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Griffon is useless after getting Skyscale

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I love the skyscale and it is currently the mount I use most. But the griffon is still my 'default' - the one set to the mount button and therefore bound to a button on my mouse so I can access it without having to find the right keybind. That's because when I want to get on a mount quickly it's because I also want to get going quickly and the griffon (or raptor on flat ground) is ideal for that.

The hologram stampedes are a good example. The skyscale can fly for longer by raising up to the maximum height and then flying from there, but overall that process takes longer than flying there on the griffon, even if the griffon keeps landing and taking off again so when you're trying to beat the clock it's at a noticeable disadvantage.

Normally I'm not in any kind of rush and prefer the skyscale because it flies more slowly and can hover, so I can take my time and look around. But I'm absolutely not giving up the griffon, or any of the other mounts.

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I was never fan of the griffon, using it to fly over long distances safely only. Now I have skyscale, and I use it for a lot more things than just flying over. Though, I still prefer the griffon for covering a long distance safely.

Now even with the skyscale available, the two mounts I use the most keep being raptor and springer. Next ones are skyscale and skimmer that I use regularly. Far behind are griffon and warclaw, that I use sporadically. And last ones, the beetle, close to never used, and the jackal covering with dust as I never use it.

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I pretty much only use skyscale but if I"m high enough I use the Griffon and will switch between them as needed. Griffon will still be useful but for most situations the Skyscale is more convenient.

There are times where I still need to use the other mounts, but the only mount I don't use is the raptor.

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@PervMonk.4891 said:skyscale is the most useless mount. after i unlocked it i never used it again

That's more of a you and learn to play issue is it not though?

On topic, yes the griffon sees less use overall since before it saw use in areas of movement which it was not specifically designed for yet useful (small ledges, limited vertical movement combined with horizontal movement).

Now it sees use in its designed area of movement: long distance horizontal traversal from elivated positions. That's far from useless.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Griffon is absolutely not good at maintaining altitude on the fly like the skyscale. You need to have space to drop down to superspeed dive, but then you can stay in the air for a long bit and go far ahead of the skyscale.

Griffon needs space to work with, the Skyscale does not. Skyscale excels at precision and shorter distances where the griffon absolutely struggles due to its momentum.

Overall I am using the Skyscale far more than the Griffon, because the long superspeed dive spots are far and between. And for going down Ive just taken to use the glider.The Griffon have its niche, and is far more situational than it used to be. The Skyscale is simply way more enjoyable to use as you dont need to hammer space constantly to flap.

Even without the dive, I'm pretty sure the griffon can get further just by flapping than the skyscale. It does depend on the height, of course - if you've got no height at all, obviously the skyscale will get further (but in those circumstances, you probably want raptor or beetle anyway). With a decent amount of height, though, the griffon will get further without having to land, especially if you use the faster endurance regen mastery.

(I just performed the experiment, crossing Lake Mourne from the Biergarten roof to the far goal of the Keg Brawl. Both can clear the lake easily enough, with or without Bond of Vigor, but the griffon hits the wall higher up than the skyscale does.)

Admittedly, though, if you know the skyscale will get you there, not having to hammer space is a definite plus. And if you're on flat ground and don't want to use a terrestrial mount for whatever reason, the skyscale is the clear winner. IMO, they work great in concert - the skyscale is good at getting you to high places, the griffon is good at converting that height into distance.

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@draxynnic.3719 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Griffon is absolutely not good at maintaining altitude on the fly like the skyscale. You need to have space to drop down to superspeed dive, but then you can stay in the air for a long bit and go far ahead of the skyscale.

Griffon needs space to work with, the Skyscale does not. Skyscale excels at precision and shorter distances where the griffon absolutely struggles due to its momentum.

Overall I am using the Skyscale far more than the Griffon, because the long superspeed dive spots are far and between. And for going down Ive just taken to use the glider.The Griffon have its niche, and is far more situational than it used to be. The Skyscale is simply way more enjoyable to use as you dont need to hammer space constantly to flap.

Even without the dive, I'm pretty sure the griffon can get further just by flapping than the skyscale. It does depend on the height, of course - if you've got no height at all, obviously the skyscale will get further (but in those circumstances, you probably want raptor or beetle anyway). With a decent amount of height, though, the griffon will get further without having to land,
if you use the faster endurance regen mastery.

(I just performed the experiment, crossing Lake Mourne from the Biergarten roof to the far goal of the Keg Brawl. Both can clear the lake easily enough, with or without Bond of Vigor, but the griffon hits the wall higher up than the skyscale does.)

Admittedly, though, if you know the skyscale will get you there, not having to hammer space is a definite plus. And if you're on flat ground and don't want to use a terrestrial mount for whatever reason, the skyscale is the clear winner. IMO, they work great in concert - the skyscale is good at getting you to high places, the griffon is good at converting that height into distance.

So many times Ive just failed to reach a ledge with the griffon by inches, sometimes only managing it with blowing bond of vigor. The skyscale doesnt need to rely on a cooldown, just needing to once or twice doubledash while aiming upwards and clearing the ledge just fine. Same for precision landing, the griffon momentum makes it much more difficult than the glider itself. But even the glider have momentum that can cause you to slip off the mark. That is where Ive grown to love the skyscale for precise and exact reaching difficult spots for map complete in hot, where the griffon is an excersise in frustration.

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The Griffon if used properly can be one of the fastest mounts in the game, but I have to agree with above comments I found after using the Skyscale for a while I find it extremely challenging to get used to using the Griffon.

Agreed, stuff like gliders shouldn't be completely outclassed, I always thought that the reason you couldnt get on ley lines on you Griff was so you were forced to use your glider. Which made it understandable, but wish the glider had some griffon elements like dropping down, gaining altitude, making it maybe slower but much easier to control and agile through smaller areas. I don't know.

Just my 2 cents on that.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Griffon is absolutely not good at maintaining altitude on the fly like the skyscale. You need to have space to drop down to superspeed dive, but then you can stay in the air for a long bit and go far ahead of the skyscale.

Griffon needs space to work with, the Skyscale does not. Skyscale excels at precision and shorter distances where the griffon absolutely struggles due to its momentum.

Overall I am using the Skyscale far more than the Griffon, because the long superspeed dive spots are far and between. And for going down Ive just taken to use the glider.The Griffon have its niche, and is far more situational than it used to be. The Skyscale is simply way more enjoyable to use as you dont need to hammer space constantly to flap.

Even without the dive, I'm pretty sure the griffon can get further just by flapping than the skyscale. It does depend on the height, of course - if you've got no height at all, obviously the skyscale will get further (but in those circumstances, you probably want raptor or beetle anyway). With a decent amount of height, though, the griffon will get further without having to land,
if you use the faster endurance regen mastery.

(I just performed the experiment, crossing Lake Mourne from the Biergarten roof to the far goal of the Keg Brawl. Both can clear the lake easily enough, with or without Bond of Vigor, but the griffon hits the wall higher up than the skyscale does.)

Admittedly, though, if you know the skyscale will get you there, not having to hammer space is a definite plus. And if you're on flat ground and don't want to use a terrestrial mount for whatever reason, the skyscale is the clear winner. IMO, they work great in concert - the skyscale is good at getting you to high places, the griffon is good at converting that height into distance.

So many times Ive just failed to reach a ledge with the griffon by inches, sometimes only managing it with blowing bond of vigor. The skyscale doesnt need to rely on a cooldown, just needing to once or twice doubledash while aiming upwards and clearing the ledge just fine. Same for precision landing, the griffon momentum makes it much more difficult than the glider itself. But even the glider have momentum that can cause you to slip off the mark. That is where Ive grown to love the skyscale for precise and exact reaching difficult spots for map complete in hot, where the griffon is an exercise in frustration.

You're arguing based on acknowledged strengths of the skyscale. Yes, it's more precise, and it has means to temporarily get out of its envelope if you find yourself falling just short. If you've got a little bit of elevation and are looking to cross ground, though, (and if there isn't a trail of volatile magic to follow) the griffon will get further and faster before having to land. If there's space to swoop, the griffon is a LOT faster.

To go back to the original point of contention, the griffon absolutely DOES maintain altitude better over longer distances. I've done the experiment. The skyscale envelope is taller, but at a steeper angle, and getting out of that envelope by dashing or wall-jumping is fairly strictly limited before you get pulled back into the original envelope. The griffon envelope isn't as tall, but it's flatter. With even a little bit of altitude to start with, the griffon envelope extends further than the skyscale's.

'Course, if your target is a narrow spot close to the crossover point between the two envelopes, you may still be better off using the skyscale, since if you miss with a griffon that's basically it, while a skyscale can usually recover from a miss. But that's not the point I'm making.

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@draxynnic.3719 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Griffon is absolutely not good at maintaining altitude on the fly like the skyscale. You need to have space to drop down to superspeed dive, but then you can stay in the air for a long bit and go far ahead of the skyscale.

Griffon needs space to work with, the Skyscale does not. Skyscale excels at precision and shorter distances where the griffon absolutely struggles due to its momentum.

Overall I am using the Skyscale far more than the Griffon, because the long superspeed dive spots are far and between. And for going down Ive just taken to use the glider.The Griffon have its niche, and is far more situational than it used to be. The Skyscale is simply way more enjoyable to use as you dont need to hammer space constantly to flap.

Even without the dive, I'm pretty sure the griffon can get further just by flapping than the skyscale. It does depend on the height, of course - if you've got no height at all, obviously the skyscale will get further (but in those circumstances, you probably want raptor or beetle anyway). With a decent amount of height, though, the griffon will get further without having to land,
if you use the faster endurance regen mastery.

(I just performed the experiment, crossing Lake Mourne from the Biergarten roof to the far goal of the Keg Brawl. Both can clear the lake easily enough, with or without Bond of Vigor, but the griffon hits the wall higher up than the skyscale does.)

Admittedly, though, if you know the skyscale will get you there, not having to hammer space is a definite plus. And if you're on flat ground and don't want to use a terrestrial mount for whatever reason, the skyscale is the clear winner. IMO, they work great in concert - the skyscale is good at getting you to high places, the griffon is good at converting that height into distance.

So many times Ive just failed to reach a ledge with the griffon by inches, sometimes only managing it with blowing bond of vigor. The skyscale doesnt need to rely on a cooldown, just needing to once or twice doubledash while aiming upwards and clearing the ledge just fine. Same for precision landing, the griffon momentum makes it much more difficult than the glider itself. But even the glider have momentum that can cause you to slip off the mark. That is where Ive grown to love the skyscale for precise and exact reaching difficult spots for map complete in hot, where the griffon is an exercise in frustration.

You're arguing based on acknowledged strengths of the skyscale. Yes, it's more precise, and it has means to
get out of its envelope if you find yourself falling just short. If you've got a little bit of elevation and are looking to cross ground, though, (and if there isn't a trail of volatile magic to follow) the griffon will get further and faster before having to land. If there's space to swoop, the griffon is a LOT faster.

To go back to the original point of contention, the griffon absolutely DOES maintain altitude better over longer distances. I've done the experiment. The skyscale envelope is taller, but at a steeper angle, and getting out of that envelope by dashing or wall-jumping is fairly strictly limited before you get pulled back into the original envelope. The griffon envelope isn't as tall, but it's flatter. With even a little bit of altitude to start with, the griffon envelope extends further than the skyscale's.

'Course, if your target is a narrow spot close to the crossover point between the two envelopes, you may still be better off using the skyscale, since if you miss with a griffon that's basically it, while a skyscale can usually recover from a miss. But that's not the point I'm making.

And that is exactly why the griffon is inferior. The griffon envelope is just too small compared to the altitude gains the skyscale is capable of doing. Having a long flying range matters nothing if you arent capable of recovering your height to a more effective degree. Subtly angled downwards when starting from a high spot, the Skyscale can keep safely airborne for a long time. The griffon is a slave of momentum, the skyscale is not.

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@"Xstein.2187" said:Yes, I agree that there are situations where a glider is more useful.I just think in the larger picture it is vastly outclassed and don't won't to see stuff so vastly outclassed in the future.'no mount' zones are situational, just like ley-lines and updrafts are situational.Why are much of the glider 'benefits' so much more situational than mounts?

For example, a fair comparison would be that in future maps after PoF, 'no-mount' zones are baseline and 'mount' zones are situational.I feel like that is largely the place that gliders are in right now relative to the new mounts. That doesn't mean they are worthless.

The maps, all of them, even core ones, are a lot less flat than you realize apparently. I use gliding CONSTANTLY to have greater movement speed downhill when "in combat" cause I am running through zones. It doesn't need to be much of a hill, just a very slight one is enough to escape mobs when trying to run through for, lets say crafting node farming etc. I use it for shortcuts jumping from cliffs, again while in combat, constantly. Gliding is probably the number one feature that I take for granted... because when I hit a no glide zone I am suddenly VERY aware of exactly how often I use it... and usually end up splatted dead on the ground. Even better, gliding can save you when dismounted in the air, and allows for some interesting leap from skyscale/griffon with mastery skill and remount to gain altitude shenanigans.

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@Sojourner.4621 said:

@"Xstein.2187" said:Yes, I agree that there are situations where a glider is more useful.I just think in the larger picture it is vastly outclassed and don't won't to see stuff so vastly outclassed in the future.'no mount' zones are situational, just like ley-lines and updrafts are situational.Why are much of the glider 'benefits' so much more situational than mounts?

For example, a fair comparison would be that in future maps after PoF, 'no-mount' zones are baseline and 'mount' zones are situational.I feel like that is largely the place that gliders are in right now relative to the new mounts. That doesn't mean they are worthless.

The maps, all of them, even core ones, are a lot less flat than you realize apparently. I use gliding CONSTANTLY to have greater movement speed downhill when "in combat" cause I am running through zones. It doesn't need to be much of a hill, just a very slight one is enough to escape mobs when trying to run through for, lets say crafting node farming etc. I use it for shortcuts jumping from cliffs, again while in combat, constantly. Gliding is probably the number one feature that I take for granted... because when I hit a no glide zone I am suddenly VERY aware of exactly how often I use it... and usually end up splatted dead on the ground. Even better, gliding can save you when dismounted in the air, and allows for some interesting leap from skyscale/griffon with mastery skill and remount to gain altitude shenanigans.

I see no need of arguing about this too much. I said that I agree that gliding has its uses. I agree with almost everything you said. I just think it is a lot more situational than mounts and I find myself using mounts a lot more than gliding. I agree that I often take gliding for granted. However, I think people also take mounts for granted as well. I have used both gliding and mounts enough to judge for myself what I use more. So, if you think that they are comparable and just as useful, lets just agree to disagree. However, I personally don't think Zephyr.5382 s suggestion of bloodstone masteries would make gliding OP relative to the new mounts because I believe gliding is currently a bit overshadowed by the mounts already due to it being more situational to begin with. I just personally currently use mounts more and find them more useful overall. It is fine if you don't agree as everyone likely uses mounts and gliding in different quantities.

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@"Skyronight.6370" said:I unlocked both mounts not long ago and I noticed that griffon has no use anymore after getting skyscale since you cannot gain altitude with the griffon its only useful if you are already in elevated spots like in dragonfall. Griffon is literally just a fast glider that can somewhat fly if you already have alot of altitude like I mentionned but skyscale can go anywhere. Also the misconception of Skyscale being "slow" is false, its actually faster than the griffon if you dont have enough space to swoop because skyscale has that dash ability in the air. It makes sense for skyscale to be better since its much harder to unlock but I just never use griffon anymore unless im in dragonfall or something. I think griffon should fly faster than skyscale at base speed without having to swoop and wing flap should bring you up higher aswell.


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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:Griffon is absolutely not good at maintaining altitude on the fly like the skyscale. You need to have space to drop down to superspeed dive, but then you can stay in the air for a long bit and go far ahead of the skyscale.

Griffon needs space to work with, the Skyscale does not. Skyscale excels at precision and shorter distances where the griffon absolutely struggles due to its momentum.

Overall I am using the Skyscale far more than the Griffon, because the long superspeed dive spots are far and between. And for going down Ive just taken to use the glider.The Griffon have its niche, and is far more situational than it used to be. The Skyscale is simply way more enjoyable to use as you dont need to hammer space constantly to flap.

Even without the dive, I'm pretty sure the griffon can get further just by flapping than the skyscale. It does depend on the height, of course - if you've got no height at all, obviously the skyscale will get further (but in those circumstances, you probably want raptor or beetle anyway). With a decent amount of height, though, the griffon will get further without having to land,
if you use the faster endurance regen mastery.

(I just performed the experiment, crossing Lake Mourne from the Biergarten roof to the far goal of the Keg Brawl. Both can clear the lake easily enough, with or without Bond of Vigor, but the griffon hits the wall higher up than the skyscale does.)

Admittedly, though, if you know the skyscale will get you there, not having to hammer space is a definite plus. And if you're on flat ground and don't want to use a terrestrial mount for whatever reason, the skyscale is the clear winner. IMO, they work great in concert - the skyscale is good at getting you to high places, the griffon is good at converting that height into distance.

So many times Ive just failed to reach a ledge with the griffon by inches, sometimes only managing it with blowing bond of vigor. The skyscale doesnt need to rely on a cooldown, just needing to once or twice doubledash while aiming upwards and clearing the ledge just fine. Same for precision landing, the griffon momentum makes it much more difficult than the glider itself. But even the glider have momentum that can cause you to slip off the mark. That is where Ive grown to love the skyscale for precise and exact reaching difficult spots for map complete in hot, where the griffon is an exercise in frustration.

You're arguing based on acknowledged strengths of the skyscale. Yes, it's more precise, and it has means to
get out of its envelope if you find yourself falling just short. If you've got a little bit of elevation and are looking to cross ground, though, (and if there isn't a trail of volatile magic to follow) the griffon will get further and faster before having to land. If there's space to swoop, the griffon is a LOT faster.

To go back to the original point of contention, the griffon absolutely DOES maintain altitude better over longer distances. I've done the experiment. The skyscale envelope is taller, but at a steeper angle, and getting out of that envelope by dashing or wall-jumping is fairly strictly limited before you get pulled back into the original envelope. The griffon envelope isn't as tall, but it's flatter. With even a little bit of altitude to start with, the griffon envelope extends further than the skyscale's.

'Course, if your target is a narrow spot close to the crossover point between the two envelopes, you may still be better off using the skyscale, since if you miss with a griffon that's basically it, while a skyscale can usually recover from a miss. But that's not the point I'm making.

And that is exactly why the griffon is inferior. The griffon envelope is just too small compared to the altitude gains the skyscale is capable of doing. Having a long flying range matters nothing if you arent capable of recovering your height to a more effective degree. Subtly angled downwards when starting from a high spot, the Skyscale can keep safely airborne for a long time. The griffon is a slave of momentum, the skyscale is not.

The griffon envelope is only smaller if you're starting from flat ground. Get even a relatively small elevation to launch from, and the griffon will take you further and faster. Get high enough to dive, and it's faster than anything but the roller beetle, and apart from the initial requirement of a high launch point, the griffon is not as affected by terrain as the beetle.

The skyscale envelope is coded in. "Subtly angling downwards" does nothing to extend the envelope. It is, in fact, what happens naturally once you hit the edge of the envelope, whether you want to or not, and most means of pushing you out are only temporary and will rubber band you back (heck, I've found that even following volatile magic trails, if you stop and hover afterwards you can get the red "negative fly juice" effect show up and you start losing altitude again).

Yes, the griffon is more momentum-based, and this makes it less forgiving. The same, however, is true of the roller beetle.

The comment that someone made earlier is accurate. The skyscale is a helicopter, while the griffon is a jet. From a suitable launch point, the griffon has greater speed and range than the skyscale. The skyscale, on the other hand, has greater precision, can hover, and is less dependent on starting at a high altitude. They have different functions. And as I said before, they work well in concert, the skyscale getting you up high, and then launching off from that point with the griffon.

The two have different purposes and situations where they excel in.

But, if you insist on using a skyscale for things that a griffon does better, I can't stop you. The rest of us, though, will keep making good use of both.

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@"Xstein.2187" said:So, what situation is "Gliding" better at then?

There is little difference between trivializing armor in other mmos vs trivializing masteries in gw2.The only question is, how will they achieve trivializing all the current mounts in the next expansion?

There are places you can glide where mounts are disabled. I'd consider that a win. lol

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