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So when are the nerfs coming?

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@Omar Aschi Popp.7496 said:

@Daharahj.1325 said:

@Havok.6073 said:"Spellbreaker does everything better than any other class" LOLIt's getting ridiculous, soon enough the Spellbreaker will be able to beat even Chuck Norris. Keep the hyperbole going , guys. :smirk:Didn't you hear? Spellbreaker got massive team heal, massive condition application power (not just copying but full on apply), has the greatest ranged DPS in the game, teleports the whole map to their target, has the longest stealth ever (which pulses), can attune itself to 7 elements (take that elementlists), has even stronger turrets than Engie with better gadgets, AND they can kick 5 chuck noris's kittenALL at the same time with a single full counter.

You're strawmaning legitimate complaints about Spellbreaker. It's understandable that you don't want your main nerfed, but have some consideration for the health of spvp as a whole.


Have some consideration.Mhmm consideraaaaaation.

Mhmm yes yes. No complaint against bunker engi, ventrev, trapdh, reaper, sbthief was legitimate.

But it SURE IS when YOU want it to be.Tell me more about strawmen. You seem to know a lot about those.

Are you okay? lol

And when did I not want something nerfed? Quote me.

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@Daharahj.1325 said:

@Daharahj.1325 said:

@Havok.6073 said:"Spellbreaker does everything better than any other class" LOLIt's getting ridiculous, soon enough the Spellbreaker will be able to beat even Chuck Norris. Keep the hyperbole going , guys. :smirk:Didn't you hear? Spellbreaker got massive team heal, massive condition application power (not just copying but full on apply), has the greatest ranged DPS in the game, teleports the whole map to their target, has the longest stealth ever (which pulses), can attune itself to 7 elements (take that elementlists), has even stronger turrets than Engie with better gadgets, AND they can kick 5 chuck noris's kittenALL at the same time with a single full counter.

You're strawmaning legitimate complaints about Spellbreaker. It's understandable that you don't want your main nerfed, but have some consideration for the health of spvp as a whole.


Have some consideration.Mhmm consideraaaaaation.

Mhmm yes yes. No complaint against bunker engi, ventrev, trapdh, reaper, sbthief was legitimate.

But it SURE IS when YOU want it to be.Tell me more about strawmen. You seem to know a lot about those.

Are you okay? lol

And when did I not want something nerfed? Quote me.

I'm okay, thank you for asking.And actually I went and looked and it wasn't you but someone with your avatar I was arguing with in ventari thread. I knee-jerked.Sorry.

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The main thing that bothers me about SB is the ridiculous amount of resistance, on top of double Endure Pain and block/reflect spams of course, but mainly the resistance. From something like four different sources, some on low CD, and some of it pulsing, so even when you strip, it comes right back. There is nothing but scourge that can strip it fast enough.

The damage is not amazing, and it's fairly easy to mitigate a lot of it. But for how tanky they are, the damage feels too high and consistent.

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ANet hasn't given a damn about PvP since HoT launch, since balancing became such a problem. The best we can hope for is a nerf to Spellbreaker and Scourge. I main it and even I think it's ridiculous how I can just randomly one shot people sometimes. Sure it's not -as bad as- Spellbreaker, because you can focus a Scourge fairly easily since it has no Shroud or real defensive abilities that let it survive for longer, especially at the start of a match - which I think is pretty sad considering how Spellbreaker can legitimately 4v1 or 5v1 given that their defensive cooldowns are up LUL

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So, i'm really new to pvp but now that i understand the mechanics of it, my skills, other classes skills, when to block, when to disengage a lost fight, etc, i'm being considerably sucessfull.Fact is, you don't need to be a pro to know that Scourges and Spellbreakers are, hm, broken. The Spellbreakers, in my opinion, is the worst of all. What i'm missing? These guys are invul all the time, can't even hit them, seriously. The Scourges are, as stated above, "slow-ish moving nuclear warhead", but they can be harmed. Problem is i can't stand on a point with them with my guardian, what i suppose wasn't meant to happen, right?

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@Malafaia.8903 said:So, i'm really new to pvp but now that i understand the mechanics of it, my skills, other classes skills, when to block, when to disengage a lost fight, etc, i'm being considerably sucessfull.Fact is, you don't need to be a pro to know that Scourges and Spellbreakers are, hm, broken. The Spellbreakers, in my opinion, is the worst of all. What i'm missing? These guys are invul all the time, can't even hit them, seriously. The Scourges are, as stated above, "slow-ish moving nuclear warhead", but they can be harmed. Problem is i can't stand on a point with them with my guardian, what i suppose wasn't meant to happen, right?

I think the first part of your first sentence said it all. You are new to pvp. You don't know enough to call them broken. Invulnerable all the time? Can't even hit them? Hyperbole much? That or severe learn to play. Or both.

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@Majirah.5089 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:So, i'm really new to pvp but now that i understand the mechanics of it, my skills, other classes skills, when to block, when to disengage a lost fight, etc, i'm being considerably sucessfull.Fact is, you don't need to be a pro to know that Scourges and Spellbreakers are, hm, broken. The Spellbreakers, in my opinion, is the worst of all. What i'm missing? These guys are invul all the time, can't even hit them, seriously. The Scourges are, as stated above, "slow-ish moving nuclear warhead", but they can be harmed. Problem is i can't stand on a point with them with my guardian, what i suppose wasn't meant to happen, right?

I think the first part of your first sentence said it all. You are new to pvp. You don't know enough to call them broken. Invulnerable all the time? Can't even hit them? Hyperbole much? That or severe learn to play. Or both.

Ok, clearly a Spellbreaker player (not a single word about Scourge).I'm being honest when i tell that i'm new to pvp, but still, the second part of my sentence states that i'm not hitting random buttons and hoping for the best (what i know happens a lot in spvp). You attacked me and not a single word about the fact: Spellbreakers.Let the salt aside and tell me, if Spellbreaker isn't broken, how to counter it? Whats yours flaws? Things like this should happen? Look how this guy is being bombed by 5 ppl, dont even bother with positioning, dont even need to use his heal skill for the entire fight! If was monkeys behind the keyboard on the other side against any other class this guy would be dead.

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I've heard that when you equip Spellbreaker, the credits of the game start rolling.

I've also heard that when the first Spellbreaker used Full Counter, it broke the EU servers by sheer OPness.

According to legend, Chuck Norris formed an alliance with Steven Seagal and Vin Diesel to kill a Spellbreaker, but they lost.

Also it seems that you can avoid triggering Full Counter or simply dodge it, but that can't possibly be true.

Help #KeepTheMemeAlive

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I have said before; I'm green with envy that an olde skool Mesmer came to GW2 and it's a warrior. You folks are going to run into the same thing that Mesmer did with things like clone death. It goes something like this, "That spec prevents me from easily using my win button combo and is therefore totally OP and "aids." It must be removed from the game immediately to save spvp from utter collapse."

Although, y'all are warriors, so I don't see the balance team hitting you much.

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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Majirah.5089 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:So, i'm really new to pvp but now that i understand the mechanics of it, my skills, other classes skills, when to block, when to disengage a lost fight, etc, i'm being considerably sucessfull.Fact is, you don't need to be a pro to know that Scourges and Spellbreakers are, hm, broken. The Spellbreakers, in my opinion, is the worst of all. What i'm missing? These guys are invul all the time, can't even hit them, seriously. The Scourges are, as stated above, "slow-ish moving nuclear warhead", but they can be harmed. Problem is i can't stand on a point with them with my guardian, what i suppose wasn't meant to happen, right?

I think the first part of your first sentence said it all. You are new to pvp. You don't know enough to call them broken. Invulnerable all the time? Can't even hit them? Hyperbole much? That or severe learn to play. Or both.

Ok, clearly a Spellbreaker player (not a single word about Scourge).I'm being honest when i tell that i'm new to pvp, but still, the second part of my sentence states that i'm not hitting random buttons and hoping for the best (what i know happens a lot in spvp). You attacked me and not a single word about the fact: Spellbreakers.Let the salt aside and tell me, if Spellbreaker isn't broken, how to counter it? Whats yours flaws? Things like this should happen? Look how this guy is being bombed by 5 ppl, dont even bother with positioning, dont even need to use his heal skill for the entire fight! If was monkeys behind the keyboard on the other side against any other class this guy would be dead.

I am very sorry, but having seen the video i think those five player are absolute POOP. Two of them simply walk around the SB waiting to be executed, you might as well post a video of chimps trying to build with Lego.

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@Havok.6073 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Majirah.5089 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:So, i'm really new to pvp but now that i understand the mechanics of it, my skills, other classes skills, when to block, when to disengage a lost fight, etc, i'm being considerably sucessfull.Fact is, you don't need to be a pro to know that Scourges and Spellbreakers are, hm, broken. The Spellbreakers, in my opinion, is the worst of all. What i'm missing? These guys are invul all the time, can't even hit them, seriously. The Scourges are, as stated above, "slow-ish moving nuclear warhead", but they can be harmed. Problem is i can't stand on a point with them with my guardian, what i suppose wasn't meant to happen, right?

I think the first part of your first sentence said it all. You are new to pvp. You don't know enough to call them broken. Invulnerable all the time? Can't even hit them? Hyperbole much? That or severe learn to play. Or both.

Ok, clearly a Spellbreaker player (not a single word about Scourge).I'm being honest when i tell that i'm new to pvp, but still, the second part of my sentence states that i'm not hitting random buttons and hoping for the best (what i know happens a lot in spvp). You attacked me and not a single word about the fact: Spellbreakers.Let the salt aside and tell me, if Spellbreaker isn't broken, how to counter it? Whats yours flaws? Things like this should happen? Look how this guy is being bombed by 5 ppl, dont even bother with positioning, dont even need to use his heal skill for the entire fight! If was monkeys behind the keyboard on the other side against any other class this guy would be dead.

I am very sorry, but having seen the video i think those five player are absolute POOP. Two of them simply walk around the SB waiting to be executed, you might as well post a video of chimps trying to build with Lego.

Ok, if you wanna stay on the sea of eternal salt, be there man.I'm really trying to understand why spellbreaker should stay the way it is, aka trying to understand you spellbreakers point, but till now all i've received was insults and a childish attempt to disqualify the arguments and facts.Anyone can contribute with this discussion in a upper level?

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So can we also add to the chronomancer and daredevil to the list of specs that needs a huge nerf?

Mesmers and thieves enjoyed being brokenly over tuned for so long that players had to tune their builds to deal with them.So while are are talking about balance. I'd like to also see chronomancer and daredevil receive some huge nerfs as well. Just to round out the most unbalanced and over tuned specs of this game.

If Chronomancer or Daredevil don't deserve the huge nerfs people want for the scourges and spellbreakers. Then those two don't either.

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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Havok.6073 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Majirah.5089 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:So, i'm really new to pvp but now that i understand the mechanics of it, my skills, other classes skills, when to block, when to disengage a lost fight, etc, i'm being considerably sucessfull.Fact is, you don't need to be a pro to know that Scourges and Spellbreakers are, hm, broken. The Spellbreakers, in my opinion, is the worst of all. What i'm missing? These guys are invul all the time, can't even hit them, seriously. The Scourges are, as stated above, "slow-ish moving nuclear warhead", but they can be harmed. Problem is i can't stand on a point with them with my guardian, what i suppose wasn't meant to happen, right?

I think the first part of your first sentence said it all. You are new to pvp. You don't know enough to call them broken. Invulnerable all the time? Can't even hit them? Hyperbole much? That or severe learn to play. Or both.

Ok, clearly a Spellbreaker player (not a single word about Scourge).I'm being honest when i tell that i'm new to pvp, but still, the second part of my sentence states that i'm not hitting random buttons and hoping for the best (what i know happens a lot in spvp). You attacked me and not a single word about the fact: Spellbreakers.Let the salt aside and tell me, if Spellbreaker isn't broken, how to counter it? Whats yours flaws? Things like this should happen? Look how this guy is being bombed by 5 ppl, dont even bother with positioning, dont even need to use his heal skill for the entire fight! If was monkeys behind the keyboard on the other side against any other class this guy would be dead.

I am very sorry, but having seen the video i think those five player are absolute POOP. Two of them simply walk around the SB waiting to be executed, you might as well post a video of chimps trying to build with Lego.

Ok, if you wanna stay on the sea of eternal salt, be there man.I'm really trying to understand why spellbreaker should stay the way it is, aka trying to understand you spellbreakers point, but till now all i've received was insults and a childish attempt to disqualify the arguments and facts.Anyone can contribute with this discussion in a upper level?

Mate no offense, but if you want to back your opinions with hard proof, that hard proof better be on point. You posted a video where 5 extremely bad players got spanked by a competent one and you want me to say you're right? I am sorry if you got offended but honestly, i could have wasted those five guys too and i am NOT an amazing player, heck, any competent pvper, with ANY class could have killed them all. Again, no offense. It's my opinion. Peace.

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@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Majirah.5089 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:So, i'm really new to pvp but now that i understand the mechanics of it, my skills, other classes skills, when to block, when to disengage a lost fight, etc, i'm being considerably sucessfull.Fact is, you don't need to be a pro to know that Scourges and Spellbreakers are, hm, broken. The Spellbreakers, in my opinion, is the worst of all. What i'm missing? These guys are invul all the time, can't even hit them, seriously. The Scourges are, as stated above, "slow-ish moving nuclear warhead", but they can be harmed. Problem is i can't stand on a point with them with my guardian, what i suppose wasn't meant to happen, right?

I think the first part of your first sentence said it all. You are new to pvp. You don't know enough to call them broken. Invulnerable all the time? Can't even hit them? Hyperbole much? That or severe learn to play. Or both.

Ok, clearly a Spellbreaker player (not a single word about Scourge).I'm being honest when i tell that i'm new to pvp, but still, the second part of my sentence states that i'm not hitting random buttons and hoping for the best (what i know happens a lot in spvp). You attacked me and not a single word about the fact: Spellbreakers.Let the salt aside and tell me, if Spellbreaker isn't broken, how to counter it? Whats yours flaws? Things like this should happen? Look how this guy is being bombed by 5 ppl, dont even bother with positioning, dont even need to use his heal skill for the entire fight! If was monkeys behind the keyboard on the other side against any other class this guy would be dead.

You notice how this are All low ranks,prob never pvpd before ? Also to add and not to bragg,ive had my own 1on4 or 1on5 on core,berserk and way before /pof/hot.A vid like this proofs absolutely nothing besides the fact a pvper is demolishing pvers.

I know a thief buddy that did the same,i know a nec buddy that did the same aswell,its meaningless besides knowing how to play and the type of foe youre dealing with,no matter what class you run.

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@Reaper Alim.4176 said:Mesmers and thieves enjoyed being brokenly over tuned for so long that players had to tune their builds to deal with them.

I'm curious here, you are saying that players tuned their builds to counter mesmers and thieves, why didn't anyone tune their build to counter ventari revenant and instead the developers removed it from the game?

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@bluri.2653 said:dw scourge and sb surely gets nerfed. I just hope they tweak it lower slowly and not start with like lets nerf something by 50%

We all now scourge and spellbreaker are getting removed from the game. I'm just saying is why Chronomancer and Daredevil didn't get this same treatment. Daredevil only got nerfed, it because it solo'd a PvE raid boss. And ANet did a emergency nerf on that class in no time flat. Yet those two specs are sooo over tuned that before scourge and spellbreaker came along it was mandatory to have them in order to climb.

I'm just pointing out the mentality you guys have. "Only my class is allowed to be brokenly over tuned and everyone else should have to build around me." Type attitude.

Can Soulbeast, Weaver, and Renegade also gets specs that are just as brokenly over tuned as Chronomancer and Daredevil are? Or are well just going to be fine with DD and Chrono being the only broken specs allowed?

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@Caedmon.6798 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:

@Majirah.5089 said:

@Malafaia.8903 said:So, i'm really new to pvp but now that i understand the mechanics of it, my skills, other classes skills, when to block, when to disengage a lost fight, etc, i'm being considerably sucessfull.Fact is, you don't need to be a pro to know that Scourges and Spellbreakers are, hm, broken. The Spellbreakers, in my opinion, is the worst of all. What i'm missing? These guys are invul all the time, can't even hit them, seriously. The Scourges are, as stated above, "slow-ish moving nuclear warhead", but they can be harmed. Problem is i can't stand on a point with them with my guardian, what i suppose wasn't meant to happen, right?

I think the first part of your first sentence said it all. You are new to pvp. You don't know enough to call them broken. Invulnerable all the time? Can't even hit them? Hyperbole much? That or severe learn to play. Or both.

Ok, clearly a Spellbreaker player (not a single word about Scourge).I'm being honest when i tell that i'm new to pvp, but still, the second part of my sentence states that i'm not hitting random buttons and hoping for the best (what i know happens a lot in spvp). You attacked me and not a single word about the fact: Spellbreakers.Let the salt aside and tell me, if Spellbreaker isn't broken, how to counter it? Whats yours flaws? Things like this should happen? Look how this guy is being bombed by 5 ppl, dont even bother with positioning, dont even need to use his heal skill for the entire fight! If was monkeys behind the keyboard on the other side against any other class this guy would be dead.

You notice how this are All low ranks,prob never pvpd before ? Also to add and not to bragg,ive had my own 1on4 or 1on5 on core,berserk and way before /pof/hot.A vid like this proofs absolutely nothing besides the fact a pvper is demolishing pvers.

I know a thief buddy that did the same,i know a nec buddy that did the same aswell,its meaningless besides knowing how to play and the type of foe youre dealing with,no matter what class you run.

Also, there is a Spellbreaker in the group of 5 against the single Spellbreaker. If Spellbreaker was broken and takes no skill to play, Spellbreaker + 4 friends vs a single Spellbreaker should go to Spellbreaker + 4 friends.

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