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Why do i face someone at 1750+ rating when i am gold

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@Miyu.8137 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:lol no the term for that is "smurfing"

playing on a lower rated account as a higher rated player is a pretty common occurrence when people want to mess around/test builds casually while not risking their main account's mmr/elo

if someone plays poorly on a build/class on an alt account they won't end up in higher tier matches anyways, so wintrading wouldn't even be possible in this scenario

Unless they keeping the 2nd acc in plat by playing meta build time to time. Nobody should play/test build they are unfamilar with in ranked games. Ppl should always give it the best as it's the end game. Go test your builds in unranked. Call it smurfing or wintrading, it's the same in fact.

having an alt account in plat isn't considered wintrading either

neither is playing a build you're unfamiliar with in ranked

unless you're going out of your way to throw games, it's not wintrading

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Gw2 forums be like we need safe spaces!!It’s come down to them drilling at people now for times they play?? HahahaU guys are getting desperate now lmao.people can play at what ever time they like and I think people forget it might be Na but worlds bIg with many different time zones.And if it’s for more easy games and leaderboard reasons then let them do them if that’s the pvp they like to play. Love how everyone likes to judge others now and get involved. Acting like gw2 is life boys..Gw2 is bae not life.

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@James.1065 said:

@Delweyn.1309 said:If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

I can see that but it's somewhat interesting to see that they get high ranks (obviously earned with skills) but maintain them with low rank games and huge blow outs. It's cleverly chosen to play off peak and somehow get into low tiers.

Interesting way to say wintrading.

Ah so queuing early to get matched up against lower tiers = wintrading?

It does sound like a loop hole to manipulate who you fight against

You don't have to act dense, everyone knows you understand what is going on perfectly well. Some could even say you've had a front row seat.

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In off peak times these matches happen, yes. I can imagine it's even more frequent on NA, where the PvP population is even lower on EU. The effect is also self-reinforcing, because it's common wisdom among higher ranked players that you will get mostly bad matches (= matches where low rated people are combined with high rated people, making MM the decisive factor) outside of afternoon/evening Qs, so many of these players avoid qing at night or early in the day, making it even worse for the few who still do.

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@Abisha.9028 said:ah that explains why i keep drooping rating i am current at bronze level and still dropping to 700 or something.it would be lot more fair if i face people with the same rating so i can learn how to play not fight elitists.

I guess that most casuals and lower-ranked players have been scared away from PvP already, making it near-impossible for casuals to get a fair match at their skill level.

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@Delweyn.1309 said:

@phalaris.5134 said:I never commented in sPvP topics as I can see barely anything will change but I have to agree here and kindly ask how we get grouped against top ranks? I am low gold and faced in last match Naru and Xtrverz and we got badly owned as expected and to be honest I knew the minute we started and seen the names. I don't want to blame solely the low population but that was beyond laughable.

If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

Without the duoQ, Naru wouldnt even be trying. If he cannot abuse the system by duo + playing off hours, he won't even try.

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@yanniell.1236 said:

@phalaris.5134 said:I never commented in sPvP topics as I can see barely anything will change but I have to agree here and kindly ask how we get grouped against top ranks? I am low gold and faced in last match Naru and Xtrverz and we got badly owned as expected and to be honest I knew the minute we started and seen the names. I don't want to blame solely the low population but that was beyond laughable.

If there wasn't the duoQ system, you would have 1 in your team and the other in the enemy team. More balanced.The duoQ makes things even worst.

Without the duoQ, Naru wouldnt even be trying. If he cannot abuse the system by duo + playing off hours, he won't even try.

That’s abit salty. The guys playing with the chips delt. If you want that title this is how you play... u duo and u find the best time. Although I see Naru in games ranked and Unranked and his defo top S player so maybe getting rank one fits?

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@Vague Memory.2817 said:Correct. There aren't enough people to match like to like skill levels. That's why there are a lot more 500/200 final scores, and under 100/500 with one team just giving up after getting destroyed in the first few mins and getting penned up at the respawn point.

That's being generous. I had a 500-0 match last night.

you broke the best record i've seen:lol: the most i've seen was 500-8

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Guildmate had a game today, his team was basically gold 3 at best, full PvE titles, nobody talks, they wander around the map, never look at the minimap, don't know buff timers on Temple, you know the drill.

Enemy team, multiple people in top 100, everyone with Ruthless/Relentless legend titles. Oh and they were 2 duos vs 5 solo. I don't mind duos but why tf are high rated duos being put against low rated solos? Used to be the other way around. Enemy team had a DC since the beginning and they still roflstomped the my guildie's team, 4v5.

From what I hear matchmaking has never been worse and I honestly don't even care enough to try playing PvP anymore. I'm just here to act bitter on the forums now.

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The lack of a larger playbase is the main reason why. ANets ranked system only works with a large number of players, but given that PvP has been in an increasing decline since season 5 theres only so much that can be done; especially to try and keep que times low. During prime hours on the weekend, matchmaking is a little better, but during the week, bona fortuna.

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@"witcher.3197" said:Guildmate had a game today, his team was basically gold 3 at best, full PvE titles, nobody talks, they wander around the map, never look at the minimap, don't know buff timers on Temple, you know the drill.

Enemy team, multiple people in top 100, everyone with Ruthless/Relentless legend titles. Oh and they were 2 duos vs 5 solo. I don't mind duos but why tf are high rated duos being put against low rated solos? Used to be the other way around. Enemy team had a DC since the beginning and they still roflstomped the my guildie's team, 4v5.

From what I hear matchmaking has never been worse and I honestly don't even care enough to try playing PvP anymore. I'm just here to act bitter on the forums now.

I can tell you my experience.

My firends and I are plat2 and have ralentless legend tittle. We had a match with "bronze" player.

Why do we know he is a bronze player?

Because we carried that match really hardly.

After we won that match, we only got 6~7 rating, and that bronze player said "I finially get into silver because I get 35 rating!!!!"

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@TAIKA.1903 said:

@"witcher.3197" said:Guildmate had a game today, his team was basically gold 3 at best, full PvE titles, nobody talks, they wander around the map, never look at the minimap, don't know buff timers on Temple, you know the drill.

Enemy team, multiple people in top 100, everyone with Ruthless/Relentless legend titles. Oh and they were 2 duos vs 5 solo. I don't mind duos but why tf are high rated duos being put against low rated solos? Used to be the other way around. Enemy team had a DC since the beginning and they still roflstomped the my guildie's team, 4v5.

From what I hear matchmaking has never been worse and I honestly don't even care enough to try playing PvP anymore. I'm just here to act bitter on the forums now.

I can tell you my experience.

My firends and I are plat2 and have ralentless legend tittle. We had a match with

Why do we know he is a bronze player?

Because we carried that match really hardly.

After we won that match, we only got 6~7 rating, and that bronze player said "I finially get into silver because I get 35 rating!!!!"

I must be carrying pretty hard then cause I am gold level 2, I only solo Q, and I average on getting about 9 points per win vs 18 points per loss :/

How are you expected to progress when you need a 66% win ratio to just stand still!

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@TAIKA.1903 said:

@"witcher.3197" said:Guildmate had a game today, his team was basically gold 3 at best, full PvE titles, nobody talks, they wander around the map, never look at the minimap, don't know buff timers on Temple, you know the drill.

Enemy team, multiple people in top 100, everyone with Ruthless/Relentless legend titles. Oh and they were 2 duos vs 5 solo. I don't mind duos but why tf are high rated duos being put against low rated solos? Used to be the other way around. Enemy team had a DC since the beginning and they still roflstomped the my guildie's team, 4v5.

From what I hear matchmaking has never been worse and I honestly don't even care enough to try playing PvP anymore. I'm just here to act bitter on the forums now.

I can tell you my experience.

My firends and I are plat2 and have ralentless legend tittle. We had a match with

Why do we know he is a bronze player?

Because we carried that match really hardly.

After we won that match, we only got 6~7 rating, and that bronze player said "I finially get into silver because I get 35 rating!!!!"

He could have trolled you being sarcastic and could have had decay

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I am normally plat some times t1mostly t3 leg 3 times plat 3 but dropped to p2. I started this season silver. Lost 7/10 in placements but still got placed in games that where plat. So it’s possible to have a silver as I was and took a week to climb back into plat 1 was p2 yesterday then 10 loss back to top end of gold. With this in hand I thought if silver I would face people at a close rank but without the pop being in question I think game kinda knows your skill level with allot more factors that badge.

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The other day I saw gold 3 players in the top 250. If you go back two years ago you weren't making it in the top 250 unless you were at least plat 2. Population is dwindling because very little is being introduced into the game mode to keep people playing.

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