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Which mount is the best and how would you rank them all?

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Hard to say for sure, but if I had to choose then probably:

  1. Griffon as the fastest and most enjoyable
  2. Raptor/Jackal depending on the terrain (tl;dr flat = raptor, anything else = jackal)
  3. Skyscale -pretty versatile, replaced the springer
  4. Skimmer -because fuck going underwater
  5. Beetle -fast ground mount, but as already mentioned by others, it would benefit from having full endurance bar on mount. Also meh handling (unless you took time to master it, I guess -I didn't)
  6. Warclaw -useless for pve, but at least has use for WvW (and I'm not a big fan of it being available in wvw tbh), which is the only reason he's above springer.

??. Springer -skyscale deleted the bunny from the game. Poor bunny :(

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@Danikat.8537 said:The skyscale is the best because it's a dragon and I am incapable of being objective when a dragon is one of the options.

Highly agree with this comment here; I was enamoured with the Skyscale the moment it came out because it's a dragon lol

All joking aside, I'd rank them as so:1) Skyscale2)Raptor3)Springer4)Roller Beetle5)Skimmer6)Jackal7)WarclawCannot really rate Griffon as I don't have it.

I'd say my list is based mostly on how often I use the specific mounts. I love the Skyscale specifically as its a dragon, but also because it allows me to find a really high place and glide down (much easier than using the Springer or glider).Raptor has definitely been a favorite since the moment I got it and even more so due to my love for dinosaurs and reptiles.Spriger is used commonly for getting to high places vertically compared to Skyscale for me.Beetle's been in recent use due to the Dragon Bash racing which made me realize how fun racing can be if I actually give it a try.Skimmer and Jackal are much more utility based as I rarely pull them out even though I like them.And Warclaw I use mostly for aesthetic (not a major WvW player) and also because it's a massive cat.Sadly don't have my hands on a Griffon yet, but from the mounts I can borrow (Jahai Bluffs at least), I'm not a big fan of it. Skyscale absolutely tops it for me in every category even aesthetic.

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Ok, my favorite mount is the springer.

Now to order them, the problem is that for me there are two aspects: How much I use them vs. how much I like them.

  • Based on how much I use them: Springer / Raptor / Skyscale / Skimmer / Griffon / Warclaw / Beetle / Jackal.
  • Based on how much I like them: Skimmer / Springer / Skyscale / Beetle / Jackal / Griffon / Raptor / Warclaw.
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  1. Skyscale
  2. Jackal
  3. Skimmer
  4. Roller Beetle
  5. Griffon
  6. Springer
  7. Raptor
  8. Warclaw

My list of favourite and most used mounts shifted quite a bit since the release of the Skyscale.While I never liked the springer or it's handling, one can't deny it's usefulness, yet I always tried to use the Griffon to hop up something whenever possible. Both have essentially been replaced by the Skyscale for me.

Jackal and Skyscale provide the best burst movement regardless of terrain, which is usually what I need. So those are by far my most used mounts. Skyscale for short or vertical distances, Jackal for longer distances.Skimmer is up there because it always finds use when having to cross water etc.

The Griffon now is in a similar spot as the Roller Beetle for me, as in awesome when you have to long distance travel under very specific conditions, which means essentially almost never for me personally. While the Beetle is useful for race events and getting from A to B asap without any prep like climbing up some elevation, the Griffon went from my second most used and the favourite mount to essentially unused.

Springer, Raptor and Warclaw (outside of WvW) never see any use for me any more unless some very specific circumstances once every few months, which is fine.

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  1. Springer Kourna Jackrabbit only. I love the model.

  2. Jackal - Mirror Masked in particular. Only criticism is spamming the dodge key can be uncomfortable after a while, but it is aesthetically a beutiful mount, especially for Mesmer.

  3. Roller Beetle - the thrill of speed and drifting on a kind of bike is amazing to be in something like gw2. Never would have imagined it. Sure uphill without boost can be painful - but can then swap to Jackal if necessary. On flat terrain nothing is more fun than Beetle,and no worry about "falling" from the sky... Give me an asura tech bike model and this might just go up to number 2 spot above Jackal. :)

  4. Skimmer - just relaxing to use, effortless mount to chill on.

  5. Skyscale - cool dodge, nice that it can hang in the air, but don't like holding the jump key to go up and the slow brick like manoeuverability...

  6. Griffon - fun for the adventure races, but hate that always falling and don't like the sound effects, inability to turn sharply and the speed of walking on ground.

  7. Raptor - cool dino but everything it does, Jackal does better...

  8. Warclaw - meh, serves its purpose in wvw, cool attack animation but useless compared with other pve mounts.

  9. Chubby Bunny Springers - If it wasn't for Kourna Jackrabbit skin, I wouldn't use Springer aside from tool to gain height. Really don't like the default "cute" model.

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Skyscale. As the "hang-time" gliding/flying is the longest.

Griffon. Getting from A to B fastest among all mounts.

Jackal. Either raptor or jackal but jackal because the endurance recharges faster.

Raptor. Number 4 due to unable to "canyon jump" if the terrain is uneven like up-slope etc.

Others are around the same and I only used them for certain terrains. But I have not been using springer at all since I'd got my skyscale...

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My most used and favourite mount is the Jackal. The Skimmer and Springer are both 2nd place.If I want to fly I rather use the glider because for me it's more fun then the flying mounts.I never use Raptor, Griffon and Rollerbeetle. Nor do I intend to use them.I haven't unlocked the Warclaw or Skyscale. And that won't change in the future.

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Skyscale is the clear winner, followed by springer, roller beetle and skimmer for their situational uses. Sure Griffon have its situational uses, but i rarely find much of a need for them over the Skyscale's precision and better uptime.Jackal I default to on ground, its just plainly superior to the Raptor. Better and more precise movements. Its sand portal abiliy is available more often than raptor dash.Raptor is quite fragile compared to the Jackal due to less uptime on special move, and its dash struggles upwards. Jackal have no issues there. It can blink through mobs with ease and it laughs at falls. I never use raptor, its just useless.

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Jackal — is very evasive, can use portals, can dodge (teleport) in midair. It has more uses than raptor for me.

Raptor — has the best speed burst and pull on dismount.

Griffon — it's all fun to jump from a high place and just reach that speed.

Skyscale — can do the same job as springer, but it's better at this and skyscale can't fall down.

Roller Beetle — only if there's enough of open space.

Skimmer — ugly but allows me to avoid water.

Warclaw — useful only in WvW.

Springer — totally useless now.

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Would be interesting to see total mount usage time for players who have all the mounts.
For speed, I use raptor, maybe roller if the terrain is flat enough.Griffon may end up being my most used, but skyscale's short-range versatility is definitely earning it a lot of use too. (I really should finish those masteries...)

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@Tyncale.1629 said:GriffonRaptorSkyscaleSpringerRollerbeetleSkimmerJackalWarclaw

Rollerbeetle could have ended up higher if they would let us mount it with already half a bar of endurance filled (or even better, a full bar). I never understood why they are so scroungy with that part: the beetle has enough other drawbacks to not make it overpowered if we can at least start with a sprint.1) Steering is tough due to the delayed reaction + speed;2) It slows down humongously when going uphill;3) It can not cross any chasms, exept tiny ones.

I like the beetle too but that full endurance charge before boosting reallllly sucks. A full bar on mount is excessive I think but having the bar start at 33% would be reasonable.

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Griffon - top spot for me because it's so versatile--at least, once you've mastered its mechanics. It's my general roaming mount. I even use it to scale cliffs with many ledges, for example, or to travel ever so slightly faster over short distances (e.g., between resource nodes when farming). And of course the ability to soar from a high altitude across a whole map is exhilarating. It hasn't left my default "mount" button since I unlocked it.

Roller Beetle - "I feel the need--the need for speed!" Most fun mount, in my opinion, but obviously not the most useful. Other altaholics may agree, though, that this mount is bar-none when it comes to unlocking waypoints on fresh maps--topography allowing, of course.

Skyscale - also super versatile, but more situational than griffon for me; I prefer to get to my destinations slightly faster than this mount allows (see above quote from Top Gun). Maybe if the wall-clinging mechanic wasn't so wonky, it would give griffon more of a run for its money.

Jackal - that tight turn-radius, though...plus the 3 evades that are great for getting through areas with high mob-density, and the ability to "speed-boost" up hills. It's my roaming mount on those rare occasions where griffon isn't practical.

Skimmer - no competition when it comes to crossing large expanses of water (with no high launch-point for griffon, obviously)...and I love how fast it does it

Raptor - love it, especially as the very first mount...but I'm finding less and less use for it these days :/

Springer - sadly outclassed by skyscale, now :anguished: Sure, you can scale (no pun intended) cliffs slightly faster than the skyscale, but...I don't know...I guess I prefer the precision of the skyscale.

Warclaw - more N/A for me since I don't really WvW...and no use in PvE other than for flavor or extra challenge

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