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[Elite Suggestion] Avenger

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Adept Minor Trait (You now can use pistol in either hand and allow you to use Judgement abilities.Replace your Virtues with Punishment abilities.

Adept Major Trait LineMajor Trait 1 (Increase active range of your F1 by 300, number of charges by 2 and damage done by 10%.Major Trait 2 (Your Judgement abilities now will inflict weakness for 3 sec against all affected enemies.Major Trait 3 (Gain 100 (scale with healing power) barrier whenever you block an attack. Gain vigor for 3 sec when your aegis blocks an attack.


Master Minor Trait (Your next attack will deal 15% more damage after you evade an attack.

Master Major Trait LineMajor Trait 4Deal 5% more damage to enemies who are at or bellow 50% of their max health. Killing an enemy will instantly restore 5% of your max health.Major Trait 5 (Inflict 1 stack of burning for 4 sec whenever you inflict weakness.Major Trait 6 (Evade all attacks for 1 sec after your aegis blocks an attack.


Grandmaster Minor Trait (Gain 1000 (scale with healing power) barrier whenever you kill (or down) an enemy.

Grandmaster Major Trait LineMajor Trait 7 (Transform all your ferocity into power. Gain 100 bonus power for every pistol you are wielding.Major Trait 8 (Inflict 1 stack of torment for 3 sec whenever you inflict burning.Major Trait 9 (Gain 300 (scale with healing power) barrier whenever you evade an attack.

Pistol 1 (First hit of two hit chain. Shoot your target with special silver bullet dealing damage. Deals bonus damage against weakened enemies.

  • Casting time: 1/2 sec
  • Range: 600
  • Damage: 300 (scale with power)
  • Bonus damage: 150 (scale with power)


Pistol 1 (Second hit of two hit chain. Shoot a precise shot at you opponents vitals. Deal bonus damage against weakened enemies.

  • Casting time: 1/2
  • Range: 600
  • Damage: 350 (scale with power)
  • Bonus damage: 200 (scale with power)


Pistol 2 (Overcharge your pistol causing your next few basic attacks deal bonus damage. Affected attacks can't be critical.

  • Casting time: 3/4 sec
  • Cooldown: 8 sec
  • Bonus damage: 300 (scale with power)
  • Number of attacks: 3
  • Duration: 4 sec


Pistol 3 (Blast all enemies in front of you with silver flames dealing damage and inflict burning.

  • Casting time: 1/4 sec
  • Cooldown: 10 sec
  • Range: 600
  • Damage: 300 (scale with power)
  • Burning: 2 stacks for 5 sec


Pistol 4 (Shoot a rallying flare into the sky giving might and vigor to nearby allies.

  • Casting time: 1/4 sec
  • Cooldown: 14 sec
  • Radius: 900
  • Might: 5 stacks for 5 sec
  • Vigor: 5 sec


Pistol 5 (Shoot a grappling hook at your opponent. Pull your opponent to your location if it hits.

  • Casting time: 1/2 sec
  • Cooldown: 20 sec
  • Range: 900
  • Damage: 800 (scale with power)
  • Knockdown: 1 sec

F1 (Passive: your every 4th attack inflict 1 stack of burning for 3 sec.Active: blast your opponent dealing damage to it and burn it.

  • Casting time: 1/4 sec
  • Cooldown: 3 sec
  • Recharge time: 30 sec
  • Number of charge: 2
  • Range: 900
  • Damage: 500 (scale with power)
  • Burn: 2 stacks for 3 sec


F2 (Passive: heal yourself for 60 (scale with healing power) every sec while in combat.Active: consume a condition yourself to heal yourself.

  • Casting time: 1/2 sec
  • Cooldown: 5 sec
  • Recharge time: 40 sec
  • Number of charge: 3
  • Healing: 800 (scale with healing power)


F3 (Passive: gain aegis every 40 sec.Active: evade all attacks for a duration.

  • Casting time: instant
  • Cooldown: 20 sec
  • Duration: 2 sec

Healing Judgement (Heal yourself and gain barrier. Also, remove barrier from nearby enemies.

  • Casting time: 3/4 sec
  • Cooldown: 35 sec
  • Healing: 3000 (scale with healing power)
  • Barrier: 1000 (scale with healing power)
  • Radius: 600


Utility Judgement 1 (Steal up to 2 boons from your target. Inflict damage for every boon stolen.

  • Casting time: 1/2 sec
  • Cooldown: 30
  • Range: 600
  • Damage per boon stolen: 200 (scale with power)


Utility Judgement 2 (Create a smoke field in targeted location and cripple all enemies inside of it. This field will block all enemy projectiles.

  • Casting time: 1/4 sec
  • Cooldown: 15
  • Range: 600
  • Radius: 240
  • Cripple: 1 sec
  • Duration: 4 sec


Utility Judgement 3 (Damage nearby enemies and gain barrier based on number of enemies hit. Also, cleanse all movement slowing conditions from you.

  • Casting time: 3/4 sec
  • Cooldown: 20 sec
  • Radius: 300
  • Damage: 200 (Scale with power)
  • Barrier per enemy hit: 200 (scale with healing power)
  • Blast combo finisher


Utility Judgement 4 (Evade all attacks for a duration. Cripple and burn any enemy whose attack you evade within range threshold.

  • Casting time: instant
  • Cooldown: 50 sec
  • Duration: 2 sec
  • Cripple: 2 sec
  • Burning: 1 stack for 1 sec
  • Cripple and burning interval: 1 sec
  • Range threshold: 300


Elite Judgement (Instantly consume barrier from yourself and from nearby enemies. Then release a powerful attack against your target dealing damage based on the mount of barrier consumed.

  • Casting time: 1 sec
  • Cooldown: 90 sec
  • Radius: 600
  • Range: 900
  • Barrier to damage: 30%
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It has some cool ideas. I think the barrier synergy does not fit in well with the rest of the design thematically. Neither does boon steal.

Pistol needs work. MH pistol seems kind of week. No blocks, blindness or mobility. Why would I ever use it over sword or even scepter? OH, skill 4 is cool. Skill 5 is OP, but some what lacking synergy. It is a stronger SoJ, but if I am playing a ranged weapon I probably would want to maintain distance. Also, this would be the only weapon without symbol. Symbols are important for guardian.

Which takes to the really broken stuff:"Evade all attacks for 1 sec after your aegis blocks an attack.""Passive: gain aegis every 40 sec.Active: evade all attacks for a duration.Casting time: instantCooldown: 20 secDuration: 2 sec""Utility Judgement 4 (Evade all attacks for a duration. Cripple and burn any enemy whose attack you evade within range threshold.Casting time: instantCooldown: 50 secDuration: 2 secCripple: 2 secBurning: 1 stack for 1 secCripple and burning interval: 1 secRange threshold: 300"

LOL? I do think non-FB guardian needs better ways to avoid damage, but this is beyond broken. Think about. You start with aegis, so you block the damage then 1 sec evade. Then you cast Judgement, 2 sec evade, then a block then 1 sec evade. Then you use utility, 2 sec evade. This is 6 sec evade, plus 2 blocks all with no casting. But wait for more! I have shield. Shield 4, again block and 1 sec evade. Then renewed focus, 3 sec evade (at least you cannot attack here and no point contribution). The judgement again, 2 sec evade, 1 block and 1 sec evade. Man I can sit on a point against 4 enemies for 12-15 secs, and they cannot touch me.

I think the overall design is cool.

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@otto.5684 said:Man I can sit on a point against 4 enemies for 12-15 secs, and they cannot touch me.

Is it any different to bunker mesmer, though?Also, if you will focus everything on blocks and evades, then what else would you do? You would sacrifice both damage and healing for avoidance. So, yeah, you could dance around and evade everything, but other than that you would pretty much be a dead weight.

Thanks for reading through.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@otto.5684 said:Man I can sit on a point against 4 enemies for 12-15 secs, and they cannot touch me.

Is it any different to bunker mesmer, though?Also, if you will focus everything on blocks and evades, then what else would you do? You would sacrifice both damage and healing for avoidance. So, yeah, you could dance around and evade everything, but other than that you would pretty much be a dead weight.

Thanks for reading through.

I want to be clear, I think your idea is cool, but it needs refining.

The issue is that the evades here have no sacrifice. What sacrifice is there for VoJ? It is there by default. That is a 3 sec evade on 20 sec CD. If use shield, instead of focus or pistol, that is an extra 1 sec evade. Shield will outdps pistol and only slightly outdpsed by focus in PvP. I can do this with core dps build, using GS / Sword & shield using marauder (obviously would not be called core with the new elite). This setup will give me 20% evade uptime + 2 aegis every 20 sec. If I play it right, I can use LoW with stability source. In the 15 sec down time of LoR I can just start dumping the evades + aegis + dodges. This gives enemies very limited opportunity to be able to attack me.

You compared to chrono bunker. Chrono bunker does not have the ability to deal anywhere close to guardian dps type of damage.

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Honestly I think the "Update the active" approach is already been recicled many times and only gives the same playstyle a different flavor.I would like to see something that emphasizes on the passives.So you for example you activate a virtue for an initial effect and then you gain a powerful passive witch's potency diminishes over time.So you can juggle your passives by "swapping" virtues.

I actually made a short E-Spec concept out of this.

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