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Add rose quartz to the Istan reward track


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People who primarily play WvW use the reward tracks to farm LW S4 currencies required for the legendary trinket Vision. This works for most currencies except rose quartz, which is needed in large quantities for the Visions of Istan achievement. Add rose quartz to the Istan reward track in equal amounts to Kralkatite ore, so that people can play their favorite game mode while farming for the legendary trinket.

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Irrelevant. By the same logic you can also call Kralkatite ore a crafting material because it is used in equal amounts for crafting Astral weapons.

In case you haven't noticed there is no WvW legendary trinket. You either want to exclude WvW players from getting legendary trinkets or force them to farm Istan meteorites for weeks? That's why the reward tracks exist, to let players play their favorite game mode while working towards PVE goals.

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@Gamander.7269 said:Irrelevant. By the same logic you can also call Kralkatite ore a crafting material because it is used in equal amounts for crafting Astral weapons.

In case you haven't noticed there is no WvW legendary trinket. You either want to exclude WvW players from getting legendary trinkets or force them to farm Istan meteorites for weeks? That's why the reward tracks exist, to let players play their favorite game mode while working towards PVE goals.

Well they have to do a ton of PvE content to even obtain the legendary. They’re already ‘excluded’ in that regard.

Powdered rose quartz can be bought on the TP so WvW players don’t have to play PvE specifically to obtain them.

That’s also not why I recall the reward tracks exist. Do you happen to have a source to back it up?

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Rose quartz is a crafting material which is purchasable. It is not a currency.

So? Other crafting materials can be gotten from reward tracks.

In very minor quantities. The OP wants it awarded at the same rate as the currency. It’s that quantity which I am disagreeing with.

Sure. I don't disagree with the idea that it shouldn't be in same quantities. That doesn't dismiss the concept completely.

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I don't see WvW-focused players as being worse off than others. Rose Quartz isn't plentiful in PvE either, except via the meteorites, something for which I lack the patience. Instead, I just paid other people to farm it for me, by buying mine on the TP. Luckily, I was building up the full set of Stellars so had saved up enough ingots already (unluckily, that project suffered a major setback).

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why do you need rose quartz for?if i see the wiki it asks for powder

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_weaponsrecipes are 10 kralk ore, which are very easy to get500 kralk ore and 500 powdered rose quartz per weapon

unless you want the rose quartz, to salvage into powder?

1 week of multipmapping the brandstone meteor meta gave me an entire bank tab filled with kralk ore and powdered rose quartz

if u check lfg again, multipmapping the meteors is popular again

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@HazyDaisy.4107 said:Just buy the home node and run a gathering booster, I got 8 rose quartz from it tonight.

Holy h0t damn, I run my home instance daily and I'm lucky to get 1/day. Like 50% of the time. There must be more to it than that.Also, I'm not entirely convinced boosters work in the home instance. I don't have data to back this feeling up, I just don't seem to get anything extra when I run them there. (I used to have one of my toons being a dedicated daily noder with the boosters running, but it didn't seem to make a difference.)

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 People have posted videos showing profit-per-hour of wvw vs. the other gamemodes (pvp, pve) and shown the profit is noticeably worse in wvw. It just doesn't bother most wvw'ers all that much because they get enough back from the gamemode to purchase the elements associated with wvw (siege, gear etc.) Also a lot of wvw'ers also play the other gamemodes. Its the dedicated wvw'ers who want the shiny-but-expensive pve gear who have to pull out their [Gift of Credit Card] that tend to make the most noise.

~ Kovu

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@Kovu.7560 said:People have posted videos showing profit-per-hour of wvw vs. the other gamemodes (pvp, pve) and shown the profit is noticeably worse in wvw.This isn't a thread about gold farming. It's a thread about increasing the supply of a single material into the game, for no other reason than that some people don't wish to use the TP. It has a limited use that occasionally is meaningful, and mostly not.

Its the dedicated wvw'ers who want the shiny-but-expensive pve gear who have to pull out their [Gift of Credit Card]The equilibrium price of this item runs below 1 silver, often at half that. For a tiny period of time, it skyrocketed in market price. Today, it's running 3-4s and dropping. By the time ANet would figure out whether to add it, decide how much to add, and whether that meant removing/reducing other sources, it's going to be close to a silver again.

I'm not in the least against various buffs for WvW reward tracks; I just think this is too minor to worry about. I'd rather see a choice of skin or an exotic or something substantive.

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@HazyDaisy.4107 said:Just buy the home node and run a gathering booster, I got 8 rose quartz from it tonight.

I guess I was sleepy when I posted that, it was supposed to say I received 8 POWERDED Rose Quartz (Although I did get 1 full Rose Quartz from the home node as well, but not sure what effect the gathering booster had).

Anyway, I thought it was the powered stuff that was required for the weapon collecton pertaining to the legendary collection. But, sorry for the confusion.

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@"melandru.3876" said:why do you need rose quartz for?if i see the wiki it asks for powder

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_weaponsrecipes are 10 kralk ore, which are very easy to get500 kralk ore and 500 powdered rose quartz per weapon

unless you want the rose quartz, to salvage into powder?

1 week of multipmapping the brandstone meteor meta gave me an entire bank tab filled with kralk ore and powdered rose quartz

if u check lfg again, multipmapping the meteors is popular again

I was doing this today, quite lucrative and required little to no effort.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Kovu.7560" said:People have posted videos showing profit-per-hour of wvw vs. the other gamemodes (pvp, pve) and shown the profit is noticeably worse in wvw.This isn't a thread about gold farming. It's a thread about increasing the supply of a single material into the game, for no other reason than that some people don't wish to use the TP. It has a limited use that occasionally is meaningful, and mostly not.

I was referring to your "WvW-focused players as [not] being worse off than others" statement. That's untrue with regards to both the (powdered) rose quartzes and with general income. But you're right, there are much larger preferred priorities with regards to wvw reward track currency ideas to mitigate the amount of time wvw players have to farm in pve rather than their own preferred gamemode. Elegy Mosaics were a personal peeve of mine, though at least that got substantially easier recently.

~ Kovu

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@DeadlySynz.3471 said:

@"melandru.3876" said:why do you need rose quartz for?if i see the wiki it asks for powder

recipes are 10 kralk ore, which are very easy to get500 kralk ore and 500 powdered rose quartz per weapon

unless you want the rose quartz, to salvage into powder?

1 week of multipmapping the brandstone meteor meta gave me an entire bank tab filled with kralk ore and powdered rose quartz

if u check lfg again, multipmapping the meteors is popular again

I was doing this today, quite lucrative and required little to no effort.

exactly i did it for many hours, back then there was good profit (u could sell the rose quartz to a vendor for 50 silver each)


u can salvage the rose quartz into powder which is worth more then the rose quartts itself with good rng

rose quartz: 15s72c eachsalvagas into an average of 7 powdered rose quartz

powdered rose quartz: 3s98c eachaverage of 7 i said: 7*3s98c = 27s86c

so ye, quite some profit can be made in a really good multimap where people follow the actual rules i put in squad message.but the community often is a let-down on terms of intelligence

simple rules as:

move yourself to group 1(lobby) before you switch map. this is to keep the squad groups, actual different maps without people in there from multiple maps, risking to lose an actual map when people transfer to the wrong guys.

call out meteors, mine them, then move yourself to another map to clear space for the others.

you have no idea howmany people i have to kick, to keep the squad efficient :p

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@"Kovu.7560" said:I was referring to your "WvW-focused players as [not] being worse off than others" statement. That's untrue with regards to both the (powdered) rose quartzes and with general income.The topic isn't "general income". And no, WvW-focused players are not worse off with regards to this material... unless you compare to those PvErs who do the meteor events, which many do not. Rose quartz only drops from Brandstone Chunks and the home instance node. The B-chunks only appear at the falling meteor site, for short periods of time, only after being revealed by the Brandstone Multitool

If the OP's suggestion were implemented, WvW players would have, by far, the easiest source of Rose Quartz.

And even if that wasn't true, Rose Quartz is plentiful on the TP. The only time it has been expensive in bulk is during brief periods after new achievements, i.e. hardly ever.

My point remains: the OP's suggestion is based on temporary price increases, misleading information about the sources of the material, and ends up being overly-specific.

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