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Maybe it's time already for a complete Shadow Arts oberhaul?


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What's so bad about it? It gives you a condition removal alternative, additional stealth uptime and added sustain throughout.

It's supposed to enhance a stealth-heavy playstyle, if you want other ways to sustain there's the Acrobatics line.

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@Profanity.6829 said:There's so much about thief that needs fixxing... but that Shadow Arts trait-line is just soooo awefully bad, and (i believe) hasn't been touched in years. Isn't it time for a huge overhaul for it?

If you’re going to request a rework and/or state something is bad, it’d be helpful if you could give as many examples as you can and include why they are bad. Blanket “such and such is bad and needs a rework” statements tend to not go very far.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Profanity.6829" said:There's so much about thief that needs fixxing... but that Shadow Arts trait-line is just soooo awefully bad, and (i believe) hasn't been touched in years. Isn't it time for a huge overhaul for it?

If you’re going to request a rework and/or state something is bad, it’d be helpful if you could give as many examples as you can and include why they are bad. Blanket “such and such is bad and needs a rework” statements tend to not go very far.

Shadow Arts been out of meta for like 4 or 5 years now (since every1 stopped using Shadows Refuge. even some nerfs were made to Shadows Refuge back then but i cant recall already. what changes.. was long time ago). And remember.. back in the day every thief used Shadows Refuge to revive your team. It was an amazing time.. when thiefs were actually helpful and could fight alongside their allies. So yes - Shadows Arts needs some love. 2 apparent buffs would be. Gain pulsing stability while in Stealth+some toughness or even some pulsing-like evasion almost a mirage like since u r in stealth u can phase out of "reality" so to speak and evade things. Cuz im afraid stability and toughness wont do good these days.. other classes are way too OP. Stability isnt as OP as it once was. Second buff - u cannot be revealed while traited SA unless of course you hit the enemy. Cuz remember.. there was almost no way u could get revealed by other classes. Now HoT+PoF totally powercreeped all other classes and that's basically why Shadows Arts and actually helping/reviving your allies became impossible for thief. U just cannot survive in that mess of an aoe banana spam. Give thief some serious survival/brawler options in SA and u'll be seeing your fellow thiefs ressing up to 2-3 players again and turning the game around. Will it happen tho? Nope. No1 cares. Thief is hit and run these days. 1v1 days are over for us and being supportive is soooo out of meta for quite some time already. Plus deadeye came along.. and im afraid deadeye might be too OP with that kind of SA line. Basically Anet pushed themselves into a position there's no way back from.

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No point in suggesting over hauls or fixes to any aspect of thief in the thief forums to try and better the class cuz you will always just get the small few spamming ur thread that think whatever aspect ur talking about is fine and u just need to get gud lol.

So just get good with shadow arts lolAnd get used to thief having so many problems in need of fixes cuz devs dont give a crap and the comnunity would be happier if it was given more nerfs not buffs lol. Sometimes feels like even thief players want to join in on killing the class oddly enough.

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Shadow Arts is largely performing as intended. Some perks could use an update but overall the trait line is in a good place.

I’ve suggested some trait changes in the thief forum, including a few in SA.

Feel free to add comments about specific issues you see in that thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

SA isn't bad.

But some stuff they support are pretty damned bad.

Especially Venoms which don't exist in any game mode these days save some cheese condi build.

I'll say make Venoms better and move them to DA.

Move Dagger focused traits into SA.

Make a minor which inflicts poison on crit at a rate of 33% for DA to replace the lost Dagger poison application.

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