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Love to see some new weapon styles come in...


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So... I have been playing for a while now, with some long breaks scattered throughout my time playing. The new classes for HoT and PoF are amazing! I was saddened when I did not see any new weapon styles come into the game though.

Spears/polearmsElementalist:Fire and water (melee styles)Earth and Air (range styles)Guardian:Melee styleRanger:Range style

Fists/claws:Necromancer:Mixed melee and rangeWarrior:Melee styleThief:Melee style

WhipsMesmer:Ranged styleRevenant:Short ranged melee mixedEngineer:Short ranged melee mixed

Added a little something for all the classes so nothing felt left out. Whips was kind of out there, but I couldn't leave 3 classes just out. This is just a quick lay out for how it could work. I have no problem going into a more detailed description if this catches some Dev/Anet attention. :D

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@Yannir.4132 said:I always thought whips are kind of a joke as a weapon. It would do nothing against heavy armor except maybe scrape the paint a bit. Magic though, makes things different.

I was thinking more along the lines of Javelins.

Javelines kind of tie in with the spears/polesarms as a ranged weapon. Yes, I know they are different but also the same.

@kasoki.5180 said:Maybe a tome or a spellbook as a new weapon for magic-themed specializations or professions

A spellbook would be kind of nice, but that kind of lands really close to the Focus items already. Mesmer could use a book with great effectiveness, Rev... ehhh... possible, but Engi... what the heck would an engi do with a book. It already has turrets. I guess it could be grenade-like potions, but those are already in the game... grenades and potions. XD

My idea was more focused at only adding some new weapons mixed through the classes already provided.

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I have some ideas for new weapons that I'll just put here for pure fun.

-Polearm (Spear, Javelin)-Fists/Claws-Crossbow-Canon-Ball & Chain (taking inspiration from a legend of zelda game here)-Chakram-Book (pure magical weapon)-Great Axe-Boomrang

I'm not expecting anything from ArenaNet, but it's always fun to imagine yourself fighting with some different weapons and different fighting style.

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@Starbridge.7926 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:I want a paragon style throwing spear on warrior

Not going for new 'class' just something to add to the existing ones, but I can see it opening the door for new classes.

Anet made it pretty clear that they wont release new classes, after rev came out. They said, that new playstyles would nly be added with the help of especs.

A new class would also disturb the balance between armor classes, making some more valuable than others, because you could use one set of armor on 4 classes instead of 3.

It would also create even more balance problems, which is already a nightmare.

And do you know, how much work it is to create a completely new class? Creating traits and skills that work well together, new animations, ontop of that, 2 especs for that class aswell.

Just give us more reasonable especs, maybe some that change the way to play a class more. Like scourge and soulreaper playout very differently. Compare that to warrior...

Paragon with spear and shouts would also synergize very well with already existing warrior traits.

Make it warriors first 1 handed ranged weapon and give it 900 range.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@"RedShark.9548" said:And do you know, how much work it is to create a completely new class? Creating traits and skills that work well together

Did you create animations for it? Did you put it into the gw2 code? Did you fully balance it with other classes, did you think about what problems it might cause when it actually gets in the game? Is it unique enough to be worth it? Would it push another class out of the game, because it does the same job, but better? Did you think about lore around it, or did it just pop out of nowhere and suddenly its all over the world?

Not to mention that the creation of the class wasnt my only point, to why there wont be coming a new one.

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:And do you know, how much work it is to create a completely new class? Creating traits and skills that work well together

Did you create animations for it? Did you put it into the gw2 code? Did you fully balance it with other classes

Do i look like a team of +20 people?

@RedShark.9548 said:Did you think about lore around it, or did it just pop out of nowhere and suddenly its all over the world?

Did you even read through it?

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:And do you know, how much work it is to create a completely new class? Creating traits and skills that work well together

Did you create animations for it? Did you put it into the gw2 code? Did you fully balance it with other classes

Do i look like a team of +20 people?

@RedShark.9548 said:Did you think about lore around it, or did it just pop out of nowhere and suddenly its all over the world?

Did you even read through it?

So you are saying that work, that requires 20 ppl is easy? Okey, weird definition of easy.

Well, i do know where the revs suddenly came from, the other classes were long before established.And even if you, or me, wont care were the class comes from, there sure as f are lore enthusiast out there, who would raise questions. And even if i personally dont care for lore THAT much, i do think that a game like gw2 should provide as much lore as possible, especially when it comes to a whole new class.

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@"RedShark.9548" said:And do you know, how much work it is to create a completely new class? Creating traits and skills that work well together, new animations, ontop of that, 2 especs for that class aswell.

Lol oh here we go again with this argument.

I don't think this is a very strong argument against implementing new weapons in the game. Nobody other than Anet has the full picture of how "difficult" or how "costly" it is to implement something new. It's fine for you to be worried or concerned about implementation of new weapon types, but the debate on cost/monetization of implementing new things likely goes through a lot of debate on Anet's end so it's not something the customer base should worry about.

What it comes down to is: do you want new weapons? Do you not care if they are implemented or not? Or do you actually NOT want them?

You probably would either like new weapons or not really mind if they were included. Nobody would actually dislike if new weapons were included in the game.

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:

@"RedShark.9548" said:And do you know, how much work it is to create a completely new class? Creating traits and skills that work well together, new animations, ontop of that, 2 especs for that class aswell.

Lol oh here we go again with this argument.

I don't think this is a very strong argument against implementing new weapons in the game. Nobody other than Anet has the full picture of how "difficult" or how "costly" it is to implement something new. It's fine for you to be worried or concerned about implementation of new weapon types, but the debate on cost/monetization of implementing new things likely goes through a lot of debate on Anet's end so it's not something the customer base should worry about.

What it comes down to is: do you want new weapons? Do you not care if they are implemented or not? Or do you actually NOT want them?

You probably would either like new weapons or not really mind if they were included. Nobody would actually dislike if new weapons were included in the game.

I was talking about classes, not weapons, ive even said in a post above that i want spear as weapon for warrior, which, does not yet exist in the game, so whats your point exactly?

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@RedShark.9548 said:I was talking about classes, not weapons, ive even said in a post above that i want spear as weapon for warrior, which, does not yet exist in the game, so whats your point exactly?

Right, my mistake, should have read that a bit more slowly. I missed the rather unexpected transition from talking about new weapons to new classes, which I think Anet has made clear they don't want to make any more new ones, just new elite specs.

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:I was talking about classes, not weapons, ive even said in a post above that i want spear as weapon for warrior, which, does not yet exist in the game, so whats your point exactly?

Right, my mistake, should have read that a bit more slowly. I missed the rather unexpected transition from talking about new weapons to new classes, which I think Anet has made clear they don't want to make any more new ones, just new elite specs.

Yea, no worries. i had to go back on how i actually got to talk about new classes, its because starbridge said, that new weapons might open the door for new classes (which i adressed)

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:So you are saying that work, that requires 20 ppl is easy? Okey, weird definition of easy.

Yeah. Fine-tuning something is hard. That's why Anet isn't doing that. And yeah, making the basis for a new class is easy. As i already presented.

But the basis is worthless if you cant do the work around it. So just leave it be dawg, in the end a whole complete new class is not easy, as you just said.

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