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Are you tired of the pls nerf threads?

Ya Ya Yeah.7381

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Now this is coming mainly from a sPvP perspective, not a WvW one. I was just strolling around and found this thread.This also doesn't mean that other specs don't need to be nerfed down.However, with that said, weather or not some specs need to be nerfed down wasn't the question, it was weather or not nerf threads should be created or created so frequently to the point we are tired of them.99% of people who call for a class to get nerfed don't know or can't distinguish weather or not it is OP vs weather or not they just simply got out played.

In sPvP it is fairly easy to see what classes are OP in tournaments and on the leaders boards.However, are you not in the top 50 or so on the leaderboards or placing in tournaments?Then don't complain, because you may have lost because you simply got outplayed.Don't complain about a class unless you have the data to back it up, Even if you are a popular streamer, plain and simple.

If you are worried about power creep, create power creep threads, not Nerf X class threads.

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I will agree to your point that many nerf threads are started by people who don't know the class, or how to fight it....But that also doesn't mean that they are wrong about the class needing to be worked on, they are just wrong about how/why.

Also, your suggestion on they should ask for buffs to their own class.....NO. No, no, no and no, that is power creep, and we have enough of that, we don't need more people asking for it, people already complain about time to kill, buffing all other classes to come up to the same over performing level as whatever build of the day it is, will only make that worse. We already have power creep to the point one shot builds are possible, and while they may not be that hard to deal with from a good player, they do not help the game mode or balance.

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"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear" George OrwellThat being said people need to have conclusive proof which includes what they are equip t with what buffs were being used including any deficits the one making the claim has. Can't stand these videos and posts of damage that show absolutely nothing but single sided bias with out substantial evidence to back up a claim.

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@"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:I will agree to your point that many nerf threads are started by people who don't know the class, or how to fight it....But that also doesn't mean that they are wrong about the class needing to be worked on, they are just wrong about how/why.This is something I can somewhat also agree on - in general there is a lack of interest in people wanting to improve and know things in & out. But there is also something to say when things need some obvious work on. Now the ratio of people who just want to complain because something killed them vs "there is a real problem here" is probably high lol, but there is legitimacy when topics are brought up.

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Id rather have "nerf" threads then "buff" threads.In the end the degs will listen and buff everything, further increasing powercreep.So yes pls more nerf this or that threads, nerfing everything is the only way to fight powercreep

Simply Buffing stuff, like op suggested, is a terrible idea imo

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These are going to continue to be a necessary tool so long as reasonable balance and utility of classes is not being achieved. Just look at the state of the balance today, soul beast one shooting classes with 25k plus health, FB surviving 5 people attacking them at the same time, scourge zergs bleeding down entire groups. What offends most people is that they get zero feedback or acknowledgement that there are issues, and these balance issues remain that way for months at a time!

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