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Save Istan metas

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The map became AFK bradstorm impact side farm. I don't think this was your picture for keeping LW4 maps busy.I'm not asking to take off the nerfs for loot you done. Juts buff Kralkatite Ore drops from Amala and Iberu, make it guaranteed 50 per maybe trough in bit Rose Quartz.You see, the collection for Astral and Stellar weapons meant for pre NERF istan. Times when running for 2-3 hours on map meta/events would get you x500 Kralkatite Ore.Today it's a history. Yet requirements for collection are the same.People chose to do bradstorms over metas. This is not what you wanted for the map.

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Haven't been to Istan this week as I've been focused on the Meta-Event Rush when I'm playing. Last week though I was in Istan almost every day and each time there were enough people to comfortably do Palawadan and the Great Hall. On the EU server that was generally at either the 11:45 am or the 1:45 pm GMT Palawadan meta. I didn't stick around for anything else on the map though so have no sense of how other events on that map played out.

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Thing is those people DO do the metas, however since you can only get rewards a single time and they stay on maps for longer than that there is exactly 0 reason to do them again that day.

Maybe the rewards should reset after a long time frame, 6 or 8 hours. Instead of only on reset.

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@phs.6089 said:You see, the collection for Astral and Stellar weapons meant for pre NERF istan.I don't see that at all. I've been working slowly on Stellar and never liked Istan's meta, so I barely did it 1x/day when it first came out. I never did it more than 2x/day (and I think I might have managed that once).

I think the collections are long and tedious and yet remain balanced for post-nerf istan.

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When I was last in Istan (yes, farming Kralkatite Ore) it seemed like everyone dropped everything when the meta started. I happened to be near the gate anyway when the announcement came up that it was going to start so I decided to hang around and see if anyone showed up and within a few minutes there was a commander, loads of people, banners set up and everyone stopped talking about finding brandstone in map chat. Afterwards everyone spread out again. There was some complaining afterwards that it didn't give as much Kralkatite as it used to, but people still seemed to consider it worth doing.

It doesn't surprise me that it's not as popular as it used to be back when you could (if you wanted) do that all day every day, but I don't think that's a bad thing necessarily because that was pulling people away from all the other maps. There still seem to be enough people showing up to complete the Istan meta (at least during normally active times) so I don't think it's a problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The folk that don't want Istan to it's formal glory XD. Oh dear what a laugh. people got it nerfed to hell and are still happy.If people what to do things all day everyday that's their business, why the hate on those who do?If people opened their wallets more, folk like me who just farm gold to make armour/weapons wouldn't get penalized, but there you go.Such is life.

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@"PervMonk.4891" said:anet logic :

make massive material/gold sinksnerf all the possible farms in the game

They nerfed a single farm that was leaps and bounds more valuable than other meta events. They also updated PoF metas to include additional rewards. Now, instead of people simply "going to Istan," the recommendation is to do a series of metas. That helps keep more events more interesting, rather than focusing all attention on a single map.

Also: they haven't added that many material/gold sinks and those that they did add recently are one-time per account.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"PervMonk.4891" said:anet logic :

make massive material/gold sinksnerf all the possible farms in the game

They nerfed a single farm that was leaps and bounds more valuable than other meta events. They also updated PoF metas to include additional rewards. Now, instead of people simply "going to Istan," the recommendation is to do a series of metas. That helps keep more events more interesting, rather than focusing all attention on a single map.

Also: they haven't added that many material/gold sinks and those that they did add recently are one-time per account.

it's not one farm. any thing that can be farmed papa anet doesn't like it "except SW idk why, guess they like that map" cos it's unhealthy for the players to play too much, the game is now go do your dailies then log out till next reset. i guess this's anet's idea of fun

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While I understand that a single map shouldn’t be the focus of one’s gameplay, the approach they took with palawadan was too heavy handed. It also doesn’t help that you need a buttload of istan’s map currency for vision. On a side note; honest question: how difficult would it be to implement diminishing returns to palawadan’s chests? Maybe provide a single of each reward, compared to the 3 – 4 (just spitballing here, idk what the exact amount is) received at reset? This would at least give players a small sense of satisfaction, and more importantly not limit gameplay to the hour post reset when the meta trains run.

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@PervMonk.4891 said:

@PervMonk.4891 said:anet logic :

make massive material/gold sinksnerf all the possible farms in the game

They nerfed a single farm that was leaps and bounds more valuable than other meta events. They also updated PoF metas to include additional rewards. Now, instead of people simply "going to Istan," the recommendation is to do a series of metas. That helps keep more events more interesting, rather than focusing all attention on a single map.

Also: they haven't added that many material/gold sinks and those that they did add recently are one-time per account.

it's not one farm. any thing that can be farmed papa anet doesn't like it "except SW idk why, guess they like that map" cos it's unhealthy for the players to play too much, the game is now go do your dailies then log out till next reset. i guess this's anet's idea of fun

Do dailies, do istan pawa and great hall once, do 1 meta on the 3 4 pof maps, do the 4 hot map metas, do t4 maybe even cms.Now we have dubble dailies with the addition of dragon bash ones.After that you can still do the 33 dungeon paths daily for their rewards and 8 unique path times 4.If you still got time after that the maybe work on the weekly wvw up to diamond chest or the league spvp thats going on another month.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@PervMonk.4891 said:anet logic :

make massive material/gold sinksnerf all the possible farms in the game

They nerfed a single farm that was leaps and bounds more valuable than other meta events. They also updated PoF metas to include additional rewards. Now, instead of people simply "going to Istan," the recommendation is to do a series of metas. That helps keep more events more interesting, rather than focusing all attention on a single map.

Also: they haven't added that many material/gold sinks and those that they did add recently are one-time per account.

it's not one farm. any thing that can be farmed papa anet doesn't like it "except SW idk why, guess they like that map" cos it's unhealthy for the players to play too much, the game is now go do your dailies then log out till next reset. i guess this's anet's idea of fun

Do dailies, do istan pawa and great hall once, do 1 meta on the
4 pof maps, do the 4 hot map metas, do t4 maybe even cms.Now we have dubble dailies with the addition of dragon bash ones.After that you can still do the 33 dungeon paths daily for their rewards and 8 unique path times 4.If you still got time after that the maybe work on the weekly wvw up to diamond chest or the league spvp thats going on another month.

t4 daily+recs+cms takes less than 2hrsin like 2hrs u can do all hot metas and like 2 from pof i dont really need gemstones so i only do vabbi for the music box and pinata for the infusion

dungeons are too much work for low rewards after u get the skins and such, it's not worth the effort of doing thempvp/wvw is bad in this game imo so i dont want to burn more brain cells playing these half-dead unbalanced modesso it's just 4-5 hrs of dailies and then nothing maybe i'll do a raid boss or something.there's no repeatable content

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@grimspectre.6981 said:Anet really shouldn't have removed the palawadan chests. If you play outside of NA prime, you'll be lucky to even get past the 2 gate guardians :(

I have to assume you're not using the LFG tool and a timer site, because I play in Australian time and never have trouble getting a group for the Istan meta.

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@PervMonk.4891 said:

@PervMonk.4891 said:anet logic :

make massive material/gold sinksnerf all the possible farms in the game

They nerfed a single farm that was leaps and bounds more valuable than other meta events. They also updated PoF metas to include additional rewards. Now, instead of people simply "going to Istan," the recommendation is to do a series of metas. That helps keep more events more interesting, rather than focusing all attention on a single map.

Also: they haven't added that many material/gold sinks and those that they did add recently are one-time per account.

it's not one farm. any thing that can be farmed papa anet doesn't like it "except SW idk why, guess they like that map" cos it's unhealthy for the players to play too much, the game is now go do your dailies then log out till next reset. i guess this's anet's idea of fun

Do dailies, do istan pawa and great hall once, do 1 meta on the
4 pof maps, do the 4 hot map metas, do t4 maybe even cms.Now we have dubble dailies with the addition of dragon bash ones.After that you can still do the 33 dungeon paths daily for their rewards and 8 unique path times 4.If you still got time after that the maybe work on the weekly wvw up to diamond chest or the league spvp thats going on another month.

t4 daily+recs+cms takes less than 2hrsin like 2hrs u can do all hot metas and like 2 from pof i dont really need gemstones so i only do vabbi for the music box and pinata for the infusion

dungeons are too much work for low rewards after u get the skins and such, it's not worth the effort of doing thempvp/wvw is bad in this game imo so i dont want to burn more brain cells playing these half-dead unbalanced modesso it's just 4-5 hrs of dailies and then nothing maybe i'll do a raid boss or something.there's no repeatable content

4-6 hours a day is to little in a game?How many hours do you game a day mate and there is repeatable content you just refuse to do it since you dont deem it profitable enough or said game mode is unbalanced/boring.

Those 2 hours of hot metas I guess you forgot to do dragons stand then right?Since thats the only one you cant just pop in and kill boss and move on to next.Maybe its time for anet to rework some of the hot and pof metas so if you dont do x nr of events and stuff on said map before killing the boss no reward, just so players like you can feel they have enough to do daily.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@PervMonk.4891 said:anet logic :

make massive material/gold sinksnerf all the possible farms in the game

They nerfed a single farm that was leaps and bounds more valuable than other meta events. They also updated PoF metas to include additional rewards. Now, instead of people simply "going to Istan," the recommendation is to do a series of metas. That helps keep more events more interesting, rather than focusing all attention on a single map.

Also: they haven't added that many material/gold sinks and those that they did add recently are one-time per account.

it's not one farm. any thing that can be farmed papa anet doesn't like it "except SW idk why, guess they like that map" cos it's unhealthy for the players to play too much, the game is now go do your dailies then log out till next reset. i guess this's anet's idea of fun

Do dailies, do istan pawa and great hall once, do 1 meta on the
4 pof maps, do the 4 hot map metas, do t4 maybe even cms.Now we have dubble dailies with the addition of dragon bash ones.After that you can still do the 33 dungeon paths daily for their rewards and 8 unique path times 4.If you still got time after that the maybe work on the weekly wvw up to diamond chest or the league spvp thats going on another month.

t4 daily+recs+cms takes less than 2hrsin like 2hrs u can do all hot metas and like 2 from pof i dont really need gemstones so i only do vabbi for the music box and pinata for the infusion

dungeons are too much work for low rewards after u get the skins and such, it's not worth the effort of doing thempvp/wvw is bad in this game imo so i dont want to burn more brain cells playing these half-dead unbalanced modesso it's just 4-5 hrs of dailies and then nothing maybe i'll do a raid boss or something.there's no repeatable content

4-6 hours a day is to little in a game?How many hours do you game a day mate and there is repeatable content you just refuse to do it since you dont deem it profitable enough or said game mode is unbalanced/boring.

Those 2 hours of hot metas I guess you forgot to do dragons stand then right?Since thats the only one you cant just pop in and kill boss and move on to next.Maybe its time for anet to rework some of the hot and pof metas so if you dont do x nr of events and stuff on said map before killing the boss no reward, just so players like you can feel they have enough to do daily.

4-6 hrs a day is too little in an MMORPGand as i said i dont need any gemstones or any other rewards from DS so i dont do it, too much workand yes u kinda forgot that this is an MMORPG and every thing is about rewards ?it's fun doing metas and such for the first 5 times but after that there's no point in doing them other than rewardsanet wont change it so ppl who multibox can keep buying more accounts and give anet more money for a chance for that sweet infusion

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@Hashberry.4510 said:Come on, they needed to nerf it to allow for the freaking loot waterfall in the new map. The new map needs a nerf now imo.

You seem like the type of person that want people to suffer because I cannot fathom a reason why would you suggest this. Let the new map be. I despise SW more than anything, so Dragonfall will always be my go-to.

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@fixit.7189 said:ya, haven't done istan in months: when i play there isn't enough people to do it....Did Palawa two days ago and then again today. Both times there were more than enough people. If I can make the 11:45 am or the 1:45 pm GMT runs, there is usually a group available on lfg. (That's 6:45 am or 8:45 am where I live and I'm not always up in time to do those runs.) There doesn't seem to be as much action at other times of day though I haven't paid enough attention to note if there are other peak times. Do folks know other good times to find Istan groups?

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Hashberry.4510 said:Come on, they needed to nerf it to allow for the freaking loot waterfall in the new map. The new map needs a nerf now imo.

You seem like the type of person that want people to suffer because I cannot fathom a reason why would you suggest this. Let the new map be. I despise SW more than anything, so Dragonfall will always be my go-to.

Right back a ya

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