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More Frequent Balance Updates

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if you check the Category: Balance Updates on the wiki I believe we get them quite frequently actually.I mean what is the point of changing class skills and mechanics every month? You have to change and give time for people to theorycraft and optmize with the new features. If you keep changing things every month only players with full legendary set would be able to keep up and enjoy every patch.And remember that we generally need a lot of hotfixes after a balance update because our comunity is great in finding broken/exploitable traits/skills combos.

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Fast frequent changes gives the ability to apply more smaller changes that are less risky (window to next release is much smaller)

Big patches are poor, big patches are slow. Mature devops supports fast releases, weak devops do not. Waterfall v agile in a nutshell.

Take Google as an example, millions of uses, high profile, breaks in algorithms could cost millions. Google can and frequently does deploy changes every DAY

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In my opinion there's so much stuff to balance/fix/redesign on every class that balance updates can never be frequent enough!

The current pace is still glacially slow for all the stuff that ought to be done, so personally I would want to see smaller regular balance updates every month.

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This isn't a moba. Changes to the meta mean changes to gear, which gets bothersome to constantly keep up with. It's also unwise to change skills during a competitive season. We see tweaks every 3 or so months, and there have been some major updates once or twice in a year.

Still waiting on that Deadeye F3 button, though. The Stealth attack just is not working.

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@Ben K.6238 said:Frequent does not mean better.

Actually in software development methodologies it does. I. E

Fail often fail fast. Fast changes means you can risk smaller incremental changes. Frequent means smaller which lowers risk

Faster means you can react quicker to demand.

Faster means you can change your priorities quicker.

Faster means your next opportunity for fixes is allways closer.

Smaller encourages good encapsulated design

Faster and smaller means you can test in live for real feedback and then react quickly.


every couple months, none of above applies, planning months ahead. Too scared to communicate to customers as you can't guarantee 2 months of delivery will be on time. Can't absorb change (see 2 month plan) etc

Example in action? Let's say we deploy weekly, and you ha e an underpowered class, well let's lower power by 1% a week and monitor. Simplistic approach zero risk, customer sees action. Profit.

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People that want more need to think back to all of the previous balance updates. Every time there's a balance update, the forums always get flooded with complaints as people are disappointed about one thing or another. Do you really want more of that?

More frequent updates does not mean that the updates you want are more likely to occur.

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