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Skyscale: could it use an overhaul?

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After testing the mount for many hours these past two days, I think I know where the problem lies: it is too complex regarding the amount of stuff that has been packed into it. There are too many mechanics implemented: blue bar, red bar, the cling-to-wall mechanic that often triggers even when you don't want it to, the ascend/descend mechanic, the steering up/down mechanic - and the solution to compensate for the amount of "features" it has is to make it slow. Okay.

However, these things combined make it an extreme niche mount to a point where it becomes impractical in almost all situations. As it is now, it really only has use for ascending/descending steep cliffs that the springer can't reach and, of course, in the Dragonfall meta for the pylons (but even there you can use the griffon instead that is also a lot faster).

I am highly disappointed in this mount and believe it could use a rework. People invest(ed) tons of time to get it, yet will not really use it very often in the long run.

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@Blocki.4931 said:Nothing against slight adjustments as have been done to the Beetle (stam regen and speed). But it doesn't need any changes to its mechanics or anything.

Well, at least I hope that the next mount, should there be one, will be more useful than the Skyscale. It just looks cool but really doesn't make much sense to use. The combination of old mounts makes for much faster travel than on this thing, which really serves only one single purpose in spite of its amount of mechanics.

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The problem is that they wanted to make a dragon that "works" similar(ish) to a spider while it should still "feel like a dragon" which makes for a weird dysfunktional mix leading people to have false expectations of what that thing can and cannot do.

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It has a lot of seperate mechanics, but i think there are no problems at all.They all just require practice.I remember how clunky i was with the beetle, or how often i crashed into cliffs with the gryffon.Just take some time to get used to the controls

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@"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:All mounts in gw2 are niche.

I should have phrased that "tiny niche", because that is the sad truth. All other mounts are useful, except for the Warclaw, but that's a 100% WvW mount.

@Ayakaru.6583 said:Just take some time to get used to the controls

We'll see. I am certain it will still be too slow to use in general compared to all the other mounts. You combine the latter faster than you get to where you want with the Skyscale.

@"Tails.9372" said:The problem is that they wanted to make a dragon that "works" similar(ish) to a spider while it should still "feel like a dragon" which makes for a weird dysfunktional mix leading people to have false expectations of what that thing can and cannot do.


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It seems fine to me. You have to look at it as another tool in the woodshed. Having the ability to hover allows you to look at mini map/map and not worry where your gonna land. Also, not having the masteries on the beast might make it feel more clunky. Judge Skyscale by its fully leveled version.

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@"wiazabi.2549" said:It flies more like a helicopter than a plane but is a dragon that tries to fly like a helicopter while looking like plane.

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane?" - "No, it's a Skyscale!" (lol)

Yeah, I don't know about your personal experience, but helicopters are a lot faster than that. ;)

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It just needs to allow you to go a bit further before losing altitude, in what ever what they can manage that.

With Griffin speed it will always get more distance anyways (and likely at higher altitudes) Also unless vertical speed is buffed it’s never be flat superior to springer.

So it really shouldn’t break anything if we could just stay airborne longer. Even if they drastically increased the X and Y radius at the top of the canopy (at max of the Z axis) it would still be more efficient with the other two, and doesn’t let you get to map breaking heights.

Helicopters don’t need to land and recharge this often, nor should a dragon.

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@Klipso.8653 said:Again, I dont see this thing as anything other than an AFK novelty item.

Its Dash ability is fun, though. ;) And on central Tyrian terrain, you have more space to maneouver, so it is more fun to use there. In tight spaces surrounded by walls, what this mount was made for after all (!), not so much, because too slow compared to other means of travel.

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Me and 2 friends finished it, yesterday. Our reaction were:

  • Skyscale reminds me our old saying 'The hedgehog is a proud bird, it won't fly unless you kick it'
  • I name you 'Skybrick'
  • Let me get this strait, by constantly descending it want to tell me that I'm fat?
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@phs.6089 said:

  • Skyscale reminds me our old saying 'The hedgehog is a proud bird, it won't fly unless you kick it'
  • I name you 'Skybrick'
  • Let me get this strait, by constantly descending it want to tell me that I'm fat?

Hah hah hah, you guys were on point with these! =) I am also going to call it Skybrick from now on. B)

@Eros.6801 said:Also can you add an AoE circle to skyscale attack skill ?, It is very hard to aim and 7 out of 10 times i missed my target.

Yes, it's quite tricky, especially when the enemy refuses to hold still. ;) The skill takes a few seconds to trigger and be executed, so it's a bummer ~50% of the time (for me).

@Echostorm.9143 said:It needs a lot of work. More altitude, more speed, more distance, easier to cling and let go. There is no 'joy of movement' for me, only bummed at what could have been.

So much this. <3

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I stopped working on it. Skyscale takes way too much work to get and as a mount is almost totally worthless. And it's not even fun to use.

Have better things to do with my time. Like finishing my legendary armor sets (which ARE worth the effort).

If they make some major adjustments to the Skyscale that make it fun and useful then I will continue the journey. Wouldn't mind the effort if there was a reasonable payoff.

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@phs.6089 said:Me and 2 friends finished it, yesterday. Our reaction were:

  • Skyscale reminds me our old saying 'The hedgehog is a proud bird, it won't fly unless you kick it'
  • I name you 'Skybrick'
  • Let me get this strait, by constantly descending it want to tell me that I'm fat?

Lol, Skybrick is the perfect name for this clunky junk. Good one.

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