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Soulbeast Needs Some Genuine Nerf Bat Love in the Next Balance Update

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@bigo.9037 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:I'd say just remove the damage buff from Sic 'em or just remove the skill all together. It's a waste of a slot honestly. Then half the duration of the boons on FR. Then change Moa Stance's to only grant might, fury, and swiftness while the boon duration increase is only 33%. This would still allow for a good burst of boons stacking but a lot less duration and not as many defensive boons.

Oh ok yea how about we delete thief from the game as well and remove adrenaline from warriors while we're at it lmao

None of these skills/traits are even your most powerful tools. Sic 'em and boon stacking is not what ranger is about. I run melee core ranger, no Sic 'em, and easily roll over Soulbeasts that run these builds, though boonbeast takes a while to take down. My point is Sic 'em is a gimmick and any ranger who knows what he's about wouldn't bother wasting a slot on it. Boonbeast is way to facetanky. Any profession/build that can take heavy pressure and apply heavy pressure at the same time is not good for gameplay. Druid should be our bunker/sidenoder/team support spec and soulbeast more of a duelist/roaming spec but instead soulbeast is pretty much just superior to core and druid in every way except team support.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:I'd say just remove the damage buff from Sic 'em or just remove the skill all together. It's a waste of a slot honestly. Then half the duration of the boons on FR. Then change Moa Stance's to only grant might, fury, and swiftness while the boon duration increase is only 33%. This would still allow for a good burst of boons stacking but a lot less duration and not as many defensive boons.

Oh ok yea how about we delete thief from the game as well and remove adrenaline from warriors while we're at it lmao

None of these skills/traits are even your most powerful tools. Sic 'em and boon stacking is not what ranger is about. I run melee core ranger, no Sic 'em, and easily roll over Soulbeasts that run these builds, though boonbeast takes a while to take down. My point is Sic 'em is a gimmick and any ranger who knows what he's about wouldn't bother wasting a slot on it. Boonbeast is way to facetanky. Any profession/build that can take heavy pressure and apply heavy pressure at the same time is not good for gameplay. Druid
be our bunker/sidenoder/team support spec and soulbeast more of a duelist/roaming spec but instead soulbeast is pretty much just superior to core and druid in every way except team support.

I both agree and disagree. I don't think sicem is waste of a slot. Unless you fight something that has too much CC and you need an additional stunbreaker.. well that is if you run slb and not core anyway. But yea core is basically on the same level as slb roamer/+1 spec but not as strong as boonbeast in spvp at least.

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@bigo.9037 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:I'd say just remove the damage buff from Sic 'em or just remove the skill all together. It's a waste of a slot honestly. Then half the duration of the boons on FR. Then change Moa Stance's to only grant might, fury, and swiftness while the boon duration increase is only 33%. This would still allow for a good burst of boons stacking but a lot less duration and not as many defensive boons.

Oh ok yea how about we delete thief from the game as well and remove adrenaline from warriors while we're at it lmao

None of these skills/traits are even your most powerful tools. Sic 'em and boon stacking is not what ranger is about. I run melee core ranger, no Sic 'em, and easily roll over Soulbeasts that run these builds, though boonbeast takes a while to take down. My point is Sic 'em is a gimmick and any ranger who knows what he's about wouldn't bother wasting a slot on it. Boonbeast is way to facetanky. Any profession/build that can take heavy pressure and apply heavy pressure at the same time is not good for gameplay. Druid
be our bunker/sidenoder/team support spec and soulbeast more of a duelist/roaming spec but instead soulbeast is pretty much just superior to core and druid in every way except team support.

I both agree and disagree. I don't think sicem is waste of a slot. Unless you fight something that has too much CC and you need an additional stunbreaker.. well that is if you run slb and not core anyway. But yea core is basically on the same level as slb roamer/+1 spec but not as strong as boonbeast in spvp at least.

Yeah, sic 'em isn't completely useless. If I did take it, it would be to counter something stealth heavy and not particularly for the damage buff. With the stupid amounts of hard CC that is just tossed around now days I find a stun break to be worth a lot more. Not dying is your number one priority after all. I end up playing my ranger kind of similar to S/D thief without the teleports. Just out sustain my opponent while my pet chips away at them, waiting for the opportune time to stealth maul them.

I guess the point I'm getting at is that slb has to rely on some pretty gimmicky setups in those builds. If you survive their initial onslaught they have few tools other than kiting to sustain afterwards. There are a good handful of e-specs that have gimmicks like this and it looks like Anet knows this and is working to correct it by reworking things with more tradeoffs.

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facts:1) quotes by Twilight Tempest.7584 the guy who made the post "Just make condi-mirage viable (not OP) and rev is fine. No nerf needed"mirage is viable and it actually counters slb2) another quote "I hear a SLB just won in the last mAT. So I guess there goes that argument."no sicem soulbeast has ever come close to winning an mat. guess why? because sicem soulbeast doesnt fit in meta comps, it was only flandre on eu and he wasnt running sicem, but boonbeast before the nerf.3) another quote "At this rate mirage will be deleted before I even come close to gitting gud with it. :'( I've always avoided meta builds in order to not be too annoying with my mes"maybe stop "always" avoiding meta builds4) there are literally only 4-5 soulbeasts who run "sicem" in top 200 in nafor eu there is like 1 druid and 1 soulbeast in top 50 not sure about 2005)another pathetic quote "I don't care if Soulbeast is not the most viable in the top 10% when it's over performing in the remaining 90%"DID U JUST SAY over performing in the remaining 90% and used idc in the same sentence6)war/weaver/mirage all counter sicem soulbeast7) anet looks at how high the win ratio is for a spec inorder to nerf it or not, and incase of ranger its low8)hight tier players dont give a kitten about sicem, because its a meme9) apparently low tier players care"me new to game, me hate this skill, class, me go to forums QQ" :(done

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@"kiritsugu emeya.3962" said:facts:1) quotes by Twilight Tempest.7584 the guy who made the post "Just make condi-mirage viable (not OP) and rev is fine. No nerf needed"mirage is viable and it actually counters slb2) another quote "I hear a SLB just won in the last mAT. So I guess there goes that argument."no sicem soulbeast has ever come close to winning an mat. guess why? because sicem soulbeast doesnt fit in meta comps, it was only flandre on eu and he wasnt running sicem, but boonbeast before the nerf.3) another quote "At this rate mirage will be deleted before I even come close to gitting gud with it. :'( I've always avoided meta builds in order to not be too annoying with my mes"maybe stop "always" avoiding meta builds4) there are literally only 4-5 soulbeasts who run "sicem" in top 200 in nafor eu there is like 1 druid and 1 soulbeast in top 50 not sure about 2005)I don't care if Soulbeast is not the most viable in the top 10% when it's over performing in the remaining 90%DID U JUST SAY over performing in the remaining 90% and used idc in the same sentence6)war/weaver/mirage all counter sicem soulbeast7) anet looks at how high the win ratio is for a spec inorder to nerf it or not, and incase of ranger its low8)hight tier players dont give a kitten about sicem, because its a meme9) apparently low tier players care"me new to game, me hate this skill, class, me go to forums QQ" :(done

Oh well, we have been telling him these things in the last weeks/days but he just "doesn't care" nor accept these facts.The soulbeast should have some buffs and tweaks here and there but the overall performance of this espec should be increased.I don't know why he doesn't want to understand the situation.

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:Hey, I understand you - part of your reason for starting a separate SlB thread is to see if some people can collectively generate enough noise to get something done.Well, the noise also brings people that don't agree with you and you have to accept it.

Where do you see that I'm against people disagreeing? Having a debate is not the same as being obstinate. No more than you debating with people in your thread.

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"kiritsugu emeya.3962" said:facts:1) quotes by Twilight Tempest.7584 the guy who made the post "Just make condi-mirage viable (not OP) and rev is fine. No nerf needed"mirage is viable and it actually counters slb2) another quote "I hear a SLB just won in the last mAT. So I guess there goes that argument."no sicem soulbeast has ever come close to winning an mat. guess why? because sicem soulbeast doesnt fit in meta comps, it was only flandre on eu and he wasnt running sicem, but boonbeast before the nerf.3) another quote "At this rate mirage will be deleted before I even come close to gitting gud with it. :'( I've always avoided meta builds in order to not be too annoying with my mes"maybe stop "always" avoiding meta builds4) there are literally only 4-5 soulbeasts who run "sicem" in top 200 in nafor eu there is like 1 druid and 1 soulbeast in top 50 not sure about 2005)I don't care if Soulbeast is not the most viable in the top 10% when it's over performing in the remaining 90%DID U JUST SAY over performing in the remaining 90% and used idc in the same sentence6)war/weaver/mirage all counter sicem soulbeast7) anet looks at how high the win ratio is for a spec inorder to nerf it or not, and incase of ranger its low8)hight tier players dont give a kitten about sicem, because its a meme9) apparently low tier players care"me new to game, me hate this skill, class, me go to forums QQ" :(done

Oh well, we have been telling him these things in the last weeks/days but he just "doesn't care" nor accept these facts.The soulbeast should have some buffs and tweaks here and there but the overall performance of this espec should be increased.I don't know why he doesn't want to understand the situation.

Lmao cuz that's not the situation? Boonbeast is still a great and strong build. If u build slb for a cheese broken OP one trick burst of course the build nor the one broken skill in question wont carry u against high skilled players. Doesnt mean the skill sic em isn't broken and too high of a dps modifier. Sic em is fine on pet but needs a 50% nerf when merged. 20% dps increase with movement and reveal is more than fine. Pets need buff when using druid and better ai pathing that's it. Of all ranger specs druid needs the love, so much wasted potential on a great theme.

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@"kiritsugu emeya.3962" said:facts:1) quotes by Twilight Tempest.7584 the guy who made the post "Just make condi-mirage viable (not OP) and rev is fine. No nerf needed"mirage is viable and it actually counters slb

When your spec (SLB) is supposedly underrepresented it's weak and needs buffs. But when another is definitely underrepresented (condi-mirage), it's just fine. Okay.

2) another quote "I hear a SLB just won in the last mAT. So I guess there goes that argument."no sicem soulbeast has ever come close to winning an mat. guess why? because sicem soulbeast doesnt fit in meta comps, it was only flandre on eu and he wasnt running sicem, but boonbeast before the nerf.

So two Sic 'Ems in recent NA finals aren't even "close to winning an mat"? Okay. By the way, how many mirages have been in MATs lately?

Never mind that the tired argument that "my spec isn't even in the top ___ or useful in meta comps" does not mean "my spec is perfectly fine, not OP in any way, and doesn't need nerfs, but in fact buffs."

If that were the standard for whether something is broken or needs reworks, then mirage never would have been touched, based on its LB and MAT representation (lack thereof). I'm not saying Mirage didn't need nerfs, but that isn't because it was dominating the top of the LB/MATs (it wasn't).

3) another quote "At this rate mirage will be deleted before I even come close to gitting gud with it. :'( I've always avoided meta builds in order to not be too annoying with my mes"maybe stop "always" avoiding meta builds

Congrats. You dug all the way back to an early post of mine when I was just starting to play some PvP at a time condi-Mirage was at the height of forum QQ and hate, in the middle of a prolonged nerf-wave (which may still be ongoing).

EDIT: Really, I pity the number of times you had to click "Next" on my comment history to get that far back in your search for damning posts of mine. And if this is the best you could come up with, well, guess that speaks for itself. :smile:

Who says I haven't resorted to meta builds by now? Assume much? Not that there is a single "meta" mesmer build at the moment. Unlike rangers which have at least three meta SLB builds.

4) there are literally only 4-5 soulbeasts who run "sicem" in top 200 in nafor eu there is like 1 druid and 1 soulbeast in top 50 not sure about 200

See #2 above, and #5 below for what I think of LB/MAT representation as being all there is to balance.

5)another pathetic quote "I don't care if Soulbeast is not the most viable in the top 10% when it's over performing in the remaining 90%"DID U JUST SAY over performing in the remaining 90% and used idc in the same sentence

I did. Not sure what you're saying. Be more clear when you're trying to denigrate me next time.

6)war/weaver/mirage all counter sicem soulbeast

That's nice. Thief, Scrapper, and Protection Holo all hard counter condi-mirage. Several others stall it out. What's your point?

7) anet looks at how high the win ratio is for a spec inorder to nerf it or not, and incase of ranger its low

If this were 100% all there is to it, then I repeat: Mesmer and its specs would never have been touched. But feel free to think that what applies to others doesn't apply to your spec in the same situation.

8)hight tier players dont give a kitten about sicem, because its a meme

Cool story bro.

9) apparently low tier players care

Not just low tier.

"me new to game, me hate this skill, class, me go to forums QQ" :(done

Yes, dismiss anything you don't like as pleb nonsense/silver struggles. Come back later when you get nerfed. ;) Good day.

EDIT: I don't usually bother looking up someone's post history, but I took a quick look and it all makes sense now. You don't want your SLB roaming vids to die. :joy:

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The point is that OP like the mesmer a lot, it got nerfed and now he want to nerf everything else in order to bring his favorite profession, more or less, to its previous state. Part of his arguments are: "it's ok for slb but its not ok for mesmer?", "if mesmer got nerf hammered, everything else should too" etc. etcSorry, I agree with a guy from the previous posts:"Someone has been playing an over powered Condi Mesmer and now seeking revenge. Over hyped unnecessary nerf calls."

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:The point is that OP like the mesmer a lot, it got nerfed and now he want to nerf everything else in order to bring his favorite profession, more or less, to its previous state. Part of his arguments are: "it's ok for slb but its not ok for mesmer?", "if mesmer got nerf hammered, everything else should too" etc. etcSorry, I agree with a guy from the previous posts:"Someone has been playing an over powered Condi Mesmer and now seeking revenge. Over hyped unnecessary nerf calls."

If you know anything about the person who wrote that, you'd know they're practically a walking meme who says "nerf mesmer" in 99% of their posts to this day, and still thinks mesmer needs more nerfs even after receiving probably the most nerfs of anything in the game, or close to it. That's who you agree with. :joy:

And being you, you probably conveniently ignored my response which completely discredited his accusation.

Also, why dig up a weeks' old post that has nothing to do with anything, but ignore the question I asked you just above? What's the matter? Good at throwing accusations but not so good at backing them up? ;)

You know you SLB mains are getting desperate when you have to comb for and cherry pick old posts to suit your narrative rather than discussing the topic at hand. The more you misfire at me, the more foolish you look. Smells like people desperately trying to defend their soon to be nerfed class. But by all means keep this thread at the top of the discussion board. No objections here. :smile:

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:The point is that OP like the mesmer a lot, it got nerfed and now he want to nerf everything else in order to bring his favorite profession, more or less, to its previous state. Part of his arguments are: "it's ok for slb but its not ok for mesmer?", "if mesmer got nerf hammered, everything else should too" etc. etcSorry, I agree with a guy from the previous posts:"Someone has been playing an over powered Condi Mesmer and now seeking revenge. Over hyped unnecessary nerf calls."

You know you SLB mains are getting desperate when you have to comb for and cherry pick old posts to suit your narrative rather than discussing the topic at hand. The more you misfire at me, the more foolish you look. Smells like people desperately trying to defend their soon to be nerfed class. But by all means keep this thread at the top of the discussion board. No objections here. :smile:

Every class has had a person do this though.I think people realized how much they absolutely eviscerated the core of Mes to nerf elite specs. Now we have people doing 180's on their initial stances with regards to nerfs to core specs and other people trying SUPER hard to downplay the class in hopes they are ignored by the devs.While conveniently ignoring anyone that brings it up, by saying " nah ah you're just mad your class got nerfed".

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@"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:snip

Just scroll up and look at your posts - you are the one who started linking older posts. And by the way a lot of people still think that mesmer should be further nerfed... again it is not only me - look at the poll thread.However, I agree with you that the thread should stay on top - the more you post, the more it looks like "Over hyped unnecessary nerf calls."Feel free to name the black color "white" as much as you want ;)

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:snip

Just scroll up and look at your posts - you are the one who started linking older posts.

I cite relevant posts for reference or to avoid repetition. You and another do it in a poor attempt to attack and discredit me. That's the difference.

And by the way a lot of people still think that mesmer should be further nerfed... again it is not only me - look at the poll thread.

Indeed, some people surely will never be satisfied unless mesmer is deleted from the game. But I ask you: Which spec is actually leading the poll, and by a lot? ;)

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

I just keep wonder this thing. Soulbeast has been here with the Sic 'Em mechanic since 2017.

Why do you want nerfs now?

I don't know why I bother with you. Have you noticed you're basically the only one who actually thinks SLB needs buffs of any kind? I don't think anyone agreed with you in that thread you created about buffing Sic 'Em, including SLB mains. It's almost hard to take you seriously, yet you say @mortrialus.3062 and I speak "nonsense, parody."

As to your question, see
to someone above also trying the "why now?" diversion. Also, people have been saying Sic 'Em, among other things, is too strong for a while, not just recently. I'm sure you can find it if you look.

You don't have to bother with me at all. You open a public thread where people can express their opinions. I know you can't give answers to my questions because they will put you in a disadvantage, bad position. No, there are little to no complaints about sic 'em in 2017/2018 - I have been here + I have checked recently. The amount if sic 'em complaints have been sky rocketing ever since your mesmer nerfs. By the way you can see the thumbs up on my posts and on the thread I have opened, right? It is crazy (according to you), I know, but some people agree with me and this is a fact - no need to think about it. Don't bother responding to me if you don't like. I already said what is my opinion and, oh look, some people still agree with me. "I'm sure you can find it if you look."

The reason it has become so over the top lately is because what previously countered the build, (core guard, Condi mirage and dp Daredevil all got shafted) while SlB didn't get touched.

Look at rev for example, back when Condi mirages were stacked they saw no play. Even if they on paper were stronger than they are currently. Now with the Condi meta gone, 2 revs in a teamcomp can flourish

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

Just scroll up and look at your posts - you are the one who started linking older posts.

I cite
posts for reference or to avoid repetition. You and another do it in a poor attempt to attack and discredit me. That's the difference.

And by the way a lot of people still think that mesmer should be further nerfed... again it is not only me - look at the

Indeed, some people surely will never be satisfied unless mesmer is deleted from the game. But I ask you: Which spec is actually leading the poll, and by a lot? ;)

Indeed, even more people won't be satisfied (like you) unless the ranger is deleted from the game.Anyway, ANET will make balance change mostly based on the profession/spec performance in PvP, not based on your or my opinion.You can be 200% sure that the performance of the SLB in PvP is poor... :(Sorry bro - face the reality and move on.

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

Just scroll up and look at your posts - you are the one who started linking older posts.

I cite
posts for reference or to avoid repetition. You and another do it in a poor attempt to attack and discredit me. That's the difference.

And by the way a lot of people still think that mesmer should be further nerfed... again it is not only me - look at the

Indeed, some people surely will never be satisfied unless mesmer is deleted from the game. But I ask you: Which spec is actually leading the poll, and by a lot? ;)

Indeed, even more people won't be satisfied
(like you)
unless the ranger is deleted from the game.

^Proof-positive you didn't read the OP or any of my follow ups in this thread.

Sorry bro - face the reality and move on.

You as well. :)

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You should probably make a thread "How to deal with SLB" or "How to win against SLB" where a lot of people will try to help you and you will have a lot more success. However, I am pretty sure you don't want an advice (you believe SLB is unbeatable because you have tried "everything" without success) - you want straight nerf just to feel better, which is sad, really. If I was a dev, I wouldn't dumb down the game for you.Just my 2 cents ;)

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

Just scroll up and look at your posts - you are the one who started linking older posts.

I cite
posts for reference or to avoid repetition. You and another do it in a poor attempt to attack and discredit me. That's the difference.

And by the way a lot of people still think that mesmer should be further nerfed... again it is not only me - look at the

Indeed, some people surely will never be satisfied unless mesmer is deleted from the game. But I ask you: Which spec is actually leading the poll, and by a lot? ;)

Indeed, even more people won't be satisfied (like you) unless the MESMER is deleted from the game.ftfyAnyway, ANET will make balance change mostly NOT based on the profession/spec performance in PvP, based on your or my opinion.another fixyou want straight nerf just to feel better, which is sad, really. If I was a dev, I wouldn't dumb down the game for you.Thats what everyone wanted, nerf memser so they can facesmash against keyboard and win, which is happened. Why soulbeast should escape the same fate?Sorry bro - face the reality and move on.Do that
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@praqtos.9035 said:

you want straight nerf just to feel better, which is sad, really. If I was a dev, I wouldn't dumb down the game for you.Thats what everyone wanted, nerf memser so they can facesmash against keyboard and win, which is happened. Why soulbeast should escape the same fate?

Because Soulbeast is not viable at higher tiers, mesmer was and still is viable.That is why Soulbeast should not only escape the same fate but also receive buffs.

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:

@"praqtos.9035" said:

you want straight nerf just to feel better, which is sad, really. If I was a dev, I wouldn't dumb down the game for you.Thats what everyone wanted, nerf memser so they can facesmash against keyboard and win, which is happened. Why soulbeast should escape the same fate?

Because Soulbeast is not viable at higher tiers, mesmer was and still is viable.That is why Soulbeast should not only escape the same fate but also receive buffs.

High tiers? Do you mean boonbeast/sic em lb that flashing in monthly AT's ? Ignore facts as much as you like but dont be surprised when ranger get deserved nerfs :)Also they dont balance only around "high tiers" only, they nerfed DE despite it not being represented at high tiers,mesmer when their representation significantly dropped and power mesmer as well never been there. Mesmer viable - lol

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:

you want straight nerf just to feel better, which is sad, really. If I was a dev, I wouldn't dumb down the game for you.Thats what everyone wanted, nerf memser so they can facesmash against keyboard and win, which is happened. Why soulbeast should escape the same fate?

Because Soulbeast is not viable at higher tiers, mesmer was and still is viable.That is why Soulbeast should not only escape the same fate but also receive buffs.High tiers? Do you mean boonbeast/sic em lb that flashing in monthly AT's ? Ignore facts as much as you like but dont be surprised when ranger get deserved nerfs :)

Yeah I mean the 4-5 SLBs (in total) that are in top 200 NA and the 2 that lost horribly at the mat final, where the 2 slbs lost them the game:)We can count the top 200 meta builds 1 by 1, together, if you want and compare them with the 4-5 SLBs... Will be fun to see how "many" people play this "OP" build at higher tiers, and post the data here ;)Let me know.

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:So soulbeast mains don't think the class is overtuned? Who thinks it is overtuned?

Those who have not yet deciphered and put to use the secret knowledge hidden in this meme.



If you're so far out in the middle of no where you can't get behind some kind of geometry then you've done something wrong. LoS isn't just a "avoid ranger lb 2" thing, it's a sustain thing. Got to keep your positioning in mind at all times. To keep in the sprit of the memes, I probably avoid most of the damage I would take by doing

Travelling open areas between capture points?Already engaged on a capture point and SLB lb's from off screen out of stealth? (Don't say "but DE" because that had an obvious tell and was easily punished for failing.)

Rapid Fire cast is often sped up by Quickness too.

Using LoS is an important tactic, but isn't always possible.

That's where skill at reading the map comes in. U are at mid. U see on mini map no ranger at far no ranger at home. He's not on respawn.. where else can he can.

Or alternatively ranger is dead on respawn. Rest of team is busy. U know u lose to this ranger. Do u go far?

Or u know u r even against this ranger. Do u position ur self to hit him first or do u go head on so he out ranges u?

I means lots of scenerios.

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