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Mystic coins price is out of control

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:Problem of mystic coins is that they are limited of the current playing playerbase. if the playerbase goes down the available mystic coins are going down and the price will raise. this connection and the amount of coins needed in the game is imo a bad design, because you can not farm it and are reliable of other players and that they are selling the coins.

Depends on which part of the player base goes inactive. If a lot more veterans who buy Mystic Coins go inactive while newer players or players who are not interested in Mystic Coins (and thus sell them), your assumption fails.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:if you are lucky sometimes you will get some from fractals and CM. but thats just a joke when you need 350+ of them for one legendary

and what execatly prevents you from spending some of the gold you made playing said content on acquiring Mystic Coin on the trading post? You know, now where all T6 materials and Ectoplasm are at around 1/3 the cost they were for years?

The irony of all this, the cost for crafting legenary items has remained almost constant because the higher Mystic Coin cost is more than compensated and mititaged for by the low price on the remaining materials. Yet, people who want their Mystic Coins cheap do not care about this cause they want their stuff for less.

Why would newer players not be interested in all the same shinnies that vet players had/have/want.. your assumption is laden will fail imo.The whole point of the scarce supply is to push all players into staying in game as long as possible, that's why there are new items popping up all the time with such out of balance mat requirements.Your assumption new players are not interested in such things is just poorly thought through.

Yes, obviously my examples were most common occurance, hence why I added the point about players who are interested or not interested in Mystic Coins. You are right, I should be a bit clearer for the slow people in this thread, so let me rephrase:

If more people who would demand Mystic Coin go inactive versus players who would rather supply the trading post with Mystic Coins, then the assumption makes no sense that players leaving the game is driving the price up. Given how more often than not, veteran players are more likely to work on legendary items, I made my previous statement.

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:There is only so much supply in the system, and yes the players will decide what price they are willing to pay, but it is ANET that ultimately controls the key factor in the equation.. supply. If supply is muted enough it will force prices up, pushing potential for gem sales up with it.

Yes, and Anet has stated that the ingame supply is growing, multiple times by now. So from a pure supply stand point into the game, you have no argument. Now as far as bottlenecks and reasons as to why supply doesn't find its way on the TP, there are many and some we can only specualte about.

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:On the flip side it may also push players that have stores of items to release them for profit, but which in turn increases the issue of supply a little further down the line.

Yes, that happens all the time. Simply price function. I wasn't aware this needs to get spelled out. With increasing price, price sensitive buyers will drop away (demand decreases) while supply hoarding players will be incentivised to sell (supply increases).

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:The TP is a tool to be manipulated in favour of one thing.. gems sales, ANET could not careless if there are a few overly fat whales in the game because that only helps with the supply demand manipulation.

The TP does a multitude of things, first and foremost redirstribute materials and items between participants and second: drain gold from the ingame economy.

It was already explained in the past how Mystic Coins actually benefit new players and players who accumulate them via simply logging in. If you want to scream ghost or fat whales at every basic economic function or occurance in this game, be my guest. It does devalue your comment though by a lot.

I'll repeat what I said just now and in the past in this thread: the price for crafting legendarys is constant. It has not gone up with the Mystic Coin price increase. Mystic Coins are growing in price because all the other materials have dropped significantly.

I would argue the supply is not growing, especially for some time, a combination of a number of items needing supply stripping amounts and ultimately a thinning player base over time. The only counter to that is some players have bought all their leggies and so they no longer add to the demand and yes the TP fat cats will use such opportunities to offload their MC supply caches once the prices begin to move, and though they do not move eye goggling amounts they do move sufficiently enough to allow for decent profits. But of course they do not dump supply they trickle feed supply so as to not alter that balance of supply too much.Outside of that the methods of supply are relatively constant and have been for a long time.. sure Anomaly events run each day (though many fail from runs I have done prior to Vision hitting the game, and they grow tiresome real fast. But even if supply into the game is increasing, the sheer numbers needed per single component has grown that much more.. if Vision needs 250-350 MC'S but the number of ways to accumulate single digit MC's beyond daily rewards remains constant it begins to feel something is grotesquely out of balance per person, so we all best hope those large numbers of players leave the game and hope the newer players really don't want their shinnies so demand drops heavily.As for the price of Mystic Coins I actually don't have that much of an issue with it and yes I agree it doesn't move up or down much over a longer period of time, but the sheer numbers needed each time a new shiny drops, does.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:Problem of mystic coins is that they are limited of the current playing playerbase. if the playerbase goes down the available mystic coins are going down and the price will raise. this connection and the amount of coins needed in the game is imo a bad design, because you can not farm it and are reliable of other players and that they are selling the coins.if you are lucky sometimes you will get some from fractals and CM. but thats just a joke when you need 350+ of them for one legendary

Preposterous! A legendary, which is meant to be a huge gold sink, expensive? Unheard of! Bad design!

thats not what i said. please read carefully. open gw2efficiency type in any legendary name, scroll down and look what cost you the most.something you can not farm. imo bad design. not the cost is the problem, but that you need that one item you can not farm and depends on other players.as someone said in this thread. a lot of coins are in the bags from inactive players. nice.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:Problem of mystic coins is that they are limited of the current playing playerbase. if the playerbase goes down the available mystic coins are going down and the price will raise. this connection and the amount of coins needed in the game is imo a bad design, because you can not farm it and are reliable of other players and that they are selling the coins.if you are lucky sometimes you will get some from fractals and CM. but thats just a joke when you need 350+ of them for one legendary

If the player base goes down won’t demand also go down and therefore price remain the same?Usually the more veteran/dedicated players (so, the ones that are more likely to want mystic coins) leave last.

I would argue that vets have a tendency to play more on the side of supply rather than demand, due to the fact they have had longer to accumulate their own stashes meaning they would need less from the TP, whilst having more to gain from it, I know I keep a good stash of most things on hand for rainy days. :)

But yes that in itself would be a possible argument for saying vets would be less likely to leave

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:Problem of mystic coins is that they are limited of the current playing playerbase. if the playerbase goes down the available mystic coins are going down and the price will raise. this connection and the amount of coins needed in the game is imo a bad design, because you can not farm it and are reliable of other players and that they are selling the coins.

Depends on which part of the player base goes inactive. If a lot more veterans who buy Mystic Coins go inactive while newer players or players who are not interested in Mystic Coins (and thus sell them), your assumption fails.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:if you are lucky sometimes you will get some from fractals and CM. but thats just a joke when you need 350+ of them for one legendary

and what execatly prevents you from spending some of the gold you made playing said content on acquiring Mystic Coin on the trading post? You know, now where all T6 materials and Ectoplasm are at around 1/3 the cost they were for years?

The irony of all this, the cost for crafting legenary items has remained almost constant because the higher Mystic Coin cost is more than compensated and mititaged for by the low price on the remaining materials. Yet, people who want their Mystic Coins cheap do not care about this cause they want their stuff for less.

Why would newer players not be interested in all the same shinnies that vet players had/have/want.. your assumption is laden will fail imo.The whole point of the scarce supply is to push all players into staying in game as long as possible, that's why there are new items popping up all the time with such out of balance mat requirements.Your assumption new players are not interested in such things is just poorly thought through.

Yes, obviously my examples were most common occurance, hence why I added the point about players who are interested or not interested in Mystic Coins. You are right, I should be a bit clearer for the slow people in this thread, so let me rephrase:

If more people who would demand Mystic Coin go inactive versus players who would rather supply the trading post with Mystic Coins, then the assumption makes no sense that players leaving the game is driving the price up. Given how more often than not, veteran players are more likely to work on legendary items, I made my previous statement.

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:There is only so much supply in the system, and yes the players will decide what price they are willing to pay, but it is ANET that ultimately controls the key factor in the equation.. supply. If supply is muted enough it will force prices up, pushing potential for gem sales up with it.

Yes, and Anet has stated that the ingame supply is growing, multiple times by now. So from a pure supply stand point into the game, you have no argument. Now as far as bottlenecks and reasons as to why supply doesn't find its way on the TP, there are many and some we can only specualte about.

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:On the flip side it may also push players that have stores of items to release them for profit, but which in turn increases the issue of supply a little further down the line.

Yes, that happens all the time. Simply price function. I wasn't aware this needs to get spelled out. With increasing price, price sensitive buyers will drop away (demand decreases) while supply hoarding players will be incentivised to sell (supply increases).

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:The TP is a tool to be manipulated in favour of one thing.. gems sales, ANET could not careless if there are a few overly fat whales in the game because that only helps with the supply demand manipulation.

The TP does a multitude of things, first and foremost redirstribute materials and items between participants and second: drain gold from the ingame economy.

It was already explained in the past how Mystic Coins actually benefit new players and players who accumulate them via simply logging in. If you want to scream ghost or fat whales at every basic economic function or occurance in this game, be my guest. It does devalue your comment though by a lot.

I'll repeat what I said just now and in the past in this thread: the price for crafting legendarys is constant. It has not gone up with the Mystic Coin price increase. Mystic Coins are growing in price because all the other materials have dropped significantly.

I would argue the supply is not growing, especially for some time, a combination of a number of items needing supply stripping amounts and ultimately a thinning player base over time.

Sure, this argument could be made. Last official communication on this matter suggests otherwise, but this is entirely possible.

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:The only counter to that is some players have bought all their leggies and so they no longer add to the demand and yes those fat cats will use such opportunities to offload their MC supply caches once the prices begin to move, and though they do not move eye goggling amounts they do move sufficiently enough to allow for decent profits. But of course they do not dump supply they trickle feed supply so as to not alter hat balnce of supply too much.

At a price of 1g51s instant buy and 1g67s sell order, an individual would have had to buy at 1g28s or 1g41s to break even before any profit is made (so if we aim for a 10% RoI those values drop to 1g15s and 1g27s respectively which were values over 1 year ago). That is quite a risky investment (May 20th was the last time the price of MC was that low) and a ton of gold dedicated to this speculation. Suffice to say, TP traders have way easier, less risky and faster ways to invest their gold.

On top of which, the supply into the game is constant and with a very high probability the biggest factor in supply contributed into the TP. I'm not seeing it.

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:Outside of that the methods of supply are constant and have been for a long time.. sure Anomaly events run each day (though many fail from runs I have done prior to Vision hitting the game. But even if supply into the game is increasing, the sheer numbers needed per single component has grown that much more.. if Vision needs 250-350 MC'S but the number of ways to accumulate single digit MC's beyond daily rewards means something is grotesquely out of balance per person, so we all best hope those large numbers of players leave the game and hope the newer players really don't want their shinnies so demand drops heavily.

Yes supply is constant while demand is shifting. In this case mostly due to new items and as mentioned by other components becoming cheaper. So what exactly is the problem? Again, the total cost for crafting legendary items remains nearly the same with small shifts here and there due to short term market corrections.

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:As for the price of Mystic Coins I actually don't have that much of an issue with it and yes I agree it doesn't move up or down much over a longer period of time, but the sheer numbers needed each time a new shiny drops, does.

That's what the TP is there for. The only people who will have an issue with this are the ones who want to farm ALL the materials themselves. The game is not designed for crafting to work that way, even if it is possible in many cases. The game, loot received, etc. is designed for players to make use of the trading post. The fact that some people are unwilling to spend some of their resources in acquiring the resources they are lacking (or spend some of their resources which they have left over since other resoucrces have become insanely cheap) is of absolutely no concern of mine.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:Problem of mystic coins is that they are limited of the current playing playerbase. if the playerbase goes down the available mystic coins are going down and the price will raise. this connection and the amount of coins needed in the game is imo a bad design, because you can not farm it and are reliable of other players and that they are selling the coins.if you are lucky sometimes you will get some from fractals and CM. but thats just a joke when you need 350+ of them for one legendary

Preposterous! A legendary, which is meant to be a huge gold sink, expensive? Unheard of! Bad design!

thats not what i said. please read carefully. open gw2efficiency type in any legendary name, scroll down and look what cost you the most.something you can not farm. imo bad design. not the cost is the problem, but that you need that one item you can not farm and depends on other players.

and that items price shifts with the remaining items value to keep the total cost constant. The total cost is all that matters in this case. You can farm Mystic Coins, it's called farm gold and convert said gold into Mystic Coins on the TP. You are simply unwilling to spend those resources you saved in a different spot on the items you require.

I don't see you complain that Ectoplasm are at 15s, or most T6 materials are sub 25s? Where is the outrage here? These items were stable for years at way higher prices.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:and that items price shifts with the remaining items value to keep the total cost constant. The total cost is all that matters in this case. You can farm Mystic Coins, it's called farm gold and convert said gold into Mystic Coins on the TP. You are simply unwilling to spend those resources you saved in a different spot on the items you require.

please stop to interpret something. i have 3 legendaries, working on 4 and 5.i just say that imo thats bad game design and a cheap method to force players into buying games. i typical f2p (limited) currency.what if every player want to build a legendary? it would not work. the economy would break. no more coins to buy.but because it is so tedious most of the playerbase dont care. and thats it works somehow.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:and that items price shifts with the remaining items value to keep the total cost constant. The total cost is all that matters in this case. You can farm Mystic Coins, it's called farm gold and convert said gold into Mystic Coins on the TP. You are simply unwilling to spend those resources you saved in a different spot on the items you require.

please stop to interpret something. i have 3 legendaries, working on 4 and 5.i just say that imo thats bad game design and a cheap method to force players into buying games. i typical f2p (limited) currency.what if every player want to build a legendary? it would not work. the economy would break. no more coins to buy.but because it is so tedious most of the playerbase dont care. and thats it works somehow.

and I have over 30 legendarys if we count the armors, so?

Yes, if there was no more supply into the market, we would have a problem. That would make the price go infinite. That is not the case, nor is there any indicator that this would be the case any time soon. I'm quite sure IF this were ever the case, Arenanet would intervene since then the market would fail. Until then, I'll stick to realistic scenarios and a working market.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:something you can not farm. imo bad design

My post has already debunked that theory. Mystic Coins are farmable. Period. No no no...don't start typing an objection, I'm speaking in facts, not feelings. Mystic Coins are as farmable as Amalgamated gemstones.

You walk in to Auric Basin, you defeat the Octovine, you get an Amalgamated Gemstone 1 time per day.You kill the Legendary Ley Line Anomaly, you get a Mystic Coin 1 time per day.

The. Same. Thing.

The problem posters like you have is that you don't like the available methods for farming MCs, or want more of them, but that is a different debate.

Mystic Coins are farmable. To say otherwise is just factually incorrect.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:Problem of mystic coins is that they are limited of the current playing playerbase. if the playerbase goes down the available mystic coins are going down and the price will raise. this connection and the amount of coins needed in the game is imo a bad design, because you can not farm it and are reliable of other players and that they are selling the coins.if you are lucky sometimes you will get some from fractals and CM. but thats just a joke when you need 350+ of them for one legendary

Preposterous! A legendary, which is meant to be a huge gold sink, expensive? Unheard of! Bad design!

thats not what i said. please read carefully. open gw2efficiency type in any legendary name, scroll down and look what cost you the most.something you can not farm. imo bad design. not the cost is the problem, but that you need that one item you can not farm and depends on other players.as someone said in this thread. a lot of coins are in the bags from inactive players. nice.

Has legendary weapons price gone up, has it remained stable, or has it gone down in the past year?

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:and that items price shifts with the remaining items value to keep the total cost constant. The total cost is all that matters in this case. You can farm Mystic Coins, it's called farm gold and convert said gold into Mystic Coins on the TP. You are simply unwilling to spend those resources you saved in a different spot on the items you require.

please stop to interpret something. i have 3 legendaries, working on 4 and 5.i just say that imo thats bad game design and a cheap method to force players into buying games. i typical f2p (limited) currency.what if every player want to build a legendary? it would not work. the economy would break. no more coins to buy.but because it is so tedious most of the playerbase dont care. and thats it works somehow.

If every player wanted a legendary then prices would rise to match the true value of what it takes to get one in all the materials required. MCs to you are currently overpriced whereas for people that are sitting on coins they are under priced. I am working on about 3 legendaries as well but view MCs as under priced. To me they should be somewhere around 50-100 gold and would keep working on my goals until that point. That would be my sell price. So the market is working as expected here, current price versus perceived value. That doesn't mean 300K other coins wouldn't hit the market if they rose to 2 gold because each player needs to value their own collections for themselves. Legendaries aren't meant to be the same as picking up a set of exotic gear, they should take time to acquire, it's their only point. They are a long term goals to work towards. Even if their were no more coins, which isn't the case since more enter the game daily, people would be able to acquire their requirements based on the current time gates so it resolves itself over time. And as other have stated there are already other means to acquire more already, not seeing a reason to change the drop rate here.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:Problem of mystic coins is that they are limited of the current playing playerbase. if the playerbase goes down the available mystic coins are going down and the price will raise. this connection and the amount of coins needed in the game is imo a bad design, because you can not farm it and are reliable of other players and that they are selling the coins.if you are lucky sometimes you will get some from fractals and CM. but thats just a joke when you need 350+ of them for one legendary

Preposterous! A legendary, which is meant to be a huge gold sink, expensive? Unheard of! Bad design!

Exactly. I fail to see where the problem lies with regards to MC pricing.

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So does anyone actually have an argument for Mystic Coins being cheap, beyond "I want them"?

Pro Tip: Legendaries are an endgame thing. There are many, many other more productive uses of gold; you only make legendaries when you've run out of other stuff. If the price of Mystic Coins shocks you, you are not ready for a legendary, regardless of whatever story or excuse you have. I mean really? 500 gold gets you how many gems? Like 1600? That's just 2 bank tabs; not even enough for a full set of perma gathering tools. I've played the game for almost 7k hours, and still haven't bothered with a legendary weapon. I did spend 4k on a perma bank though; so what's the big deal?

The fact is, with 500 gold, you could donate 5 gold to 100 new players. Doing this would most likely have a bigger impact than you spending all that time on a skin that literally nobody will care about when you finish it. When you finish it, there will be hundreds of people that look like you running around. It is strictly for vanity, and for fun, and for accomplishment. Oh yea, there's also a clunky stat swap that you may use once in a while. Why make it into an ordeal? I mean really; what are you going to do when you finish it? Just make another one? But I suppose if one can't even get over Mystic Coins, there probably was no plan to begin with.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:something you can not farm. imo bad design

My post has already debunked that theory. Mystic Coins are farmable. Period. No no no...don't start typing an objection, I'm speaking in facts, not feelings. Mystic Coins are as farmable as Amalgamated gemstones.

You walk in to Auric Basin, you defeat the Octovine, you get an Amalgamated Gemstone 1 time per day.You kill the Legendary Ley Line Anomaly, you get a Mystic Coin 1 time per day.

The. Same. Thing.

The problem posters like you have is that you don't
the available methods for farming MCs, or want more of them, but that is a different debate.

Mystic Coins are farmable. To say otherwise is just factually incorrect.

farming one a day is not farming.and there are many other ways to get (craft) gemestones. its not even close the same.

but i'm out, if you are happy and defend this system, my time here is worthless.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:farming one a day is not farming.

According to whom? Are we now going to debate the definition of farming?

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:and there are many other ways to get (craft) gemestones. its not even close the same.

As I said above, the problem you have isn't that MCs can't be farmed, just you are unhappy with the means we have to farm them. That is a different issue. I'm challenging this notion that MCs aren't farmable which they very clearly are.

Crafting gemstones is irrelevant, as that has nothing to do with farming.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:but i'm out, if you are happy and defend this system,

I'm not defending anything. I'm challenging people who insist that 2+2 = 5. Now maybe these people have a reason for wanting the answer to be 5, but that doesn't change the reality that 2+2 = 4, and I will continue to argue against anyone saying otherwise.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:my time here is worthless.

Well hopefully you will leave today with the knowledge that 2+2 = 4, in which case something positive has occurred. If not, well, there is always tomorrow.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@"Cyninja.2954" said:and that items price shifts with the remaining items value to keep the total cost constant. The total cost is all that matters in this case. You can farm Mystic Coins, it's called farm gold and convert said gold into Mystic Coins on the TP. You are simply unwilling to spend those resources you saved in a different spot on the items you require.

please stop to interpret something. i have 3 legendaries, working on 4 and 5.i just say that imo thats bad game design and a cheap method to force players into buying games. i typical f2p (limited) currency.what if every player want to build a legendary? it would not work. the economy would break. no more coins to buy.but because it is so tedious most of the playerbase dont care. and thats it works somehow.

No game economy would "break" at the lack of a single item needed for a virtual non-necessity. Even if there were zero coins available on the TP, players would still accrue coins via several methods. What might "break" is some players' interest in making a Legendary. That's not a problem with the game's economy. That's a lack of player patience.

If players choose to buy extra accounts to get the coins faster, that's their choice. The GW2 store is all either: cosmetics, convenience or shortcuts. Buying an extra account is a shortcut. You as a consumer have a choice not to spend. Those who choose to spend money on additional accounts are choosing a shortcut, much like those who buy a L80 boost in the store are doing.

You say that the situation is bad design. It's only bad design for those who've "got to have it fast." GW2 is an MMO. MMO's are marathons, not sprints.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:farming one a day is not farming.

According to whom? Are we now going to debate the definition of farming?

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:and there are many other ways to get (craft) gemestones. its not even close the same.

As I said above, the problem you have isn't that MCs can't be farmed, just you are unhappy with the means we have to farm them. That is a different issue. I'm challenging this notion that MCs aren't farmable which they very clearly are.

Crafting gemstones is irrelevant, as that has nothing to do with farming.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:but i'm out, if you are happy and defend this system,

I'm not defending anything. I'm challenging people who insist that 2+2 = 5. Now maybe these people have a reason for wanting the answer to be 5, but that doesn't change the reality that 2+2 = 4, and I will continue to argue against anyone saying otherwise.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:my time here is worthless.

Well hopefully you will leave today with the knowledge that 2+2 = 4, in which case something positive has occurred. If not, well, there is always tomorrow.

2+2=52+II(Roman Numerals)=52+ii=52+11b=52+3=5

2+2=5 proven using methamatics..


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This reminds me of the "nullification sigil" issue (it was a fiasco) , where people said "there are not enough sigils for everyone, if everyone decided to make Requiem armor!!"Which didnt happen. I remember at some point the demand far outnumbered the supply, and yet... Nothing happened. Sure, the sigil cost 15g St some point, price dropped, stabilized.

Which brings us to "omg MC! What will happen if EVERYONE decided to get legendaries?"Nothing will happen. Cause it will not happen. People just want their shinies cheap, here and now, common sense is thrown out of the window.

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@"Voltekka.2375" said:This reminds me of the "nullification sigil" issue (it was a fiasco) , where people said "there are not enough sigils for everyone, if everyone decided to make Requiem armor!!"Which didnt happen. I remember at some point the demand far outnumbered the supply, and yet... Nothing happened. Sure, the sigil cost 15g St some point, price dropped, stabilized.

Which brings us to "omg MC! What will happen if EVERYONE decided to get legendaries?"Nothing will happen. Cause it will not happen. People just want their shinies cheap, here and now, common sense is thrown out of the window.

Yeah, those were fun times. Suffice to say, the Sigil is down to almost 2.5-3 gold now, tendancie dropping.

It was pointless to argue with people then, just as it is pointless to argue with people now.

Fun side fact, after most people were absolutely guaranteed totally sure that they wanted methods to farm for their collection (instead of having to rely on other players supplying items to the trading post) according to the thread about SSoN, the outrage about having to farm the season 4 maps for the Skyscale was just as big (well maybe a tad smaller). Simply put: some people just like whining and complaining and no matter how something gets implemented by Arenanet, they will always have some players who will get cross.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"ArchonWing.9480" said:So does anyone actually have an argument for Mystic Coins being cheap, beyond "I want them"?

Pro Tip: Legendaries are an endgame thing.It might be a good argument if MCs were used only on Legendaries. They are not.That "protip" isn't really relevant to the core of the argument.

Everything m-coins are used for is a one-time luxury unlock, with few exceptions. Mystic weapons, various recipes, and so on: people only need to make one (of each) mystic weapon per account, only one bulk recipe need be unlocked, etc. Nearly all the exceptions are guild hall related, and the price of nearly everything else there trends down. Even for legendaries, clover is one of the main sinks and there are alternative sources for that.

And if the problem is that mystic coins are used in unlocks that maybe should be more widely available, ANet could address that directly by changing just those requirements.

! And in any case, mystic coins aren't the sole reason some of those unlocks are inefficient options: the market value for e.g. Feast of Coleslaw (an L40 food) is 12-25g; the cost of making the recipe on one's own is 42g. Remove the mystic coins for the costs, and it's still nearly 3g, which would remain more than most people are willing to pay for an item that sells individual for 20 copper (and even the bulk version is obtainable for 8s).

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"ArchonWing.9480" said:So does anyone actually have an argument for Mystic Coins being cheap, beyond "I want them"?

Pro Tip: Legendaries are an endgame thing.It might be a good argument if MCs were used only on Legendaries. They are not.

Oh sorry, those were so chump change and borderline irrelevant that I forgot about them.

And honestly, if you want to believe these complaints are about the affordability of Mystic Weapons and feasts (?), feel free.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:Problem of mystic coins is that they are limited of the current playing playerbase. if the playerbase goes down the available mystic coins are going down and the price will raise. this connection and the amount of coins needed in the game is imo a bad design, because you can not farm it and are reliable of other players and that they are selling the coins.if you are lucky sometimes you will get some from fractals and CM. but thats just a joke when you need 350+ of them for one legendary

as will the demand ... EVERYTHING will scale with the current playing base. Oh ... and what happens when you join in a conversation 5 pages in? You get this....

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@trixantea.1230 said:This is a game with player driven economy. I don't see how will complaining in the forums help or why should Anet intrevene and affect prices made by players.

thats just so wrong. economy in a game ist always driven by the developer, because they decide how to get items. srsyl?!they just can add another source of an item = fixed.

People have put that to rest about a dozen times in this thread already. (and no, economy in a game is NOT always driven by the developer because they decide how people get items. That makes zero sense)

@Ayakaru.6583 said:I like how a stable price accommodating to the active market is considered 'out of control'

Always my favourite part of these threads.

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