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Saving Skyscales - "Ice" part -- "Expose your Egg to the Icy Chamber in Derelict Delve"

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Hellllp meee!!! lol!! I have teleported to the bottom of the Delve, and have hunted for over an hour to try find the icon to expose the Ice Egg. The onlly icon I now see is 12,000 feet "up"? Am I in the wrong place? Is it bugged maybe? I haven't had any trouble til now. I'm waaaay at the bottom of the delve. I'm afraid to leave the bottom in case I'm there and can't find it! Logged out for work - any help would be appreciated to get me to the right spot! Thanks very much for any input -Femwhispers

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Yup ... I know the pain.

There is a room in the Delve with some priory and a dwarf. In that room is a rune stone. You take that rune stone, walk out the room and go left. Go a few meters to a circle on the floor. You should be able to interact and use the runestone. After you use it, you can teleport into the cave where you expose the egg ...

Warning, the room is full of Ice Imps and Blue Oozes. Might be wise to take a friend.

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Thank you all for comments! I did get a Mesmer portal to the very bottom way down but do not see a room like mentioned above by Obtena- out of all the collections this is my last and I’m totally confused — I’m at the wayyyy below bottom in the delve. - a Mesmer ported me down there - don’t know what I’m doing wrong /cry. Lol. :)

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@diansta.4182 said:Thank you all for comments! I did get a Mesmer portal to the very bottom way down but do not see a room like mentioned above by Obtena- out of all the collections this is my last and I’m totally confused — I’m at the wayyyy below bottom in the delve. - a Mesmer ported me down there - don’t know what I’m doing wrong /cry. Lol. :)

That means you went to the water room instead of the ice room. The ice room is the first room ... which also means you don't need anyone to help you enter it.

Entering the first(ice) room just requires you to ...

Pick up the runestone on the table near Expedition Leader Shauna and Rhoban.

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