchased some Dragonsblood receipes)400 of Mistborn Motes.

Started gathering S4 mats last Saturday, on a single toon, doing maybe 2 hearts per map, hitting map nodes, collecting the dailies and doing the metas where possible. Have a guildy with all the home nodes, and farmed those 4 times or so? Also purchased 5 of each from the Dragonfall vendor every day.

I was surprised at how quickly I got to 250 on each. I was thinking I would have to complete some WvW reward tracks to speed up the processes, but in the end the 50 Inscribed shards I got from that reward track brought me up to like 300 yesterday.

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I don't usually comment on the forum, but this has been a sore spot for a few days/weeks. I was genuinely annoyed by how much time the skyscale collection took, the timegates in particular were very egregious, but I tried to take it in stride, and I was surprised to see that the collections pointed me to some places I hadn't explored in a long time, or even at all, and to some extent, I had a feeling of discovery. And the egg collection did give me a feel of immersion. But that currency farm is beyond exasperating. Grind is a cheap substitute for gameplay. A cap of 50 or 100 currency would have been far more appropriate, because then it would have felt... reachable. I know that there are ways to optimize farming, like home nodes, using alts, even using some addons. I buy the currencies in Dragonfall every day, but I find myself lacking the motivation to advance the collection before that, because I know it'll take me a month, even doing a bit of casual farming here and there. I don't use alts because I need the volatile magic to buy currencies. Before the update, I salvaged all the map currencies into magic, and spent it on the new vendor rewards when the map came out, only to find that I should have saved both magic and currencies.

This mount was not advertized as a legendary. It was meant to avoid the mistakes of the griffin collection, but it ended up being worse. It costs a lot of gold, not as much as the griffin but still enough to be jarring to the casual player. But the grind and timegates are what get me. I completed the griffin quest in the first week PoF was out. Because I could binge the content, and even though it was jarring at times, I always played knowing that I would soon get the reward if I played intelligently. There is no skill, no rush in this. It is a set path with artificial walls you have to dig through with gritted teeth. It is disheartening.

I shouldn't say I'll get through it, because I still hope the saddle collection will get nerfed into the ground. But I'll get that mount, eventually, despite how they try their hardest to get me not to care about a DRAGON MOUNT of all things.

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@eldrin.6471 said:

@Amineo.8951 said:Call me lazy but I don't find the reasons behind getting this mount justified at all, it's a mini-legendary without any skill involved (which is the reason why I got Legendary Armor and Ascension in the 1st place) what a bummer really, especially when other MMOs are getting their expansions and the good games next month that will be infinitely more fun to play than this.

The people that already had the currency's come to this thread and say they dont mind this grind think only of themselves. If collection is kept the way it is it will be more exclusive..But is this collection good for the long term future of the game? Not from were im standing.

or ... they have played the game and have an accumulation of the mats they need. They aren't thinking about themselves ... they just recognize the game can't be solely about them. Unlike you. If you have played as much as you claim, getting this mount shouldn't be an issue for you. The only thing that prevents you from getting the mount is your own unwillingness to do the collections. There is no rush, so when you complain it's dozen's of days here or there ... so what? Where is the race? What's the competition? That complaint actually makes no sense.

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A really huge thread with a lot of comments. I have read most of it and many comments tend to be negative. It would be really interesting to know what ArenaNet Management thinks about it, what are their conclusions and how will they proceed in the future. If this was my company I would not be satisfied but fortunately I am just a player, a customer.

Personally I think the amount of collections is far too much for this mount. The timegating is really annoying but for me the sheer amount of collections is completely over the top. And I am saying this and have not even completed the collection. I am somewhere in the middle and there have been 2 times when I already questioned what I am doing and thought about abandoning these collections.

There have been arguments about the skyscale being a "precursor" for the legendary trinket but this is not convincing. I am not in the slightest bit interested in this new trinket and it would be more reasonable in my opinion if the majority of all these tasks would be linked to the legendary trinket. A collection similar to the roller beetle would be more adequate for this mount alone.

This whole episode is very disappointing for me. I am playing Guild Wars 2 since 2015 when I gave it a try because I was fed up with the grind in another MMO. I was exited about the game and I still consider it a good game. However I am very much concerned about the skyscale implementation. One of the best features in Guild Wars 2 is the absence of gear grind. There are large projects in the game (Legendary items) which involve huge investment of time and materials but they are only cosmetic. The skyscale however is an item with unique features and functions, it is not only cosmetic. If it was only cosmetic it would not be a huge deal for me. I don't need every skin in the game. The fact that a unique, functional, not only cosmetic item got a collection which suits more a legendary item is not ok in my opinion.

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I finished getting the mount a few days ago. The actual time gating was not a problem, annoying but I did understand their reasoning for it. The map currencies where also not an issue for me as I have been hoarding them for a very long time so it only took a few hours to top off what I needed. My only real criticism was the collections where boring! I get where they where trying to go with it, and collections like this in the past have been fun as I actually enjoy the scavenger hunt aspect. This one was just too long and did not feel like it was clearly thought out. I enjoyed doing the griffin. And there was the black moa chick in GW1 that was also well done but this one felt like it had no clear direction and they just kept adding more and more collections to it because they did not know what else to do.

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@"Turkeyspit.3965" said:Finished the skyscale this morning, and I noticed a few things. Even though I took my time on this collection, and didn't go full wild on farming or anything, I reached a point where I just wanted it to be over.

Last night I started the Lost section. Now I've done all the JPs on that list (mostly for legendaries) and have been to all the POIs called out, like Glints legacy. I had the mats to make all the treats I needed to skip every step, but instead saw doing them myself as a way of saving myself 4g. Killed the behemoth and did a few of the JPs, but then something happened: I was struggling to find the entrance to Griffonrook Run, a JP I did most recently for Sunrise I believe. I just couldn't find the underwater tunnel, even though I've been there before. And I just lost it. I opened my inventory and used a treat to finish. I then found myself trying to make my way up to Glints Legacy, and again, just lost my patience and used the treat. I just wanted it to be over. In the end I think I used like 6-7 treats, all to complete tasks that I've done before, but just couldn't bear to do them again, at this time, as I wanted this collection to be over.

Next up was the Stealth and Reflexes. Now, those were cute...but they would have been equally cute if all I had to do was find the Skyscale like 5 times and throw the ball 5 times. But by the 15th game of hide and seek or tossing a ball, it wasn't cute anymore - it was just tedious, and I wanted it to be over.

Then it was time for the saddle, and I had all the mats. Easy porting, ty for not making these items purchasable from heart vendors (which would require additional work), though giving one of these items to Elisa was a bit of a kitten move. There were several players on the map I was on struggling to find her. Seriously, kitten move.

And then it was time to do flying lessons. After the first dozen or so, I was already typing in the way point code for the next step while the progress bar was filling up at the rift. I had allocated a certain amount of time for this, and was running late and needed to leave for another obligation, but I kept going because I wanted it to be over.

Took it casual.Didn't set a date for completion.But towards the end I found myself rushing just because I just wanted this collection to be over with.

Next time ANET, you need to do better.

I think it's fair to say that overall, the response to this collection has been either neutral or negative, which in my book is a failure. You're not going to please everyone all the time of course, but this time, I think you pleased a very small portion of players, and everyone else is either annoyed, angered, or neutral.

Making the collection unnecessarily long doesn't make it content.Cute, immersive, and engaging can all be achieved without artificially prolonging a task. Playing hide and seek was fun. Doing it like 25 times was not. Flying lessons was fun, but doing it 28 times was not.Making something take longer doesn't make it more fun, doesn't show more skill, knowledge or aptitude, and doesn't make it feel more like an achievement - it's just tedious.

Sure it shows dedication, and you often would see that for prestige items like Legendaries or certain titles. Are mounts now going to be considered prestige items instead of the QoL tools they heretofore have been?

Nothing about this collection was "hard", it was, as I've said many times, just tedious.

So that's ultimately my feedback for this collection: I was interested in the mount, and started the collection at my own pace, but about 2/3rds of the way, I just wanted it to be over as quickly as possible so I could escape the tedium.

I've got one more to do on the Lost step, the Sanctum of Nabkha one. I hope I can complete it, I'm not very good at this kind of thing. I haven't been bothered by the timegate or the map currencies, I'll just keep accumulating them till I've got what I need. I've got several days of that left and I'm OK with that. I'm really looking forward to having the skyscale.

But something you said more than once, about how you get to a point where you just want it to be over, is something I've said to myself many, many times while playing the game this past year. There is much to love about GW2, and I'm really glad I came back to it, but I know for sure that one of my lasting memories of this game will be the way that more often than not, I got to a point trying to finish a story step where I just wanted it to be over. And never knowing for sure if there are checkpoints or if I'd have to start the whole thing over made me not want to quit even if I clearly needed to take a break. And that just made it even worse. "Tedious" is exactly the word for it.

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I would be curious (as a dev pointed to this thread, I assume they do read it) if we will get an answer to the most salient points of the discussion. The timegates caused an uproar and were (partially) addressed, sure, but that does still leave very lengthy collections and, what seems more contentious than the time-gating, the currency grind. This does not bring people back to meta-events. This makes them crawl over the maps looking for nodes and hearts. If they had to complete meta-events to get particular collection items, it would actually make sense and, yes, reinvigorate maps that were left due to content being deemed insufficiently rewarding or lacking in certain aspects.

So, I guess that what I'm getting at is... any chance we could get a dev state literally anything about the currency farm? I'd like to know if I should buckle up or if I can still hope for some major nerfs.

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@Dracyon Imperius.6309 said:I would be curious (as a dev pointed to this thread, I assume they do read it) if we will get an answer to the most salient points of the discussion. The timegates caused an uproar and were (partially) addressed, sure, but that does still leave very lengthy collections and, what seems more contentious than the time-gating, the currency grind. This does not bring people back to meta-events. This makes them crawl over the maps looking for nodes and hearts. If they had to complete meta-events to get particular collection items, it would actually make sense and, yes, reinvigorate maps that were left due to content being deemed insufficiently rewarding or lacking in certain aspects.

So, I guess that what I'm getting at is... any chance we could get a dev state literally anything about the currency farm? I'd like to know if I should buckle up or if I can still hope for some major nerfs.

I'm guessing -- only guessing, mind you -- that since the Skyscale has now been shown to be basically a precursor for a Legendary trinket (which I have zero interest in acquiring), the currency grind will not be nerfed. I too would love to hear honest answers from a dev about whether all the uproar has been worth it to temporarily increase player numbers in certain maps. Because I would tell him/her that this grind has made me loathe the LW4 maps with a passion.

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I've had this skyscale for a while now...

totally not worth this grind of a mess I got sucked into, I would have gladly appreciated being warned what I was getting into before investing. This mount is totally not worth the grind compared to previous, especially seeing this mount as a hype from the new story.. a buzzkill

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This whole story will end the same way as with slippery slope and birds of prey.. Nothing will change until next financial report comes out and player stats accumulate so.. to each their own in the meantime. I'm personally enjoying other games and from time to time do lws2 story for an hour..

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@"Witch of Doom.5739" said:I'm guessing -- only guessing, mind you -- that since the Skyscale has now been shown to be basically a precursor for a Legendary trinket (which I have zero interest in acquiring), the currency grind will not be nerfed.

Aye, I'm afraid you might be right. Although, that does mean that they intended it to be a precursor-level mount, which was absent from their advertizing. On the contrary, this was pushed as the key feature of the latest update, meaning that it should have been more convenient to get instead of causing all of this drama.

Which is... all the more suspicious that they released that Season 4 black lion daily resources thing, where you can send crews to get you a meager amount of currencies every day. I don't like to cry wolf, as I generally have a fairly high opinion of the company's business model, but this seems like a ham-fisted attempt at cashing in on a grind they created. They have been willing to communicate on the time gates, but curiously not on the one thing that could help their sales of a pay-for-convenience gemstore item, and that uneases me greatly.

I don't want to rubbish the collection. It had some good things. But the more contrived aspects, the lack of communication on persistent issues, the convenient gemstore item, the hidden gold costs (and optional baits to skip the jumping puzzles) all give the impression of artificial barriers placed without much forethought, or with a plan that unsettles me in its blatant attempts to inject life into moribund content and get players to accelerate their "journey" by using the gemstore.

However, I do look forward at dev responses. I could very well be wrong, and Grenth knows I wish I am.

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@Dracyon Imperius.6309 said:

@"Witch of Doom.5739" said:I'm guessing -- only guessing, mind you -- that since the Skyscale has now been shown to be basically a precursor for a Legendary trinket (which I have zero interest in acquiring), the currency grind will not be nerfed.

Aye, I'm afraid you might be right. Although, that does mean that they intended it to be a precursor-level mount, which was absent from their advertizing. On the contrary, this was pushed as the key feature of the latest update, meaning that it should have been more convenient to get instead of causing all of this drama.

Which is... all the more suspicious that they released that Season 4 black lion daily resources thing, where you can send crews to get you a meager amount of currencies every day. I don't like to cry wolf, as I generally have a fairly high opinion of the company's business model, but this seems like a ham-fisted attempt at cashing in on a grind they created. They have been willing to communicate on the time gates, but curiously not on the one thing that could help their sales of a pay-for-convenience gemstore item, and that uneases me greatly.

I don't want to rubbish the collection. It had some good things. But the more contrived aspects, the lack of communication on persistent issues, the convenient gemstore item, the hidden gold costs (and optional baits to skip the jumping puzzles) all give the impression of artificial barriers placed without much forethought, or with a plan that unsettles me in its blatant attempts to inject life into moribund content and get players to accelerate their "journey" by using the gemstore.

However, I do look forward at dev responses. I could very well be wrong, and Grenth knows I wish I am.

We'll their was a similar thing for s3 so it would have been weird if their would be no board for s4.

I also think it's fair to say that if their motivation was cash grabbing they wouldn't have introduced the merchant in dragons fall which sells the currencys

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@yann.1946 said:

We'll their was a similar thing for s3 so it would have been weird if their would be no board for s4.

I also think it's fair to say that if their motivation was cash grabbing they wouldn't have introduced the merchant in dragons fall which sells the currencys

That is a fair assumption, indeed. Besides, the gains from the board in terms of currencies are low.

But they do add up, and they do provide an advantage for currencies that are more annoying to farm, like Mistonium. Whilst it is not a pay-to-win mechanic, it is not a good look either to have a way to profit from artificial barriers they installed, however slight. There are myriad reasons why such barriers might exist: wanting to satisfy a portion of the playerbase who feels mounts are too easy, occupying players during a longer content draught at the end of a season, artificially bolstering player population in old maps that had problems with implementation and reward... all reasons that should not dictate gating a core feature of the last season release behind a big grind wall. We could do without the board suggesting gemstore items might provide an advantage, again, however slight.

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Can you get the currency harvest points in kourna and Jahai etc. multiple times on different alts or do those only appear once per day per account b/c I have multiple 80's and tried today but the harvest points only seemed to appear for 1 of my characters.

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I was one of those in close to ideal circumstance for getting this collection. I had a small supply of charged quartz crystals already in my material storage and got lucky in the home instance node/wintersday gift a few times, had lots of time to do it all, have completed prerequisites such as the dwarven ruin in Desert Highlands and had map completed on one character (so, all waypoints) and i had lots of LWS4 currencies already mined. Additionally, I only started the collection after guides for half of them were already on the wiki and I had some sources of easy gold in my storage. So, my time at it was easier than most.

Despite this, I didn't really like this collection. In short, it was too much of everything. I think most of the could have been cut at least in half or to a third in size and still give the same effect.

Newborn Skyscales was pure tedium. It's like it was designed to make me hate Dragonfall. I get it - we pick up scales, buy medicine, then feed medicine to skyscales and pick up the eggs. I GET IT. I understand the story. No need to do each of these things 21 times to make me remember it. Apart from the currency farming, the worst part of the collection.

Saving Skyscales was the only collection I liked in its entirety. Was pretty interesting, varied, not too long and I actually enjoyed it. Additionally, some parts were things you can easily do while doing other things, namely: resurrecting players & killing a number of enemies. I'd recommend Sandswept Isles Specimen Chamber for both of these by the way - the pre-event spawns lots of enemies & from my experience everyone is too retarded to use the waypoint in the actual event when they die, so you should have a fun time resurrecting the 50+ idiots that were just laying around while you were struggling with the 2 bosses with the 5 remaining people.

Raising Skyscales was fun. For ME! I wasn't in a hurry to complete the timegated parts, so that didn't personally annoy me and I had enough charged quartz crystals to only have to buy the food once. If that wasn't the case, i'd be severely annoyed with it. Though I didn't have enough to also buy the Grow Lamp, so I had to actually waste 30 gold for it. I had this gold in hand, but I know how annoying farming even a mere 30 gold can be if you want it in a hurry - for a newer sort of player especially. Or to wait 22 days for this.

Troublesome Skyscales was okay, but too much. Having to find and catch the skyscale was the main problem. The jumping puzzles were fun and thankfully they only put 3 world bosses in it, but the number of collection items made the thing feel like a colossal waste of time. The mini games afterwards were good, but i doubt many people appreciated wasting more time on repeating them three times after they had already pointlessly chased the skyscale across the world for several hours. Catch was much, much quicker & more fun than Hide & Seek though.

Riding Skyscales was the single worst part of this task. Not only did you have to get a shit ton of every map's currency, but even after you already did that, the game still sends you on YET ANOTHER pointless chase around the games world. To be fair, the Skyscale Flight is rather fast & easy and could have been pretty fun on its own, but ... after Skyscale Saddle don't expect anyone to be in a very forgiving mood. As for the currency grind - like I said, I already had lots of it gathered.

I was missing around 7 Difluorite Crystals, I had more than enough Inscribed Shards (Which I WAS SAVING FOR THE BANNER, not for this crap, thanks very much.) and I had 250 Mistborn Motes. I learned of this requirement about two days before I was at this stage in the collection. Istan was no problem at all and if all the currency requirements were at this level, nobody would be pissed. I got enough after doing the hearts a few times and farming the meteor twice. Mistborn Motes are not too big of a deal as the meta event awards a lot (I walked away with around 100 yesterday), but requires some time anyway, but at least its fun. I had enough trade contracts already, which is good because there is no really fast way to get 500 of those (btw, best ways for me are abandoned dwarven chests, Tomb of Primeval Kings chests & treasure hunt in Desert Highlands, avoid bounties & events like the plague if farming contracts) I'm really, really glad I had already taken care of Kourna & Sandswept, because well - the remaining two were absolutely horrible.

It started out okay - I was fresh, i liked most of the hearts on Jahai Bluffs & Thunderhead Peaks. I did the hearts, gathered the nearby map currency nodes & did some events that awarded the currency. I had farmed the two maps a bit the previous two days and was only missing a bit more than 100 on each map on the day Riding Skyscales collection opened for me. And things went well for a while, I got a lot of currency at first - it was really encouraging actually. And then the map currency nodes mysteriously vanished into thin air, because apparently there's a DAILY GATHERING LIMIT on them.

Remember how I said I liked the hearts on Jahai Bluffs & Thunderhead Peaks? Not anymore. I doubt I'll visit those maps much in the next few weeks. I also feel a strange aversion to gathering map currency now - how mysterious. And I only needed less then half of the currency on these two maps. I can only imagine what a person that started from 0 in all maps thinks of them now.

And Skyscale Flight was just the final middle finger - at least it felt like one. It wasn't too bad, but has a really bad place in the collection. But it was better than collecting eggs/scales.

TL;DR version: collection too big. 1/2 or 1/3 of current size enough. FooOOOoo

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I am completely taken back from the lack of "Lessons Learned" by the Anet team at this point. This is a 5 year + old game. Introducing such levels of GRIND (!) at this point in the life of the game is a miscalculated mistake. i think the Griffon mount , which is superior to this one, is far easier and more value added. You would have to be insane to go after this mount., especially if you have a griffon. Anet missed the marked completely here. There is no "feel good" or " motherhood and Apple Pie" moment here.

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@Dracyon Imperius.6309 said:This does not bring people back to meta-events. This makes them crawl over the maps looking for nodes and hearts. If they had to complete meta-events to get particular collection items, it would actually make sense and, yes, reinvigorate maps that were left due to content being deemed insufficiently rewarding or lacking in certain aspects.

I have no way to prove or disapprove that statement, but speaking only of myself, as someone who only started GW2 about 6 months after PoF launched, I was always 'behind' in terms of current content. Consequently, when I got to LW S4, I kept focused on the story, and didn't really bother doing any of the metas, collections, or anything, but instead worked to finish the story and move on.

Because I had to go back for currency, I saw many of these metas (like The Specimen Chamber) for the first time. Not only was I getting currency, but picked up quite a few APs here and there.

On all the S4 maps I went to though, I found the metas to be very populated. Was it like that before the skyscale? I don't know. Will it remain this way? Again I don't know. But at the very least I found the metas to be very helpful in farming up map currency, on top of doing the hearts, nodes and map daily quests.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

On all the S4 maps I went to though, I found the metas to be very populated. Was it like that before the skyscale? I don't know. Will it remain this way? Again I don't know. But at the very least I found the metas to be very helpful in farming up map currency, on top of doing the hearts, nodes and map daily quests.

As far as I can recall, only the Istan meta was consistently populated because of the volatile magic to crafting materials vendor and the rewards you would get from it all. The Death-Branded Shatterer also had a few people running it because of the potential high-tier loot. But overall, the metas didn't last long because of lacking rewards compared to more competitive PVE content. I am glad you get enjoyment and suitable rewards from running them, though. I'm not too fond of those, I guess I still prefer Tarir and Dragon's Stand, which I thought could be really more fun to play.

Might be fun seeing Dragon's Stand with skyscales. But I don't know how many people will bother to get the mount because LS season 4 maps have their issues which grind plasters over but won't fix in the long run, in my opinion.

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I could see if getting the mount was another episode of the living story. That way you got accomplishments and additional rewards during the process. It's strange to have a big push to get people to come back to the game and then throw something like this at them for a mount the hovers and climbs, but not easily. For their sake I hope it works and they have a big influx of players. I've already shifted to playing other mmo's and will mostly watch this one to see if they continue with this version of entertainment.

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It seems the devs are directing people towards this thread and one other (at least that is what Stephane Lo Presti seems to be doing). So constructive criticism is likely to be read. Though I would very much like them to communicate on their plans to address player concern, and not just the "listening to feedback" routine.

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