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5 matches, 5 match manipulaters.


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@"bluri.2653" said:

I pity you thinking everything is a conspiracy in this game, you defo need to get out if you think 1/3 of your games are manipulated lmao.

Can't wait to see what you say about this one bud.

I'd like to point out that it is the first game of the day that I qued, as you can see my dailies still present in the upper right hand corner. Also, the moment I mention "This is probably some kind of a throw", the game immediately turns 5v3 advantage for us, and then my team comes back from the grave and wins. Are you still going to claim a low frequency of this stuff?

My more important question to you is, why is it so rare to ever see this kind of thing happen in Unranked and ATs? I mean I can't remember the last time I saw a double DC in an Unranked game, let alone a single DC. And I never see it happen at all in ATs. I don't think I've ever seen it happen once actually. What would make Ranked different? Why would this kind of activity happen so frequently in Ranked ques?


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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"bluri.2653" said:

I pity you thinking everything is a conspiracy in this game, you defo need to get out if you think 1/3 of your games are manipulated lmao.

Can't wait to see what you say about this one bud.

I'd like to point out that it is the first game of the day that I qued, as you can see my dailies still present in the upper right hand corner. Also, the moment I mention "This is probably some kind of a throw", the game
turns 5v3 advantage for us, and then my team comes back from the grave and wins. Are you still going to claim a low frequency of this stuff?

My more important question to you is, why is it so rare to ever see this kind of thing happen in Unranked and ATs? I mean I can't remember the last time I saw a double DC in an Unranked game, let alone a single DC. And I never see it happen at all in ATs. I don't think I've ever seen it happen once actually. What would make Ranked different? Why would this kind of activity happen so frequently in Ranked ques?

add all of those players to your friendslist and check ratings of them if possible and if anyone is actually highranked I'll give you a +1.you are queuing 7 in the morning as lowtier gold you probably have bronze/silver players who dont give a fokk about the game

you say 1/3 of your games are manipulated I can show you hours of recordings of me streaming and you show me where the match manipulations are (1/3) of the games according to you. I can assure you, you won't find one game in a 3h session stream


since 1/3 of the games you say it should be pretty easy and fast for you to find one game that was "MANIPULATED" as you say

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Why would anyone perform any type of Match Manipulation or do anything against the TOS for that matter, when they know they are being recorded & streamed by Sindrener? You're the type of guy that these kinds of people que dodge for several reasons, and the above ^ is one of those reasons.

When people know they're being streamed, people AFK rage quit less, they rage less in general, they focus and play harder, they want to look good in a live stream, not bad. They certainly wouldn't want to perform an obvious match manipulation against you, while a large portion of player base watches, and piss off someone that Arenanet might actually listen to, while leaving behind a recorded trail of evidence to examine nonetheless. I've had this same exact conversation with Chaith on about 3 different occasions. Sometimes, the popular streamer types don't quite understand what the rest of us plebs are experiencing game to game, when we hold no real clout of media threat or ties with Arenanet.

Seriously, test this on NA if you don't believe me. Make a f2p account, make your S/D Thief. Play an entire season without telling anyone who you are, not even your friends. Don't stream it, don't talk about it. And I guarantee you that regardless of your performance, people will point the finger and blame you for just about everything that goes wrong in a match, simply because you are a Thief, and a face they've never seen before. They'll say ridiculously nasty things to you with absolutely no regard for repercussion. You will see obvious match manipulations occur with no regard to even mask it, because they'll think you're super random. At least that's how it'll be for awhile, before some better players notice your level of play and begin trying to figure who is behind the obvious alt account.

By the way, I normally play around 1600 rating on an average week, 1550 during those off weeks, and around 1650 during good weeks. There was one season that I should have taken a top 25 title, but I got greedy and figured I would aim at the top 10 because there was an opening for it. This landed me back down into the top 100. You can also view my GW2 Druid 2019 Yes video, where I am winning 1v1s against Gods Of PvP and Best Of Bestests. I am certainly not saying that I am one of the best players in the game but it is important to note, seeing as how you seem to think everything I post is gold & silver tier play.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:@"bluri.2653"

Why would anyone perform any type of Match Manipulation or do anything against the TOS for that matter, when they know they are being recorded & streamed by Sindrener? You're the type of guy that these kinds of people que dodge for several reasons, and the above ^ is one of those reasons.

When people know they're being streamed, people AFK rage quit less, they rage less in general, they focus and play harder, they want to look good in a live stream, not bad. They certainly wouldn't want to perform an obvious match manipulation against you, while a large portion of player base watches, and kitten off someone that Arenanet might actually listen to, while leaving behind a recorded trail of evidence to examine nonetheless. I've had this same exact conversation with Chaith on about 3 different occasions. Sometimes, the popular streamer types don't quite understand what the rest of us plebs are experiencing game to game, when we hold no real clout of media threat or ties with Arenanet.

Seriously, test this on NA if you don't believe me. Make a f2p account, make your S/D Thief. Play an entire season without telling anyone who you are, not even your friends. Don't stream it, don't talk about it. And I guarantee you that regardless of your performance, people will point the finger and blame you for just about everything that goes wrong in a match, simply because you are a Thief, and a face they've never seen before. They'll say ridiculously nasty things to you with absolutely no regard for repercussion. You will see obvious match manipulations occur with no regard to even mask it, because they'll think you're super random. At least that's how it'll be for awhile, before some better players notice your level of play and begin trying to figure who is behind the obvious alt account.

By the way, I normally play around 1600 rating on an average week, 1550 during those off weeks, and around 1650 during good weeks. There was one season that I should have taken a top 25 title, but I got greedy and figured I would aim at the top 10 because there was an opening for it. This landed me back down into the top 100. You can also view my GW2 Druid 2019 Yes video, where I am winning 1v1s against Gods Of PvP and Best Of Bestests. I am certainly not saying that I am one of the best players in the game but it is important to note, seeing as how you seem to think everything I post is gold & silver tier play.

I don't care what rating you have been or can be, I'm stating that since the population is already low which you probably have figured out by now and by queuing at 7 in the morning you will end up with a incredible big rating difference on both sides. Don't believe me? Add the players in your game to your friendslist and look at their rating and I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

I can queue during primetime when an Automated tournament is currently up, get matched up with gold players thats a rating difference of 400 or more for me, imagine if i would have queued at 7 in the morning like you do... How far it would go to find a matchup.

I'll post this for referencehttps://clips.twitch.tv/CulturedTenuousOrangeEagleEye

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Match manipulation happens throughout the season. Due to this fact all ranks in pvp are meaningless people who should be in plat are in gold and those who should be in gold are in silver.

I’ve been watching season fights carefully for 3 seasons so far. The match manipulation only got bad 2 seasons ago. The fact that anet isn’t banning match manipulation is one of the reasons why ranked isn’t really ranked anymore

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I’ve been in gold for past seasons and have made threads about match manipulation and how it is effecting the game.

Check back on the forums there are match manipulators and they don’t care if you report them or not because they know arena net won’t do anything to stop them.

It is a combination of this and lack of players which is why pvp is dying.

When you queue up you don’t get placed with people all from your rank in leagues because of the lack of players. You can be matched up with platinums golds silver and bronze all in the same team.

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Possible thoughts:

  1. Reduce rewards for losing , by a lot .. Try to force people to actually try and instead of casually farm rewards whether they lose or win
  2. team forfeit vote option halfway through the game to speed up and leave instead of just sitting there and waiting similar to League of Legends.
  3. Option to show least heal, least revives, least dmg, least stats in general to identify what went wrong and who went wrong... Not always an accurate case because roles exist so this option might not be a solid one but just throwing it out there
  4. Rank tier showing in lineup so you know who you're actually teamed up with
  5. 3-5 man queing again please
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Watch the minimap.This happens in low gold and silver.

@Trevor Boyer.6524 @bluri.2653 @Khalisto.5780 @Meteor.3720 @Ragnar.4257 @PaRaPhReNiA.8763 @Crab Fear.1624 @praqtos.9035 @Stand The Wall.6987

Its hard to enjoy the game when im forced to play with this.If Anet doesn't want to act on it due to what ever reason, the best solution would be to introduce team queue again so I am not forced to play with these people.

Just wanna enjoy whats left of the game ya know? Cant queue with friends anymore and have to deal with randoms pulling this most matches. Its a major deterrent from even logging in.

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@"sephiroth.4217" said:

Watch the minimap.This happens in low gold and silver.

@Trevor Boyer.6524 @bluri.2653 @Khalisto.5780 @Meteor.3720 @Ragnar.4257 @PaRaPhReNiA.8763 @Crab Fear.1624 @praqtos.9035 @Stand The Wall.6987

Its hard to enjoy the game when im forced to play with this.If Anet doesn't want to act on it due to what ever reason, the best solution would be to introduce team queue again so I am not forced to play with these people.

Just wanna enjoy whats left of the game ya know? Cant queue with friends anymore and have to deal with randoms pulling this most matches. Its a major deterrent from even logging in.

That looks like a bot with bad programming. And you say its match manipulation? Omegalul

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@bluri.2653 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:

Watch the minimap.This happens in low gold and silver.

Its hard to enjoy the game when im forced to play with this.If Anet doesn't want to act on it due to what ever reason, the best solution would be to introduce team queue again so I am not forced to play with these people.

Just wanna enjoy whats left of the game ya know? Cant queue with friends anymore and have to deal with randoms pulling this most matches. Its a major deterrent from even logging in.

That looks like a bot with bad programming. And you say its match manipulation? Omegalul

A bot with bad programming decided to start playing properly after being called out?And you "omegalul" your illogical comment?Now thats omegalul.

Im starting to think youre a player who indulges in this behavior due to your constant defending of such behavior.

It is what it is...

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Well, realistically what we have here is a classic case of the 5 B's of low ranked pvp.

As an expert on the subject let me list them out for you:

  • Bots
  • Bichbabies
  • Bafoons
  • Bronze heroes
  • Bad Connections

Sometimes, one may encounter several of these.

The problem is compounded and noticeably more prevalent in a lower pvp population.

The match maker gives up and pits players against foes they realistically have no chance against.

I am doing pitifully this season, nothing unusual, but I got put in a match the other night with 2 top ten players on my team.

Of course they carried the match. Easily wrecking most of their foes. At one point, the top 10 player was on a rev and easily trolling 4 of the doofs at their spawn.

Maybe that also causes people to rage quit and just run in circles.

They are pizzed about that match and here we go, they run in circles instead of gaining that dishonor.

Easy and free rewards, no reason to try hard.

Same stale mode.

This was inevitable.

The dingleberries at the top can carry on with whatever operation they want, and if bob the builder wants to take my low rated rating away, so be it.

At this point, I have joined the masses and am just trying to farm as many shards as I can just in case they actually decide to make rewards harder to get, like winning.

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After the experience I had, I decided to give the game a break and come back to it later.My first game of the day went as such.

Watch the minimap... Nec got focused mid fight and sat in the base for the remainder of the match.Obviously no match manipulation was organised but still... Just as bad.

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@"sephiroth.4217" That's the kind of thing I'm talking about concerning general manipulations. These people aren't idle AFK players. They are sitting there in front of their screen, with salty demeanor as they rage quit at 50 to 100 after getting killed once. There needs to be more serious punishment for such buffoonery, to encourage players to not do it in the first place. The biggest problem with this type of behavior is that nowadays, when one quits they all start quitting. One guy quits and someone else notices and says "Oh it's 4v5 now, GG" and then he also rage AFKs. <- This is match throwing. Now if it were like 300 to 60, I understand players throwing in the towel to more quickly end the lopsided match, but 100 to 50 type situations are no reason to rage AFK. Players with such poor sportsmanship should not be allowed into ranked ques.

The frequency of this garbage nowadays is just amazing. At least it is in NA.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:@"sephiroth.4217" That's the kind of thing I'm talking about concerning general manipulations. These people aren't idle AFK players. They are sitting there in front of their screen, with salty demeanor as they rage quit at 50 to 100 after getting killed once. There needs to be more serious punishment for such buffoonery, to encourage players to not do it in the first place. The biggest problem with this type of behavior is that nowadays, when one quits they all start quitting. One guy quits and someone else notices and says "Oh it's 4v5 now, GG" and then he also rage AFKs. <- This is match throwing. Now if it were like 300 to 60, I understand players throwing in the towel to more quickly end the lopsided match, but 100 to 50 type situations are no reason to rage AFK. Players with such poor sportsmanship should not be allowed into ranked ques.

The frequency of this garbage nowadays is just amazing. At least it is in NA.

its happening quite a bit.

despite what people say, I can tell the difference between match manipulation and this example of throwing. The last video had gold involved and chat being used for throwing.. thats match manipulation.this video is just the general throw that happens if mid fight wasn't favourable.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:@sephiroth.4217 That's the kind of thing I'm talking about concerning general manipulations. These people aren't idle AFK players. They are sitting there in front of their screen, with salty demeanor as they rage quit at 50 to 100 after getting killed once. There needs to be more serious punishment for such buffoonery, to encourage players to not do it in the first place. The biggest problem with this type of behavior is that nowadays, when one quits they all start quitting. One guy quits and someone else notices and says "Oh it's 4v5 now, GG" and then he also rage AFKs. <- This is match throwing. Now if it were like 300 to 60, I understand players throwing in the towel to more quickly end the lopsided match, but 100 to 50 type situations are no reason to rage AFK. Players with such poor sportsmanship should not be allowed into ranked ques.

The frequency of this garbage nowadays is just amazing. At least it is in NA.

its happening quite a bit.

despite what people say, I can tell the difference between match manipulation and this example of throwing. The last video had gold involved and chat being used for throwing.. thats match manipulation.this video is just the general throw that happens if mid fight wasn't favourable.

Ye look at my live wintrading and match manipulation live streamed right here

afk player gg match manipulation

4 dead mid instant gg throw on purpose

afk guard again... match manipulation gg
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@bluri.2653 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:@sephiroth.4217 That's the kind of thing I'm talking about concerning general manipulations. These people aren't idle AFK players. They are sitting there in front of their screen, with salty demeanor as they rage quit at 50 to 100 after getting killed once. There needs to be more serious punishment for such buffoonery, to encourage players to not do it in the first place. The biggest problem with this type of behavior is that nowadays, when one quits they all start quitting. One guy quits and someone else notices and says "Oh it's 4v5 now, GG" and then he also rage AFKs. <- This is match throwing. Now if it were like 300 to 60, I understand players throwing in the towel to more quickly end the lopsided match, but 100 to 50 type situations are no reason to rage AFK. Players with such poor sportsmanship should not be allowed into ranked ques.

The frequency of this garbage nowadays is just amazing. At least it is in NA.

its happening quite a bit.

despite what people say, I can tell the difference between match manipulation and this example of throwing. The last video had gold involved and chat being used for throwing.. thats match manipulation.this video is just the general throw that happens if mid fight wasn't favourable.

Ye look at my live wintrading and match manipulation live streamed right here

afk player gg match manipulation

4 dead mid instant gg throw on purpose

afk guard again... match manipulation gg

are you ok there?you know this isnt about you right?

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:@sephiroth.4217 That's the kind of thing I'm talking about concerning general manipulations. These people aren't idle AFK players. They are sitting there in front of their screen, with salty demeanor as they rage quit at 50 to 100 after getting killed once. There needs to be more serious punishment for such buffoonery, to encourage players to not do it in the first place. The biggest problem with this type of behavior is that nowadays, when one quits they all start quitting. One guy quits and someone else notices and says "Oh it's 4v5 now, GG" and then he also rage AFKs. <- This is match throwing. Now if it were like 300 to 60, I understand players throwing in the towel to more quickly end the lopsided match, but 100 to 50 type situations are no reason to rage AFK. Players with such poor sportsmanship should not be allowed into ranked ques.

The frequency of this garbage nowadays is just amazing. At least it is in NA.

its happening quite a bit.

despite what people say, I can tell the difference between match manipulation and this example of throwing. The last video had gold involved and chat being used for throwing.. thats match manipulation.this video is just the general throw that happens if mid fight wasn't favourable.

Ye look at my live wintrading and match manipulation live streamed right here

afk player gg match manipulation

4 dead mid instant gg throw on purpose

afk guard again... match manipulation gg

only you would think this is about you.

its for both you and trevor since he mentioned as soon as people afk or give up its wintrading

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:@sephiroth.4217 That's the kind of thing I'm talking about concerning general manipulations. These people aren't idle AFK players. They are sitting there in front of their screen, with salty demeanor as they rage quit at 50 to 100 after getting killed once. There needs to be more serious punishment for such buffoonery, to encourage players to not do it in the first place. The biggest problem with this type of behavior is that nowadays, when one quits they all start quitting. One guy quits and someone else notices and says "Oh it's 4v5 now, GG" and then he also rage AFKs. <- This is match throwing. Now if it were like 300 to 60, I understand players throwing in the towel to more quickly end the lopsided match, but 100 to 50 type situations are no reason to rage AFK. Players with such poor sportsmanship should not be allowed into ranked ques.

The frequency of this garbage nowadays is just amazing. At least it is in NA.

its happening quite a bit.

despite what people say, I can tell the difference between match manipulation and this example of throwing. The last video had gold involved and chat being used for throwing.. thats match manipulation.this video is just the general throw that happens if mid fight wasn't favourable.

Ye look at my live wintrading and match manipulation live streamed right here

afk player gg match manipulation

4 dead mid instant gg throw on purpose

afk guard again... match manipulation gg

only you would think this is about you.

its for both you and trevor since he mentioned as soon as people afk in spawn its wintrading and ur agreeing with him, or your first post of 5 games = 5 manipulated :))

i didnt agree with anyone. I said I know the difference despite what some say.

first games I had involved chat being used for payments to win.. Player then got called out as being recorded then decided to change his behaviour.. that was match manipulation up until he was caught red handed.The matches before that one I wasnt able to record but the silly bugger on my team paid me 10g because we won. I told him to pay me 10g if he won and he did without realising I was on his team.

the second video was someone having a throw because the poor necro was focused and mid wasn't favourable.

you seem to have trouble understanding this for what ever reason despite the amount of times its been said. wether you're intentionally ignoring it or not I dont know or care.

Both cases are just as bad which is why im going to thank you for posting more evidence on the current state of ranked.

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