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Why do i face someone at 1750+ rating when i am gold

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It heavily depends on the daytime and day.. monday - saturday queues between like ~5pm and 11pm are usually relatively decent, a couple hours before and after are sometimes also okay.. During night and until early afternoon queues are usually broken. On Sundays I usually have generally pretty bad queues no matter when.

But yes, unfortunately population is pretty low. To get some practice with your class and build I'd suggest doing unranked during off-times. Matchmaking is literally non-existent there so playing against much higher or much lower/mixed teams is pretty common (even more so than in ranked) and you can't really judge anything by any means there since almost everybody is just playing off-class or probably tries some weird stuff but you still get a better feeling for your class at least. So don't be salty when you get crushed, it really doesn't matter so just move on afterwards :)

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Lol 1750 i wish........i get games against the top 1st and 2nd person in this game 1800+ rating.....when im 1430 im 350+ points away from them......why am i playing against these people.Hey devs what the point of the match maker and limitations on rating between different players when this "error" happens? Plz tell me.

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Lol, I had that happen to me twice when climbings to plat. One game I had a game with Vans in it , while the other I had fucking bluri.

Seriously, what the fuck is even the point of climbing when the top 30 people are gonna hammer you back down into gold when trying to get to plat 1-2.

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Over the Years they watered down the PvP to where your individual skill matters less than your build. And on top of that build diversity has taken major hits over the years. It's currently designed to be generic intentionally because its hard to balance when your running a skeleton crew for pvp and most of your programmers are developing phone games.

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I never commented in sPvP topics as I can see barely anything will change but I have to agree here and kindly ask how we get grouped against top ranks? I am low gold and faced in last match Naru and Xtrverz and we got badly owned as expected and to be honest I knew the minute we started and seen the names. I don't want to blame solely the low population but that was beyond laughable.

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@phalaris.5134 said:I never commented in sPvP topics as I can see barely anything will change but I have to agree here and kindly ask how we get grouped against top ranks? I am low gold and faced in last match Naru and Xtrverz and we got badly owned as expected and to be honest I knew the minute we started and seen the names. I don't want to blame solely the low population but that was beyond laughable.

If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

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@Delweyn.1309 said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

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@phalaris.5134 said:

@Delweyn.1309 said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

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@Ryan.9387 said:

@Delweyn.1309 said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

Ah so queuing early to get matched up against lower tiers = wintrading?

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Delweyn.1309 said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

Ah so queuing early to get matched up against lower tiers = wintrading?

encouring players to afk if they face against you is wintrading?

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@bluri.2653 said:

@"Delweyn.1309" said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

Ah so queuing early to get matched up against lower tiers = wintrading?

Did someone leave out a chak egg sac?

But to stay remotely on topic. "Certain" players who have been actioned multiple times for wintrading / account sharing / selling monthly wins are once again at the top of the LB. These certain players most definitely played on another player's account last season who transferred to NA from EU. This player went from a 90%+ win rate to generic plat 2 player just one season later even with no balance patch in the meantime.

These same players consistently have remarkably convenient DCs and throws when they start to lose. Strangely, the same classes played by the same players on alts do remarkably worse.

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@Ryan.9387 said:

@"Delweyn.1309" said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

Ah so queuing early to get matched up against lower tiers = wintrading?

Did someone leave out a chak egg sac?

But to stay remotely on topic. "Certain" players who have been actioned multiple times for wintrading / account sharing / selling monthly wins are once again at the top of the LB. These certain players most definitely played on another player's account last season who transferred to NA from EU. This player went from a 90%+ win rate to generic plat 2 player just one season later even with no balance patch in the meantime.

These same players consistently have remarkably convenient DCs and throws when they start to lose. Strangely, the same classes played by the same players on alts do remarkably worse.

You ignored my question. Queuing early to get matched with lower tiers = wintrade?

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Delweyn.1309 said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

Ah so queuing early to get matched up against lower tiers = wintrading?

It does sound like a loop hole to manipulate who you fight against

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@James.1065 said:

@Delweyn.1309 said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

Ah so queuing early to get matched up against lower tiers = wintrading?

It does sound like a loop hole to manipulate who you fight against

Ok so if i decide to queue early = wintrade? Now we limit times when people can q as well? Good to know, when am I allowed to start queuing in the morning to avoid lower tier matches? :)

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Queuing with 2nd acc playing random build or a class I suck on could be considered wintrading? While queuing my main as a duo with legendary tier players only. Are there actually still ppl who think the leaderboard reflects players skill? LoL

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Delweyn.1309 said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

Ah so queuing early to get matched up against lower tiers = wintrading?

It does sound like a loop hole to manipulate who you fight against

Ok so if i decide to queue early = wintrade? Now we limit times when people can q as well? Good to know, when am I allowed to start queuing in the morning to avoid lower tier matches? :)

Well I wouldn't call it win-trading, but if you honest to yourself and others reading this, it seems you fully aware of what you are doing and that you make a conscious decision to que at these time to intently beat the match making system and face lower ranked players where you have a higher probability of winning rather then face players on your same level and only have 50/50 win chance. That does sound a lot like match manipulation to me, however if the population is so low what can you do right?

Anyways in a bit of time when even more people leave because of higher ranked guys consistently poping up in lower ranked games as the population declines, I think this will just speed up the process of the game failing completely and will probably shut down. So there's no point in calling you out, the game is past the point of return so why bother

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@"Miyu.8137" said:Queuing with 2nd acc playing random build or a class I suck on could be considered wintrading? While queuing my main as a duo with legendary tier players only. Are there actually still ppl who think the leaderboard reflects players skill? LoL

lol no the term for that is "smurfing"

playing on a lower rated account as a higher rated player is a pretty common occurrence when people want to mess around/test builds casually while not risking their main account's mmr/elo

if someone plays poorly on a build/class on an alt account they won't end up in higher tier matches anyways, so wintrading wouldn't even be possible in this scenario

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@"shadowpass.4236" said:lol no the term for that is "smurfing"

playing on a lower rated account as a higher rated player is a pretty common occurrence when people want to mess around/test builds casually while not risking their main account's mmr/elo

if someone plays poorly on a build/class on an alt account they won't end up in higher tier matches anyways, so wintrading wouldn't even be possible in this scenario

Unless they keeping the 2nd acc in plat by playing meta build time to time. Nobody should play/test build they are unfamilar with in ranked games. Ppl should always give it the best as it's the end game. Go test your builds in unranked. Call it smurfing or wintrading, it's the same in fact.

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