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New to Engineer!


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Aye! Well the boost is refundable as long as you dont leave The Silverwaste... so yeha probably wrong gear, condition dmg is the way to go I guess?But the build seems fun even if its a bit messy..

But still.. is this build good for fractals and so on? Or is the new elite-specs the way to go in the new exapansions? Tho I dont want to use meleee as an engineer.. already have an guardian lvl 80.. I want engineer.. bombs..turrets maybe and so on! And this build at least gives me bombs :)

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As an engineer main since launch I can tell you that this class is very involved, and requires lots of practice to master. Your best bet is to get some hotkeys going on a game mouse or your keyboard and get comfortable with them so that you dont have to think where somthing is mapped to. Engis are jack of all trades masters of none meaning they can do every build but not be godly at it(healers, dps, condi, power, tank etc.). My favorite part of being an engi is in pvp, due to the fact that your unpredictable w your kits, one minute your shooting a gun the next your whipping out a flamethrower, the next a magnet pull into a pry bar swing its so fun and i think youll enjoy it. JUST PRACTICE its not easy to master!

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Do not start with the meta build. You can be plenty effective in something a lot easier in open world until you get used to the profession. I suggest a rifle build with elixirs and potentially one kit Elixir Gun. That would also work with the free armor from the 80 boost.

On mobile right now so can't link a build but something like Alchemy, Firearms, Tools will expose you to a lot of core Engi mechanics and gameplay without totally overwhelming you.

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Try that. It's not flashy, it's not fancy, but it will help you get used to how Engineer works and keep you alive in the process. I just put in Soldier's gear I don't know what the 80 boost will give you.

Once you feel more comfortable and want to speed things up start working towards squishier gear and away from elixirs.

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If you want to learn the meta condi build, I highly recommend you learn the individual kits first.

For example, play how you want at first. Get used to the feel of the weapons. Then when you're ready, add in the bomb kit or grenade kits, and get used to swapping between that and your weapon. Then throw in the next kit (bomb or grenade) and get used to swapping between that and your other kit. Then throw in the next kit (FT), and repeat for the mortar kit.

If you try to do all the kits at once, you will be overwhelmed.

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@Adamantium.3682 said:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFAUlUUhqrY5VwdLw6FLDG1XAket34CWDxg47cChAA-jBhXgA8q/4oEEUHAgyPA-e

Try that. It's not flashy, it's not fancy, but it will help you get used to how Engineer works and keep you alive in the process. I just put in Soldier's gear I don't know what the 80 boost will give you.

Once you feel more comfortable and want to speed things up start working towards squishier gear and away from elixirs.

While I agree with HGH build being a good way to start, I would say try to work bombs or grenades in as those are pretty core to more common engi builds. Get used to swapping around kits for skills (hit blunder/jump shot in this case, then eg for acid bomb, and then into damage kit, and swap as needed to keep things on cooldown) and get used to combo fields (if you go bomb you'll have fire field to leap with jump shot or detonate healing turret in for might, or just add a jump shot into the normal healing turret+detonate combo).

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@Adamantium.3682 said:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFAUlUUhqrY5VwdLw6FLDG1XAket34CWDxg47cChAA-jBhXgA8q/4oEEUHAgyPA-e

Try that. It's not flashy, it's not fancy, but it will help you get used to how Engineer works and keep you alive in the process. I just put in Soldier's gear I don't know what the 80 boost will give you.

Once you feel more comfortable and want to speed things up start working towards squishier gear and away from elixirs.

kudos for putting up together a starter build, mate.i think this build is nice if you're first getting into engi. this has some sustain, condi cleanses, and cc that you can disengage easily while enemies get cc. i'll go in depth into the build so OP could use it better.

  • the toolbelt skill of elixir gun, and elixir U utility are both stunbreaks, don't forget about them.
  • you got swiftness from streamlined kits trait when swapping to your elixir gun. so you could use elixir B utility on the offensive instead of squeezing the swiftness out of it.
  • healing turret is one of the best healing kit an engi has cuz it's a water field. its tool belt skill is another water field while the detonate turret is a blast finisher. if you're an engi, it's good to start learning about combo fields and their finishers. when you denote the healing turret after you put it down, it adds some burst heal on top of the healing you get from the turret itself.acid bomb, skill #4 of elixir gun, is another blast finisher that you could take advantage of. skill #5 of your rifle is a leap finisher, which acts somewhat the same like your blast finisher on the water field, which means more healing.
  • super elixir, skill #5 of elixir gun is a pulsing heal. you have to stand in it to receive the heals over time. it's also a light field. so any of your blast finishers will create an area of condi cleanse, remove not only 1 condi for you, but also for your allies if they stand in it. any leap finisher on a light field will create a light aura, reflecting incoming damage for 5s. some people don't like elixir gun but it's a powerful companion for you as of now.
  • toss elixir U toolbelt skill either create a smoke field (destroy projectiles) or light field (reflect projectiles). it's random so you never know what field you're gonna get. anything relates to a smoke field will grant you stealth. so if you just need the stealth, it's better to switch to a bomb kit instead since you know the smoke field would always be there. plus the toolbelt skill of the bomb kit is another blast finisher.

i think you should take your time to play with this build. then switch out elixir utility for another kit when you're getting comfy with switching kits. eventually switch all out to kits like bombs, grenades, etc. learn and make use of the combo fields and finishers. they're a blast on their own and take time to get used to.it's nice to rebind some of your utilities to something closer and/or easier to reach. since the basics of engis are like eles with their attunements, you don't have another set of weapons to swap to, so you have to switch between kits.the meta build is not bad but it's hard to master since you have to switch between kits a lot. the switching is not the hard part at all. but you have to time your cooldowns so whenever you switch, you know what skills are available for use to keep up with your dps. if not, you just have a bunch of kits to switch to and hardly deal any damage. plus, the build is very glassy too, so it's very unforgiving when making mistakes.hope it helps. the profession itself is a lot of fun. engis are jack of all trades, a lil bit of everything combine. but once you mastered it, it's impossible to kill you especially in wvw and spvp.

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