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[Idea] Bounties in WvW!!

Olivier Yuki.5614

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@Olivier Yuki.5614 said:Bounties in WvW sounds like a great idea!! I would be so hyped to play WvW if there were bounties!

Bounty means having an enemy player as target that you need to track down and kill.

I haven't thought much about it so feel free to post the potential consequences that might occur if the feature were to be implemented.

The only problem, from comments below is if your bounty targets leaves/logs-off often. But I guess it might be a risk the hunter has to take.

I wonder if you ever play WvW. Because if you play, I will put a bounty on you of 2 gold every single day if your idea will be ever implemented. I have some friends too playing mostly for the fun and who will help you to improve your enjoyable WvW experience by placing also 2 g/day on your head. I think we can easily spend over 30 gold only for daily to have you dead by the hand of a bounty hunter and not because of a random encounter. And if the fun will be real, I think I can find other guildmates too to bet 2 g/day on your head.

I want to have a system warning us when the bounty has been completed, in order to place another bounty. And to give the target a truly exciting WvW experience.

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first thing that came to mind would be guild chat looking like this: "guys , there is this guy i need to kill for bounty , join my party"

and you would see a party of 5+ people hunt/chase/gank one guy just because one guy from the party has the bounty for him

majority of people in wvw dont look for good fights but for easy kills, they dont care about 1v1 2v2 or other even fights , they would kill you 10vs1 or even 40vs1 just to get the kill/bag/bounty

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Two problems I see with this is:

  • What if your bounty target is part of a zerg/blob?

  • Who can become a bounty target and how is the bounty target tracked? They could be part of a group trying to sneak attack an objective/are hiding in an objective so marking them on the map will not work.Marking the target can also allow large groups to track the enemy group in real time by having them all accept a bounty assuming the bounty target is random.

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@Gop.8713 said:The only way I could see this being fun is if you got to volunteer to be the bounty and you were always marked if you were in a 'safe' area like spawn where enemies can't go. I just don't see the point in putting it on a random player that would probably turn out to be really easy to kill. But if you put it on someone who couldn't hide in a safe place and volunteered to be hunted, it could turn into a really fun hide and seek type thing . . .

I agree. Putting it involuntarily on someone is just not consistent with modern game design which tends to avoid punishment.

On the other hand, voluntarily tagging DOES work, because it already exists in the form of Anet tags. When an Anet tag appears, literally everyone tries to kill them, and the side the anet employee is on often takes advantage of this. It generally creates a bit more excitement than the usual and also proof people just like that kind of thing.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:

@Gop.8713 said:The only way I could see this being fun is if you got to volunteer to be the bounty and you were always marked if you were in a 'safe' area like spawn where enemies can't go. I just don't see the point in putting it on a random player that would probably turn out to be really easy to kill. But if you put it on someone who couldn't hide in a safe place and volunteered to be hunted, it could turn into a really fun hide and seek type thing . . .

I agree. Putting it involuntarily on someone is just not consistent with modern game design which tends to avoid punishment.

On the other hand, voluntarily tagging DOES work, because it already exists in the form of Anet tags. When an Anet tag appears, literally everyone tries to kill them, and the side the anet employee is on often takes advantage of this. It generally creates a bit more excitement than the usual and also proof people just like that kind of thing.

I wasn't even really thinking of it that way, I was just thinking from the perspective of the hunters. Where's the fun in hunting someone who doesn't know they're being hunted . . ?

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@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:The only way I could see this being fun is if you got to volunteer to be the bounty and you were always marked if you were in a 'safe' area like spawn where enemies can't go. I just don't see the point in putting it on a random player that would probably turn out to be really easy to kill. But if you put it on someone who couldn't hide in a safe place and volunteered to be hunted, it could turn into a really fun hide and seek type thing . . .

I agree. Putting it involuntarily on someone is just not consistent with modern game design which tends to avoid punishment.

On the other hand, voluntarily tagging DOES work, because it already exists in the form of Anet tags. When an Anet tag appears, literally everyone tries to kill them, and the side the anet employee is on often takes advantage of this. It generally creates a bit more excitement than the usual and also proof people just like that kind of thing.

I wasn't even really thinking of it that way, I was just thinking from the perspective of the hunters. Where's the fun in hunting someone who doesn't know they're being hunted . . ?

Maybe ask the original deadeye’s and the old ghost thief’s.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:The only way I could see this being fun is if you got to volunteer to be the bounty and you were always marked if you were in a 'safe' area like spawn where enemies can't go. I just don't see the point in putting it on a random player that would probably turn out to be really easy to kill. But if you put it on someone who couldn't hide in a safe place and volunteered to be hunted, it could turn into a really fun hide and seek type thing . . .

I agree. Putting it involuntarily on someone is just not consistent with modern game design which tends to avoid punishment.

On the other hand, voluntarily tagging DOES work, because it already exists in the form of Anet tags. When an Anet tag appears, literally everyone tries to kill them, and the side the anet employee is on often takes advantage of this. It generally creates a bit more excitement than the usual and also proof people just like that kind of thing.

I wasn't even really thinking of it that way, I was just thinking from the perspective of the hunters. Where's the fun in hunting someone who doesn't know they're being hunted . . ?

Maybe ask the original deadeye’s and the old ghost thief’s.

Yeah that's pretty much what I was thinking. I was never able to see how that was fun either . . .

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Idea has been brought up before but not sure to a good usable proposal ever came about, as a lot of loopholes can come up with this. And yes the game already has a bounty system built in with getting more wxp from a player who hasn't died in a while, it's just the wxp flashes across the screen when you kill them but it's fast and nothing excited to cheer about.

If you could manually assign the bounty on an enemy, a lot of people may just use it on enemy commanders to help get them sniped. Now is that fair to mark them so 50 other people can hard on hunt them? So it needs to be an automatic trigger or limited, maybe you can go up to a bounty board and randomly be given a target to collect on a bounty on like pve, or maybe if someone did 10 killing blows on enemies they trigger a bounty on themselves.

But what if a person knows of their bounty, they may just log off to avoid it. You could have a timer that only countdowns as long as you're in wvw, that may just promote afking. Maybe then attach bonuses for having a bounty on you, like extra wxp, gold, karma for killing players while under a bounty. The Division game has manhunts in which you turn rogue and get put on a timer and marked on the map for everyone to see, and need to survive, if you do you get a big reward.

But that game deals with small groups and wvw you have zergs to deal with which could really mess this up and really make it unfair for anyone under bounties. So then only mark a target and only show 1-5 people? but they can just target a player and share the information with a zerg anyways. But only one person can collect the bounty? wouldn't change the amount of hunters around and who can help with the kill.

You could go with the system of having bounty hunter tags to separate the people involved with the hunting and only those with tags get in on the rewards, but it doesn't stop the fact that anyone outside of the group can still help kill targets.

Pretty hard to have bounties on a personal level in a game mode with 50+ other allies and 100+ enemies.This is why it's been so hard for them to add rewards to wvw, why a passive system like the reward tracks and skirmish system works better for anet.

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@Olivier Yuki.5614 said:Bounties in WvW sounds like a great idea!! I would be so hyped to play WvW if there were bounties!

Bounty means having an enemy player as target that you need to track down and kill.

I haven't thought much about it so feel free to post the potential consequences that might occur if the feature were to be implemented.

Edit: (in response to comments below)Entering WvW is signing a death contract. I think it doesn't matter whether a random dude, randomly crossing your path kills you, or a bounty hunter. Target doesn't know he is hunted.If the target logs-off or leaves the map, another bounty could be automatically assigned. Computer chooses target randomly, this way less chance to exploit.

The only problem, from comments below is if your bounty targets leaves/logs-off often. But I guess it might be a risk the hunter has to take.

been happening...

since 2012...

playing a warrior and all i see appearing out of nowhere are ranged classes.

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How about this - a random person on enemy server is flagged as a bounty, no one will see any indicators, neither the enemy, nor the person flagged. The only way you know that they were the bounty is only after you kill them. This way, you are encouraged to kill whatever reds you come across. Maybe they shouldn't be called bounty at this point, but high value target or whatever you want to call it. Maybe there can be rules how a person can be flagged as a high value target such as how many kills, their participation tier, the duration of time since they last died, etc... The amount of time a person is considered a high value target must not be too long or short - it has to be long enough for people to come across them, and short enough to switch around % number of people an hour so there is some spread and chance for people to get a high value target encounter. Now what killing a high value player gives you is up to debate - some small reward? some small buff? Maybe there are other ideas, but this is only one I could come up with that doesn't really detract from current normal play nor cause any grief but it does encourage fighting encounters.

ps - apart from this, the only other option I see is turning bounty into event haha

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i would not let the system choose someone randomly for bounty as people will feel it as unfair to get chased without having done something.

a bounty was given out in the past on people who have actually done something so you could do it in form of a temporarily buff.
like if a player kills another player get 1 buff 10 minutes bounty. if the person is zerging and bombin 10 people into death could get 10 stacks of that buff. like the more people the person kills without dying himself the higher the buff gets or the longer it lasts and if the person gets finally killed it gives a special reward.

can do different types of bounty of course like for

  • killing other players
  • turning camps
  • killing a certain amount of dolyaks
  • being the person who does the last hit on a lord or gate before the gate opens.

etc etc.

edit: that way there could also be some new bounty hunt achievements with maybe new item skins as rewards such as bounty hunter weapons or armors, trinkets, wvw tickets or what ever.

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@SlateSloan.3654 said:a bounty was given out in the past on people who have actually done something so you could do it in form of a temporarily buff.

like if a player kills another player get 1 buff 10 minutes bounty. if the person is zerging and bombin 10 people into death could get 10 stacks of that buff. like the more people the person kills without dying himself the higher the buff gets or the longer it lasts and if the person gets finally killed it gives a special reward.

Oh I never knew they had this in the past, when was it removed? Did it turn into the consumable buff that gave kill streak xp?

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@"Caedmon.6798" said:More reason to gank one guy ? What an absurd idea,did you even think about this at all ?

Suddenly a zerg of 10 salty, angry """roamers""" will have a reason to 10 man gank you, corpse jump you and throw siege on you... And then you're gonna give them gold for it??!! AAHAHAHHAHHAHA

This is the worst idea ever... Honestly.

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@DemonSeed.3528 said:

@SlateSloan.3654 said:a bounty was given out in the past on people who have actually done something so you could do it in form of a temporarily buff.

like if a player kills another player get 1 buff 10 minutes bounty. if the person is zerging and bombin 10 people into death could get 10 stacks of that buff. like the more people the person kills without dying himself the higher the buff gets or the longer it lasts and if the person gets finally killed it gives a special reward.

Oh I never knew they had this in the past, when was it removed? Did it turn into the consumable buff that gave kill streak xp?

:D not ingame, i was rather thinking about the real world in the past where criminals where put on bounty^^.

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@bigo.9037 said:

@"Caedmon.6798" said:More reason to gank one guy ? What an absurd idea,did you even think about this at all ?

Suddenly a zerg of 10 salty, angry """roamers""" will have a reason to 10 man gank you, corpse jump you and throw siege on you... And then you're gonna give them gold for it??!! AAHAHAHHAHHAHA

This is the worst idea ever... Honestly.

it already happens today that people "gank" single persons if they see them inside their own area. is normal, specially of you wear a guild tag that is familiar to the other side and you are on their KoS list. The more you mess around with your enemy the more they want you dead by all means.

thats why it makes no difference if theres a bounty or not.

just it makes no sense to let the system randomly choose who is put a bounty on. a bounty status must be earned, by attacking the enemy in whatever way there is.

i kill 10 dolly of the enemy i get the dolly bounty on me. marked as a person who is wanted cause a special reason.

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@SlateSloan.3654 said:

@"Caedmon.6798" said:More reason to gank one guy ? What an absurd idea,did you even think about this at all ?

Suddenly a zerg of 10 salty, angry """roamers""" will have a reason to 10 man gank you, corpse jump you and throw siege on you... And then you're gonna give them gold for it??!! AAHAHAHHAHHAHA

This is the worst idea ever... Honestly.

it already happens today that people "gank" single persons if they see them inside their own area. is normal, specially of you wear a guild tag that is familiar to the other side and you are on their KoS list. The more you mess around with your enemy the more they want you dead by all means.

thats why it makes no difference if theres a bounty or not.

just it makes no sense to let the system randomly choose who is put a bounty on. a bounty status must be earned, by attacking the enemy in whatever way there is.

i kill 10 dolly of the enemy i get the dolly bounty on me. marked as a person who is wanted cause a special reason.

The difference is you're rewarding people for griefing.. players will hunt you.. then be rewarded for that? On top of lootbags that already drop? This is the most toxic and exploitable system ever.

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They had a bounty system in a pvp zone in City of Heroes. If the marked person died another person was marked. If the person lived for 15 minutes another person was marked. There was reward incentive to both hunt the bounty and survive being marked. Was really good fun. One thing to note is some people marked would just go into drone protected bases to wait out the bounty. Drones were one shot kill friendly npcs.

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This type ? Absolutely NO! Theirs enough toxicity as it is .But within the server against spies ? Now that would be a good idea.Spying and sabotage(AKA tractivator trolling) should come with a degree of risk.But applying bounties should be very costly so it doesn't get abused.

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There kind of is something like this when it come to wvw exp if some not been killed in some time they give more wvw exp when you kill them. Maybe added in better loot drops as well? The player base can make bounties and reward bounties on target players better then the game systems can if you truly wish for a named bounties.

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