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Would you like to play Season 1 again?

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Also never got to play LWS1 since I took a break from GW2 at the time.

Really would like to play the content though, since between Core and LWS2, currently a lot of characters and major event names are thrown in with insufficient explanation from the in game recap. I did the recap and still honestly had no idea who most of the new party was or why I should care about them like I've known them for forever. I just wanted to know what happened to the Pact and Destiny's Edge and why they were not involved with the story anymore, since we'd left off with after Core story and they're both not even mentioned in the in-game recap, despite being the main factions in Core story.

I would also be fine with a major revamp of the in-game recap, which at the moment, just feels very lacking to me. Maybe some dungeon, fractal, or even personal story type instances during the recap of the most significant events leading up to LWS2 would be fine.

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Don't remember it entirely so content may not have been as good as I think it was, but the player coordination was amazing. I would love something like that again, if not LS1 then something similar. Unfortunately, the servers or files or whatever anet had stored for LS1 were likely either deleted or lost- whether it was intentional or not. While I am not very experienced in development, I know enough that any minimal upgrades to the game, client, graphics, etc. that anet has done plenty of since 2012 make compatibility with that content very complicated even if by some miracle that it is recoverable.

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As a new player i never got to see it at all, so yeah i would like to. I think it makes a game feel very disjointed when you lock out huge parts of content like that. Its my main complaint with this game, new players dont get to see the whole story, and play through it. Very jarring.

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I played season 1 but it's absense from Gw2 has left a gaping hole in the story continuity and this has annoyed me greatly for many years.

I would much rather have season 1 reworked into replayable content atm than push on with Living world Season 5.I'm excited for season 5 and I can't wait to see where we go next but fixing that gaping hole in the story where season 1 is supposed to be is far more important to me than any new content.I'll gladly wait another year or so for season 5 if it means fixing Gw2 and making it a complete game once again.

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ANet has said that would love to bring it back, they just can't see how without replacing just about all current plans for Living World, as it requires the same resources. Much of it was built using their older tools, so only some assets can be re-used. A lot of what made it epic for those playing at the time were the time-limited, open-world metas. They aren't all that different from the ones we see today (in fact, some of those are based on LS1 fights); the issue is that they'd have to be re-imagined to make them work with the current game.

None of that is conceptually difficult. It's just that the resources required are already engaged in doing the same things for LS5 and whatever happens after.

One of the biggest problems with implementing a repeatable LS1 is that it can't possibly live up to the hype. Part of what made LS1 thrilling was that it was part of a new game and that it was temporary content. Yes, the very thing that caused trouble (for both ANet and players) was the fact that we only had a few weeks to follow the story, participate in event chains, try for challenges|achievements, and (usually) spend whatever currency was available. Whether temp content is good for any game, whether it is (or was) good for GW2 is debatable. But there's no way that repeatable content can give the same vibrancy.

So when we talk about bringing LS1 back, we have to acknowledge that the best ANet can do is to make the story available. They can't, in any meaningful sense, recreate the LS1 experience.

I have nothing against bringing back "just the story," but practically speaking, it means slowing down the progress of LS #5 and whatever they have planned for after. And while many people would like to experience LS1 for the first time in any form, everyone interested in "the story" is also interested in new stories. (Even if some might prefer LS1 over LS5.)

I do think that ANet could and should spare some resources to offer a better recap within the game. There are, as we've seen, plenty of videos and in-game assets, that could be offered up by our intrepid storytelling NPC in LA. The current recap barely gives background to what Scarlet did. It doesn't really offer much in the way of learning how Destiny's Edge II   Fate's Razor ~~   ~~Dragonswatch   Dragons Watch Dragon's Watch came together.

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Apart from the fact that Anet would have to post-pone new content indefinitely to remake LS1, I'd like to replay some snippets. Marionette, Battle on The Breachmaker, to name a couple, but I'd much rather have new content for everyone, not old content for the few who missed it.

The LS1 recap ingame needs a rework, it misses a lot of info. But I see why they did it the way they did. If you didn't experience LS1 first hand the recap is telling you of a commander of which you have succeeded past. It's not telling you what you have done, because you didn't, you weren't there.

It wouldn't just be a case of flipping a switch and popping it back into the game. Programming-wise, it's a big big task rebooting LS1, making it work with the new Hero/Story UI. Re-implementing story marker events into what we know as meta-events.

I loved LS1 at the time, but there were a lot of complaints, mainly about the two-week cadence (a lot didn't like that once the two weeks were up, that's it. Over. Others didn't like how limiting two weeks was. Both were valid concerns at the time). But also about the events themselves, the depth of the story, the characters, the bugs, the map overflows (megaservers weren't a thing back then).

There was a lot wrong. A lot of people look through Rose-tinted glasses at LS1 thinking it was the most amazing content Anet ever created and it must come back, so they can experience it first hand or second time round. When in actuality, Anet has consistently put out better content since LS1.

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Some parts were good, but a lot of it was just rushing to check off achievements every other week, because they would disappear into thin air with the next release two weeks later. Much of it relied on the 2-week cycle to keep things interesting, and I don't really see how that could be converted into a persistent story experience without re-writing large parts of it. Honestly I played through all of season 1, and comparing to the season 1 movie on youtube I didn't catch half of what was going on with the story at the time due to story coming out in snippets. ANet really would have to rebuild the whole thing from the ground up to even come halfway up to standards we are used to from modern day living story.

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I did play it, but it was years ago and I'm sure I've forgotten a lot. But also it was fun, and I'd like to do it again without feeling like I'm under pressure to finish it ASAP (including doing achievements I want) before the next episode drops. For me 2 weeks was never really long enough so I always felt rushed and always had to choose stuff to prioritise and stuff to forget about because I'd never have time for it.

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Since it cant be replayed in its original form, it is fairly irrelevant. Yes, it was mostly awful, with almost no story, but it requires redoing into a new format. That would mean new content delayed.

Nearly half of it was festival content anyway. Take out some southson bits, battle for la, marionette and tower of nightmares, there is very little left that has t been recycled anyway

I think at this point, the game has evolved beyond an episode dedicated to fence building anyway..

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Yes. I enjoyed it the first time and would enjoy it again (even if it was in a slightly different format). Would be nice with a patch to fix the gap in story for replays and for new players.

However.... doubt it will happen... a few elements have already been made into fractals instead. Most of everything else was open world, which would probably need to be made almost from scratch to be permanent replayable content.

But if it did happen anyway... yes, yes I would play it.

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I voted yes due to it feels like a gap there in the story telling as the NPC doesn't cover everything, even the nuance of meeting the characters presented in S1 that you are just expected to suspend disbelief running around with them in s2 and beyond.

Even though I voted yes, I don't want it like we had S1. Changes to the world were already made and is the some of the only content that at least had some effect on the terrain. Example, blown up tower of nightmares. If we do get it, make it some sort of instance via a flashback memory. We get tiny pieces in fractals but that doesn't cover the story aspect of it.

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