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Love to see some new weapon styles come in...


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Cool... now that this thread was massively hijacked by two people just having a pointless argument on the internet. Lets try and keep it on point here people. I liked the new 'paragons' for PoF but I was really sad when I saw that weapons were just more or less recycled for them. :(If you ask me, the only class that really came out on top with PoF was Ele with the dual attunements that branched out over all its weapons, and I am not even that much of a fan for Ele. Some of the animations just don't fit some of the weapons but that't minor.Some new weapons would be nice.Even if the weapons for the HoT paragons were just changed.
Like...Dragonhunter getting the spear (javelins) for its range.
Berserker picking up claw weapons.Herald picking up the tome. (Someone else's idea)

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They should make whip a weapon, even if more of a just-for-fun-not-meta thing although if you could also swing a la Indiana Jones (or Oakheart Essence) with it, that would be very cool! They already have animations for attacks as they are used by the Nightmare Court (and possibly other NPCs?).

Spear and fists/unarmed are also popular requests that could be fun, especially if the latter was part of martial arts + magic elite specs perhaps?

Books and scrolls are already focus weapon skins so I don’t know how those could be added now.

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@Starbridge.7926 said:Dragon hunter picked up 5 new attacks when it got longbows.Berserker picked up 2 when it got the touch. Its 4 and 5.Herald picked up 2 when it got shields.

I think you can see where I am taking this...

(The continuation because I had to take off to work.)

I feel like the classes that only got an off hand, or a main hand weapon (1 handed) kinda got the shaft. At the least, when you take 'Berserker' spec, your 1, 2 and 3 attacks should pick up something IF you are holding a torch, or even just the 3.

Kind of like Thief.

Pistol/pistol, your 3 attacks with both in rapid fire.Pistol/dagger, point blank shot and teleport away.Pistol/none, single weapon barrage attack.Dagger/none, bleeding AoE spin.Dagger/pistol, single shot, shadowstep to target.Dagger/dagger, acrobatic vault with bleeding attack.

This is an amazing feature that you just don't see in many games, now as it might not work with ALL classes and ALL their weapons, it would be nice to see a few more nice pair ups like this.

I.E. -Berserker: (Ability 3)Sword/torch, AoE fire spin.Axe/torch, fire axe toss.Mace/torch, fire damage front cone ground pound.

Anet should just trickle gems to me, and I will just spit out ideas (of the balanced and logical variety) left and right. Haha!

New weapons though, would be one of the greatest additions/changes they could make. It would also breath new life into some of the classes.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:At this point im not sure if you are trolling, or seriously this ignorant

@RedShark.9548 said:Where am i name calling?

@RedShark.9548 said:At this point im not sure if you are trolling, or seriously this ignorant

@RedShark.9548 said:Where am i name calling?

@RedShark.9548 said:At this point im not sure if you are trolling, or seriously this ignorant

@RedShark.9548 said:Where am i name calling?

So, are you a troll or are you ignorant about things you yourself say?

look at his post history, should make things clear

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I mean, we can look at the added paragons and the weapons added for them.

Berzerker: Torch with 2 abilities.Spell Breaker: Daggers with 5 abilities.

Dragonhunter: Longbow with 5 abilities.Firebrand: Axe with 2 abilities

Herald: Shield with 2 abilities.Renegade: Shortbow with 5 abilities

Daredevil: Staff with 5 abilitiesDeadeye: Rifle with 5 abilities

Scrapper: Hammer with 5 abilities.Holosmith: Sword with 3 abilities.

Druid: Staff with 5 abilities.Soulbeast: Dagger with 3 abilities.

Tempest: Warhorn with 8 abilities.Weaver: Sword with 42 abilities.

Chronomancer: Shield with 2 abilities.Mirage: Axe with 9 abilities.

Reaper: Greatsword with 5 abilities.Scourge: Torch with 2 abilities.

You can see where they either just got lazy or had a lack of ideas and you can clearly see where the ideas were so high in numbers they must have been beating them back into peoples heads with sticks.

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  • 2 months later...

@MrForz.1953 said:I suggest the dual chainsaw shotgun earrings for everyone.

Now jokes apart, it's already painful enough to have classes equip different, already existing weapons and i'm not much of a fan of things that are far, far too exotic.

You jest, but I think that'd be kind of fun. I'd definitely get a pair for one of my characters.

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Greataxe. That's kind of a big deal. In D&D 3.5 it's distinct from a greatsword (2d6 dmg crit on 19-20x2) where a Greataxe (1d12 dmg crit on 20x3) making its base damage lower, but when it crits much more damaging. Pretty much all gw2's hammers are slow, and greatswords are fast (for a two hander of that size) it would be nice to have a medium speed, high damage, but slightly unreliable weapon available to a few classes.

Hand Cannon. A main hand only ranged weapon, focusing on very large but slow damage output. Never has an automatic, or rapid feeling. Longer range, 900, or 1300 for some classes. Big loads of short condis, or huge damage spikes, or lockdowns

Thrown. Would appear with effects governed by the skins. So if they make javelins, they work with skills, and animate properly on all classes. Throwing knives, or shuriken, or chakram or whatnot could all have slightly different arm movements, and projectile animation paths. Also, as a horizontal progression element, the skin type determines whether it's a 5 skill, 3 skill or 2 skill (offhand) weapon. Something like 'chakram are offhand, javelins are two hand, shuriken are either hand, throwing knives are mainhand. But the same ascended weapon can be reskinned with transmute charges to modify its type. Like a weaver, inside one weapon, done with skins, applied to multiple classes in different ways.

Whip. The king of break bars. Trip, disarm, taunt, knockdown, torment, bleeding, daze, stun, cripple, weakness, immobilize, slow. The things a skilled person can do with a rope, or whip, are silly dangerous. YouTube that kitten. Dual wield able. Immidate graft onto the thief please.

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Claws: A weapon based on the more bestial combat style, one which gets you down and dirty with your opponent and is focused around primal brutality.

Spear: I mean what else, Of course its here.

Trident: Same as spear.

Great-ax: Bigger, better and more dane-ax in nature.

Truncheon: Its like a beat-stick and a scepter had a baby and then that baby, got ticked off and decided to become barbed for their displeasure.

Halberd: A spear and an ax had a baby nuff said.

Buckler: Smaller than a shield, and more built around punching people in the face. Would be cool to have a quicker less defense orientated form of shield, kinda like shortbow vs longbow.

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