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Why don't you sPvP?

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I don't find conquest to be very fun.Bad balance and long times before it's fixed doesn't help.

Toxicity doesn't help either. However I don't mean players just saying rude or verbally abusive things.The toxicity I refer to is the lengths players will go to; to lie about facts to prove their point or push their agenda. Along with frequently, strawmaning arguments, using appeals to popularity, ad hominems, and endless waves of hyperbole.This is all a determent to critical thought, and when believed then acted on; the game gets worse and worse, and by extension erodes the worth and fun.

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I do play PvP, but while I have been reaching Plat 2 for multiple seasons now, I don't play nearly enough to be on the leaderboards.Generally 1-2 Matches a day doing dailies is all I can stomach, the main reasons for that being balance, matchmaking and toxicity.

  • I don't enjoy how incredibly bursty the game is, at the same time almost everything that is able to survive and be played does so by spamming invulns/evades/blocks and such (scaling defenses), which is eventually unfun to play against.Either you chain scaling defenses, or you are perma cc'ed until death in seconds.

    And may the six help you if you ever thought about playing something creative outside of the 8 or so Meta builds. Have fun getting flamed to hell and back no matter how effective you are with it.

  • Most matches seem to be decided before the game starts. Very rarely am I surprised by the outcome of a match.Especially once you reach Plat 2+, I look at who matchmaking threw together as well as the comp, and it's pretty easy to tell who's going to win, generally in a blow out.Too many matches end <100 - 500 with me wondering if there is matchmaking at work at all, or if the game is just throwing the few people playing within a large margin of somewhat high rank together.

    Top players duo queuing seems to almost guarantee them a win. If you have two sets of God's of PvP duo quers on one team, and a few people around P1-2 and an AFK'er in the other team, something is not right.

  • Like any PvP game or competetive game mode, the hostility of people is incredibly high and maturity incredibly low, which just gets tiring really quickly when you play to have at least some degree of fun.People in PvP are extremely quick to flame people or AFK when the smallest thing goes wrong, even if it's 100% a result of their own mistake, it's pick a target and start flaming.

    Whether you are the target or not doesn't really matter, as at that point group morale evaporates and coordinated gameplay ceases, and it becomes a matter of enduring the toxic person/s until the almost inevitable loss.

    PvP sometimes feels like it's all about the first minute of the game, which essentially decides which team has the first setback and whether the toxic people in your or the other team explode first, distracting and taking that team apart from within. People actually rallying together and turning a seemingly lost game around (or at least making a good, coordinated effort to) without a toxic person in the team is the exception, not the rule.It's just not a fun environment to play in.

Those are the main things I can think of right now that keep me from playing more sPvP.

(Also, Mesmers)

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I used to do alot of pvp in the past. Up untill Hot got released i noticed a trend of the game becoming extremely unbalanced in the way that not much makes sense anymore and less and less skilled is required to win a fight,getting carried by broken mechanics comes to thought. Besides the whole Conquest deal is just a boring game mode when youve done it thousands of times.

Unbalanced specsBoring game mode

Can name a few other points but i wont,these 2 are the main ones for me.

Nowadays i do maybe 2 - 3 Unrankeds only,usually with a buddy and i'm done with it.I just cannot take pvp serious anymore,its a complete joke. No offense to the people that do still take pvp serious somehow.

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I used to PvP a bit before PoF, but the build changes made what I’d been playing either no longer an option or no longer viable (I can’t recall now). I would have to figure out what class and build I would enjoy now. However, the main reason I haven’t tried again is stress levels; I need to relax in game now and people deriding the team in general or me in particular just isn’t fun.

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@VDAC.2137 said:I used to PvP a bit before PoF, but the build changes mad what I’d been playing either no longer an option or no longer viable (I can’t recall now). I would have to figure out what class and build I would enjoy now. However, the main reason I haven’t tried again is stress levels; I need to relax in game now and people deriding the team in general or me in particular just isn’t fun.

Thats also a trend i see in WvW,people taking the game way too serious and forget people logg in to have fun and relax and chill. Atleast thats why i logg in.

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I'd say that the reason I don't play sPvP (and rarely play WvW) is because overall I don't typically enjoy PvP modes or open world PvP in MMOs. I choose an MMO based solely off of the PvE experience that it provides. If I want to play PvP then I'll start up a moba/hero shooter and play a game where the entire game design and balance are built around (a hopefully fun, varied and relatively balanced) PvP experience.

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It just doesn't interest me. Running around a little arena, fighting the same 5 people for the same few capture points until someone wins...then you do it again. And again, and again. Maybe you get different scenery on the arena but that's it. Even WvW has more variety than that, although I also get bored with that after I realise I've captured or defended the same keep 2 or 3 times in one evening.

I'm not completely opposed to it, and keep thinking I should do it sometime (if only to get the llama minis) but every time I log in I can think of about 20 other things I'd find more fun so I do them instead.

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I usually stop playing pvp when I lose few matches in a row due to teammates trolling or not even trying to win. It is the best mode in MMORPGs for me but I wish people took more serious that they play with other people and by trolling etc. they are wasting not only theirs but someone else time.

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PvP started dying about 5 years ago, when Anet discontinued the proper efforts for balancing.

PvP last breath was in first semester of 2016 when ESL and Battlefy kicked Guild Wars 2 from their official events.

A few months later, in October 2016, PvP was buried by organizing a vote where a huge percentage of players voted for just playing alone (SoloQ) in ranked PvP, in random teams of 5.

The burial service ended slowly in 2017-2018: good PvP teams leaving the game while moving to other online games with better PvP in teams.

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From time to time I do. But why do I not play it regularly?

Number one point: There is no team queue, besides the tournaments. A few games every 6-8 hours? What joke is this?Number two: Ridiculous Balance and matchmaking. Damage and condi spam everywhere. You can just get shredded in a second with no meaningful time to react with a dodge or cleanse. Then there is the matchmaking, you can be teamed up with players who don't even know the goal of the game: Getting 500 points by owning the circle area. But Anet removed the bare bones they called a tutorial from this game mode years ago and are wondering why no ones knows how to play it. Why is there no meaningful tutorial for PvP?Number 3: The seemingly absence of punishment for verbal abuse, trolling and going afk in matches. Who wants to play PvP when in half the games people insult you or go afk. And they are still around after you report them! Because there are so many who do this I am fairly certain this is a moderation problem. If you would actually need to fear punishment maybe people would at least try fair sportsmanship.

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I used to do sPvP back in 2013 before I stopped playing (until my return just about 2 weeks ago). Focusing mainly on PvE now and WvW sometimes. Since I haven't yet bought any expansions and there are some new maps in PvP. Feels a bit harder to get back into it ... with having to learn the new/changds skills and probably the need to have bought an expansion (and learn all the other elite classes to be able to counter them).

Others mentioned they don't like the capture point style of play. For me it is the opposited. I really like it. I hate stupid "deathmatch" which is mainly focused those hardcore gamers that care about their own stats (k/d) and not about team play.

Killing ... I'd prefer that for a duel style way of fight. (1 on 1 pvp).

For the small teams capture point stuff is fun. I also liked the kodan style map with the special buffs and the orb capturing thing. Basically all besides death match, the one with the castle lord and the skyhammer had been fun to mee back then in 2013.

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