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[EU][Raids] DownState Syndrome [dS] is looking for more members.


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About usWe are small tight guild aiming for a static and reliable group for weekly raid clears. We clear wings 1-7 within two meetings (W1-4 Tuesday and W5-7 Thursday). Occiasionally we do CMs.

What can you expect

  • Tight, friendly and chill group.
  • Smooth full clears.
  • No static set roles. We are flexible.
  • Pugvendures.
  • Alt clears.
  • League of legends and TFT after raids.

What we expect from you

  • Accurate gear. Ascended is a must.
  • High W1-6 experience and at least some experience on W7.
  • Good mechanic awareness and decent performance.
  • [dS] will be your main raid group.
  • Discord and ability to communicate in English. We love talkative people so reconsider if you tend to be perma-muted.

Trial consists of a raid clear together. For now we open recrutation for a player who's one of mains is BS.

Interested? Contact: Chaoxen.5413 in game or chaox#5405 in discord.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

im intersted in joining main bs (power./condi) im 3 heavy/2 medium deep into legendary raid armor got fair amout of exp on 1-4(cannon job on sabetha is bit shaky but the rest is realy i can peform) . 5 and 6 i only struggle with dhuum greens and a 7 i didnt do at all so wil love to learn with you guys =)got full ascneded power/condi bs ready for battlethx for your replay (did ingame aswel)

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