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Soulbeast Needs Some Genuine Nerf Bat Love in the Next Balance Update

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

LOS iS yOuR fRiEnd
I don't care
SnIpEr iS a RoLe
I don't care
It'S nOt EvEn UsEd aT ToP LeVeL/mAt
I don't care

You just stated some of the reasons why SLB is in its current position, yet you don't respect these arguments. Remind me of my daughter that wanted a pony couple of years ago - really sweet kid ;)

I also stated why those reasons are invalid, but I suppose you ignored that.

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:So soulbeast mains don't think the class is overtuned? Who thinks it is overtuned?

People playing another overtuned class like mesmers . engies , warriors..pick your poison...but all they share in common is that they're deluded...their own class should be on the chopping board along with soulbeast

In case you missed it, many of us here are also calling for Engies and Warriors (SB, Rampage) to be reigned in. Basically any still power-crept spec that's an outlier from the majority. And also in case you missed it, Mesmers already had their turn with the chopping board. It lasted over a year and gutted them anywhere from 50-67% across multiple traits, weapons, and skills, up and down both elites and core.

Yes..as a part-time ranger main with over 2k hours I am all for nerfing Sic'em but at the same time
I really need engies and warriors to be reigned in as soon as possible
, I mainly play ranger to stand a chance against overtuned engies and wars...with everything else I can even use an ele

Then I think we're on the same page. :smile:

I wonder about that in truth...despite all these "nerfs" , the mesmer class itself it's still up there with the "gods"...not primordial god..but a god nevertheless, the nerfs mesmer received were not aimed to kill the classWhat "god mesmers"? Small hint, if you nerf damage of multiple things by 50% damage/duration/increase cooldowns and just delete traits that doesnt mean "aimed to kill", can the same nerf values can be applied on all other classes ?
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I didnt realize gold players spent so much time theory crafting on the forums. Post after post about SB the class I get killed by the least. I see SB on the other team that's one less thing to worry about. I see scourge, blow you up insta messer, or the unkillable engie, that's when I start to worry.

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:This debate is so powerful it broke the webpage. :p

Not sure if it's just me, but all clickables on this page from @shadowpass.4236's post with the Spoiler buttons and up don't work. Everything after it works. The formatting on that post seems strange and none of the Spoiler buttons work. For me at least.

Looks like the HTML or CSS broke because some < div > tag didn't get closed.

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lol what a huge discussion :open_mouth:

i would love to see berserker amulet gone, as well as ANY resemblance of oneshot builds... i've played before HOT for a couple months and loved the pvp, every fight was skill intensive no matter which profession was...then i stopped played and came back post-POF to see that 70% of the fights are decided if you can dodge a single stupid combo or not - ones more predictable than others, but a combo nonetheless - reaper, mesmer, deadeye, soulbeast... that's so sad because the pvp on this game has so much potential between evades, combo fields, leaps/finishers, weapon swap, dodge and such :(

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

I'd love it if they were removed from the game completely because of how little skill they take to play coupled with how INEFFECTIVE they are against anyone with their monitor turned on.

I have to say, this is something that's all-too-often overlooked. Trevor mentioned it too - this kind of thing doesn't make it far past plat 1, the counterplay from classes supposedly vulnerable to this is too strong. The first problem is that it only really works if you know your enemy's defenses are down - stunbreaks, barriers, invulns, blinds, and ports have to basically all be out in order for this to work. Even other glass builds, with just one stunbreak and dodge available, can basically negate the entire burst. So many things have to go wrong for the defender all at once for this to stand a chance. I took this to plat 1 (1560s), then got ravaged so hard that I gave up on ranked entirely (because I'm too lazy to learn a new build at this point, having already changed classes and builds over the years). Point is, the cheese is annoying when it lands, but it's such a weak build overall.

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@voltaicbore.8012 said:

I'd love it if they were removed from the game completely because of how little skill they take to play coupled with how INEFFECTIVE they are against anyone with their monitor turned on.

I have to say, this is something that's all-too-often overlooked. Trevor mentioned it too - this kind of thing doesn't make it far past plat 1, the counterplay from classes supposedly vulnerable to this is too strong. The first problem is that it only really works if you know your enemy's defenses are down - stunbreaks, barriers, invulns, blinds, and ports have to basically all be out in order for this to work. Even other glass builds, with just one stunbreak and dodge available, can basically negate the entire burst. So many things have to go wrong for the defender all at once for this to stand a chance. I took this to plat 1 (1560s), then got ravaged so hard that I gave up on ranked entirely (because I'm too lazy to learn a new build at this point, having already changed classes and builds over the years). Point is, the cheese is annoying when it lands, but it's such a weak build overall.

There is a sic em soulbeast in the top10 every season. There are always more in the top 25 and 100. The idea that its a meme build that doesn't do well is a lie, cover by rangers to deflect calls for nerfs. Or they just are the type to peak at plat 1 and can't imagine anyone better than themselves.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

I'd love it if they were removed from the game completely because of how little skill they take to play coupled with how INEFFECTIVE they are against anyone with their monitor turned on.

I have to say, this is something that's all-too-often overlooked. Trevor mentioned it too - this kind of thing doesn't make it far past plat 1, the counterplay from classes supposedly vulnerable to this is too strong. The first problem is that it only really works if you know your enemy's defenses are down - stunbreaks, barriers, invulns, blinds, and ports have to basically all be out in order for this to work. Even other glass builds, with just one stunbreak and dodge available, can basically negate the entire burst. So many things have to go wrong for the defender all at once for this to stand a chance. I took this to plat 1 (1560s), then got ravaged so hard that I gave up on ranked entirely (because I'm too lazy to learn a new build at this point, having already changed classes and builds over the years). Point is, the cheese is annoying when it lands, but it's such a weak build overall.

There is a sic em soulbeast in the top10 every season. There are always more in the top 25 and 100. The idea that its a meme build that doesn't do well is a lie, cover by rangers to deflect calls for nerfs. Or they just are the type to peak at plat 1 and can't imagine anyone better than themselves.

I don't think you understand what a gimmick build means. The entire build revolves around entering beastmode, pressing Sic Em, OWP, and using Rapid Fire. There's no diversity in the possible combos because you're sacrificing utility/survivability for damage that can easily be countered by simply walking behind a wall.

Also, most of the rangers that chime in to these discussions are fine with Sic Em/OWP being nerfed (further) because we know that the builds that make use of them are bad/require very little skill to play.

Lastly, you can't claim you're a decent PvPer if you can't figure out how to avoid a 2 second channel from Rapid Fire.

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Personally my 2c is that that union thing you do when you merge with pet and do rapid fire able to do 32k thats obscene and the dmg needs slight nerf. 32k is ridiculous and i don't like the idea personally of one shot moves that have little to no risk. With double pistol, at least you had to be a bit closer and saw it coming, the ranger of ranger though with that root thing makes it too easy to gank people.

If it was doing 20k max i'd be ok with it not 32k though thats kinda ridiculous. I could also see nerfing the range of that rapid fire shot a bit.

I also think that axe thing should hit really hard at least when rangers use that melee attack they need to be in melee range, so there is a risk to it.

Im not sure where compensation would be done im not a main soulbeast.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Also, most of the rangers that chime in to these discussions are fine with Sic Em/OWP being nerfed (further) because we know that the builds that make use of them are bad/require very little skill to play.

Yes, I forgot to add this to my original post. Having seen how un-useful the build is beyond the trash tier, I'd be totally fine with a nerf to this in spvp and wvw. However, the 40% finally allowers rangers to do decent power dps in pve, and I'd like to see that remain.

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Lastly, you can't claim you're a decent PvPer if you can't figure out how to avoid a 2 second channel from Rapid Fire.Oh...dont even remind me about confusing images that has twice less range than RF.

Confusing Images had a shorter cast time, higher base damage, higher power scaling, and lower cooldown than Rapid Fire while naturally piercing up to 5 targets.

The only advantage RF had on CI was it's range.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

Lastly, you can't claim you're a decent PvPer if you can't figure out how to avoid a 2 second channel from Rapid Fire.Oh...dont even remind me about confusing images that has twice less range than RF.

Confusing Images had a shorter cast time, higher base damage, higher power scaling, and lower cooldown than Rapid Fire while naturally piercing up to 5 targets.

The only advantage RF had on CI was it's range.Mr.Genius they both have the same cast time. CI have higher cooldown and you will never realistically see that TINY laser hit more than two people maximum 1-2 hits,more likely an accident. So hard to take it as an argument.So the only advantage of CI is higher base damage/power scaling while having x2 less range, yet, was the only reason to play with a weapon despite it being that clunky and to use it you had to stand still(or it will most likely get interrupted)
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:

Lastly, you can't claim you're a decent PvPer if you can't figure out how to avoid a 2 second channel from Rapid Fire.Oh...dont even remind me about confusing images that has twice less range than RF.

Confusing Images had a shorter cast time, higher base damage, higher power scaling, and lower cooldown than Rapid Fire while naturally piercing up to 5 targets.

The only advantage RF had on CI was it's range.Mr.Genius they both have the same cast time. CI have higher cooldown and you will never realistically see that TINY laser hit more than two people maximum 1-2 hits,more likely an accident. So hard to take it as an argument.So the only advantage of CI is higher base damage/power scaling while having x2 less range, yet, was the only reason to play with a weapon despite it being that clunky and to use it you had to stand still(or it will most likely get interrupted)

You're wrong, and you also misunderstand why base target pierce is important.

Furthermore, the mesmer build that ran scepter used Malicious Sorcery. This trait reduces cast time as well as aftercast. Also, the beam (and it's damage) starts about halfway into the channel.

After you take all of these factors into consideration, the full damage from the skill took about .9 seconds to land ((2.25 * .8) / 2). Keep in mind that the base damage on Confusing Images was 35% higher than Rapid Fire's and scaled nearly twice as high with power.

As for the base target pierce, it's important because the damage can't be LoS'd by clones/players/other AI. On the other hand, the only way Rapid Fire pierces is if we run Marksmanship with Lead the Wind which is both unused and a viable trait ONLY on core ranger.

I have a clip from my stream where I'm full health and halfway finished channeling RF when the mesmer at 30% health starts her CI. We both finished casting at the same time even though I had quickness and she didn't. I ended up taking 10k damage from CI while she was in Mirage Cloak and I died about a second later because the confusion stacks killed me when I tried to cleanse them.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

Lastly, you can't claim you're a decent PvPer if you can't figure out how to avoid a 2 second channel from Rapid Fire.Oh...dont even remind me about confusing images that has twice less range than RF.

Confusing Images had a shorter cast time, higher base damage, higher power scaling, and lower cooldown than Rapid Fire while naturally piercing up to 5 targets.

The only advantage RF had on CI was it's range.Mr.Genius they both have the same cast time. CI have higher cooldown and you will never realistically see that TINY laser hit more than two people maximum 1-2 hits,more likely an accident. So hard to take it as an argument.So the only advantage of CI is higher base damage/power scaling while having x2 less range, yet, was the only reason to play with a weapon despite it being that clunky and to use it you had to stand still(or it will most likely get interrupted)

You're wrong, and you also misunderstand why base target pierce is important.

Furthermore, the mesmer build that ran scepter used
. This trait reduces cast time as well as aftercast. Also, the beam (and it's damage) starts about halfway into the channel.They didnt. It doesnt stack with quickness either, its not worth missing might trait stacking trait. Playing illusion traitline outside of coordinated AT with a firebrand carry is pure suicide as you have no sustain/cleanses at allAfter you take all of these factors into consideration, the full damage from the skill took about .9 seconds to land ((2.25 * .8) / 2). Keep in mind that the base damage on Confusing Images was 35% higher than Rapid Fire's and scaled nearly twice as high with power.So its like 1 evade is more than enough to actually evade the scepter...Yet, 0.25s is not a huge difference . Even with quickness RF need more than 1 dodge to avoid. Also you arent putting yourself at any risk from ~1900 distance when to use CI you are pretty much in at melee range.As for the base target pierce, it's important because the damage can't be LoS'd by clones/players/other AI. On the other hand, the only way Rapid Fire pierces is if we run Marksmanship with
which is both unused and a viable trait ONLY on core ranger.I agree but never felt like it was THAT importantI have a clip from my stream where I'm full health and halfway finished channeling RF when the mesmer at 30% health starts her CI. We both finished casting at the same time even though I had quickness and she didn't. I ended up taking 10k damage from CI while she was in Mirage Cloak and I died about a second later because the confusion stacks killed me when I tried to cleanse them.Why not? I dont say damage from that skill wasnt hilarious but scepter needed a rework,not just a stupid damage buff of 1 skill to insanity
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@praqtos.9035 said:

Lastly, you can't claim you're a decent PvPer if you can't figure out how to avoid a 2 second channel from Rapid Fire.Oh...dont even remind me about confusing images that has twice less range than RF.

Confusing Images had a shorter cast time, higher base damage, higher power scaling, and lower cooldown than Rapid Fire while naturally piercing up to 5 targets.

The only advantage RF had on CI was it's range.Mr.Genius they both have the same cast time. CI have higher cooldown and you will never realistically see that TINY laser hit more than two people maximum 1-2 hits,more likely an accident. So hard to take it as an argument.So the only advantage of CI is higher base damage/power scaling while having x2 less range, yet, was the only reason to play with a weapon despite it being that clunky and to use it you had to stand still(or it will most likely get interrupted)

You're wrong, and you also misunderstand why base target pierce is important.

Furthermore, the mesmer build that ran scepter used
. This trait reduces cast time as well as aftercast. Also, the beam (and it's damage) starts about halfway into the channel.They didnt. It doesnt stack with quickness either, its not worth missing might trait stacking trait. Playing illusion traitline outside of coordinated AT with a firebrand carry is pure suicide as you have no sustain/cleanses at allAfter you take all of these factors into consideration, the full damage from the skill took about .9 seconds to land ((2.25 * .8) / 2). Keep in mind that the base damage on Confusing Images was 35% higher than Rapid Fire's and scaled nearly twice as high with power.So its like 1 evade is more than enough to actually evade the scepter...Yet, 0.25s is not a huge difference . Even with quickness RF need more than 1 dodge to avoid. Also you arent putting yourself at any risk from ~1900 distance when to use CI you are pretty much in at melee range.As for the base target pierce, it's important because the damage can't be LoS'd by clones/players/other AI. On the other hand, the only way Rapid Fire pierces is if we run Marksmanship with
which is both unused and a viable trait ONLY on core ranger.I agree but never felt like it was THAT importantI have a clip from my stream where I'm full health and halfway finished channeling RF when the mesmer at 30% health starts her CI. We both finished casting at the same time even though I had quickness and she didn't. I ended up taking 10k damage from CI while she was in Mirage Cloak and I died about a second later because the confusion stacks killed me when I tried to cleanse them.Why not? I dont say damage from that skill wasnt hilarious but scepter needed a rework,not just a stupid damage buff of 1 skill to insanity
  1. They did. Both traits are viable but the cooldown reduction coupled with the cast time reduction on Malicious Sorcery was (and is) still a very strong choice. Also, the meta condi mirage build used dueling + illusions and was one of the most popular mesmer builds you'd come across in ranked. Calling it "pure suicide" is pretty inaccurate considering how strong it was.
  2. In this post, you claimed that you are "dead on the spot if you don't react instantly to Rapid Fire without getting a chance to LoS."So you were lying. Or, you're implying that Confusing Images kills you even faster than 'instantly' because you agreed that you only need one dodge to avoid it as opposed to two. By your own admission (and by definition), only needing a single dodge to avoid CI means that you have significantly LESS time to react to it compared to the two dodges you need to avoid RF.
  3. Against a good player that knows how to bodyblock/use AI to LoS, the base piercing is very important.
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@shadowpass.4236 said:

Lastly, you can't claim you're a decent PvPer if you can't figure out how to avoid a 2 second channel from Rapid Fire.Oh...dont even remind me about confusing images that has twice less range than RF.

Confusing Images had a shorter cast time, higher base damage, higher power scaling, and lower cooldown than Rapid Fire while naturally piercing up to 5 targets.

The only advantage RF had on CI was it's range.Mr.Genius they both have the same cast time. CI have higher cooldown and you will never realistically see that TINY laser hit more than two people maximum 1-2 hits,more likely an accident. So hard to take it as an argument.So the only advantage of CI is higher base damage/power scaling while having x2 less range, yet, was the only reason to play with a weapon despite it being that clunky and to use it you had to stand still(or it will most likely get interrupted)

You're wrong, and you also misunderstand why base target pierce is important.

Furthermore, the mesmer build that ran scepter used
. This trait reduces cast time as well as aftercast. Also, the beam (and it's damage) starts about halfway into the channel.They didnt. It doesnt stack with quickness either, its not worth missing might trait stacking trait. Playing illusion traitline outside of coordinated AT with a firebrand carry is pure suicide as you have no sustain/cleanses at allAfter you take all of these factors into consideration, the full damage from the skill took about .9 seconds to land ((2.25 * .8) / 2). Keep in mind that the base damage on Confusing Images was 35% higher than Rapid Fire's and scaled nearly twice as high with power.So its like 1 evade is more than enough to actually evade the scepter...Yet, 0.25s is not a huge difference . Even with quickness RF need more than 1 dodge to avoid. Also you arent putting yourself at any risk from ~1900 distance when to use CI you are pretty much in at melee range.As for the base target pierce, it's important because the damage can't be LoS'd by clones/players/other AI. On the other hand, the only way Rapid Fire pierces is if we run Marksmanship with
which is both unused and a viable trait ONLY on core ranger.I agree but never felt like it was THAT importantI have a clip from my stream where I'm full health and halfway finished channeling RF when the mesmer at 30% health starts her CI. We both finished casting at the same time even though I had quickness and she didn't. I ended up taking 10k damage from CI while she was in Mirage Cloak and I died about a second later because the confusion stacks killed me when I tried to cleanse them.Why not? I dont say damage from that skill wasnt hilarious but scepter needed a rework,not just a stupid damage buff of 1 skill to insanity
  1. They did. Both traits are viable but the cooldown reduction coupled with the cast time reduction on Malicious Sorcery was (and is) still a very strong choice. Also, the meta condi mirage build used dueling + illusions and was one of the most popular mesmer builds you'd come across in ranked. Calling it "pure suicide" is pretty inaccurate considering how strong it was.Em...May be it was very popular on NA,which is still people say its amazing good when their presence on EU at p2-3 for me is close to none.I meant chrono with a scepter, because mirage with a scepter wasnt that popular.Inspiration/chaos was a safe bet and had no problems with cmirages . Otherwise illu/chaos vs condi comp without a frebrand = pure suicide.
  2. In
    , you claimed that you are "dead on the spot if you don't react instantly to Rapid Fire with getting a chance to LoS." So you were lying. Or, you're implying that Confusing Images kills you even
    than instantly because you agreed that you only need one dodge to avoid it as opposed to two. Of course, only needing a single dodge to avoid CI means that you have significantly more time to react to it compared to the two dodges you need to avoid RF.What is a lie? Being killed by quickness sic em OWB/LB4-LB2? I did it a lot and people melt close to instant. Thats a lie ? Nop.As we speak about beam being released non wind-up VS non wind-up RF. Dont remember CI being boosted by sic em with OWP though.
  3. Against a good player that knows how to bodyblock/use AI to LoS, the base piercing is very important.i would rather to not count on that to actually process,identify every skill flying around especially in spamfiesta after all these expansions, and think IS IT PIERCING OR NOT?Where is the video ?
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If you honestly think PBS into RF is some sort of 'god-combo' that can't be avoided you're wasting my time.

Listen to what Flandre said about the Sic Em builds in this post.

PBS into a full channel of Rapid Fire (with or without quickness) is objectively easier to avoid than a mantra greatsword shatter from stealth. Not only do you have a warning in the form of PBS but Rapid Fire takes a full 1.9 seconds to channel with quickness. The average human reaction time is .25 seconds to a visual stimuli. So, if you see yourself getting hit by Rapid Fire and decide to stand there and eat the whole thing instead of popping a defensive cooldown/dodging, you're simply a terrible player.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:@"praqtos.9035"

If you honestly think PBS into RF is some sort of 'god-combo' that can't be avoided you're wasting my time.

Listen to what Flandre said about the Sic Em builds in this post.

PBS into a full channel of Rapid Fire (with or without quickness) is objectively easier to avoid than a mantra greatsword shatter from stealth. Not only do you have a warning in the form of PBS but Rapid Fire takes a full 1.9 seconds to channel with quickness. The average human reaction time is .25 seconds to a visual stimuli. So, if you see yourself getting hit by Rapid Fire and decide to stand there and eat the whole thing instead of popping a defensive cooldown/dodging, you're simply a terrible player.Who said you need to facetank entire RF to die ? May be scrapper does. You die way before RF fully channels thanks to sic em and RF and OWP hit like a truck.Keep on memeing with average reaction time and forgetting about ping issues from both sides and desyncs. Well played.Couldnt care less what you think about me. If thats all, then dont waste my time

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@praqtos.9035 said:

If you honestly think PBS into RF is some sort of 'god-combo' that can't be avoided you're wasting my time.

Listen to what Flandre said about the Sic Em builds in

PBS into a full channel of Rapid Fire (with or without quickness) is objectively easier to avoid than a mantra greatsword shatter from stealth. Not only do you have a warning in the form of PBS but Rapid Fire takes a full 1.9 seconds to channel with quickness. The average human reaction time is .25 seconds to a visual stimuli. So, if you see yourself getting hit by Rapid Fire and decide to stand there and eat the whole thing instead of popping a defensive cooldown/dodging, you're simply a terrible player.Who said you need to facetank entire RF to die ? May be scrapper does. You die way before RF fully channels thanks to sic em and RF and OWP hit like a truck.Keep on memeing with average reaction time and forgetting about ping issues from both sides and desyncs. Well played.Couldnt care less what you think about me. If thats all, then dont waste my time

You can just pop an invuln and facetank the whole skill.

The average human reaction time to visual stimuli is .25 seconds. It's not a meme, it's a fact. As for ping, anything under 60 is considered good. When I played on EU with 120-180 ping and I didn't have any issues dealing with PBS into Rapid Fire. If your ping is higher than 200 and you're desyncing, that's a personal issue rather than a problem with Soulbeast.

Ping is just as much of an excuse as saying you have bad FPS. Don't blame the game for it.

Also lol I said you're wasting my time and you echoed it back to me. Y u copy? ._.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

If you honestly think PBS into RF is some sort of 'god-combo' that can't be avoided you're wasting my time.

Listen to what Flandre said about the Sic Em builds in

PBS into a full channel of Rapid Fire (with or without quickness) is objectively easier to avoid than a mantra greatsword shatter from stealth. Not only do you have a warning in the form of PBS but Rapid Fire takes a full 1.9 seconds to channel with quickness. The average human reaction time is .25 seconds to a visual stimuli. So, if you see yourself getting hit by Rapid Fire and decide to stand there and eat the whole thing instead of popping a defensive cooldown/dodging, you're simply a terrible player.Who said you need to facetank entire RF to die ? May be scrapper does. You die way before RF fully channels thanks to sic em and RF and OWP hit like a truck.Keep on memeing with average reaction time and forgetting about ping issues from both sides and desyncs. Well played.Couldnt care less what you think about me. If thats all, then dont waste my time

You can just pop an invuln and facetank the whole skill.

human reaction time to visual stimuli is .25 seconds. It's not a meme, it's a fact. As for ping, anything under 60 is considered good. When I played on EU with 120-180 ping and I didn't have any issues dealing with PBS into Rapid Fire. If your ping is higher than 200 and you're desyncing, that's a personal issue rather than a problem with Soulbeast.Lets call it a magic. Just as you have issues dealing with shatter mesmer and I dont :)Ping is just as much of an excuse as saying you have bad FPS. Don't blame the game for it.I have fought people who are clearly lagging as hell and teleport like a ninjas and hit me through my evades. I blame the gameAlso lol I said you're wasting my time and you echoed it back to me.
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@praqtos.9035 said:

If you honestly think PBS into RF is some sort of 'god-combo' that can't be avoided you're wasting my time.

Listen to what Flandre said about the Sic Em builds in

PBS into a full channel of Rapid Fire (with or without quickness) is objectively easier to avoid than a mantra greatsword shatter from stealth. Not only do you have a warning in the form of PBS but Rapid Fire takes a full 1.9 seconds to channel with quickness. The average human reaction time is .25 seconds to a visual stimuli. So, if you see yourself getting hit by Rapid Fire and decide to stand there and eat the whole thing instead of popping a defensive cooldown/dodging, you're simply a terrible player.Who said you need to facetank entire RF to die ? May be scrapper does. You die way before RF fully channels thanks to sic em and RF and OWP hit like a truck.Keep on memeing with average reaction time and forgetting about ping issues from both sides and desyncs. Well played.Couldnt care less what you think about me. If thats all, then dont waste my time

You can just pop an invuln and facetank the whole skill.

human reaction time to visual stimuli is .25 seconds. It's not a meme, it's a fact. As for ping, anything under 60 is considered good. When I played on EU with 120-180 ping and I didn't have any issues dealing with PBS into Rapid Fire. If your ping is higher than 200 and you're desyncing, that's a personal issue rather than a problem with Soulbeast.Lets call it a magic. Just as you have issues dealing with shatter mesmer and I dont :)Ping is just as much of an excuse as saying you have bad FPS. Don't blame the game for it.I have fought people who are clearly lagging as hell and teleport like a ninjas and hit me through my evades. I blame the gameAlso lol I said you're wasting my time and you echoed it back to me.

I don't have issues dealing with shatter mesmer lol

I think it's incredibly easy to deal with SE LB SLB. You keep saying it's extremely difficult to avoid a 2 second channeled skill.But, you're wrong. It's objectively harder to react to a mantra mesmer's burst from stealth than it is to react to a PBS into a Rapid Fire.

The mantra burst is 100% frontloaded and if you don't dodge as soon you see the damage indicator from Mirror Blade you're probably dead.

The time it takes for Point Blank Shot to reach you is about the same time as it takes for the entire shatter combo to hit. If you can dodge the mesmer stealth burst reliably, you should have a much easier time dealing with SE LB SLB. If you're having trouble, practice the matchup more.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

Lastly, you can't claim you're a decent PvPer if you can't figure out how to avoid a 2 second channel from Rapid Fire.Oh...dont even remind me about confusing images that has twice less range than RF.

Confusing Images had a shorter cast time, higher base damage, higher power scaling, and lower cooldown than Rapid Fire while naturally piercing up to 5 targets.

The only advantage RF had on CI was it's range.Mr.Genius they both have the same cast time. CI have higher cooldown and you will never realistically see that TINY laser hit more than two people maximum 1-2 hits,more likely an accident. So hard to take it as an argument.So the only advantage of CI is higher base damage/power scaling while having x2 less range, yet, was the only reason to play with a weapon despite it being that clunky and to use it you had to stand still(or it will most likely get interrupted)

You're wrong, and you also misunderstand why base target pierce is important.

Furthermore, the mesmer build that ran scepter used
. This trait reduces cast time as well as aftercast. Also, the beam (and it's damage) starts about halfway into the channel.

After you take all of these factors into consideration, the full damage from the skill took about .9 seconds to land ((2.25 * .8) / 2). Keep in mind that the base damage on Confusing Images was 35% higher than Rapid Fire's and scaled nearly twice as high with power.

As for the base target pierce, it's important because the damage can't be LoS'd by clones/players/other AI. On the other hand, the only way Rapid Fire pierces is if we run Marksmanship with
which is both unused and a viable trait ONLY on core ranger.

I have a clip from my stream where I'm full health and halfway finished channeling RF when the mesmer at 30% health starts her CI. We both finished casting at the same time even though I had quickness and she didn't. I ended up taking 10k damage from CI while she was in Mirage Cloak and I died about a second later because the confusion stacks killed me when I tried to cleanse them.

Confusing images has a full 1 second wind up not included in the main 2.5 second channel to make it even more fair.

So with out quickess it actually takes. CI 3.25s to cast whereas Rapid fire is just 2.25 seconds once the skill registers.

On a condition damage amulet like sages you would need to spam 5 skills in 4 seconds to suffer 2k damage from confusion. On a power amulet that would be 500 if the victim spammed that much.

I personally think giving core Rapid Fire the 50% base damage nerf Confusing Images treatment with no consolation is just the fix Sic Em needs.

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