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Please add Guild Wars Prophecies pre-searing maps to Guild Wars 2, somehow!

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I keep going back to Guild Wars 1 and chilling out in pre-searing Ascalon. There's something timeless, relaxing and magical about the whole place.I was thinking, what might be the best way that your Guild Wars 2 character could go and revisit this iconic place, which for me and I'm sure others, was the first online gaming experience in an RPG.Maybe Prince Rurik's ghost could be discovered and afford us an artifact that takes us back in time to Ascalon pre-searing? We haven't seen anything of Rurik in GW2.Perhaps a Fractal could be made, where it's not a linear story and you can explore at will, perhaps unlocking fractal based rewards or something.What other lore friendly ways could make exploring and spending time in pre-searing Ascalon possible for our GW2 characters?I think it would be a worthy and enjoyable nod to the nearly 15 year old predecessor of this awesome game GW2!

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I remember pre-searing from the GW beta, at some point myself and another player were heading across a ravine by way of a huge fallen tree, I remember being in awe of the scenery but sadly never found the location in the small time I had a copy of the live game installed. Maybe if something like this happened I could go exploring again

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@Tsumiju.3071 said:I remember pre-searing from the GW beta, at some point myself and another player were heading across a ravine by way of a huge fallen tree, I remember being in awe of the scenery but sadly never found the location in the small time I had a copy of the live game installed. Maybe if something like this happened I could go exploring again

I think there was an area beyond the wall and a gate to a block off area that was part of the beta but not the live game. You can see it from the gate. There is a round amphitheater there. It always annoyed me that we couldn't go there.

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@Tsumiju.3071 said:I remember pre-searing from the GW beta, at some point myself and another player were heading across a ravine by way of a huge fallen tree, I remember being in awe of the scenery but sadly never found the location in the small time I had a copy of the live game installed. Maybe if something like this happened I could go exploring again

Would that have been north of the wall? I'll need to find it for you! It's all so gorgeous...

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I see no reason why we couldn't go back in time. I just can't see the actual reason why but yes. I would love to see pre updated but the same. I still have my perma pre chars and visit now and again.I nerd and go to places to compare both games. Poor Horace. I wonder if he ever got his pudding.

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@Dami.5046 said:I see no reason why we couldn't go back in time. I just can't see the actual reason why but yes. I would love to see pre updated but the same. I still have my perma pre chars and visit now and again.I nerd and go to places to compare both games. Poor Horace. I wonder if he ever got his pudding.

Well if they ever would implement player housing I can see this being a nice peaceful scenario for it.I remember even when leaving pre-searing for the first time I was a little bit pissed off about how ugly the begin maps were compared to it.

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I'd rather have them make something new.Pre-searing ascalon already exists and is available to anyone with a GW1 account, as is everything else in GW1. This is GW2 adn I'd rather have it be its own game with its own special places, stories, characters and so on instead of revisiting all and everything GW1 had and still has.

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I personally like seeing how the old areas look now. Gw2 isn't is own game per say as it is 250 years from the last one and we are still in Tyria. There are countless places in this game that the last one didn't and it is missing a fair few too. It does have it's own stories, characters ....They have a lot of scope to please the likes of me and please the people who what different.So in the name of greedy I want both.Just not housing in pre. How would the lore explain that?

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How about, instead of adding a place from over 250 years ago into this game if they offer all gw2 players a discount to buy gw1. They can then can play in Presearing and join up with players from this game who also bought it. This would boost the player population of that game and give ANet some extra money which they can use to upgrade Guild Wars 1.

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Hmm, if they where to re-make pre-searing in gw2, I think the most accurate way of doing that would be to make it a separate mode entirely, that you had to make a own character in, that is disconnected from the rest of the game. To recreate that pre-searing was disconnected from the rest of the game. So no access to bank, TP, guild bank, etc. And couldn't go there with existing characters.

I suspect that would likely turn a lot of people off though.

But anyways, I'd absolutely love to see pre-searing remade in gw2, loved that area to bits, and was sad the first time I left it. But at the same time I just don't enjoy the combat and build system in GW1, and would much rather want to replay it with gw2 combat. Honestly been wanting that since first time I played gw2.

But as others have said, I honestly can't say it would be a good use of their money/resources.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:There is a Fractal in "Pre-Searing" Ascalon... or rather, Mid-Searing Ascalon.

Urban Battleground isn't set during the Searing. Despite the landscape not being visibly seared, it's set just at the

I'm pretty sure that's the Searing Dessa refers to as the energy spike, not the Foefire. Wiki at least agrees with me, fwiw.

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@Bridget Morrigan.1752 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:There is a Fractal in "Pre-Searing" Ascalon... or rather, Mid-Searing Ascalon.

Urban Battleground isn't set during the Searing. Despite the landscape not being visibly seared, it's set just at the

I'm pretty sure that's the Searing Dessa refers to as the energy spike, not the Foefire. Wiki at least agrees with me, fwiw.

Huh, that makes... little sense, honestly. An energy spike happening right as a large charr force is actually breaking through into n Ascalonian city fits the Foefire a lot better than the Searing, but as the wiki points to an interview as the source (though the link is now dead) I'll take their, and your, word for it.

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