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You wake up one day and found out that you are part of the balance team...


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First thing I'd do is go searching for the light switch. Once that's done I'd try and find a way out of the broom closet- which was probably my previous office at ANet before they hired me after another round of layoffs. Every hand on deck and all that.

Once that escape was effected that I'd seek out the free coffee and donut kiosk, then squander several hours at the in-house mini arcade, the gymnasium, and have a round of meditation and aroma therapy. Then, fully cleansed and rejuvenated I'd find my new office.

Finally there, I'd turn on the monitor at my 'work station,' open a new document in notepad and type, 'Balance? What is balance. Are we in balance? Is the world in balance? And if not how must we set to balancing other things before finding balance within ourselves?' Then I'd underscore all that with several wingdings and fancy characters before typing, 'ponder this heavily tomorrow- after food, gaming, exercise and trying out the new lavendar and vanilla candles and sandalwood soap at the wellness wing.' My day's work complete, I'd set set the computer back into sleep mode(don't want to waste electricity) and leave for the day, eager for another day of triple A development.

I suppose I'd feel a slight twinge of guilt for the players or whatever- or whoever it is uses whatever it is we make here, but in the end I'd ignore it because screw them and why rock the boat?

God I love this job!

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I would start reworking critical damage from the ground up.
Replace Precision with a new stat that does something different, like one that improves boons to go along Concentration like Expertise goes with Condition damage.Critical hits will no longer depend on a random chance, and will now trigger because of positioning, skills, traits and upgrades.

For example:

  • A 'natural' crit would happen every 10 attacks.
    • This would be shown with a slight effect somewhere in the skill bar UI, a faint increasing glow effect in the hands of the character, and a pitch change in the hit sounds, getting higher the closer to a crit. With a bit of getting used to, players won't need to count hits to know they are going to crit, they'll get the rhythm though practice.
    • The counter would reset a bit after leaving combat (same time it takes for warriors to start losing adrenaline)
  • Fury would be changed to work as a reverse of Blind. It would cause your next attack to deal a critical hit, and end. No need to change boon conversion, since it converts to and from blind already.
  • Skills with guaranteed crits like Elementalst Arcane skills and Holographic Shockwave would work just the same. Skills that give precision or crit chance will instead give ways to crit.
  • Crit-related traits that give 100% criticals would work the same, giving a guaranteed crit. Other Crit-related traits would be reworked to give ways to crit, like dealing a crit on an enemy when interrupt them, when dealing a condition, when getting a boon, replacing a weapon skill with a version that always crits, gaining crits over time, with charges, etc. For example, Twin Fangs would reduce number of hits for a critical when flanking 10 to 6 . Radiant Power would give you a crit against burning enemies after giving them a number of burning stacks. High Caliber would give a crit whenever an enemy enters melee range. Danger Time would give a crit after slowing enemies, and so on.
  • Precision and crit-related runes will change to give ferocity or a different stat instead precision, and give extra triggers for criticals similar to effects given by traits.
  • Sigil of accuracy would reduce number of hits for a natural crit by 1.
  • Sigil of Vision would work as always.
  • The stacks from Superior Sigil of Perception would give guaranteed criticals that will be released on your attacks with a 5s internal cooldown.
  • Superior Sigil of Severance would give a guaranteed critical on interrupt, and 4 ferocity for 4s as usual.
  • On Crit sigils would work the same.
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@Aeolus.3615 said:Besides what Voltekka says wich is what Anet lacks reason are enforcing lamer gimmicks, would reduce the spam towards more GW1 team gameplay.

Remove most cleaves from autos and some aoe skill to cleave or single, to force more team effort rather than find best aoe spammer gimmick, well I’m not as a lamer as Anet dev are.... this would improve every game type...

Buff some aoe to become zergbusting but still need of a spike and team effort to be effective.

DH would suffer alot of changes, to make bow usable like main weapon rather than expect go stealth and pull target to traps wich is how DH needs to be played atm.

Zergbusting is a tettible idea. Look what happened. The zerg got even bigger!

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@Iozeph.5617 said:First thing I'd do is go searching for the light switch. Once that's done I'd try and find a way out of the broom closet- which was probably my previous office at ANet before they hired me after another round of layoffs. Every hand on deck and all that.

Once that escape was effected that I'd seek out the free coffee and donut kiosk, then squander several hours at the in-house mini arcade, the gymnasium, and have a round of meditation and aroma therapy. Then, fully cleansed and rejuvenated I'd find my new office.

Finally there, I'd turn on the monitor at my 'work station,' open a new document in notepad and type, 'Balance? What is balance. Are we in balance? Is the world in balance? And if not how must we set to balancing other things before finding balance within ourselves?' Then I'd underscore all that with several wingdings and fancy characters before typing, 'ponder this heavily tomorrow- after food, gaming, exercise and trying out the new lavendar and vanilla candles and sandalwood soap at the wellness wing.' My day's work complete, I'd set set the computer back into sleep mode(don't want to waste electricity) and leave for the day, eager for another day of triple A development.

I suppose I'd feel a slight twinge of guilt for the players or whatever- or whoever it is uses whatever it is we make here, but in the end I'd ignore it because screw them and why rock the boat?

God I love this job!

Thanks for this. Best thing I've read in a while.

I'm not being sarcastic.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Aeolus.3615 said:Besides what Voltekka says wich is what Anet lacks reason are enforcing lamer gimmicks, would reduce the spam towards more GW1 team gameplay.

Remove most cleaves from autos and some aoe skill to cleave or single, to force more team effort rather than find best aoe spammer gimmick, well I’m not as a lamer as Anet dev are.... this would improve every game type...

Buff some aoe to become zergbusting but still need of a spike and team effort to be effective.

DH would suffer alot of changes, to make bow usable like main weapon rather than expect go stealth and pull target to traps wich is how DH needs to be played atm.

Zergbusting is a tettible idea. Look what happened. The zerg got even bigger!

That’s because all we need are s mostly pvd stack aoe and cleave auto, Zerg got bigger due skill design carry by aoe/cleave spam reason zergbusting need to be balanced to avoid it.

Game as to much aoe/cleave Zerg will always try to get bigger due how Easy it becomes tobfight lesser groups with lesser aoe spam.

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As a weaver main in wvw, twist of fate is the only thing that keeps me alive sometimes. We don't have barrier for days like scourge to survive all the BS in a zerg fight, we rely on evades, dodges, and lightning flash to survive. Speaking of scourge, delete and either start over or give necro something new. It was supposed to be a support class, not a nightmare that vomits condis and strips everyone of boons with no real effort (being a bit hyperbolic). At least spellbreaker bubbles can be interrupted now and they have to really risk their lives to effectively use it. Scourges can just chill in mid or backline and strip/corrupt stuff. Now, as for a serious answer, or one more in line with your original prompt: I'd change....scourge, yeah, just delete that whole thing.

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I'd move the decimal one place to the left for how much damage has been multiplied since 2012, then cut all boon timers in half.It wouldnt quite birth a bunker meta, but more of a bruiser meta, and this consistent 18K crit nonsense would be gone.

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The mechanic I'd change for all classes is remove no friendly fire in WvW. All aoe and range attacks damage everyone regardless of team, even themselves. No more throwing grenades at your own feet, or shooting arrows through your allies to hit an enemy. Swinging a greatsword while stacked, not so good of an idea. Players would have to spread out and use strategery.

If Anet would do this for just a one week event, players would want to do it again and again.

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I would buff thief auto attack and or backstab to be meaty and dangerous I would like some changes to make condi thief a thing again balance pistol pistol since unload needs to hurt.

I would love to make auras be stronger for eles because they are unique and that is what their special buffs to be.

I would like to make necros have some defensives such as blocks evades revamp the death magic and staff 1.

I think I would also mess around with druids to see them in pvp taken as well with something unique to taken.

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