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New Outfit Mist Stranger.


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The Mist Stranger outfit in my opinion is the best looking skin in the game. Props to the Artist, It should have been a legendary but thankfully it's not..As I avoid the toxicity known to the raid community.Never the less well done Anet.

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@Cobrakon.3108 said:I really like the concept overall and it would be among my top favorites, but the problem for me is the lack of symmetry. To have the mist lopsided, it makes it a deal breaker for me.

I bought it, and I like it, but i actually agree with this. I don't always have a problem with asymmetry; it suits some outfits really well. I think this one was made worse by it, though. It would have been cooler to dull the edges and have them flow into mist all the way around the outfit.

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