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No more language specific servers


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I don't understand who thought that would be a good idea. People choose their server for a reason of which language is probably the main one. I guess the huge majority of European players doesn't speak a second language at all. A minority at least can speak English, but nearly no one can talk most of the European languages. In one linking it will be German+French, the following, German+Spanish, French+Spanish etc. It will just lead to a huge clusterfuck with a lot of players unable to communicate with each other.

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A chance to get German hardcore PPTers on the server, what's not to like?!?

Anyway, I honestly dont think it will be that bad. The links just means that yes, the "one server" might be a little divided... but link individuals will run together anyway. Would it be be that awful to see a "French open raid" and an "International open raid" on the same border, on two different Discords? No, I dont think so. Just need to know who to join. People can still easily work together.

Look it at as a prelude to alliances, where the shuffling would result in national alliances being mixed with international alliances anyway.

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@"Gaberen.4325" said:Looking forward to the map chats in EU, the baguette jokes and inappropriate german jokes.

Don't forget about the "mexican" jokes even if the spaniards have nothing to do with that. I play on a international server and not the 1st time I see this kind of jokes that in my opinion are just racist.

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I actually see a lot more cohesion and well mannered people on one SP server [i'm surprised I've not really seen any trolling in chat] compared to international eu server and na servers, I hope they [as well as other national servers] can deal with this new change. Language and communication are going to get messy, and a lot of people will be out of their comfort zones. It's going to be a mess for sure. With regards to alliances, this would become an eventuality, provided it actually happens.

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@wanya.1697 said:as groups of different languages will be in future matchups with the allianz system anyway as more as one allianz will fill a serverits a good start for them to get better metrics on populations I guess?

As i understand it you can decide which alliance you/your guild joins, so there could be single language ones or multi language ones. The difference would be that you can decide if you want to play with people speaking another language.

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@Crystal Black.8190 said:I don't understand who thought that would be a good idea. People choose their server for a reason of which language is probably the main one. I guess the huge majority of European players doesn't speak a second language at all. A minority at least can speak English, but nearly no one can talk most of the European languages. In one linking it will be German+French, the following, German+Spanish, French+Spanish etc. It will just lead to a huge kitten with a lot of players unable to communicate with each other.It's the opposite, only a minority can't speak english. EU's english skills will be enough for map chat lol. Where are you from if I might ask?

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It's already bad enough as it is, with some links.So what happens with the five tiers in the EU? You have 3 German servers without a link, currently in T5, two are apparently full.

There are some national servers that are to be avoided too, as their playstyles can be generally different too, apart from a few international ones.

Maybe they should have relinks, every 4 weeks instead too.

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@Crystal Black.8190 said:

@"wanya.1697" said:as groups of different languages will be in future matchups with the allianz system anyway as more as one allianz will fill a serverits a good start for them to get better metrics on populations I guess?

As i understand it you can decide which alliance you/your guild joins, so there could be single language ones or multi language ones. The difference would be that you can decide if you want to play with people speaking another language.

Well not really, your alliance of choice will be about 500 players. Even if there may be some choice of who to play with in that it's not really that different from joining a national guild today (300). Also, this initial change will also only make sure the national servers can be paired with international servers so you will likely have your groups that socialize with the paired servers and the groups that stick more to themselves much like any guild already behaves in terms of private and public play.

The battlegroup (server, world) it gets rotated into will be ... 2500 (?) players, so your alliance of choice will only make up about 1/5 of the "server".

See: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1


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i was playing for 4 years on elona and i can tell you that even if 40+ people were on TS only 10 were actualy talking , rest was muted all the time anyway, so these people can still sit muted on ts and follow and listen to a com speaking english and if you are not braindead you could think what the com means if he says "bomb,dodge,waterfield,fakepush" after seeing/hearing it a few times

ofc there could also be coms that talk only in german/french/spanish/whatever but you could still follow them without ts (like many do today anyway) or join just to listen to the few keywords that are actualy needed to know what to do

main problem will be the map and teamchat tho , pretty sure this will be a shitshow on the first few days

but overall i think thats a good change, i left elona because it never got a link and it was always sitting on the last tier while being "full" so now they maybe have a chance to change things up and give everyone a link, also it will be like a test run for alliance system where they can mix and match regardles of your language settings

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Time to brush up on my French and learn some Spanish, Dutch etc. ;)

Oh well, we will see how it's going to work out. In case of chaos, they can still change their setup for server formation again. ;)

@"Sekai.2987" said:i was playing for 4 years on elona and i can tell you that even if 40+ people were on TS only 10 were actualy talking , rest was muted all the time anyway, so these people can still sit muted on ts and follow and listen to a com speaking english and if you are not braindead you could think what the com means if he says "bomb,dodge,waterfield,fakepush" after seeing/hearing it a few times

ofc there could also be coms that talk only in german/french/spanish/whatever but you could still follow them without ts (like many do today anyway) or join just to listen to the few keywords that are actualy needed to know what to do

Of course, but I will miss the smalltalk that people are having in between fights.

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The basics of communication aren't really that complicated; in the eastern Pacific timezones we've worked with a lot of Korean commanders who had fairly limited knowledge of English (and a few with better written English than the people who complained about non-English languages in chat, of course...)

In fact, the worst communication problems I've seen were due to a few American commanders who understood English but never actually read or listened to anything.

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I wonder how this is helping to prepare the alliance system. When the alliance system was presented it was announced that the new worlds would honor the language preference of the alliance, guild or individual player (depending on whether you have an alliance or guild).

If this is now moot, you might as well drop non-english language support all together. If I cannot reliably talk German in PvE map chat nor WvW map chat, it makes it actually more difficult to always see German labels for PoIs, waypoints and now towers, keeps etc. When I get joined with an international or FR/ES server I'm probably finally going to switch my client to English.

PS: apparently there is supposed to be an official thread. There is a link in the blog post, but I get an permission error.

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Lack of communication has nothing to do with language barrier. Going to be very entertaining, that is for sure. And anyone that is feeling kitten hurt over this is acting like a change in the game is a forever thing that impacts real life. Grow up. If it's intolerable they'll change it or you'll leave. Either way the game is made better.

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I'm not completely sure that the language barrier will be an issue. As long as you keep it short and simple the language barrier shouldn't be too much of a problem."Blue Home: 5 reds @ WT, 1 cata" should be understandable by almost everyone whereas "Hey laddies, there are a handfull of red-coats at our left Spire and they build one 'Let me in'-device so assistance wouldn't go amiss" might cause at least for the average non-native english speaker a challenge (besides being a rather useless and convoluted announcement anyway ^^).

The thing what will drive me nuts is the absolute terrible english some germans will speak. Don't get the wrong idea here. I am german. I also understand that practice makes perfect. So those without much practice might speak not that good. But still... this terrible pronounciation makes, even only thinking about it, very uncomfortable.

Well... Let's see how this all plays out.

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As we prepare for world restructuring in World vs. World, we’ll be removing language restrictions in the upcoming EU world links. This will help us create fairer links and gather data on the impact of grouping together players who speak different languages.

What I see is ANet admitting that they need more information to make WvW Restructuring successful. Like anyone posting in this thread, they can guess how people will behave; they can't be sure. For example, they might be interested in how many people who chose English for the game spend gems to find an English link versus how many who don't or how many play less for the 2 months (And we can imagine similar questions for those who chose French or German or Spanish).

The good news is: this means they are close enough to the actual restructuring that they are starting to focus on player choices/behavior, not just on the technical hurdles of "can we pull it off."The bad news means: lots of cranky people who don't want to adjust to a polyglot 21st Century. I consider this minor since, on any given day, WvWarriors are cranky about something. This has the silver lining of giving us something new to discuss.

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