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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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People still complaining about the time gate? They fixed the main problematic time gate with it and made it take fewer days to feed. Anything involving charged quartz can be bypassed by buying the food on the TP. If you choose to not buy it and gate yourself to charging it once a day, that's on you. It's no different from ascended crafting materials.

If anything, the only thing I think they need to change now is the wall autograb and that's really it. I'd love to see more collections like this though, as long as they don't do the daily reset gate between collections again.

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@"Minax.3284" said:The way the Skyscale Collection was handled has me very worried for future content. If I wanted long grinds behind a boatload of RNG as well as a bunch of daily crafts and harvests I'd be playing other games instead of Guild Wars - This sort of grind has never been a cornerstone of Guild Wars 2 and I really hope this isn't suggestive of how future content will be handled. Why is this mount, which supposedly was designed to (unlike the griffon) not be a "prestige" mount and be accessible to "all" players (as long as they own PoF and all of LS4) more of a grind and headache than the mount that actually was supposed to be a sort of "prestige" mount?

This is my worry as well. To be clear, "long grinds et al" have existed in GW2, but they were tied strictly to legendary items, and the odd ascended item (Golem back piece in sandswept), so they were completely optional. I'm beginning to question whether we can really view any of the mounts as 'optional', given that nothing else exists that can do the same thing as a mount, compared to any ascended GS can do what Exordium does. That the mount isn't required to complete the story shouldn't be the only consideration.

I would like to point out though, that ANET did refer to both the Griff and Skyscale as 'prestige' mounts.

Quoting Stephane:

One of the most common concerns has been the amount of time gating in the journey to unlock the personal version of the skyscale mount. Since we began designing the skyscale, our goal was to deliver a story and experience that rivaled our other prestige mount, the griffon. Instead of putting a hard gold price on obtaining the mount, though, we instead looked at how we could preserve the feeling of investing time and effort in such a powerful mount, while lowering the barrier so more people could obtain the skyscale without breaking the bank. It would have been helpful to communicate our design goals for the mount’s acquisition clearly before the release of the episode.

I just disagree with that terminology. A Legendary Greatsword is a "prestige" version of an ascended GS, but I don't think Mounts should ever fall under that category. The Griffon was the first prestige mount, and apparently the Skyscale is the 2nd. But where is the common equivalent? Where is the non-prestige version of the mount? Or is ANET saying that the ability to fly/glide on a mount is a "prestige" reward? I don't like that train of thought.

Mounts in games like WoW are all about prestige. Who killed what boss under what circumstances and who won RNG gets this skin that few others have. But all their mounts do the same thing. In GW2 mounts are UTILITY items, offering QoL changes to the player, and so they shouldn't ever been lumped into some 'prestige' category.

If ANET wants to introduce Prestige MOUNTS SKINS into the game, requiring a bone crunching long grind - bring it on, I'll even volunteer to hold their beer!. But as they monetize those, they seem to think they can classify some mounts as a prestige item? Not in my book. A prestige item is there to give a player.... a sense of prestige - something they can show off while afk in LA or DR. Mounts are not used in GW2 to merely to show off.

My 2 copper anyways.

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@Ototo.3214 said:People still complaining about the time gate? They fixed the main problematic time gate with it and made it take fewer days to feed. Anything involving charged quartz can be bypassed by buying the food on the TP. If you choose to not buy it and gate yourself to charging it once a day, that's on you. It's no different from ascended crafting materials.

If anything, the only thing I think they need to change now is the wall autograb and that's really it. I'd love to see more collections like this though, as long as they don't do the daily reset gate between collections again.

People aren't complaining about the timegate per se, since ANet fixed that in a patch. However, other threads about the Skyscale keep getting merged with this one, even though they have NOTHING to do with the timegate. I think the thread title should be changed, but it ain't my party.

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@Witch of Doom.5739 said:

@Ototo.3214 said:People still complaining about the time gate? They fixed the main problematic time gate with it and made it take fewer days to feed. Anything involving charged quartz can be bypassed by buying the food on the TP. If you choose to not buy it and gate yourself to charging it once a day, that's on you. It's no different from ascended crafting materials.

If anything, the only thing I think they need to change now is the wall autograb and that's really it. I'd love to see more collections like this though, as long as they don't do the daily reset gate between collections again.

People aren't complaining about the timegate per se, since ANet fixed that in a patch. However, other threads about the Skyscale keep getting merged with this one, even though they have NOTHING to do with the timegate. I think the thread title should be changed, but it ain't my party.

True, but I still see quite a few time gate complaints. They should really change the title of the thread though...

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To be honest, at first I felt sorry for those who where having trouble with this, but the more I read the complaints, the less I feel for them. This is no different then ascended armor. People ranted and raved about the timegate, being forced to craft the crystals, damask, etc. It went on and on for weeks until everyone saw it was really not that hard to do at all. While this collection was not "fun", it was not that hard at all. Feeding? no big deal at all. Craft or buy food, still available to everyone. Saddle? map currencies are not that hard to farm. Most of the older players should have had stacks saved up already and if you have just started playing, what makes you think you should get for free what others have saved for months for? Jumping puzzles? Yeah I hate them with a passion but you do not have to do a single one if you do not want to, that was a great surprise. There ARE some players with legitimate issues but Anet is working on that. This mount is/will be accessible to everyone. Everyone can get it if they want to put in the effort, but it is not free. You have to work for it. Those players who have it already worked for it. Those players who will get it will work for it. Those players who just complain about it will not. It's that simple.

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It's an afk mount, Ive had it since the 8th day and, imho, I wasted a week on a mount that's only purpose is to afk on (arguably mapping is easier but the griffon is faster except in a very few areas where a bunny would be used)I'm ocd so would have got it anyway, but it's a letdown for me.

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@Kilamanjaro.2705 said:It's an afk mount, Ive had it since the 8th day and, imho, I wasted a week on a mount that's only purpose is to afk on (arguably mapping is easier but the griffon is faster except in a very few areas where a bunny would be used)I'm ocd so would have got it anyway, but it's a letdown for me.

Well aside from AFK, it's also a boss at the Casino Blitz event. Now for you it has 2 uses :+1:

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Kilamanjaro.2705 said:It's an afk mount, Ive had it since the 8th day and, imho, I wasted a week on a mount that's only purpose is to afk on (arguably mapping is easier but the griffon is faster except in a very few areas where a bunny would be used)I'm ocd so would have got it anyway, but it's a letdown for me.

Well aside from AFK, it's also a boss at the Casino Blitz event. Now for you it has 2 uses :+1:

As a third thing nuoch lane in TD

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@yann.1946 said:

@Kilamanjaro.2705 said:It's an afk mount, Ive had it since the 8th day and, imho, I wasted a week on a mount that's only purpose is to afk on (arguably mapping is easier but the griffon is faster except in a very few areas where a bunny would be used)I'm ocd so would have got it anyway, but it's a letdown for me.

Well aside from AFK, it's also a boss at the Casino Blitz event. Now for you it has 2 uses :+1:

As a third thing nuoch lane in TD

And harvesting nodes when you don't want to mess with trash mobs by flying over and dropping straight down on the node. (very helpful in Orr and other places where trash mobs like to CC) And map completion.... And other things. Once I got good at flying it I found it really useful in many circumstances. I do wish the attack had some sort of targeting though. Sometimes when I use the attack by the time it triggers well in front of me the mobs have run to me and out of the AOE. Timing for that takes some getting used to.

I find it much more useful than the roller beetle. I almost never use that thing.

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Realized I'd be wasting 30 gold from grow lamp if I didn't get the skyscale. To the all people that haven't already got to that part. Don't bother. It looks cool, but it isn't worth the grind. Especially for you that don't have any start at currencies.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Kilamanjaro.2705 said:It's an afk mount, Ive had it since the 8th day and, imho, I wasted a week on a mount that's only purpose is to afk on (arguably mapping is easier but the griffon is faster except in a very few areas where a bunny would be used)I'm ocd so would have got it anyway, but it's a letdown for me.

Well aside from AFK, it's also a boss at the Casino Blitz event. Now for you it has 2 uses :+1:

I'll give you that one :)

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My main gripe is that the collections failed to achieve their purpose. The most active players, exactly the demographic that goes through new content fast and that you actually want to slow down, had the mount within a week of the patch. The requirements didn't slow them down in any way. Everyone else, the players that can't dedicate many hours a day to a video game and that go through content slowly, is left behind. For that part of the game's population the collections are almost discouraging. In that sense, it is less a question of time gating or no time gating, but rather a problem of locking the right content behind the grind. The highlight of a patch is not the right content. The optional fluff is.

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@"eldrin.6471" said:if this mount and collection is about getting players on living world season 4 maps why am i needing to go back to crystal desert for 500 trade contracts?gets worse by the moment.

Do the actual meta-events in those maps that give you the "heroes-choice- chest" (only one per day per map per account). From the chest you can choose 100 trade contracts, so you can have 500 trade contracts after doing 5 meta-events.

Look at the event timer: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers so you can do the events when it fits your schedule without waiting too long for them.

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So I FINALLY just received my Skyscale and, overall, it was an ok experience. The griffon was a far better experience as the Skyscale journey took me about three weeks. Two things, from reading other threads, that really helped me were using multiple characters (use griffon or waypoint tomes!) to farm the hearts, and using TacO (tactical overlay) as that guided me across each map and it went far faster!!!!!As I finished the Skyscale, I noticed how I logged off immediately and headed straight over to FFXIV. I found the experience utterly exhausting and, as another player stated, "just wanted it to be over!". I don't mind a challenge and understand the point of the journey, but I was able to complete it faster as I am on summer break and it was still a miserable experience. Many others aren't off from work like me, and it will take quite some time for them to finish. My suggestion for the next mount is they cut down the collection in some areas to alleviate the headache of consistent farming, or even playing 36 games of fetch! (C'mon, was that really necessary?).

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@Urgi.3504 said:Realized I'd be wasting 30 gold from grow lamp if I didn't get the skyscale. To the all people that haven't already got to that part. Don't bother. It looks cool, but it isn't worth the grind. Especially for you that don't have any start at currencies.

I didn't jave any of the currencies and find the mount worth the grind...the collection sucks at times but its an excellent mount

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@eldrin.6471 said:Its GAME OVER for me to. im done with anet .I have played since 2012 and got into the game because it was different and did not require grinding to make progress.They took my time and money for 7 years .but this collection and particularly the part were i am forced to go back and grind out currency's from previous maps that i already earned in game but never saved as i had no way of knowing they would be needed for this horrendous collection was the last straw for me.Grinding for cosmetic or luxury items is one thing but this collection is forcing grind were it should not be.The mastery system is how we progress our lvl.now to get a few extra lvl s we have to grind out this ridiculous collection.

definition of grinding in an mmorpgGrinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress through the game.

Agree'd they have certainly lost there way. It was fun while it lasted.

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@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:People ranted and raved about the timegate, being forced to craft the crystals, damask, etc. It went on and on for weeks

@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:While this collection was not "fun"

@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:Most of the older players should have had stacks saved up already

@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:Jumping puzzles? Yeah I hate them

Even the supporters (that already have the mount) are summing up what is wrong with this collection. Slow Clap

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I don't get it. :/
Anet needs money. Bring out a new mount and a ton of new skins. People pay to make their mount as unique as they can get it. Profit.Bring out Skyscale. Make it an absolute chore to get so that many people don't bother. Fewer skins etc sold. Less money in the coffer.I fully understand why a goal must have a challenging quest but this is a bit much; not to mention being somewhat against the anti grind theme of GW2 that I personally like so much.To me, the does not make much sense from a business point of view.

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@Josiah.2967 said:

@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:People ranted and raved about the timegate, being forced to craft the crystals, damask, etc. It went on and on for weeks

@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:While this collection was not "fun"

@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:Most of the older players should have had stacks saved up already

@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:Jumping puzzles? Yeah I hate them

Even the supporters (that already have the mount) are summing up what is wrong with this collection.
Slow Clap

Ha, ha, Nice try using my quotes out of context.Yeah, I already have mine. Took 1 week, 1 to 2 hours a day (when I could play at all). OMG it was so hard! Play the game and get the mount or don't play and don't get it. Your choice.If players spent as much time gathering the map currencies as they did complaining, they would have it unlocked already. I really have to wonder, if it is really that hard to get why are the sky's filled with them already?

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While I like the fact they changed the feeding time gate, the rest does not really seem that bad. I have not even started playing through the HOT story line yet so POF is a long way off but I am looking forward to doing this collection. It looks like a long term goal which always makes a game more fun to play when you have something to work for. I hope they do many more collections like this one.

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@ixora.3569 said:

@"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:To be honest, at first I felt sorry for those who where having trouble with this, but the more I read the complaints, the less I feel for them. This is no different then ascended armor. People ranted and raved about the timegate, being forced to craft the crystals, damask, etc. It went on and on for weeks until everyone saw it was really not that hard to do at all. While this collection was not "fun", it was not that hard at all. Feeding? no big deal at all. Craft or buy food, still available to everyone. Saddle? map currencies are not that hard to farm. Most of the older players should have had stacks saved up already and if you have just started playing, what makes you think you should get for free what others have saved for months for? Jumping puzzles? Yeah I hate them with a passion but you do not have to do a single one if you do not want to, that was a great surprise. There ARE some players with legitimate issues but Anet is working on that. This mount is/will be accessible to everyone. Everyone can get it if they want to put in the effort, but it is not free. You have to work for it. Those players who have it already worked for it. Those players who will get it will work for it. Those players who just complain about it will not. It's that simple.

To be honest you come off as kind of a D-bag. It's that simple. Not everyone can grind all day like you.

Wow, you can't come up with any good arguments so you resort to name calling? Shame on you!

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@Rook.5143 said:I don't get it. :/

Anet needs money. Bring out a new mount and a ton of new skins. People pay to make their mount as unique as they can get it. Profit.Bring out Skyscale. Make it an absolute chore to get so that many people don't bother. Fewer skins etc sold. Less money in the coffer.I fully understand why a goal must have a challenging quest but this is a bit much; not to mention being somewhat against the anti grind theme of GW2 that I personally like so much.To me, the does not make much sense from a business point of view.

I am a veeeeery long way off from getting it probably several months at least but if they come out with any cool skins I would buy them anyway so I would have them when I do unlock it.

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